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PoliSat.Com's Limericks & Rhymes about Bill Clinton. Limericks & Rhymes about Clinton-- See below.
About Clinton's Eyes-- Go here.
the latest material on Clinton not yet included in
this page, use our Search-PoliSat.Com
an authoritative view of the Clinton
Legacy Liegacy
aka the Clinton
Era Error, visit
the Clinton
for an authoritative book on the subject, order the latest
edition of the Clinton
Liebrary Book.
To visit PoliSat.Com's main page on Clinton, go here.
list of recent Limericks/Rhymes/Updates about the Clintons:
(For material not yet included in this list, use our Search-PoliSat.Com
The written and oral traditions for jobs that require erudition.
Says Bubba "No bombin' 'til catchin' bin Laden"
Was Bill really plottin' to capture bin Laden?
Why Bubba said "No" to hosting a show.
Why pardon-conditions by Bubba... cannot be revealed by the Dubya.
M-S-N-B-C should let Phil go... to co-host a "Bubba & Phil Show."
Operation Petticoat:
A new "operation" called "Petticoat" ... pits DACOWITS' gals against paleos.
(about DACOWITS proposals initially made during the Clinton Administration)
The sycophant-flacker for Bubba... confuses the Dubya with Bubba.
From Hill'ry an offer to Dubya in Crawford.
Were Bill's plans in error for blotting-out terror?
Were news reports right that Bubba would fight?
The Little Rock Zoo and a Liebrary too !
From Hill'ry to Russ... a slug, not a buss.
A course about Clinton at Arkansas-U...
... includes a full spectrum of legacy views.
Could Bubba's new Library Mansion be deemed to "Advantage Arkansans"?
The questions 3/4ths of the Gang of Four's posing:
"Just what did Bush know and just when did he know it?"
Still waiting for "put-ups" or "shut-ups" from Daschle & Hill'ry & Gephardt.
On-Daschle; On-Gephardt; On-Hill'ry; On-Willie...
Continue pronouncements that make you look silly.
To Hill'ry and Daschle and Gephardt: A challenge to "put-up" or shut-up!
Abdullah thinks Bubba is wiser than Dubya.
A campaigning rumor that spread like a tumor...
to draft Hill-a-ree... to run for VeePee.
Proposals by Clinton and Carter to serve as our peace-talking starters.
Politic'ly In-correct's host is in mis'ry ... from rumors his slot after Nightline is hist'ry
Today, this day-twenty of January completes a full-year since we had-to-worry
For whom does the bell of truth ring? "For Clinton," said Rather, "methinks"
We now have a POTUS who faints ... instead of a POTUS who feints.
In 2002 we've achieved..
the First Annivers'ry of "PEACE"
The first month this year is perceived as First Annivers'ry of "PEACE"
Said Clinton to all his advisors: "We must make my legacy nicer"
Tim should've asked why ... the F-D-N-Y ... described Hill'ry's speeches as "claptrap"
Will Clinton's defense of his Sudanese mission...
... consist of asserting Clintonian diction?
Bill states his own
view: Al Gore's "#2"
(limerick 20001103-02)
When Joyner told Clinton, "It's true,
I'm sad that I can't vote for you,"
Bill told him the score:
"The next-best is Gore,"
which means that Al Gore's "number-two".
© 2000 --Inspired
by 11-03-00
FoxNews report that when talk-radio host Tom Joyner told Clinton he wished
Clinton could serve four more years, Clinton described Gore as the "next
best" thing.
Who Need People or
People Who Knead People
(limerick 20001030-01)
In paeans to Clinton and Gore,
interpreting Streissand's a chore.
The language she sings
is called Clintonese
which makes understanding a chore.
Streissand, the expert on People,
"The best are the ones who need people."
Such words are ironic
because in Clinphonics
it means the best people knead people.
© 2000 --Inspired by
observation of people who knead people.
front-cover tease with head-room to please
(limerick 20001027-01)
When Esquire, a cultural fixture,
asked Bill for a story and picture
he quickly agreed
because of his need
to be a historical figure.
In Esquire's photography room,
the artist put Bill on a stool
and told him to stay,
then moved far away
to get the best shot with a zoom.
"For women to read what you'll tell 'em
and make sure this picture will sell 'em,
more head-room we need,"
so Clinton with glee
put hands on his knees and then spread 'em.
© 2000 --Inspired by 10-26-00
Esquire full-cover picture of Clinton to publicize the magazine's interview
of him portraying himself as a victim of the impeachment zealots.
Leave it to Beaver to stop
Dubya fever? (limerick 20001021-01)
Bill wants to be Gore's eager-beaver
to log-jam that growing Bush fever,
but Alpha Gore's friends
fear Bill will again
just gnaw-down their tree like a beaver.
© 2000 --Inspired by news reports
indicating Clinton is eager to assume a high-profile role campaigning for Gore,
but Gore's supporters seem somewhat less than eager for such help.
Does Gore now approve Bill's
blame-others ruse? (limerick 20001019-01)
Bill said that he's no longer reticent
to say in the South white, male protestants
conspired with some preachers
to find some impeachers
and that shows impeachment was partisan.
The press should now ask Alpha Gore
what he thinks of this Clinton lore
to spread some more lies
to now demonize
those southern while male protest-ors.
© 2000 --Inspired by 10-19-00
ABC News report that Clinton claims impeachment was a
"persecution" of him by "southern white male
protestants." Thank goodness he's opposed to stereotyping and
demonizing people. ..
Nobel Prize for Peace? or
just Clintonese? (limerick 20001012-01)
We now know that during Spring season
Bill covertly lobbied Norweigans
to give him their "ayes"
to win Nobel's Prize
but they found Clinphonics
They heard him say he made the peace,
but Clintonese
they did not speak--
because if they had
they all would have said
he's already won for that piece.
© 2000 --Inspired by 10-12-00
Fox News story about Clinton's covert public-relations campaign for the
Nobel Peace Prize.
Slick Willie proclaims that
his greatest fame ...
is having no minutes of shame. (limerick 20001009-01)
As President "I was the greatest!"
"Twas said by Al Gore, who's the straightest!
And how was I great?
"Twas not as a mate,
'twas being supported by "jade-ists."
My critics will say that my fame
is being a man without shame,
but those who excused
my law-breaking ruse
are really the ones without shame.
To those who proclaimed that I tricked 'em
the voters said I was the victim
'cause there is no shame
in groping some dames--
I proudly proclaim that I licked-em.
© 2000 --Inspired by
Reuters/Excite report that in an interview with The New Yorker magazine
released on October 8, 2000, Clinton said his two of his great acheivements were
"facing down the government shutdowns in '95 and '96" and "facing
down [impeachment]."
Paula's new nose and
spread-eagle pose (limerick 20001007-01)
We hear Paula's now fixed her nose
and now says that Bill's need for blows
was not a bad thing
and that the right wing
had forced her to cause him such woes.
To end all her no-money woes,
she's now glad to take-off her clothes,
'cause Penthouse will pay
for rights to display
a quite-tasteful spread-eagle pose.
© 2000 --Inspired by New
York Daily News on-line story on 10-07-00 stating that Paula Jones agreed to
pose naked for Penthouse and to say the "right wing" made her cause
Clinton such woes. ..
Jesse "The Mind"
gives Willie some time (limerick 20001006-01)
My stay in the White House was fine,
did not even "cost me a dime,"
and what was sublime?
To have "private time"
to give him advice from "The Mind."
I'm sure many people were hopin'
I'd tell him his deeds were verboten.
It wasn't for naught!
I told him I thought
cigars are for smokin' not pokin'
© 2000 --Inspired by AP/Yahoo
story on 10-06-00 about Ventura's overnight visit with Clinton in the White
House for "private time" conversations about cigars, etc.
Political Lap Dancing.
(limerick 20001001-01)
The champion of pass-the-hat dancing
got something for which he's been angling:
His Library fund
got big money from
the man who invented lap dancing
© 2000 --Inspired by reports about the
inventor of lap-dancing being a major contributor to the Clinton Library.
Much ado about nothing or
nothing about much ado? (limerick 20000922-01)
The White-House and Camp-David "visitors"
most surely would still be contributors
regardless of whether
political tethers
allowed them to stay there as visitors.
It's silly to simply pretend
they gave money just to get in.
And campaign reform
to alter such norm
would make folks afraid to be friends.
To me it just wouldn't be right
to limit a First-Fam'ly's right
to simply invite
whomever they like--
non-donors and donors alike.
© 2000 If I were lucky enough to be President, I'd want to give everyone
I know a chance to stay at the White House. Assuming that such friends
would have have contributed to my campaigns, I would think it unfair for critics
to then view such visits as payoffs. I also recognize that whoever happens
to be president might (for the wrong reason) invite people who contributed
despite their not having previously been friends, but it would require the mind
of a Puritan for a critic to attempt to fairly draw such distinctions.
It's just another case in which the desired cure would be worse than the disease
just as would be nearly every proposal for campaign "reform."
First-Daughters' Advice-- About Men and Mice
(limerick 20000903-01)
A thing Clinton needed like Carter
is getting advice from First Daughter--
from Amy: "No bomb-sales,"
from Chelsea: "No bomb-shells,"
but can Clinton do what he oughta?
© 2000 --Inspired by Sunday
Times story on 09-03-00 about Chelsea's expanding role as
"advisor" to her father.
No verbal shards on signs in your yards !
(limerick 20000902-01)
Skaneateles' Mayor opines
that yards must be free of all signs
to state owners' views
on political news
while Clinton vacations nearby.
© 2000 --Inspired by a Fox
News story about efforts of the mayor of Skaneateles, N.Y. to ensure a
pleasant vacation for the Clintons by trying to enforce an ordinance against
"political" signs in private yards.
Clinton philanders then wants
double-standards (limerick 20000829-01)
Slick Willie says lies that he told
in front of Judge Wright under oath
deserve admonition
and not revocation,
because only sex-lies were told.
Such argument misses the point.
The case doesn't spring from his groin.
He signed laws with zeal
to make men reveal
affairs with the gals they employ.
Since Clinton apparently feels
a dad should not have to reveal
a dalliance at work,
then he should assert:
"Such laws should be promptly repealed !".
But if he's unwilling to say
"Repeal all those laws right away,"
Then he should admit
that he is unfit
and give-up his license today.
© 2000 (see also "Disbarment
is Par for Lies at the Bar.")
Clinton's profuseness
in moral obtuseness (limerick 20000810-01)
Today Clinton did it again
in claiming recov'ry from sin.
He still tries to plead
his scope of misdeeds
was just "a"
mistake once again.
He still will not say that he's sorry,
yet claims that he said that he's sorry.
He still won't concede
the scope of his deeds.
'cause parsers are not his real quarry.
Professing a feeling of grief,
he wants to make voters believe
he didn't intend
to do any sin,
but just for a moment was weak.
He thinks that his only offense
was leaving his DNA prints
and we should excuse him
and say she seduced him
and that's all he needs to repent.
But bad as it was that he used
an intern quite willing to flooze,
his biggest offenses
were crim'nal pretenses
in swearing those things were not true.
Perhaps we'd be more understanding,
but laws against sexual harassing
that he signed with zeal
said men must reveal
such use of employees for passion.
Such perjury wasn't the worst
and surely he wasn't the first
to lie to save face,
but he set the pace
suborning such lies by the girl.
© 2000 --Inspired by 08-10-00
Washington Post story about Clinton's August 10, 2000,
remarks in a satellite broadcast to "Christian leaders worldwide"
about his conduct with Lewinsky. Clinton said, inter
alia, "I'm in the second year of a
process of trying to totally rebuild my life from a
terrible mistake I made ...." (emphasis added) .
Still-Missing Laptop at State--
What the meaning of "laptop" is (a limerick)(20000809-01)
Because the Department of State
has not yet determined the fate
of laptop computers
or names of the looters,
they've said a reward will be paid.
The laptop still missing from State
has data for which we can't wait!
It has Chelsea's plans
for Middle East lands,
so peace really hangs on its fate.
They gave Secret Service the word
to learn how this deed had occurred.
But they thought
for stuff that is hot,
referred to Bill's place for interns.
© 2000 --Inspired by 08-09-00
Fox News report that the State Department has now posted a $25,000 reward
for information leading to the recovery of a still-missing laptop computer; also
inspired by
07-30-00 story by Matt Drudge that the White House continued its denial of
reports that Chelsea had participated in the Mideast negotiations until
photographs began circulating showing her participating in the discussions.
Little Rock Zoo is a Library Too
(limerick) (du20000729-01)
The Bill Clinton Library planned
on Little Rock donating land
but taxpayers said:
"Do not
spend our bread--
Let Lippo Group donate some land."
But when
the discussion resumed,
Town Council then quickly approved
a clever new plan
to pay for the land
by using the funds for the zoo!
Opponents proclaim it's nefarious,
but they shouldn't be such contrarians
'cause they should perceive
Bill's Library needs
A zookeeper not a librarian.
And now
what should zoo-lovers do?
To protest de-funding that zoo?
To show your disdain
support the domain
pronounced Clinton
too !
© 2000 (Inspired by 07-29-00
Washington Post/AP story about proceedings before the Arkansas Supreme Court
by taxpayers contending the funding plan was illegal.)
Judicial Viagra in
Clinton's disbarment proceedings (limerick) (du20000728-01)
This story is awkward to mention
without breaking social conventions:
A new, drugless factor,
"Judicial Viagra,"
can give talking-penis extensions.
© 2000 (Inspired by 07-28-00
FoxNews report that the judge in the disbarment
proceedings against Clinton granted an extension for Clinton to respond by
August 29, 2000 and also by PoliSat's
having learned through reliable sources that Clinton's
defense to the lying-under-oath charges will be that the lies were all told by
his talking penis.)
Hill'ry's Retort: Fray Lied to a Court
(limericks) (du20000719-01)
Defenders of Hillary say
you can't take the word of Paul Fray.
Their new retort:
He lied to a court,
and so you can't trust what he'll
They point-out to no one's surprise
that he was disbarred
for such lies.
And yet they don't blink
to say they don't think
for Clinton the same rule
'Cause in his disbarment proceedings,
a brand-new defense he is pleading.
He will proclaim
his genes are to blame
'cause all lies were told by his penis.
© 2000
---Inspired by 07-18-00
Fox News publication of AP story questioning Fray's credibility by reciting,
amon other things, Fray's having surrendered his license to practice law rather
than defend charges that he submitted false documents to a court. See also
the following Daily Updates related to disbarment proceedings against Clinton:
2000-06-30 Daily Update-01 and 2000-06-30
Daily Update-02..
Clintonian Fund Raising:
Help from Riady to get off the potty (
a rhyme)(du20000707-01)
While on the political potty,
I had to get help from Riady
because I was stuck
in campaigning muck,
and found my supplies were quite spotty.
I'd run out of paper, and so,
I needed some more from Lippo
He sent me John Huang
and it wasn't long
before I was back on the go.
© 2000 --Reprise of 1999-11-14
Daily Update © 1999 inspired by 07-06
Fox News report on apparent plan of the Justice
Department (i.e., not Independent Counsel) to indict Riady.)
Frontiers of Science:
Genetic defense in
Clinton's disbarment case (limericks)(du20000706-01)
They say truth is stranger than fiction,
and slickness is rarer than friction.
With Clinton we've found
the rules upside down--
especially with language and
The latest political treatise,
American Rhapsody
And generates laughter
because the last chapter
proclaims Clinton talks with his
Bill's heated reaction was fleeting
when he got his gene-mapping readings,
'cause his genes present
a brand-new defense
against his disbarment proceedings.
And in his disbarment proceedings,
this brand new defense
will be pleaded.
His lips will not move,
and that's how he'll prove
the lies were all told by his
The judge in such case must be awesome
to measure such jetsam and flotsam.
That must be why
when this case is tried,
the judge in the case is a Johnson.
© 2000
---Inspired by 07-06-00
Fox News story about appointment of Judge Leon
Johnson in Little Rock to hear the disbarment proceedings brought against
Clinton by the Arkansas Supreme Court. See
also the 2000-06-30
Daily Update-01 and 2000-06-30 Daily Update-02..
Clinton theorizes scientific defense to disbarment
proceedings. (limericks) (du20000630-02)
To counter disbarment proceedings,
I learned from the gene-mapping treatise
that my genes present
a brand-new defense:
the lies were all told by my
© 2000
--Inspired by
legislative proposals against genetic-based
discrimination in light of the Drudge report on 06-30-00 that Joe Eszterhas's
new book, American Rhapsody, features a final chapter narrated by
Clinton's "talking penis" for which Bill Maher serves as the voice in
the audio version.
Headline: Women harassed and groped in Central Park after Puerto Rican
In investigating incidents of numerous women being harassed and groped in
Central Park following the June, 2000, Puerto Rican Parade, police question usual suspect, but Clinton claims to have rock-solid alibi. ©
2000 (du20000614-01)
The Whistle-Blowers' Lament. (limerick)
What Broadderick, Jones, Flow'rs and Gracen
have suffered in common's amazing:
They all said that sex
is what Bill expects,
then all suffered I.R.S.
© 2000
---Inspired by a 05-30-00
report by FoxNews that Broadderick is the 4th person to be audited by the
IRS after having said Clinton made sexual advances.) (du20000531-01)
Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire
(a limerick) (du20000525-01)
The charge against Tripp was about ....
revenge by the pro-Clinton crowd.
But judges aspire
to disbelieve liars,
so Monica's words were thrown out.
Lewinsky just can't be
without other proof of her deeds.
The judge was quite wise
in knowing she lies
whenever it suits her own needs.
This ruling provides a good map
when Bill tries to beat the Bar rap.
The things we now know
so clearly do show
he won't tell the truth 'til he's
© 2000
Disbarment is Par for Lies
at the Bar (limericks)(du20000523-01)
For acting in court like a hooligan,
Slick Willie demands just a Mulligan.
Ain't it amazin'
that Bubba's so brazen
when he thinks the polls have him
He claims that disbarment's
too harsh
'cause foes were just too dumb to parse
the words that he used
in his clever ruse
to hide what he did with his parts.
But lawyers in ole Arkansas
say Clinton should now be disbarred.
Of course he will dare
to say "It ain't fair
! ...
A censure for sex-lies is par !"
But he never gave it such
when he signed the sex-offense laws.
He was quite glad
to force other dads
to say what they did with their paws.
But when it was Bill's turn to say ...
the truth about his escapades,
he simply told lies
and furthermore tried
to make others join his charade.
Because he signed laws that
defendants to say what transpired,
and then plainly lied
defending his side,
he's not just a face-saving liar.
When his country's votes he was given,
he should have made honor his mission.
We should expect
that more we should get
from those to whom more has been given.
When those who receive
special trust
just treat it as license for lust,
and then try to hide
in curtains of lies,
disbarment is really a must !
At least Nixon, Colson and Dean
had honor enough to come clean.
But Bill Clinton still
denies his own guilt
and thinks polls have wiped his
slate clean.
Because he is still so
and shows no remorse for his lyin'
Justice must say
disbarment's the way
to deal with his false testifyin'
© 2000
Clintonian Maps by
Government Saps (limericks)(du20000509-01)
For Slick Willie's "School Reform Tour"
portrayed as the good-deed
Their map to explain
the trip put the name
"Kentucky" on-the state of
Al Gore.
The White House was surely displeased
at what seemed to be a reprise--
When mapping done wrong
had led us to bomb
the embassy of the Chinese
© 2000
--See story on
White House map for Clinton's "School Reform Tour" (Drudge
Mother (in-law) of All
Mothers (in-law) ...
meets Legacy of All Legacies.(a
Clintonian limerick 05-08-00)
As soon as my second term ends,
I'll suffer political bends.
For me, decompression
means practice deception
and learn some new means to my
So where will I go to hit
I'll stay with my dear Mamma Rodham,
And Hill'ry will be
so glad to see me
stuck under
the thumb of that woman.
It's sure to be pleasing to Hillary
to know by her mom I'd be pilloried
if she suspects
I'm out getting sex
instead of just dreaming of Hill'ry.
But I needn't worry 'cause
her hearing is not high-fidelity
When she asks about
the times I go out,
I'll say I'm pursuing a leg-I-see.
© 2000 (du20000508-01)
--Inspired by
05-08-00 reports by Fox
News and Reuters
that Clinton says that after leaving office, he'll live with his mother-in-law
in Little Rock while working on his Presidential Library.
Closing the "Digital
Divide" (with a little help from the State Dept.)
(a limerick)(du20000506-01)
Since Clinton and Gore now decry
a digital high-tech divide.
So, isn't it great
that workers at State
now leave all their doors open wide?
Others in need just can't wait
to get their new
laptops from State.
They''ll get right in line
and say "This one's mine"
then "Thanks"
as they run for the gate.
© 2000
--Inspired by
news reports of missing laptop computers from
the State Department.
Disbarment-- Colson, Dean and Clinton
(a limerick)(du20000505-02)
During the Watergate scandals,
disbarments were quite promptly handled
even by those
who weren't Nixon's foes,
'cause justice should be even-handed.
Solely on John Dean's admission
of making
deception his mission,
Virginia revoked
his license, which spoke
quite loudly against such commission.
When Colson made one guilty plea
for harming a foe with a leak.
Virginia's Court said,
"Your license is dead"
within just a very few
So why are they locking their jaws
down there in ole Arkansas?
Surely Bill Clinton's
belated admissions
are grounds for his being disbarred.
But there is a difference, you see,
'cause unlike Chuck Colson and Dean,
Clinton's great fame
is having no shame--
he just lacks the guts to come
© 2000
Clinton's expertise on teens...
(a limerick)(du20000502-01)
A Teen Conference held at the White House
to tell us what teens are about
Hosted by Hill'ry
presented Slick Willie
to tell us the ins and the outs
© 2000
Clinton's Library
(limerick about a 04-13-00
story about his Presidential
Library plans)
Slick Willie says he's not ashamed
impeachment now goes with his name.
He says his Library
will show the contrary:
impeachers just played a mean game.
He claims that historians will rave
our Constitution he saved.
He's willing to bet
that they will forget
his pattern of being depraved.
Since his Library will boast
a legacy better than most.
We'll need a place
to show his true face
in order to counter such boast.
And so all his lies won't be buried,
should be a Clinton Liebrary.
So if you agree,
then click
here to see
how you can
support the Liebrary.
© 2000 (du20000414-02)
The Defense DeJour.
(a limerick du20000412-01)
If Ray says that Willie's intent
established a crim'nal offense,
It's Kendall's prediction:
"There'll be no conviction--
Viagra will
be his defense."
© 2000
Prominent law-breaker
urges others to obey the law re Elian Gonzales on 03-29-00.
To those helping Elian Gonzales,
Bill Clinton proclaimed, "Don't be
Of course that is right,
but in his own
he knowingly testified falsely
© 2000 (du20000329-01)
White House computers
programmed for Clintonizing
(a limerick du20000323-01)
That White House
computers had "lost"
those emails concerning the boss ...
is not so surprising--
it's just "Clintonizing":
a program with trap-doors like DOSS.
© 2000
Boredom Exposes
Bill Clinton's True Nature (2000-02-15 Daily Update-01 © 2000)
Take, for example, Bill Clinton,
a man who is brilliant-- not simple
When he became bored,
he went
out and whored--
his conduct was quite imprudential.
A guy with the pseudonym Wankel
who loves to behave as a prankster,
did us a favor
by adding some
to CNN's chat with SlickMeister.
Being a quite clever guy,
the prankster named Wankel was sly.
With clever invention,
posed as Bill Clinton
and showed us what's in Willie's mind.
We shouldn't give hackers a forum;
instead, we should soundly deplore 'em,
But pranks don't give grief,
they give us relief, and this one's residing in "Boredom"
© 2000
--Inspired by
the prankster who
impersonated Clinton in CNN's chat-room by entering a response disguised as a
response by Clinton expressing the wish that there were "more porn on the
Bar Disciplinary Proceedings against Clinton loom
(fruit of the loom?) (du
We know people love to hate lawyers
and think
they're as low-down as voyeurs.
Was Clinton's low ethics
to watch cigar sex-trysts
the "two for one"
combo he offered?
© 2000
State of Union of Entitlements and Votes (du
If proposals by Bill we enact,
big gov'ment
would surely be back.
It's clear he would rather
make gov'ment Big
to rule us with gover'ment hacks.
He called for campaign-law enforcement
as if he had shown good deportment
If that's what he's for,
then he and Al Gore
turn themselves in for enforcement
© 2000
What to remember while listening to tonight's State of
the Union address (du
The State of the Union address
Bill Clinton will use to profess
That all of his foes
created his woes
while he was just doing his best.
He'll try to imply they were wrong
in claiming he misused his dong.
He still doesn't get it,
so it's a sure bet it
will still
be his view that they're wrong.
His indecent action toward Jones
in asking that she mend his bone,
created her a right
to funds for such fright
that time when
he got her alone.
A law he had signed on harassment
required a defendant to answer
questions designed
to show other times
that he might have
been a harasser
Nevertheless he decided
to lie to the Judge who presided
And then had the gall
to lie to us all
'til caught -- then he claimed it was private.
And just like his wife Hill'ry Rodham,
he wants us to think he's the victim
Such arrogance shows
how little he knows
and still thinks
that he's better than Nixon
© 2000
Cold a Day To Go Out and Play
was too cold that day to go out and play
Hillary said "Inside I must stay"
Bill didn't know that out she'd not go
he had Lewinsky in for a _ _ _ _
lucky for Bill his aides spied ol' Hill
he told Lewinsky to cut short the thrill
quick as a wink he got out of the pink
shut all the doors and ran to the sink
into the study he shuttled his buddy
waited for Hill'ry, that old fuddy-duddy
© 1999.