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April 30,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020430-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
"Here's Johnny," the country "hears" Johnny..
The country loves Carson, rememb'ring "Here's Johnny,"
"espeshly" when Carson was "Karnack, the Swami,"
but now that he's speaking
with humorless tweaking,
a sadness abounds when the country hears Johnny.
It's not from his claim there was Enron triaging--
It's lectures from him that we're too "patriotic"
in showing our fervor
for warfare on terror,
which show that his views, like his eyes, are myopic.
He misunderstands that our zeal and our fervor
in favoring maximum warfare on terror
is not for our nation
but civilization
at war with medieval fanatical fervor
Direct link for this 04-30-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020430-01.©.2002.
Inspired by a Drudge report that Johnny Carson recently castigated the media and
the country for exhibiting too much "patriotic" fervor. (He also
made some outlandish allegations about Enron, but who hasn't these days?)..
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April 29,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020429-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
The ads by the
Saudis profess to teach us Abdullah Knows Best..
We all should be thankful and glad
the Saudis are broadcasting ads
to make us enlightened
to not be so frightened
by Saudi Arabian fads.
Their ads make us feel so much calmer
in learning the reasons they honor
their unselfish brethren
who guide folks to heaven
by serving as homicide bombers.
We learn they have made it their mission
to teach us their love of religion
is why they're compelled
to bomb infidels
--"espeshly" the Jews and the Christians.
However, their ads also tout
that bombing ain't all they're "about"
and proudly reveal
their ways to "repeal"
temptations to not be devout.
Traditions, they say, are a must
for men to be moral and just,
so women must hide
their shape from men's eyes
so men won't go crazy with lust
Direct link for this 04-29-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020429-01.©.2002.
Inspired by those wonderfully "reassuring" ads the Saudi
government recently began broadcasting to American audiences.
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April 28,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020428-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
It seems Chris has
taken the wrong medication..
It's rare I extend an ovation
to Patrick Buchannan's orations,
but now I concede
he rightly perceived
that Matthews was taking the wrong medication
As Chris, the machine-gun and Patrick, the cannon,
are firing away at the globalists' canons,
it's clear Chris has taken
the wrong medication:
prescriptions he's borrowed from Patrick Buchannan.
Direct link for this 04-28-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020428-01.©.2002.
Inspired by my observation of, and surprise by, the new political
odd-couple--Chris Matthews and Patrick Buchannan-- in their current
hyperventilations against "NeoCons" favoring whatever actions may be
necessary to remove Saddam Hussein from power. Observers of Matthews and
Buchannan will recall that during one of Buchannan's "campaigns" for a
presidential nomination, Matthews made a disparaging remark about Buchannan, in
response to which Buchannan asked, "Is Chris off his medication
again?" It now seems that Chris is taking Buchannan's
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April 27,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020427-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
So-what if
Abdullah's distressed by traffic-controllers with breasts?.
The Saudi Crown Prince has professed
his pilots and he would be stressed
by hearing commands
for clearance to land
from traffic-controllers with breasts.
We ought to have said to Abdullah
forget what you're told by the mullahs
'cause men who are bolder
ain't cowed by controllers
whose cups are not empty but fuller.
We then should have said to the Prince:
"Your pilot can't start his descent
unless he will say:
'I'd love to obey
controllers whose cups are
Direct link for this 04-27-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020427-01.©.2002.
Inspired by a news report1
alleging that the Bush Administration shamefully complied with a request by
Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah that no female air controller be permitted to
communicate with his pilot during trip to America to visit Bush at his ranch in
Crawford, Texas. Say it ain't so, Dubya..
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April 26,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020426-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
The media love the
theology of Priests of the Doomsday Ecology..
The media treated as "news"
a press-release spouting the views
of one of the priests
of Greenhouse beliefs:
"Kyoto [must not be eschewed]."
They claim that in Two-Thousand-Two
a first-quarter warming accrued
with weather more icky
than since Eighteen-Sixty
and even "perhaps" since a Thousand and Two.
Their claims might be "science" indeed
if artifact-proof they retrieved
to show warming then
was made to begin
by thousand-year-old S-U-V's.
Direct link for this 04-26-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020426-01.©.2002.
Inspired by an April 26, 2002, "report"1
in The Telegraph, which uncritically recites bald assertions by a proponent of
the theory that human activity is "warming" the planet notwithstanding
the absence of scientific evidence to prove such claim and notwithstanding ample
scientific evidence to the contrary. Here's
the 04-26-02 Headline
in The Telegraph (UK): 2002 'warmest for 1,000 years' By Charles Clover, Environment Editor (Filed: 26/04/2002)
Here's the lead
sentence: THE first three months of this year were the warmest globally since records began in 1860 and probably for 1,000 years, scientists said yesterday.
Here's the closing
"Mrs. Beckett said some of the predicted impacts were already irreversible, but others could be slowed by international action under the Kyoto climate treaty." Notwithstanding such pronouncement by Mrs. Becket, critical
analysis of the "global warming" theory makes it reasonably apparent that rather than being a scientifically objective theory, it is
more the product of political agendas of political organs promoting such theory and advocating such things as the "Kyoto
Accords" as proper solutions.
For an analysis of the science alleged by those with political agendas as
"proving" that a long-term global-warming is in progress and that
human activity is causing, or substantially contributing to, it see Global
Warming or Scientific
at http://wrenncom.com/focus2001/0619-01.asp.
For other examples of the scientifically naive media uncritically reporting as
"science" the blind-faith beliefs of the Priests of Global Warming,
see http://polisat.com/rhymes/r_pantheopians.htm..
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April 25,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020425-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
A-B-C has
informed Peter Jennings ... his wallet they soon will be thinning..
A-B-C used its
dealings with Koppel
in merely delaying his topple
so news-casting "stars"
perceive their gold bars
as weights that may cause them to topple.
And now they have told Peter Jennings
his wallet they need to be be thinning,
but will Mr. Jennings
perceive he's beginning
the ninth, not the third or fourth, inning?
Direct link for this 04-25-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020425-01.©.2002.
Inspired by an April 23, 2002, report by Drudge that ABC plans to encourage
and/or demand that Peter Jennings take a substantial pay-cut..
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April 24,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020424-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
I'm asking my
readers to help in a test...
by asking their friends "What's the biggest fraud yet?".
I hereby ask readers to help in a test:
Ask each of your friends, "What's the biggest fraud
It's "Enron" they'll name
and "business" they'll blame,
and not by a one will the biggest be
Employees at Enron are rightly upset
that money withheld from their regular checks
by Enron to serve
as pension reserves
have gone down the drain like a crap-table bet.
Though Enron was bad, as a fraud it was tame
compared to the government's pyramid game
when government planned
the grandest of scams
disguising it's nature with high-sounding names.
With glibness as smooth as a classic glissandi1,
a high-sounding name for mutatis mutandi2,
and chutzpah to match,
the program they hatched
was based on designs they adapted from Ponzi3.
Though Ponzis collapse like an elderly hiker
the government scam's like a Hell's-Angels biker
with forward momentum
propelled by an engine,
the scheme is propelled with enforcement4
by FICA* *[the acronym
pronounced "fyka"].
Of course, if you doubt that I'm right,
go here
and you'll soon see the light
and also go here
and fin'lly go here
and then you will see that I'm right.
Direct link for this 04-24-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020424-01.©.2002.
Inspired by Walter Williams' 04-15-02 column about the current perception of the
Enron collapse as the biggest fraud ever. See http://www.gmu.edu/departments/economics/wew/articles/02/crook.html..
See .http://www.dictionary.com/search?q=glissandi&db=*.
See .http://lysy2.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/words.exe?mutatis
and .http://lysy2.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/words.exe?mutandi.
See .http://www.mark-knutson.com/thescheme.html.
Some claim Social Security is not like a Ponzi scheme because if it were, it
would have collapsed long ago [For an example of such "POOP", go
to http://www.poop.org/soc.sec/rip/ponzi.htm],
but those arguments ignore the fact that were it not for use of governmental
powers forcing current workers to pay benefits to retirees far exceeding any
rational "return" on "contributions" by such retirees, the
program would have collapsed long ago. Of course, proposals to
prospectively "save" Social Security without reducing benefits
"promised" to today's workers will require that such
"promises" be radically reduced or the "contributions" from
future workers radically increased (or both)..
See Walter Williams' 04-15-02 column at .http://www.gmu.edu/departments/economics/wew/articles/02/crook.html.
See .http://isil.org/resources/lit/time-to-end-ss.html.
See .http://polisat.com/du2001/du010331.htm#20010327-01.
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April 23,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020423-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
Why is it
Chris Matthews has seized-upon
a new term for "hawk" as a "Neo-Con"?.
We've noticed Chris Matthews has seized-upon
a brand-new clichι he can spiel-upon--
Embraced by the Left,
the concept is deft:
The new term for "hawk" is a "Neo-Con."
Why is this a term he now loves?
'Cause Chris know when push comes to shove,
that people who squawk
at plans by the "hawks,"
have always been labeled as "doves."
Direct link for this 04-23-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020423-01.©.2002.
Inspired by my perception of the increasing shrillness in the way Chris
Matthews caricatures the views of those (i.e., "Neo-Cons) who, recognizing
the impossibility of knowing the precise time when Saddam Hussein will be in a
position to use (or threaten to use) a mass-destruction weapon against our
allies or against us, know it's better attack Hussein too soon rather than too
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April 22,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020422-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
It's Earth Day
today for Defenders of Faith...
in Greenhouse Believers, the Priests of Dismay..
It's Earth Day today, so Defenders of Faith
in Greenhouse Believers, the Priests of Dismay,
will tout their reliance
on junk-eco-science
while Asteroid/Comets are headed our way.
Although we don't claim to envision
tomorrow's the day of collision,
the risk is far greater
that Earth will be cratered
much sooner than harmed by the "greenhouse" emissions.
But Priests of Dismay proclaim evidence
we're threatened by warming and pestilence,
but we know the source
of hot air, of course
is their intellectual flatulence.1
Direct link for this 04-22-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020422-01.©.2002.
Inspired by today's predictable re-emergence of the Earth-Day Jihad by the Priests of Global
Warming against Bush's stated intention to exceed their Holy of Holies, the
Kyoto Accords.2
To get a flavor of how much the driving force of the Global Warming Fervor stems
from pantheopian3
theories rather than scientific evidence, see "Global Warming or Scientific
See also our February 14, 2002, update5
January 10, 2002, update6
about the folly of wasting billions in coerced compliance with the
global-warming articles of faith while virtually ignoring a recent close-call7
with a genuinely deadly threat8
to civilization itself.
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April 21,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020421-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
Did Bush have to
use a clarity ruse?.
We heard from the Right lots of howls
when Dubya dispatched Colin Pow'll
for hearing Sharon
and Arafat's drones
as though Bush had thrown-in the towel.
And Leftists were heard to bemoan
that Bush wasn't forcing Sharon
to limit offensives
to words as defenses
while bombers continue to roam.
Perceiving Arabian ways
as rarely to mean what they say,
it seems Dubya used
a clarity ruse
in telling Sharon "no delay."
Although I'm inclined to opine
demanding that "now" is the time
was wrong as a ruse,
I'm forced to conclude
't'was no other way to buy time.
Direct link for this 04-21-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020421-01.©.2002.
Inspired by Dubya
having demonstrated the skill of alienating both the Left and the Right in his
approach to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.
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April 20,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020420-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
Proposals by
Clinton and Carter to serve as our peace-talking starters..
We hear that both Clinton and Carter,
would like to be peace-talking starters.
"A treaty I got
from Begin/Sadat,
so I should be
sent," proclaimed Carter.
A background supporter for Carter concedes
that Clinton, perhaps, has the best expertise
to bring to the table
a skill that is fabled:
The skill to bring anyone down to their knees
Direct link for this 04-20-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020420-01.©.2002.
Inspired by news
reports that both Clinton and Carter have expressed interest in becoming
involved in Middle-East negotiations.
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April 19,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020419-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
We don't need the
Stone of Rosetta to know they'll obsess on "Barretta.".
Though news-judgment ought to be better,
we don't need the Stone of Rosetta
to know that the "news"
will floods us with views
obsessed with the "news" of "Barretta."
So what should a news-junkie do?
I'll tell you what I
plan to do:
Whenever they make
reports about Blake,
I'll click a new channel to view.
Direct link for this 04-19-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020419-01.©.2002.
Inspired by the
depressing realization that the "news" media are on the verge of
obsessing on the murder charges against Robert Blake. Except for
criticizing such obsession, I intend to keep PoliSat.Com a "Baretta-free
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April 18,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020418-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
Though absence of
evidence ain't evidence of absence,
the absence of presence is presence of absence...
Although we ain't captured Usama,
this failure is merely a comma--
What else can you make
of out-of-date tapes
to boost the morale of his bombers?
Direct link for this 04-18-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020418-01.©.2002.
Inspired by my
perception that Al Qaeda so much fears a perception among its followers that bin
Laden is dead that Al Qaeda was willing to release demonstrably out-of-date
tapes in an effort to convey either or both of two messages: (a) that bin
Laden is alive, well and continuing to "lead" or (b) that even if he
were not to be alive, well and leading, there remains enough of Al
Qaeda's "leadership" to continue their war against Western
Civilization and modernity. That's why I view the absence of proof of his
absence as a comma rather than a period in our war against terror..
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April 17,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020417-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
We're sending Al
Qaeda a tape to show them Usama's real fate...
Al Qaeda has published a tape1
pretending Usama's okay,
but if he's alive
he soon will arrive
for check-in at Lucifer's Gate.
We're sending a PoliSat tape2
to show the Al Qaeda his fate.
To see what we mean,
here* for the
revealing his route to the Gate.
Direct link for this 04-17-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020417-01.©.2002.
Inspired by Al
Qaeda's release of a "new" video tape of Osama/Usama bin Laden
gloating over the 911 attack on the WTC.
1. See: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20020417/ap_wo_en_ge/mideast_bin_laden_tape_15.
2. Here's the ink to PoliSat.Com's "tape" to bin Laden: http://polisat.com/extinction101.html.
Here's the link to a silent, GIF-animation version of the
"tape": http://polisat.com/extinction101gif.htm.
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April 16,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020416-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
The ending is not
yet beginning, but yet the beginning is ending*..
is a paraphrase of Churchill's famous statement after the Battle of Britain that
although it was "not the beginning of the end," it was at least the
"end of the beginning.".
At present the future seems grim,
but yet I go out on a limb
because I'm convinced
the facts now evince
a future that's bright 'stead of dim.
However, before I explain
the reasons why terror will wane,
I ridicule first
the people who thirst
to view U-S-A as a bane.
The smug Europeans abhor
our "letting" Israelis wage war.
If Europe's so wise
why is it our guys
were sent to save them in two wars?
So why should Israelis believe
that Europe won't grant a reprieve
to leaders who harbor
fanatical ardor
that Israel's end be achieved?
We hear from the Left and the Right--
infected by alternate frights--
"We're not tough enough,"
or else "We're too tough,"
in how we "let" Israel fight.
Said Arabs, "It's just a diversion,"
for Bush to say "Stop the incursions"--
So-what if it's true?
He likewise construes
their own claims of terror-aversion.
Since Arafat failed to dismantle
the agents of terror he handles,
it's good the Israelis
are killing or jailing
the agents he failed to dismantle.
When Israel's finished its best
attempt to clean Arafat's nest,
the margin of error
for risking more terror
is better, though far from the best.
When sensible Arabs perceive
the value of terror recede
they'll force the submission
by Arafat's minions
to terms to evolve into peace
Direct link for this 04-16-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020416-01.©.2002.
Inspired by my
perception that our strategy of merely urging (rather than coercing) the
Israelis to end their incursions into Arafat's terrorist nests before completing
the job is in reality being perceived by Arab leaders as a strategy to make the
price of terror far higher than its perceived benefits so that when Arafat (or
someone in his place) finally takes effective action to restrain terror, the
recently stated willingness of some Arab states to recognize Israel will serve
as a dynamic to support, rather than impede, our efforts to promote a process
from which peace can evolve.
April 15,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020415-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
To get I-R-S
off our backs... not income but sales we should tax....
The Fifteenth of April, today
is time once again we should say
to stop taxing income
would serve the prevention
of trade that's not balanced our way.
Retaining our taxes on income
increases the prices, and then-some,
that foreigners pay
for products we've made
and lessens our trade-balance income.
"And how," you might ask, "is this true?"
The income-tax makes us include
enough in the price
so charges suffice
for paying those I-R-S dudes.
It simply is not rocket science
to know that continued reliance
on taxes on income
curtails what comes in-from
what's sold under tariff compliance.
Stop deficit-trade in its tracks
with sales, but not income, for tax,
and give us the bonus
of ending the onus
of I-R-S hacks on our backs.
Direct link for this 04-15-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020415-01.©.2002.
Inspired by
today being income-tax-deadline day, which prompts me to recall the sensible
proposal by Richard Lugar, the Indiana Senator who's also a Rhodes Scholar,
during his 1996 campaign seeking the Republican nomination for President.
Lugar's comprehensive, thoughtful, common-sense proposal made it clear to anyone
understanding economics and taxes that perpetuation of the income tax
artificially inflates the prices we much charge for American products sold in
foreign markets. Furthermore, a sales tax (with suitable exemptions for
food, health care, medicine and basic shelter) ought to also satisfy the desire
of the Left for the most affluent to continue paying the vast majority of taxes
now derived from the income tax. Of course, the Left's primary objection
would be that it would dramatically reduce politicians' ability to use the tax
code to create, modify, and repeal various income-tax loopholes to extort
contributions from supporters and punish supporters of opponents.
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April 14,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020414-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
Do rules against
"dealing" with "evil" apply to a widespread upheaval?..
The critics who claim the "Bush Doctrine"
that no one should "deal" with bin Laden
precludes us from dealing
with Arafat's squealing
compare diff'rent fruits that are rotten.
Conceding that Israel's right
in sending its soldiers to fight
the terrorists quests
in Arafat's nest
does not mean that "talk" isn't "right."
Suppose hatred were to infect
the people who live in Quebec
to make them resort
to terror support
in provinces next to Quebec.
If Canada then would elicit
a sign Quebec's leader's complicit
in running a fort
for terror support
we know they'd send solders to nix-it.
If Canada finds Quebec's people
supporting a leader who's evil
refusing to heed
a civilized lead,
then how would it "deal" with the evil?
If facts were to show that such people
would listen to him who is evil,
and if he would say
"End terror today,"
they'd "deal" with the leader who's evil.
And likewise, if Arafat heeds
advice against terrorist deeds
and Arafat's people
stop murdering people
a "deal" could give rise to a peace.
However, if Arafat fails
to terminate terror travails
he leaves us no choice
but muting our voice
when Israel fights to prevail.
Direct link for this 04-14-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020414-01.©.2002.
I do not
perceive an inherent contradiction between the Bush Doctrine against
"dealing" with terrorists and Bush's attempt to "deal" with
Arafat despite rather overwhelming evidence that Arafat supports, rather than
merely tolerates, terrorism. Why? If the unfortunate facts are that
his voice is the only voice to which any significant number of Palestinians will
listen, and if he can be "persuaded" (i.e., coerced by pressure,
threats, intimidation, etc. from the U.S. and, hopefully, non-public coercion
from some Arab-country leaders) to both publicly condemn, and actually abandon,
terror as a tactic against Israel, then it would make sense to "deal"
with him in the hope of creating a sufficient chance for peace that someday in
the future the Palestinian people will replace his corrupt, barbaric leadership
with someone capable of exhibiting genuine statesmanship.
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April 13,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020413-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
Fool me once,
shame on you, fool me dozens of times, shame on me...
A statement was issued today
from Arafat's group, P-L-A
purporting to say
that bombs ain't the way,
but this is the tune in December*
they played. [*http://polisat.com/du2001/du011231.htm#20011216-01]
Direct link for this 04-13-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020413-01.©.2002.
Inspired by
a news report1
that today the PLA issued a written statement condemning the 04-12-02
suicide-bombing of civilians in Israel a few minutes after Powell's meeting
with Sharon.
See .http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/meast/04/13/palestinian.statement/index.html.
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April 12,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020412-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
The Democrat
"Cindy" McKinney removes any doubt she's a ninny...
The Democrat "Cindy" McKinney
exhibits again her propensity
to open her mouth
removing all doubt
she's worse than a dolt or a ninny.
Direct link for this 04-12-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020412-01.©.2002.
Inspired by
a news report1
that Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D. Ga) implied that Bush 43 had advance warning of
the 911 attack and deliberately did nothing to enable his father and other
associates to profit from increases in military spending on the war against
terror. In America, all sensible people will ridicule her stupidity and/or
maliciousness, but what would happen to any Palestinian in the West Bank who
would dare to truthfully accuse Arafat of sponsoring, let alone
tolerating, terrorism? What would happen to any Saudi in Saudi Arabia truthfully
accusing the Saudi Government of supporting fanatical terrorist Muslims and
families of the murder-bombers? In America, we punish by ridicule alone
such overtly stupid and overtly malicious accusations against our leaders.
Although an Israeli fanatic murdered Rabin and an American fanatic bombed the
Federal Building in Oklahoma City, in both America and Israel the fierce
political opposition is often elected to replace an existing party in
power. When has that ever happened in any Arab country?.
See .http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A34565-2002Apr11.html.
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April 11,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020411-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
The moral vestigiality of anti-Western intellectuality...
Again self-proclaimed "intellectuals"
show why they are most ineffectual:
To claim war on terror
is our moral error
shows their moral judgment is vestigial.
Direct link for this 04-11-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020411-01.©.2002.
Inspired by
a news report1
that a group of self-proclaimed "intellectuals" in the United States
contend the war against terror is "not" a "just" war.
See .http://sg.news.yahoo.com/020409/1/2np5y.html.
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April 10,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020410-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
Letterman ought-to have played... the parody-song, "I hide you, babe.".
Note: The image below is
part of the image of a Flash-animation/ song-parody inspired by Cher's
castigation of Ashcroft for installing curtains to hid the partly-naked Spirit
of Justice statue at the Department of Justice.
Last night on the Late Show with Dave
for Ashcroft he ought to have played
the boss-man at Justice
and Spirit of Justice
together to sing "I hide you,
Direct link for this 04-10-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020410-01.©.2002.
Inspired by
Aschroft's appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman last night and Letterman's lame use of a picture with
his head superimposed on the partly-naked Spirit of Justice statue at the Department of Justice to tease Aschroft for covering
the statue curtains. What Letterman should have done is to have played PoliSat.Com's Flash-animation/song-parody inspired
by Cher chastising Ashcroft for hiding the statue with curtains. What Letterman should have done is to have played
PoliSat.Com's Flash-animation/song-parody inspired by Cher chastising Ashcroft
for hiding the statue with curtains. To view the
Flash-Animation/Song-Parody ("Johnny & Sher" singing "I hide
you, babe,") click here: http://polisat.com/ashcroft/ihideyoubabe.html.
We're in the process of making this animation/song-parody available on CD and an
audio-only version available on cassette. If you are interested in
purchasing either, click the following link to send an email request to be put
on the waiting list: mailto:editor@PoliSat.Com?Subject=SendInfoOnIGotYouBabe..
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April 9,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020409-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
Ted Koppel sings
"Nightline" to the tune of Sinatra's "My Way.".
Note: This song-parody will soon be released as part of a
Flash-animation/song-parody of Koppel singing "Nightline" to the tune
of Sinatra's "My Way." Stay tuned for details.
And now, to NightLine's friends
I'm glad to say, "It won't be curtains"
My friend, his name is Dave,
has saved my show, of that I'm certain
I've shot a lot of bull
since Kho-mei-nee claimed he was Yahweh
They dare not tell Kop-pull
to hit the highway
Faux pas, I've made a few
But then again, no more than Jennings
I flubbed a line or two
but muddled through by condescending
I planned each show, of course--
each frightened guest for Nightline airways
and guests I always forced
to answer my way
Though there were times, I'm sure your knew
They cut me off ... when-I missed cues
But unlike Dan, I didn't pout
I didn't fuss or walk right out
so after all, when ratings fall
they wouldn't hiiiirrree Dave
But now, as ratings slide
it's Jay or Dave the fans are choosing
Perhaps, I should've tried
to make my show a bit amusing
And how could I do that
so they won't say, "Just hit the highway"?
I know, I'll chant come rap
to show my jive-ways
For what is a host, what has he got?
If not his show, then he has naught
To spout the views he truly feels
and not to Eisner bow and kneel
The record shows that Eisner knows
I'll do it my way
What if... my ratings die?
If Jay or Dave they still are viewing
Perhaps, I'll have-to try
some Naked News to get 'em viewing
And yes, I'd stoop to that
I'd show my bod, not in a shy way
For sure, the babes would clap
to see me side-ways
A naked-news host... shows what he's got
to show his all by hiding naught
so viewer babes will surely feel
like teenage girls who love to squeal
They'll mail to show to let me know
They'll do it my way..
Direct link for this 04-09-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020409-01.©.2002.
Inspired by
a news report1
that Ted Koppel and ABC have reached agreement to continue Nightline for at
least two more years in the wake of ABC's unsuccessful bid to hire Letterman to
take the Nightline time-slot..
See .http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A15859-2002Apr8.html.
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April 8,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020408-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
Japan shows that
Dances With Wolves
wasn't so-hot
compared to displays of their Dances With Robots..
Japan has made robots that frighten my mind
with news-clips of robots all dancing in line.
You ask why I fear
such progress so clear--
the dances by robots were better than mine..
Direct link for this 04-08-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020408-01.©.2002.
Inspired by
the stunning news footage of a line of Japanese robots not only maintaining
perfect balance while ascending and descending curved staircases but also
actually dancing in perfect rhythm..
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April 7,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020407-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
If terror by
stress were excused, revenge would be likewise
Assuming for argument's sake
the claim Palestinians make--
that Jews' "occupation"
invokes desperation
so suicide bombers are made--
We then must demand Palestinians
admit when they murder civilians,
such terror-creation
promotes desperation
for Jews to send soldiers on missions..
Direct link for this 04-07-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020407-01.©.2002.
Inspired by my
tiring of the specious argument by Palestinian spokespersons contending in
essence that the Israeli "occupation" is the "cause" of
suicide-bombings of Israeli civilians under the theory that
"occupation" is so stressful that it negates Palestinians' ability to
apply civilized restraints upon their lust for revenge. Such spokespersons
ignore, or exhibit patent blindness to, the logic of their argument, which would
oblige them to concede that the stress inflicted by suicide-murders of Israeli
civilians could equally be deemed so great as to negate the Israelis' ability to
restrain themselves from applying military power in an effort to find and
dismantle the networks of fanatics planning and supporting such murders..
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April 6,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020406-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
Will Early
Show score or just fumble ... in picking replacements for Gumbel?.
Just who could succeed as the Early Show hosts?
Inventors of gadgets for pancakes and toast
because GMA
and also Today
have shown infomercials in ratings get most.
Direct link for this 04-06-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020406-01.©.2002.
Inspired by the
obvious fact that the ratings successes of Today and Good Morning
America have amply demonstrated that infomercials for celebrities comprise
the most effective lure for most early-morning viewers..
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April 5,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020405-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
riddance to Early Show's Gumbel, whose slogan has been "I ain't
The Early Show host, Bryant Gumbel,
whose slogan has been "I ain't humble,"
received a good-bye
from CBS Eye
since Early Show ratings have crumbled.
But this won't cut Gumbel's career short--
Retaining PeeCee as his consort,
he's sure to reprise
his best expertise--
as "Dad" in arrears on "Divorce Court."
Direct link for this 04-05-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020405-01.©.2002.
Inspired by a
that CBS is divorcing Bryant Gumbel from the Early Show, but never fear,
television programming will surely find a new, appropriate role for Gumbel..
See .http://library.northernlight.com/FD20020404190000026.html?cb=0&dx=1006&sc=0#doc.
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April 4,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020404-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
A peace
won't occur 'til the moment is ripe to be seized by opponents..
As long as a people believe
that violence will yield what they need,
they still will refuse
to entertain views
on how to succeed via peace.
Until they attain what they need
they'll never be open to peace
until they have found
from facts on the ground
that violence won't yield what they need.
'Til both sides have reached this conclusion
they'll keep their minds closed to persuasion,
and friendly directives
cannot be effective
'til both sides reach points of exhaustion.
It's foolish to claim the delay
in actions that Bush took today
prevented opponents
from seizing "the moment"
that didn't exist 'til today
Direct link for this 04-04-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020404-01.©.2002.
Inspired by the
reasonably obvious fact that the substance of the framework for a
devising a solution described in Bush's speech today was virtually identical to
what has been repeatedly proposed by the United States, which rejectionists
ignored out of expectations of achieving more through force, and which
rejectionists will continue to ignore until the fruits of their violence
persuade them they can achieve more through negotiation..
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April 3,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020403-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
M-S-N-B-C ... hires Donahue, Prince of PeeCee..
The Network, M-S-N-B-C's,
deluding itself to believe
a left-winging flacker
will out-rate The Factor
like Dohanue, Prince of PeeCee.
Quite clearly, M-S-N-B-C
continues to fail to perceive
that news-junkies flocked
to menus on Fox
'cause others served only PeeCee
Direct link for this 04-03-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020403-01.©.2002.
Inspired by an
April 3, 2002, report1
that MSNBC has hired Phil Donahue to anchor a program each evening opposite Bill
O'Reilly on Fox News. Hmmm-- more fodder for O'Reilly. If MSNBC really
wanted to seriously compete with O'Reilly, they'd hire yours truly to
host a program featuring, analyzing and critiquing political satire and
commentary across the political spectrum--
i.e., a "spin zone" about "spin zones."
1. See .http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20020403/ap_on_en_tv/tv_donahue_6..
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April 2,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020402-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
For chances
for peace to be best...
Israelis must empty the terrorists' nest..
We know under pressure from Clinton
Barak offered statehood conditions,
but Arafat said
he'd rather drop dead
than try to refine the conditions.
It's hard to imaging what more
Barak could have offered to score
acceptance by Yasser,
but terrorist masters
preferred to continue their war.
But critics attempt to cast blame
on Dubya because he refrained
from forcing Israelis
to yield to the crazies
who seek to have Israel slain.
It's clear now to all but the blind
the nature of Arafat's mind:
He knows how to use
a "statesmanship" ruse
beguiling the minds of the blind.
If Arafat really were not
supporting the terrorist plots,
he wouldn't condemn
Israeli attempts
for finding and foiling such plots.
If Yasser were not fellow-traveler
with killers who advocate massacres,
he'd not have released
the man who unleashed
the bomb at the Passover Massacre.
Israelis are right to profess
the chances for peace would be best
with soldiers deployed
to find and destroy
the killers in Arafat's nest.
Direct link for this 04-02-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020402-01.©.2002.
Inspired by the
common-sense understanding that since Arafat won't (or can't) eliminate the
terrorist networks waging war against Israeli civilians, the best chance, if
any, for peace is for the Israelis to eliminate such terrorists "for"
him ..
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April 1,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020401-01.©.2002-Jim.Wrenn--Editor@PoliSat.Com.
In Newsweek
on April the First, Day of Fools...
a Psalter to Bill who turned friends into fools..
On April the First for the mocking of Fools
the pundit who always was Clinton's best mule
named Jonathan Alter
has published a Psalter
to Clinton whose conduct turned friends into fools.
Direct link for this 04-01-02 Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020430.htm#20020401-01.©.2002.
Inspired by
Jonathan Alter's love-piece1
to Clinton released on April 1, 2002, in the Newsweek issue with the
April 8, 2002, cover-date.
See an article by Jonathan Alter dated April 8, 2002, for the April 8,
2002, Cover Date for Newsweek first released on the internet on April 1, 2002,
on Newsweek's MSNBC website at http://www.msnbc.com/news/731408.asp?cp1=1 .
To find this article on the internet after April 1, 2002, may require one to
search the archives of the on-line version of Newsweek.
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