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Archives-- Installments for June, 2005, through June 10, 2005, starting below in reverse chronological order.
June 7, 2005--
Post publishes interview with Hillary Clinton: "I stay awake at night" worrying
about the harm in Washington caused by "people who have never been acquainted with the
Hillary Clinton told the Washington Post: "I stay awake at night thinking about all the mistakes and the wrong direction and all the bad decisions being made in Washington," Clinton said at the fund-raiser. "It's very hard to stop people who have no shame about what they're doing. It's very hard to stop people who have never been acquainted with the truth." Apparently, due to a publishing error involving archived issues, the article published in today's (June 7, 2005) issue attributing such quotation to Hillary Clinton was originally published on August 18, 1998, the day after Bill Clinton addressed the nation (on August 17, 1998) to admit that he had been lying in deying that he had "sex" with Monica Lewinsky. Through the Political-Web-Way-Back-Machine, PoliSat.Com has obtained exclusive video of the original, on-line publication of the August 18, 1998, article.
Presidential historian Doris Kearns Good-Wind marveled at the technical prowess of PoliSat.Com's
Political-Web-Way-Back-Machine and wondered if it might be able to retrieve pre-plagiarized versions
of some of her work. John Kerry left a voice-mail indicating a willingness to say kind things
about PoliSat.Com in exchange for use of PSC's Machine to retrieve his tour of duty in Cambodia during
Christmas, 1968, on orders of the warmongering then-President-Elect Richard Nixon. PoliSat.Com
declined both requests as being violative of the Second Directive: Don't mess with the
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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Links Box for: June 7, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: Hillary Stays Awake at Night. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0506-01--10.htm#20050607-01. Temporary 30-day news-link: http://polisat.com/DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/du20y05m06d07-01.htm. Permanent link to the silent animation for this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Images/HillaryStaysAwakeAtNight.gif. Permanent link to the video/sound version for this installment: http://polisat.com/Video/HillaryStaysAwakeAtNight-WMV-Dialup150.wmv. For links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks, Palindromes, Archives, Site-Index/Search, go to http://PoliSat.Com. To send this Links Box to a friend, copy it and paste it into your email form and send it to your friend. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
June 6, 2005--
June 6 then and now-- June 6, 1944, and June 6, 2005; D-Day and T-Day; Loose Lips Sink Ships; ACLU-- American Careless Lips Union.
Common-sense self-restraint exercised by the media, other organizations and the American people in
general during our World War II struggle against totalitarian fascism didn't prevent us from
becoming a freer, better country following the defeat of such enemies of freedom and human
rights. Today, too many in the dominant media and too many organizations professing to serve
the public interests exhibit a serious lack of such common sense. (Some,
but too
few, in the media
are willing to condemn such abuse
of common sense.) Why else in the midst of a world-wide, no-front-line war against
the totalitarian, fascist and fanatical perversion of Islam would so many in the dominant media and
in organizations (such as the ACLU) professing to serve the public interests think it sensible to
find as many ways as possible to disseminate as widely as possible as many flaws, errors and
mistakes as possible with respect to American conduct of warfare against such global
Would the ACLU, for example, be willing to adopt a policy requiring all its members traveling abroad in Islamic countries to wear signs on their backs identifying themselves as members of an organization in which at least a significant percentage of its members (if not many or most) consider all religious believers to be "morons"? Of course not-- their common sense would motivate them to attempt to minimize rather than maximize the dangers to themselves that such form of self-identification would create.
Why, then, are they so patently callous with respect to the fact that their efforts to overemphasize mistakes (such as instances of mistreatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib) is the equivalent of putting targets on the backs of our troops in this war without a front line? It's because their ivory tower existence made less insecure by the risks being undertaken by our troops (whose faith they smugly disdain) affords them the luxury of engaging in intellectual preening in an effort to distinguish themselves from the rest of us. What do they deserve for their conduct so utterly contemptuous of the lives of our troops and sacrifices being made in our behalf? At they very least, they deserve our utter, unqualified contempt.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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Links Box for: June 6, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: June 6 Then and Now. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0506-01--10.htm#20050606-01. Temporary 30-day news-link: http://polisat.com/DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/du20y05m06d06-01.htm. Permanent link to the illustration for this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Images/June6ThenAndNow.gif. For links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks, Palindromes, Archives, Site-Index/Search, go to http://PoliSat.Com. To send this Links Box to a friend, copy it and paste it into your email form and send it to your friend. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. |
June 5, 2005--
Analysis of reports about Deep Throat Mark Felt exposes deep contradictions about perceptions of
whistleblowers raising question of whether media have tripped on their biases.
The current, dominant-media accolades for Mark Felt's recent self-exposure as Deep Throat prompt deep analyses of years-ago media perceptions of the role of a whistleblower. To state the dominant media's professed view of whistleblowers abstractly, it is to honor, rather than vilify, a government employee who exposes to the press efforts by agents of the employee's superiors to pressure the employee into cooperating with, rather than exposing, efforts by the superior to falsely deny allegations of wrongful conduct-- unless, of course, the "whistleblower" were to be Linda Tripp rather than Mark Felt.
What's an important difference between Deep Throat Mark Felt and Linda Tripp? The latter,
unlike the former, had the courage to identify herself and expose herself to merciless attack by
media sympathizers with Bill Clinton. In contrast, Mark Felt stayed safely in the shadows for
more than three decades before "coming out" to the laudatory accolades of the very same
media that heaped calumny on Linda Tripp. Another important difference? Deep Throat
never claimed that Nixon or his agents directly asked him to obstruct justice or commit perjury, but
Linda Tripp steadfastly maintained that the reason she decided to become a whistleblower (and to do
so openly rather than as a covert source) was that agents of Bill Clinton had urged her to lie on
his behalf rather to tell the truth. Another important difference? Mark Felt was a
top-level FBI official hardened by decades of service under J. Edgar Hoover, but Linda Tripp was a
lowly, single-mother employee of the federal government. Who had the most to "fear"
from whistleblowing in public? Who had more courage? The answer is obvious to all but
the oh-so-predictable dominant voices in the dominant media. (Dare I say
"once-dominant" media?)
Paradoxically, the liberal elite in the media, who worship at the shrine of the judiciary, considered Bill Clinton's attempt to corrupt the judicial process (in the kind of litigation which he and his supporters had ardently supported through legislation empowering judges in civil actions by subordinates alleging sexual harassment by superiors to require superiors to truthfully answer questions about prior instances of alleged sexual harassment by them against other subordinates regardless of how "embarrassing" or "humiliating" such disclosures might be to the superiors' families) to be far less "serious" than Nixon's agents' commission of criminal acts (burglary) to search for evidence of criminal activity (use of call-girls for political blackmail) by Nixon's opponents. One would think a criminal offense against the system of justice would be at least as serious as a criminal offense against a criminal offense.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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Links Box for: June 5, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: Deep Analysis (about whistleblowers). Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0506-01--10.htm#20050605-01. Temporary 30-day news-link: http://polisat.com/DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/du20y05m06d05-01.htm. Permanent link to the silent animation for this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Images/DeepAnalysis.gif. For links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks, Palindromes, Archives, Site-Index/Search, go to http://PoliSat.Com. To send this Links Box to a friend, copy it and paste it into your email form and send it to your friend. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. |
June 2, 2005--
Throat Mark Felt links Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton in history-- Exclusive report from
Amidst all the hubbub and political controversy about the revelation that Mark Felt, the man who was "No. 2" at the FBI during the Watergate scandal, was Bob Woodward's and Carl Bernstein's "Deep Throat" source, PoliSat.Com has obtained exclusive video footage linking Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton with respect to key aspects of scandals that plagued both of them. Click the image to the right to view this exclusive sound-video. More on that below.
When Mark Felt, now age 91, was asked why he waited more than thirty years before identifying
himself as "Deep Throat," he said, "I can't remember why I waited so long."
Meanwhile, the controversy intensified between those viewing him as a hero and those viewing him as
a heel.
When Woodward and Bernstein were asked why they picked the name "Deep Throat" for Mark Felt as their confidential source, each gave a different answer. Woodward claimed it was the deep, mellow tones of Felt's voice that inspired him to pick the name. Bernstein said the name was inspired by their recognition of how far down their source would go to undermine Nixon. Of course everyone else in the world claims the name was inspired by a movie lauded at Cannes as the head of its class (or, as they say in France, "genre"). Being the only person on the planet who missed seeing that movie (the babe I was dating at the time told me it was an extremely boring movie about the efforts of a bass singer trying to make it in the world of opera), I can't judge the whether such world-wide theory may be correct. However, as this sound-video obtained exclusively by PoliSat.Com reveals, Woodward and Bernstein were right in predicting the effects that Deep Throat would have on a President tempted to seek unlawful means to enlarge the Executive Branch .
We were unable to reach Richard Nixon for a comment, but we did the next best thing. We gained
exclusive access to this just-declassified video soon to be on display in both the Nixon
Library and the Clinton
Liebrary. Click
the above-right image to view the full-size sound/video version. If you don't have software
such as WinAmp or Windows Media Player to view the sound-video version, click the image at the left
to view the silent version. If you're too impatient to view the full-size sound-video
version, click the smaller, landscape-oriented image to the right to view a smaller, faster-loading
sound-video version.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com
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Links Box for: June 2, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: DTMF--DTBF. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0506-01--10.htm#20050602-01. Temporary 30-day news-link: http://polisat.com/DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/du20y05m06d02-01.htm. Permanent link to the silent animation for this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Images/DTMF--DTBF.gif. Permanent
link to Windows Media Player sound/video version:
http://PoliSat.Com/Video/DTMF--DTBF-WMV.wmv. For links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks, Palindromes, Archives, Site-Index/Search, go to http://PoliSat.Com. To send this Links Box to a friend, copy it and paste it into your email form and send it to your friend. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. |
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