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Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Updates.©·2002.
Updates start
below in
chronological order. [CHANGE
. ..
Aug. 31,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020831-01.©.2002.
No Update-- Labor
Day Holiday.....
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Aug. 30,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020830-01.©.2002.
To Saudis, "No
thanks" for a race-horse as penance for funding a hate-war..
That Saudis have offered a race-horse
to 9-One-One victims of hate-war
adds insult not balm
to injuries spawned
by hate-corps the Saudis had paid-for.
Inspired by an August
30, 2002, Times On Line report that the Saudi royal family is contemplating donating
a "million dollar racehorse" named "War Emblem" to families
of 9-11 victims. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020830-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 29,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020829-01.©.2002.
pardon-conditions by Bubba...
cannot be revealed by the Dubya..
Judicial Watch questions to Dubya
demand pardon-records of Bubba
but Dubya refused
to let 'em peruse
the records for pardons by Bubba.
When questioned, said Bush: "I rejected
demands for the pardon directives
'cause Bubba, you know,
departed, and so
no longer can proof be erected."
Inspired by an August
28, 2002, Washington Times report about the Bush Administration's
refusal to comply with demands by Judicial Watch for records pertaining to
Clinton's issuance of pardons in the waning days/hours of his administration.
For excellent historical hysterical insight into the
Presidential Pardons aspect of the Clinton Era Error, buy
my book, the Clinton
Book 2001 Edition,
which features a chapter titled "Pardon
My Funding with Funding for Pardons." containing satirical
limericks such
as Clinton's
explanation of why he pardoned Susan McDougal but not Webster Hubbell.
For more information about the book,
go to ClintonLiebraryBook.Com.
or visit the Clinton
You can also order the book by toll-free
telephone call to 1-866-BILL-LIES
(1-866-245-5543) --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Aug. 28,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020828-01.©.2002.
For viewers Phil's
hunting while ratings are plunging.
T'was long ago mathematicians
conceived a quite puzzling condition:
At lower than none,
a number becomes
a mirrored, imagined condition.
Though Donahue's program is hunting
for viewers his ratings are plunging.
To zero they'll go,
then further below,
where Phil will imagine he's watching the country.
Inspired by an August
27, 2002, Drudge Report that Donahue's ratings at MSNBC have fallen off the
scale. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020828-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 27,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020827-01.©.2002.
And now Martha Stewart Divesting's the way
for listners to earn something new ev'ry day..
The lesson today is from Martha to you:
Be sure to divest when the sky isn't blue--
For some-tips old, some-tips new,
some-tips borrowed, some-tips blue,
just tune-in to Martha to learn what to do.
An August
27, 2002, Yahoo/Reuters report on a "Free Martha" campaign being
waged by Martha Stewart "Fashionistas" inspired me to reprise my June
14, 2002, Daily Update about Martha Stewart. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020827-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 26,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020826-01.©.2002.
The village of
Hershey needs knights to bring mercy.
The world-famous village of Hershey
appears to be held at the mercy
of Switzerland's Nestlι,
but white-knight investing
should ride to the rescue of Hershey.
For Nestlι to win would be horrid,
but putting their offer in storage
requires a white-knight
with strength for the fight--
The hoofs that I hear? Philip Morris !
Inspired by an August
25, 2002, USA Today report about the possibility of Hershey being acquired
by Nestlι unless an American company were to rescue the Town of Hershey from
the ignominy of being at the mercy of the Swiss chocolate company. I'd bet
on Philip Morris since, as a smoker (but not a tobacco-stock owner), I know
chocolate goes great with nicotine. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020826-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 25,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020825-01.©.2002.
Will A-O-L's
phrase, "You've got mail" be changed to the phrase "You've got
Remember when analysts hailed
the A-O-L phrase, "You've got mail"?
Will rosy predictions
disguising constrictions
allow Feds to say, "You've got jail"?
Inspired by an August
25, 2002 New York Post report implying that the SEC is investigating
whether financial reports by AOL unlawfully overstated its prospective revenue
.. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020825-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 24,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020824-01.©.2002.
The Bush-Putin Era
for War Against Terror.
The capture of high-grade uranium
at risk in the Yugoslav nation
reveals a new era
when war against terror
for Russia and us is a joint operation.
Inspired by an August
24, 2002, report in The Times of London about a joint operation by US and
Russian special forces to seize, remove and safeguard a large quantity of
poorly-guarded highly enriched uranium in Yugoslavia.
This extraordinary cooperation
between the US and Russia makes me recall the times in the Reagan Era when all
of Europe's leaders (except Margaret Thatcher) and "intellectuals" and
Reagan's domestic critics mocked him as an unsophisticated, unintelligent
(a) for insisting on deploying
short-range nuclear missiles in Europe and developing SDI to
the Soviets to the bargaining table to "reduce" rather than merely
"limit" nuclear arms,
(b) for calling the Soviet Union an
"evil empire" destined for the "dustbin of history,"
(c) for saying (in Berlin) "Mr.
Gorbechev, tear down this wall."
It's a shame he isn't healthy enough today to read this report (about the
US/Russian collaboration to safeguard enriched uranium) to those critics and say
"Nyyyaaaa Nya-Nya Nyyyaaaa Nya !"
It also reminds me that only recently
that same group of critics smugly predicted that abrogation of the ABM Treaty by
Bush would discourage Russia from collaborating with the US on matters involving
nuclear weapons, nuclear proliferation, etc. Given the recent and Reagan-Era
track-records of European leaders and "intellectuals" and of American
critics of Human-Rights Imperialism, Dubya should take solace in their nearly
unanimous opposition to his assertion that replacement of Saddam Hussein is
vital to the security of the US, Europe, the Middle-East and human-rights
generally. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020824-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 23,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020823-01.©.2002.
should let Phil go... to co-host a "Bubba & Phil
C-B-S has received a proposal from Bill:
A show like the talk-show invented by Phil,
but ratings for Phil
raise doubts that it will
draw viewers like years-ago ratings for Phil.
M-S-N-B-C would be glad to send Phil
to help C-B-S with a program for Bill
to alternate posts
as viewer and host
on odd/even days between Bubba and Phil.
Inspired by an August 21, 2002, New York Times article about discussions
between Bill Clinton and CBS for Clinton to host a daily afternoon television
talk-show despite the spectacularly dismal ratings currently being experienced
by another host (Phil Donahue on MSNBC) whose initial successes years ago were
founded on his initial appeal to women.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020823-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 22,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020822-01.©.2002.
A negligent mother
or meddling Big Brother?
Of course we oppose child endangerment
but also Big-Brother Lone-Rangering
for kids at the fair
when sunburn's declared
to constitute crim'nal endangerment.
Who's next on the list of Big Brother?
Nutrition-malpracticing mothers
who dare to provide
some burgers and fries
and milk not from soy but from udders !
See an Aug.
20, 2002, Yahoo/AP report on the arrest of a mother on child-endangerment
charges for letting her small children get severe sunburn during a day at the
county fair in Jefferson County, Ohio. Unless this arrest were to have been a
mere pretext to save children from a mother known by the deputy to have
previously exposed her children to danger in a criminally negligent manner, it
seems to me to have been an instance of Big Brother meddling.
What's next? Arresting moms feeding their kids burgers,
fries and sodas at McDonalds? In the wake of the fanatics' victories in The
War Against Tobacco, the current expansion of their fanatically religious
crusade to include Big Junk Food, Big Mayonnaise, Big Beef, Big Butter, Big
Eggs, Big Fat, etc., should make us all wonder who knows who's next on their
What do I think about sunburn? As I hurtle into
geezerhood, I remember often receiving "second degree sunburn" (i.e.,
the kind causing peeling) during my childhood as a result of playing outside
without a shirt on hot, sunny days, after which my skin got darker and protected
me from sunburn for the rest of the summer. So-what if some
statistician claims it doubled or even tripled an extremely small risk of skin
cancer as I hurtle into geezerhood?
Becoming slaves to risk-assessment management of our lives by
statisticians is the antithesis of freedom. To paraphrase Patrick Henry,
I'd rather die young from the consequences of exercising my freedom than to
survive into slobbering senility (though some say I'm already there) by being
forced to slavishly follow the lifestyles urged upon us by the Healthiopians. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Aug. 21,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020821-01.©.2002.
It's T-minus-what
and still counting 'til Earth gets an asteroid pounding.
As 2002 NY40* flew
[*two-thousand-two N-Y forty]
it served to remind us we ought to ask why
Manhattan-type projects
for weapons and rockets
are not in the works for protecting our skies.
See the August
21, 2002, report by Space.Com, which includes a video showing time-lapse
passage of Asteroid 2002 NY40 (nearly a half-mile wide) as it missed Earth by a
mere 326,000 miles on August 17/18, 2002. It's nearly half-mile wide size
(0.43 miles) made it observable with binoculars. See also PoliSat.Com's
July 24, 2002 Update**
about the prediction for this event; however, within the last few years, there
were several "close calls" with dangerously large asteroids not
discovered until after they passed near Earth. See
also "T-7
and Counting" and "Modern
Day Dinosaurs" . --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020821-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 20,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020820-01.©.2002.
Again Bar'bra's
singing for people but only the ones who knead people.
Now Bar'bra who lives in a steeple
again will raise money for people.
In sharing her zing,
for whom will she sing?
She'll sing for the ones Who Knead People.
Inspired by a news
report that Streisand will resume raising money for politicians favoring
nanny-government and the Priests of the Greenhouse Beliefs. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020820-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 19,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020819-01.©.2002.
Will Donahue sink
In industry circles the word has gone out
M-S-N-B-C has its future in doubt,
The boss says it will
be rescued by Phil
which shows he forgot touchy-feely is out.
Inspired by an Drudge
report that MSNBC expects Donahue's ratings to improve this fall-- fat
chance. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020819-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 18,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020818-01.©.2002.
The words of
Sarandon were clearly bizarre...
... in telling the British how "lucky" they are.
The words of Sarandon were clearly bizarre
in telling the British how "lucky" they are
to "already know"
what Nine-One-One showed:
How terrible "terrorist" incidents are.
By calling such acts "inexplicable"
she makes her own views "inexplicable,"
since terrorists state
their reasons for hate,
it's clear the right word's "indefensible."
Her calling such acts "inexplicable"
implies fighting back ain't applicable,
to make it seem chic
when activists bleat
that plans to fight back are despicable.
Inspired by an August
17, 2002, report quoting Susan Sarandon as having said to the British Media:
"[O]ne of the positive results of the September 11 attacks was that it gave America something in common with other countries who have fallen prey to terrorism.
'Afterwards, I said to my kids: "We've joined the rest of the world
now",' she said. 'You're so lucky in Ireland, England and Spain. Everyone there already knows what it's like to have inexplicable terrorist
violence.' " (Emphasis added.) Does she not remember our embassies having
been bombed in Africa? Does she not remember the first WTC bombing?
Does she not recall Hussein's attempt to assassinate Bush? It's easy to
understand how people who abhor the 9-11 attacks could value the positive
effects of the heroism exhibited by Americans in response to it, but how could
an ostensibly intelligent person view "our fall[ing] prey to
terrorism" having the "positive" effect of giving us
"something in common with other countries" but yet also oppose our
efforts to counter-attack against such terrorist networks and their
supporters? Doesn't characterization of terrorism as
"inexplicable" serve to imply it's insoluble to avoid feeling
responsibility to support remedial actions? --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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Aug. 17,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020817-01.©.2002.
We're tired of the
fad of popping-up ads.
Though newspapers' futures are now on the line
depending on what they're allowing on-line,
but those that should fail
are those that impale
their viewers with ads popping-up ev'ry time.
Inspired by an Aug.
16, 2002, Yahoo/AP report on a newspaper-industry conference in which
news-group executive, W. Dean Singleton, opined that the future of newspapers is
on the internet. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020817-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 16,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020816-01.©.2002.
They need Jumpin'
Jeffords in old Calaveras.
The jumpin' frogs contest in old Calaveras
makes animal activists double their efforts
to stop such abuse.
So what should we do?
Use "pols" 'stead of frogs like Vermont's Jumpin'
Inspired by Yahoo/AP
story about animal-activists protesting the annual Calaveras County Jumping
Frog Jubilee as "cruel and inhumane." --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020816-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 15,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020815-01.©.2002.
Incentive to wear
some Traficant hair.
We first must repeat what we said
the day we saw Traficant led
to jail August sixth
defiant and slick
with nothing to cover his head:
The last thing that Traficant
'Twas "Beam me up, Scotty,"
he pled--
Said Scotty, "Can-do,"
but all
he could do
was beam-up
the rug from his head.*
However, the beam-up was captured
by Traficant's agents with Napster
for copies instead
to beam onto heads
of fans of the minor-league Scrappers.
Inspired by an August 15, 2002, Fox News story about the minor-league baseball
team, the Mahoning Valley Scrappers, having designated a game as "Traficant
Night" to allow free entry by fans wearing bad wigs to emulate their former
congressman, James Traficant, who had played a significant role in persuading
the team to locate withing his district. [*Click
here for that August 6, 2002, Daily Update.] --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020815-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 14,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020814-01.©.2002.
Could judges who
drink on the bench invoke A-D-A*
in defense?
A judge from the bench was removed
for courtroom consumption of booze,
but could he have pleaded
'twas treatment he needed
for list'ning-to-lawyers abuse?
Inspired by an August
14, 2002, Yahoo/AP report about a judge resigning amidst charges he'd been
drinking on the job. *ADA
means the Americans with Disabilities Act.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020814-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 13,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020813-01.©.2002.
Connecting the dots
on dirty-bomb plots.
Were not those complaining Padilla has not
been charged with a dirty-bomb criminal plot
the same ones who whined:
"We didn't take time
before Nine-Eleven 'connecting the dots' "?
Inspired by the Aug.
12 Newsweek article for its Aug. 19 cover-date issue reporting claims that
the government does not have a viable dirty-bomb-plot case against Jose Padilla
and raising constitutional questions about his being detained incommunicado
without being charged on the basis of Bush having designated him an "enemy
Civil libertarians rightly raise legitimate questions about
the enormous potential for abuse of such Presidential powers, but how else
can investigators "connect the dots" in light of what we know
post-9-11 about people found to have associations with Al Qaeda?
Should we provide counsel to such detainees and rely solely
upon their lawyers' ethical duties to advise them to reveal rather than conceal
knowledge about, or plans to aid, or engage in, prospective*
criminal conduct that could pose a serious threat to human life? Could
such lawyer be in a position to competently evaluate such matter without access
to classified information?
Shouldn't the government refuse to furnish such information
to any lawyer lacking clearance to receive it? Could we reasonably expect
the government to provide a lawyer not shown to be trustworthy with respect to
classified information? Would the detained person trust such a
If we're compelled to rely upon government lawyers to act ethically
in approving such lawyer, why could we not rely those same government lawyers to
ethically order release of a detainee when further inquiry fails to justified
continued detention? In either circumstance, we must at some point take a
leap of faith in the good faith of government lawyers.
Does taking such leap of faith cause an uneasy feeling that
doing so may be the start of a slide down the slippery slope to
totalitarianism? Of course it does. Do we have a better choice at
the present? Our criminal-justice system prefers to let guilty people go
free to preserve procedures designed to minimize the risk of imprisoning the
innocent, but does that same calculus rationally apply to those reasonably
believed to be functioning as, or collaborating with, enemy combatants in
warfare by terror likely to employ tactics on the scale of 9-11 or larger?
The Newsweek article also questions Ashcroft's motives
in calling a press-conference while in Moscow to announce Padilla's apprehension
as a suspected dirty-bomb plotter. Could Aschroft's motives have merely
been self-serving or an overreaction? Of course. Could Ashcroft's
motives instead have been to draw worldwide attention to the detention of Padilla
as a means of prompting communications and/or behavior by unknown associates
that might reveal their identity and/or additional information about a
dirty-bomb plot? Of course. I resolve doubts in favor of the latter
rather than the former.
attorney-client privilege not bar an attorney from revealing a client's
prospective intent to aid, or engage in, criminal conduct; instead, a lawyer's
ethical (and moral) duties require the lawyer to disclose such intent regarding
criminal acts that could, or would, pose serious threats to human safety.
Proof that a lawyer advised a client to remain silent rather than furnishing
information needed to prevent such criminal acts could serve as a basis for
revocation of the lawyer's license to practice. The right to counsel does not
include a right to criminal assistance.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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Aug. 12,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020812-01.©.2002.
A new "operation" called "Petticoat" pits DACOWITS'
gals against paleos.
Since submarine service began,
we've deemed it a job for a man,
but lately say some:
"One needn't be hung,
to serve as a submarine hand."
For DACOWITS* some impresarios
[*Defense Advisory Committee On Women In The
said men-only rules are so "paleo,"
and strongly implored
Defense to restore
that old "Operation" called "Petticoat."**
[**The classic Cary Grant movie
"Operation Petticoat" in
In claiming it's just a canard
that gals on a sub should be barred,
they're missing the rub
that gals on a sub
make service on submarines hard.
The problems in submarine space
arise between denim and lace
when corridors tight
force guys with delight
to squeeze-past the gals face-to-face.
For subs to comport with P-C
they'd neutralize standing relief,
but changes installed
would surely be called
Relief Operation P-Seat.
More potties for feminine parity
would remedy standing disparities,
but two other features
of feminine creatures
can stimulate signs of polarity.
Since polarization conditions
could hamper fulfillment of missions,
they'd have-to devise
for masculine eyes
some blinders to limit their vision.
They'd need special couns'ling, of course,
on board the new submarine force.
To settle disputes,
they'd have-to recruit
some lawyers who handle divorce.
And guys who remain unconvinced
that gals on a sub is good sense
would have-to take classes
on working with lasses
to learn how a gal takes offense.
New language they'd have-to devise
for orders to not go awry
and lead to confusion
and awkward contusions
when sailors hear orders to dive.
They'll need to instill a new credo
revamping traditional lingo,
so women won't fake
the claim, "My head aches,"
when needed to handle torpedoes.
Recruiters would have to promote
campaigns to make gals think it haute
to break the taboos
by joining the crews
who serve in the submarine boats.
With P-C desires to be hip
recruiters proposed a new script:
"In breaking taboos,
the Navy needs you
to serve going down on a ship."
Anonymous-source expositions
declared such proposal a symptom
of hold-over views
for breaking taboos
for service by gals under Clinton.
So Rumsfeld decreed the
of women on submarine missions
on fully detecting
the plans for erecting
the DACOWITS Doctrine of Clinton..
Inspired by the "Who Needs Satire" segment of McCaslin's
8/12/02 Inside the Beltway column in the Washington Times
featuring satirical observations by Ann Sheridan about politically-correct
fallout from the DACOWITS Doctrine of the Clinton
Era Error..
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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Aug. 11,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020811-01.©.2002.
The sycophant-flacker
for Bubba confuses the Dubya with Bubba.
McAuliffe, the sycophant-flacker for Bubba
alleged that "our trust" has been
"squandered" by Dubya,
but even his brain
could not be that lame--
he must've been thinking of Bubba not Dubya.
Inspired by reports that in a Aug.
10, 2002, speech to the DNC, Terry McAuliffe said: "George Bush
squandered our trust." What a bizarre accusation from a flacker for
Bubba. To paraphrase Dion's famous hit in the '60's, Clinton was not only
the " Wanderer" but also the
"Squanderer" if one were to focus on who, as President,
"squandered our trust." --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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Aug. 10,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020810-01.©.2002.
Now Harrelson spews
the chimera that "warfare on terror is terror."
When actors like Harrelson spew the chimera*
"[America's] war against terror is terror,"**
it show's when they're hired
that brains weren't required
but also makes clear to support 'em is error.
Inspired by the latest instance of moral obtuseness and obsequious groveling to
the anti-American segment of the British media by celebrities owing their
success to the freedoms guaranteed by the country they revile as a way to
ingratiate themselves to the fashionably-anti-American foreign
media. *This
paraphrases Woody Harrelson's statement to the London Mirror on August 9, 2002,
that "[America's] war against terrorism is terrorism. The whole thing
is just bullsh_t." I long ago ceased patronizing any of
his "work" after realizing he's a morally blind idiot suffering the
delusion that his financial success reflects public admiration for what passes
for a thought-process in his cranial cavity. **
The third-usage meaning of "chimera" is a "mental
illusion or fabrication." --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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Aug. 9,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020809-01.©.2002.
From Hill'ry an
offer to Dubya in Crawford.
'T'was yesterday Hill'ry at Bush started yelpin'
that she'd come to Crawford and there she would tell
that if he would heed
her new-spending pleas
she'd "put-on a pair of [those] work-gloves and help
"No thanks, " replied Bush, "I politely
must snub-ya."
"Just what do you mean?" replied Hill'ry to Dubya.
Said Bush, "I assume
your brain's out of tune--
You've clearly confused me with ex-POTUS Bubba."
Inspired by an Aug.
9, 2002, NY Post report that Hillary professed an ability to work in
"oppressive heat" and a willingness to "burn down trees, cut
brush or remove stumps" to persuade Bush to invite her to his ranch in
Crawford, Texas to afford her an opportunity to persuade him to support her proposals for more
spending "to monitor the health of Ground Zero workers." She
said, "I'll put on a pair of work gloves and help him." She also
said she would "bring ... construction workers and firefighters and
emergency responders," whom I presume she'd select from among the few who
didn't boo her in New York at the event in which she tried to glom onto them for
transparently self-serving political purposes. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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Aug. 8,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020808-01.©.2002.
DeeCee's not
desirous to stop the right virus.
The folks in DeeCee are desirous
to learn how to stop West-Nile Virus.
We know eating crow's
the wrong way to go,
so how should they battle this Virus?
The main cause the experts have stressed?
Mosquitoes on blood-sucking quests--
ignoring the leader:
Potomac-Like Fever
transmitted by humanoid blood-sucking pests.
Inspired by recognition that in preparing to battle the West Nile Virus, DeeCee
may be distracted from waging war against a more virulent danger to the public's
well being-- i.e., politicians infected with the thus-far incurable Potomac
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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Aug. 7,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020807-01.©.2002.
Demanding the
"perp-walk" for fraudulent word-talk.
Since "perp-walks" are right for the hot-shots
whose fraudulent claims made the stocks drop,
demand such condition
for each politician
who claimed S-S-I
was a "trust
fund" or "lockbox."
Like most people, I derive satisfaction in seeing private-sector criminals do
the "perp walk" (i.e., been shown in the news as while being arrested
and carried away in handcuffs), but I would derive even more satisfaction from
seeing the same treatment for each politician who has fraudulently claimed that
Social Security is a "trust fund" or "lockbox" rather than a
pay-as-we-go system based on pyramid-scheme principles. For a more
detailed explanation of what I mean, click the following link to my Update on
the subject on March 27, 2001: http://polisat.com/du2001/du010331.htm#20010327-01. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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Aug. 6,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020806-01.©.2002.
The last thing that
Traficant said? 'T'was "Beam me up Scotty," he pled.
The last thing that Traficant said?
'T'was "Beam me up, Scotty," he pled--
Said Scotty, "Can-do,"
but all he could do
was beam-up the rug from his head.
Inspired by watching a brief Fox News story showing Traficant being taken to
prison today. I could no longer see a rug on his head. I wonder
where it went? --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020806-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 5,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020805-01.©.2002.
Were Bill's plans
in error for blotting-out terror?.
Though Bubba claims plans that he left
for blotting-out terror were deft,
when opened and read
they're tactics instead
for blotting-out error-word "F".
Inspired by an Aug.
4, 2002 news report about the Bush administration disputing Clinton's claims
that he had left them a ready-to-implement plan to blot-out terror. *The phonic similarity and substantive disparity between the phrase "for blotting-out
terror were deft" and "for blotting-out error-word 'F' " illustrate the linguistic skill known as
Clinphonics explained in great detail in the Hookered on Clinphonics chapter of the
Clinton Liebrary Book
2001 Edition
here) --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020805-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 4,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020804-01.©.2002.
An Indian expert
presumes our bombing prevented monsoons..
"Afghanistan bombing," an "expert"
"changed India's weather by stopping
like those who presumed
the massive, dark plumes
from wells in Kuwait would stop more than monsoons.
Remember, the world didn't suffer the grief
predicted by Priests of the Greenhouse Beliefs
when hundreds of wells
kept burning like Hell
'til long past the time when Saddam met defeat.
Inspired by an August
2, 2002, news report that a "scientist" for the Indian government
claims American bombs in Afghanistan released "large volumes of greenhouse
gases" and thereby prevented the "monsoon" season in "parts
of India." This reminds me of the dire predictions of world-wide
weather and farming catastrophes predicted by the Priests of the Greenhouse
Beliefs while the burning inferno of hundreds of Kuwaiti oil wells were belching
almost incalculable amounts of "greenhouse" gases and carbon
particulates into the atmosphere-- and, as we all now know, such dire
predictions did not come true. Could it be that the Indian scientist is
trying to lay a foundation for India to seek "compensation" from
America for alleged damage to its "monsoon" season?
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020804-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 3,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020803-01.©.2002.
Were news reports
right that Bubba would fight?.
If war on Israelis Saddam were to try
't'was thought Bubba said he'd "partake,
fight and die"
in saving Israelis,
but list'ners were hasty--
Instead what he said was he'd take-flight and
Inspired by an August
2, 2002, news report that at a fundraiser for a Jewish charity, Clinton told
the audience "If Iraq came across the Jordan River, I would grab a rifle and get in the trench and fight and
die..." To become an expert in translating Clintonese,
study the "Hookered on Clinphonics" method in the Clinton
Book 2001 Edition. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020803-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 2,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020802-01.©.2002.
The Senators
shrieking at charges of leaking..
We've read the reports about Senators shrieking
that polygraph agents would test 'em for leaking,
but generally speaking
we all know that leaking
occurs ev'ry time that a Senator's speaking.
Inspired by an Aug.
2, 2002, news report that Senators have objected to requests by FBI agents
that the Senators submit to polygraph examination in the FBI's examination of
post-9-11 leaks of information from classified briefings of Senators. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020802-01.©.2002...
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Aug. 1,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020801-01.©.2002.
A warning:
Cats croak from second-hand smoke..
Reports "Cats die young around smokers"
inspire me as dog-ownin' smoker
to offer free smokes
to all of the folks
with cats as their pets who ain't yet become smokers.
Inspired my suggestions to me by dog after he read an August
1, 2002, news report claiming "second hand smoke" increases the
risks of some kinds of lymphoma among cats owned by smokers. Don't blame
me-- blame my nicotine-induced susceptibility to thought-control by my dog, who
started bringing me cigarettes when one of my kids brought a cat home. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020831.htm#20020801-01.©.2002...
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