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Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Updates.©·2002.
Updates start
below in
chronological order. [CHANGE
Sept. 30, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020930-01.©.2002.
The dousing of fire
in the belly of Senator Bob Torricelli.·
To bosses in Jersey said Bob Torricelli
"I mustn't bow-out, I've got fire in the belly,"
but bosses said, "Bow,
or else you'll learn how
to bow without aid of petroleum jelly."·
Inspired by Torricelli's speech characterizing himself as a public servant nobly sacrificing his own best interests for the public
good in his September 30, 2002 speech withdrawing from the Senatorial race.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020930-01.©.2002...
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Sept. 27--29, 2002 No Daily Update for these dates
due to Jim Wrenn being on vacation.
Sept. 26, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020926-01.©.2002.
Says Bar'bra in sending
her fax: "I
can't connect dots to Iraq."·*·
Now Streisand again has selected the fax
to warn Daschle/Gephardt against being lax
opposing attack
by us in Iraq
'cause Babs can't see dots that connect to Iraq.
Since Streisand is blind to the dots in the mixture,
she's seeking a way to keep Dubya in strictures
preventing attack
by Bush on Iraq
'til Saddam Hussein has completed the picture.·
Inspired by Drudge's September 26, 2002, on-line publication of text of a fax
from Streisand to Daschle and Gephardt telling them to prevent Bush from
attacking Iraq because, she asserts, *"Hussein did not bomb the World
Trade Center." Since critics like Streisand have often implied the
9-11 attack occurred because the Bush administration and/or the CIA and/or the
FBI failed to "connect the dots," one must infer that with respect to
Iraq, she'd prefer to avoid connecting any dots to Hussein and apparently would
prefer to wait until his actions have completed the picture for us. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Sept. 25, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020925-01.©.2002.
For Daschle it's facile to
morph into Bashle*..
While Daschle in speeches is feigning offense
that Bush said he's stalling our Homeland Defense,
he keeps his demands
that Presidents' hands
be tied by the unions in Homeland Defense.·
Inspired by Daschle's
distortion of what Bush said about the special interests stalling the
Homeland Defense bill in order for Daschle to feign offense at what he
inacurrately implied Bush said rather than what Bush actually said. *
I coined "Bashle" as a name for one who bashes opponents. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Sept. 24, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020924-01.©.2002.
Would Gore have the
moxie for leading a posse?..
Al Gore has attempted to state
the reasons that Bush ought-a wait
before he pursues
attempts to remove
Saddam from his terrorist state.
Said Gore, "To
arrest Jesse James
the sheriff must first take some names
to round-up a posse
of helpers with moxie
who know how to shoot and to aim."
*· [*
Red quotation
marks denote paraphrased language.]
But good sheriffs couldn't afford
to wait 'til achieving accords
to make a decision
commencing a mission
to capture a criminal horde.
Instead, he would sound an alert
in which he would clearly assert
to civilized friends:
"I hope you'll join in,
but I'll go alone if you skirt."·
Inspired by Gore's fatuous implications in his September
23, 2002, speech in San Francisco, one of them being that a sheriff had to
"organize a posse" before "going after [an] outlaw."
No doubt posses were helpful, but sheriffs who waited for citizens to form a
consensus before undertaking the mission were less successful in forming posses
than those who unequivocally announced commencement of their missions and
invited public-spirited citizens to join them.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020924-01.©.2002...
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Sept. 23, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020923-01.©.2002.
Will fat be redacted by
laws they've enacted?..
Big Brother's intruding increasingly
for shaping our bodies more pleasingly
with laws just enacted
so fat is redacted
protecting us all from obesity.
In candor, I'll tell you my druthers:
I'd rather retain my own blubber,
'cause laws they enact
just transfer our fat
to broaden the butt of Big Brother.
Inspired by a September 21, 2002, article about New York having enacted an
"Obesity Prevention Act." What we really need is an
Obese-Government Prevention Act or perhaps a Do-Gooder Prevention Act. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020923-01.©.2002...
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Sept. 22, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020922-01.©.2002.
They're "sorry" he's bitter
they called him a "Hitler"..
Says Shroeder, "We're sorry you're bitter
my spokesperson called you a 'Hitler.'
We hadn't intended
you'd feel so offended
to learn we described you as Hitler."
Inspired by German
Chancellor Shroeder's alleged "apology" to Bush that Shroeder's
Department of Justice Minister likened Bush to Hitler. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020922-01.©.2002...
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Sept. 21, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020921-01.©.2002.
Yes, we have no Usamas... | We have no Usamas today ! |
we've not gone atomic, we've not gone atomic today..
Yes, we have not a warhead !
We have not a warhead today !
We've baby-milk fact'ries,
perfume for olfact'ries
and toys for the kids and say:
We have some old-fashioned tractors
and lots of Saddam Hussein actors,
but yes, we have not a warhead !
We have not a warhead today !
Yes, we have no al Qaedas !
We have no al Qaedas today !
We've diplomat talkers
but not "walk-the-walk"ers.
To Kofi Annan we will say:
We're merely old-fashion type
who merely would like to raise
but yes, we have no al Qaedas !
We have no al Qaedas today !
Yes, we have no Usamas !
We have no Usamas today !
We were hosting Abu Nidal
'til planting his corpse in a pall.
To Kofi Annan we will say:
We only want guests who are kind
like those who inspect while they're
but yes, we have no Usamas!
We have no Usamas today !·
Inspired by my simultaneous non-amazement by Saddam's reprise and astonished at many world leaders nevertheless reprising their gullibility
regarding Saddam's reprise. Who was it that said "Fool us once, shame
on you; Fool us repeatedly for more than a decade, shame on us"?
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Sept. 20, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020920-01.©.2002.
NPR: | Nouveau Propagandering Radio |
N-P-R need a spokesman for trees?..
Those good folks at N-P-R Radio
believe right-of-center is "paleo."
Their leftward domain
deserves a new name:
Nouveau Propagandering*
[* Poetic
license for "propagandizing"]
A slope they consider too slippery
views Nature as servant of liberty
because they view Man
as slave to The Land
to serve Pantheopian**
[** panth-ee-oh-pee-uns]
That's why it's no shock they'd perceive
a tree-thinning story they'd need
and canvass the land
in search of a man
to speak for the deaf and dumb trees.
In searching, it seems they ignored
the spokesman whose greatest rapport
with Nature and Earth
is forestry work:
a tree that can talk: Alpha Gore.
Inspired by the "NPR Search" segment of John
McCaslin's September 19, 2002, Inside the Beltway column in the Washington
Times. John's column exposed the patently ideological zeal of NPR in
searching far and wide to find someone, somewhere to support their pantheopian
beliefs that thinning of trees in national forests is a crime against
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Sept. 19, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020919-01.©.2002.
Da Fόhrer | Duh Furor |
German perceptions of justice...
... have changed since the Wall has been busted..
The German Department of Justice
says Dubya's like Hitler in thrustin'
demands on Saddam
to give-up The Bomb
or bunkers he soon will start bustin'.
Since German perceptions of justice
have changed since the Wall has been busted,
they ought to proclaim
a change in the name
to German Department of Nutzis.·
Inspired by September 19, 2002, reports that Germany's "Justice"
Minister likened Bush's strategy vis-a-vis Iraq to Hitler's "saber
rattling" to "divert attention from domestic problems." The regional Schwaebisches Tagblatt newspaper quoted
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's justice minister, Herta
Daeubler-Gmelin, as saying "Bush wants to divert attention from his domestic problems. It's a classic tactic. It's one that Hitler used."
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020919-01.©.2002...
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Sept. 18, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020918-01.©.2002.
The world-famous village of Hershey
no longer appears at the mercy
of Switzerland's Nestlι !
The Trust ain't divesting,
so Kisses are safer in Hershey !·
Inspired by a September
18, 2002, news report that Hershey is safe from Nestlι-- at least for the
time being. Could Hershey have been saved by our August
26, 2002 limerick when the Village of Hershey seemed to be within the
clutches of Switzerland's Nestlι? Naaaaa. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020918-01.©.2002...
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Sept. 17, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020917-01.©.2002.
A bigot's agenda as
safety pretender..
Though S-U-V-hater, Keith Bradsher,
has penned High and Mighty as basher
of S-U-V cruisin',
himself he has proven
a crude intellectual flasher.·
Inspired by a September
17, 2002, report by Tom Walsh about a new book, High and Mighty,
by New York Times' "correspondent" Keith Bradsher bashing
SUVs as "the World's Most Dangerous Vehicles" and purporting to
explain "How They Got That Way." Bradsher's book contends that "[SUV
owners] tend to be people who are insecure and vain ...[,] frequently nervous
about their marriages and uncomfortable about parenthood ... [,] lack confidence
in their driving skills ... [, and] ... are apt to be self-centered and
self-absorbed, with little interest in their neighbors or
communities." His narrow-minded, ideological, pantheopian
obtuseness speaks for itself.
In the interests of full disclosure, I unapologetically state
that I own a GMC Suburban. I bought it primarily to minimize the risks
that anyone in my family would suffer serious or fatal injuries in a
motor-vehicle accident. I also found it useful while exhibiting
"callousness" toward my community by coaching Little League and soccer
for many years and by transporting children to and from school in our
"car" pool.
Unlike many other SUV's, my Suburban is wider than a
full-size automobile, and it's width/height ratio makes it less likely to
"roll over" than the vast majority of the small-size automobiles
favored by activists such as Bradsher. I know this from personal
experience: My Suburban successfully and safely made it though a
360-degree spin at nearly 70mph (when I over-steered upon suddenly encountering
a road hazard) without rolling over and enabled me to regain control and
stop safely without injury to anyone despite my Suburban sustaining damage on
both sides and all four corners in colliding with the guard-rail during the
360-degree spin.
My Suburban also saved my family from an accident on another
occasion: When a very large trunk fell onto the highway in front me in the
lane in which I was traveling at approximately 70 mph without room to maneuver
into another lane and without time to stop, my Suburban crushed the trunk
beneath it rather than being wrecked by it as would have been the case had I
been driving a vehicle such as those favored by activists like Bradsher-- i.e.,
vehicles with hoods barely higher than the trunk my Suburban safely crushed.
Furthermore, on two separate occasions involving sudden,
total blowouts, my Suburban made it easy for me to maintain control, safely
decelerate and reach off-road safety to replace the tires. If
activists like Bradsher were not to have successfully lobbied the government to
mandate smaller passenger vehicles, there would be fewer people at risk of death
today in motor vehicle accidents. Indeed, in the first two situations
described above, if I were to have been driving a vehicle favored by activists
like Bradsher, it's highly likely one or more members of my family would have
sustained serious or fatal injuries. . --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Sept. 16, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020916-01.©.2002.
The Visions of Gore
for 2004..
We wonder if Joe will deplore
the recent report Alpha Gore,
inventor of visions,
has made a decision
to run in Two Thousand and Four.
Inspired by a September
15/16, 2002, Drudge report anonymously quoting Gore "insiders" as
saying Gore has definitely decided to run in 2004. Since Joe Lieberman has
said he won't run if Gore runs, what will Joe say now? --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Sept. 15, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020915-01.©.2002.
Said Jesse,
"Retract 'sexual tourism' or else I'll apply some Venturism.".
When Reich told Ventura with boorism,
"In Cuba, avoid 'sexual tourism,' "
"the Body" told Reich
"Retract your advice
or else I'll apply some Venturisms."*
Inspired by a September
14, 2002, report that Jesse Ventura is demanding an apology from Assistant
Secretary of State Otto Reich for cautioning Ventura's delegation to Cuba to
avoid "sexual tourism." *A
caricaturization of Jesse "the Body/Mind" Ventura's demand for an
apology. What's a "Venturism"? Perhaps it's a
verbal, rather than physical, headlock. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020915-01.©.2002...
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Sept. 14, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020914-01.©.2002.
jeepers-creepers-- American sleepers!..
It seems more Americans studied in drills
designed by al Qaeda to maim and to kill,
and then-- jeepers, creepers--
returning as sleepers,
it seems they were posing as Buffalo Shills.
Inspired by September
14, 2002, reports of the arrest of five apparently normal young men in
Buffalo, NY on charges that they attended al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan. .
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020914-01.©.2002...
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Sept. 13, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020913-01.©.2002.
The written and
oral traditions for jobs that require erudition..
By written and oral traditions
for jobs that involve erudition,
it's long been required
that ev'ryone hired
be judged in a stiff competition.
The office in Harlem for Clinton
tells applicants seeking positions:
The time has expired
'cause Bubba has hired
an intern for ev'ry position."
Inspired by a September
13, 2002, New York Daily News article indicating Clinton's office in
Harlem is now telling people responding to its ads soliciting applications for
internships that "[all] positions have been filled." *Could
this be a Freudian manifestation of Clintonese? Click
here to learn about the highly effective Hookered on
ClinPhonics method for learning to translate Clintonese in the latest
edition of the Clinton
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Sept. 12, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020912-01.©.2002.
Delusions of hope to restrain a megalomaniac brain..
The world merely sounded alarms
when Hitler began to rearm
but never took action
to force a redaction,
so Hitler expanded his arms.
Invoking his status as Fόhrer,
his goals changed from single to plural:
The Czechs were step one,
and once he'd begun,
the next ones were Poland and Europe.
Since megalomaniac minds
of sociopathic design
succumb to temptations
and miscalculations,
success leads to grander designs.
His conquest of Europe enhanced
delusions he'd authored the plans
for Superman Prussians
to conquer the Russians
avoiding the fate of Napoleon's plans.
Appeasement had killed his compunctions;
success fed delusions he'd function
as head of an empire
instead of the quagmire
that authored his country's destruction.
Appeasers today claim Saddam
is not like a Hitler rearmed
and claim we'd attain
a way to contain
Saddam when he's armed with The Bomb.
To see why appeasers are wrong
to hope that containing Saddam
would match our attainment
of Cold-War containment,
read-on* to see why they
are wrong.
Appeasers contend we should not
"take on" the regime in Irδq**
[** i-rδk'
rhyming with "clock"]
until we have gotten
Usama bin Laden
and then hooked the dots to Irδq.
To wait 'til bin Laden we've "got"
or wait to connect all the dots
gives time to Saddam
for building a bomb
deterring attack on Irδq.
His nuclear-status attainment
would limit our choice to containment
allowing Saddam's
control of the bomb
for blackmail, extortion and payments.
And then he'd be free to invade
a country nearby like Kuwait
'cause risks to reverse it
the West would interpret
as prices too high to be paid.
Secure in control of Kuwait
for riches he'd not have to wait,
and Saudi support
he'd surely extort
without any need to invade.
He'd then use atomic extortion
producing alliance contortions
to rule an "alliance"
compelling compliance
by Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Jordan.
Emboldened, he use an alliance
supporting the goals of Al Qaedas
as proxies for war
with terror employed
to cripple the Western alliance.
Al Qaeda would gladly use bombs
covertly obtained from Saddam
to cripple the West
to further the quest
for "final solutions" desired by Saddam.
His tactics would not be ethereal
commencing with weapons bacterial
covertly provided
to terrorist guided
by lust for destruction of Israel.
Through terror by proxy unbridled
he'll seek a "solution" that's "final"
by terrorist funding
exposing his country
to risks of Israeli reprisals.
His megalomaniac mind
of sociopathic design
would think he'd survive
the rubble to rise
to rule as Saddam the Divine.
Emboldened, he'd lose all compunction
in seeking Israeli destruction
'til miscalculations
induce conflagration
exchanging atomic destruction
Inspired by criticisms of Bush's September 12, 2002, speech to the UN by those
opposing enforcement of the numerous UN resolutions repeatedly and continuously
defied by Saddam Hussein in the decade since the end of the Gulf War. *The
portion of this update following the red asterisk is a reprise of our September
7, 2002, Update. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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11, 2002.
Today, we pause to remember the 9-11
victims, honor the heroes and renew our determination to defeat terrorism.
Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020911-01.©.2002..
Sept. 10, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020910-01.©.2002.
Now McEnroe's back
in our face to lecture on "losing with grace.".
Now McEnroe thinks it cachet
to formally state his dismay
that terrorist strikes
are viewed black & white
and not viewed in McEnroe "grey."*
How little the progress he's made
as shown by the statements he made
presuming his fitness
to speak as a witness
to educate others on "los[ing] with grace."**
Inspired by a September
10, 2002, article for the London Telegraph authored and apparently filed by
John McEnroe on September 8, 2002, about the aftermath of 9-11, the war on
terror and Bush's stated intentions regarding Iraq. Although the article
expresses some obviously laudatory sentiments, the gist of its predominantly
sophomoric theme appears in the final sentence: **That
Americans need to learn "to lose with grace." What an
insulting comment from one of the most spoiled brats of all time.
predominant theme with respect to how we should respond to organizations and/or
countries posing terrorist threats is his characterization of the 9-11 attacks
on New York and Washington as "the most horrific example" of what he
describes as his "shock[ing] dicover[y] that most things in life [are] *grey
[sic]." To illustrate the "grey[ness]"
with which he perceives Al Qaeda's 9-11 attacks on us, he compares their war
against us in a morally equivalent way to our assistance to the Afghans in their
struggle against conquest of their country by the totalitarian government Reagan
presciently predicted to be "destined for the trash heap of
history." Does he likewise consider possession and use of
firearms by police and criminals alike to be a valid basis for perceiving mere
shades of "grey"
[sic] between them?
He rightly lauds Giuliani's Churchillian qualities
while characterizing what he expects to be a change of position by Bush on Iraq
as bowing to "political winds" despite the fact that Guiliani has
been supporting Bush's position on Iraq-- Does he think before he writes or
isn't his rant just the latest example of juvenile screaming at the officials?
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Sept. 9, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020909-01.©.2002.
A Nine-One-One
Conference of London Islamists..
In London Islamists* have
scheduled a conference
to praise Nine-Eleven as warfare that's wondrous
so when will there be,
and where will we see,
a conference of Muslims condemning that conference?
Inspired by a September
8, 2002, report in the London Telegraph about the scheduling of an Islamic
conference in London on September 11, 2002, to "celebrate" the 9-11
attack. *Note,
I think Lou Dobbs coined "Islamist" to define radical Muslims and
distinguish them from the vast majority of decent Muslims. I wish that
vast "silent majority" of Muslims would stop being so silent.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Sept. 8, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020908-01.©.2002.
Says Mailer,
America's error is how she's reacting to terror..
Says Mailer, "We're making an error
in how we're reacting to terror.
We ought to adapt
and learn to accept
a tolerable level of terror."*
A beauty of liberty's symphony--
that folks full of idiosyncrasy
are fully protected--
is proof we've accepted
a tolerable level of idiocy
Inspired by Drudge
excerpts from an interview of Normal Mailer in the London Sunday Times in
which Mailer implies we're making too much of the 9-11 attacks and should view
those deaths the way we view the risks of dying in an automobile accident.
I agree with his premise but not his conclusion. In other words, I believe
that we, like the Brits
during the Battle of Britain (click here), must be willing to continue
exercising our freedoms by refusing to be deterred by our individual risks of
becoming victims the same way we don't let the risks of traffic-accidents deter
us from traveling by automobile. However, just as we exhibit moral outrage
at, and exert efforts to reduce the risks of, drunk driving, we are right to
exhibit moral outrage at terrorists and exert maximum efforts to defeat
them. We are also right to proudly proclaim our patriotic pride that we
are lucky enough to be citizens of the only civilization in history with the
means and the will to effectively battle such barbarism-- If not us, who? For
illustrative 9-11 banners, click here. *This
is a paraphrasing of quotations of Mailer's comments in the London Sunday Times.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Sept. 7, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020907-01.©.2002.
Says Bubba "No
bombin' 'til catchin' bin Laden"*
paraphrased quotation]..
Now Bubba contends we should not
"take on" the regime in Irδq**
[** i-rδk' rhyming with
until we have gotten
Usama bin Laden
and then hooked the dots to Irδq.
To wait 'til bin Laden we've "got"
or wait to connect all the dots
gives time to Saddam
for building a bomb
deterring attack on Irδq.
His nuclear-status attainment
would limit our choice to containment
allowing Saddam's
control of the bomb
for blackmail, extortion and payments.
And then he'd be free to invade
a country nearby like Kuwait
'cause risks to reverse it
the West would interpret
as prices too high to be paid.
Secure in control of Kuwait
for riches he'd not have to wait,
and Saudi support
he'd surely extort
without any need to invade.
He'd then use atomic extortion
producing alliance contortions
to rule an " alliance"
compelling compliance
by Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Jordan.
Emboldened, he use an alliance
supporting the goals of Al Qaedas
as proxies for war
with terror employed
to cripple the Western alliance.
Al Qaeda would gladly use bombs
covertly obtained from Saddam
to cripple the West
to further the quest
for "final solutions" desired by Saddam.
His tactics would not be ethereal
commencing with weapons bacterial
covertly provided
to terrorist guided
by lust for destruction of Israel.
Through terror by proxy unbridled
he'll seek a "solution" that's "final"
by terrorist funding
exposing his country
to risks of Israeli reprisals.
His megalomaniac mind
of sociopathic design
would think he'd survive
the rubble to rise
to rule as Saddam the Divine.
Emboldened, he'd lose all compunction
in seeking Israeli destruction
'til miscalculations
induce conflagration
exchanging atomic destruction
Inspired by a September
5, 2002, report of a speech by Clinton in which he argued the US should
focus on "beefing up our efforts [against bin Laden and Al Qaeda"
while avoiding action against Iraq on the theory that such action now would give
Hussein "maximum incentive" to use the "chemical and biological
weapons" already "stockpiled" in Iraq.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020907-01.©.2002...
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Sept. 6, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020906-01.©.2002.
We're glad Dubya's
fin'lly begun to crayfish on pilots with guns..
We're glad Dubya's fin'lly begun
to crayfish on pilots with guns
so terrorists can't
think chances are scant
that pilots could stop 'em with guns.
Inspired by a September
6, 2002, Washington Times report that the Bush administration is reversing
course on its prior opposition to arming airline pilots with guns. See
also my May 22,
2002, Daily Update on the subject. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020906-01.©.2002...
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Sept. 5, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020905-01.©.2002.
Was Bill really
plottin' to capture bin Laden?.
You thought you heard Bubba exclaiming with drama
he suffered obsession with getting Usama,
but what he accomplished
was speaking ClinPhonics*
information on translating ClinPhonics. go
to state his obsession with getting a sauna
Inspired by Clinton's
having recently asserted that during his presidency he had a "virtual
obsession with [getting Usama]." However, listening to a
recording of his statement at half-speed reveals that he really said "a
sauna" rather than "Usama." Amaze your friends by becoming
an expert in translating ClinPhonics and other forms of Clintonese by purchasing
the Clinton Liebrary
Book 2001 Edition., a unique collector's item from the Clinton Era
Error. The "Hookered on Clinphonics" chapter can make you
a Master Parser of Clintonese faster than you can say what "is"
is. For more about the book (an ideal gift for a friend or-- even
better-- for all your friends), click
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020905-01.©.2002...
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Sept. 4, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020904-01.©.2002.
Why Bubba said
"No" to hosting a show..
"I won't host a talk-show," said Bill.
His reasons we quickly distilled:
He suffered from fright
at thoughts that he might
be trapped in
the cellar with Phil.*
20020828 Update.]
Solutions to troubles for Phil
could rise from the rubble with Bill:
A programming notch
assuring they're watched:
A talk-show that's hosted by Bubba & Phil.
would be glad to send Phil
to help C-B-S with a program for Bill
to alternate posts
as viewer and host
on odd/even days between Bubba and Phil.**
20020823 Update.]
Inspired by a Sept.
4, 2002, report that Clinton declined a CBS proposal for him to host a daily
television talk-show and a Sept.
4, 2002, report about Phil Donahue's ratings approaching negative totals as
predicted in my Aug.
28, 2002 Update as well as in my April
3, 2002, prediction (when MSNBC announced plans for Donahue to host a
program opposite Bill O'Reilly) that Donahue would be a flop.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020904-01.©.2002...
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Sep. 3, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020903-01.©.2002.
Potatoes on couches
face danger as slouches..
UN warnings issued to health-care reporters
reveal folks in danger far greater than smokers:
Potatoes on couches
face danger as slouches,
who now will hire lawyers for suing Big Sofas.
Inspired by a Sep.
3, 2002, London Telegraph report that the World Health Organization (WHO)
announced findings that a "couch potato lifestyle is worse for your health than smoking."
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020903-01.©.2002...
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Sep. 2, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020902-01.©.2002.
No Update-- Labor
Day Holiday.....
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020902-01.©.2002...
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Sep. 1, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020901-01.©.2002.
No Update-- Labor
Day Holiday.....
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020901-01.©.2002...
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