For the new, "https" version of this site, go to: Although this site (http://PoliSat.Com) is no longer being updated, it will continue working until we've completed converting years of material (and trans- ferring it) to https://PoliticalXray.Com., most of which is now re-sized to be smart-phone friendly. About, Archives, Contact, etc.-- Click here or scroll to bottom. For our most-recent content, go to: |
For the new, "https" version of this site, go to: (See information in the header above) What you see below provides access to all PoliSat.Com contents from 1999 until 11-02-2020. (Ultimately, all of it will be re-configured and incorporated into https://PoliticalXray.Com, but be patient-- it's a massive project.)
To Fellow Disdainers of Trump The Man: Vote FOR Trump the President and For a Republican Senate AND House -- The Stakes are Way Too High to Do Otherwise. November 2, 2020: By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com Count me as a person who dislikes Trump the man. Now, think like a grownup-- If you do, then you'll vote for him as will I. First, make a list of all the things about Trump the Man that you disdain, dislike, detest or even hate: (1) Obnoxiousness, (2) Narcissism (3) continue with your own list Feel better by completing your list? Probably. Now, think about the country and the importance of Liberty. Second consider just a few of Trump's accomplishments: (1) Honey-badger resistance to the Left (rather than capitulation) (2) Energy independence (3) Dramatic reduction of bureaucratic tyranny. (4) Rebuilt military (5) Blocked infringements on Second Amendment (6) Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord (7) Categorically rejects Green New Deal (8) Appointed three outstanding judicial intellects to U.S. Supreme Court (9) Reduction of taxes on job-creators to incentivize job-creators to return to, and and keep creating jobs in, the U.S.A. (10) Lowest unemployment rate in many decades (11) Highest employment rate in many decades. (12) Stiff, firm resistance to Russian aggression (in contrast to Obama telling Dimitri Medvedev to "tell President Putin I'll have more flexibility after the election"). (13) Stiff, firm resistance to Chinese trade-aggression and military expansionism (14) Gave sufficient Rules of Engagement to enable U.S. Military to expeditiously eliminate the ISIS Caliphate (15) Killed the ISIS terrorist leader Al Bagdhadi (16) Killed Iran's terrorist leader Qasem Soleimani (17) Retaliated for Syria's use of chemical weapons (18) Three Middle-East Peace Agreements between Israel and Arab countries (19) Supports law enforcement while also appealing to vast majority of African-Americans who also support law enforcement (while also, like Senator Tim Scott and also like the vast majority of law-enforcement officers, also supporting application of Rule of Law enforcement standards to law officers who abuse their authority and thereby discredit their law-respecting peers). (20) Handled the Wuhan-China Virus (a.k.a., CoronaVirus a.k.a. Covid-19) in a manner vastly superior and more creative than what the hapless Joe Biden would have or could have conceived. Trump's common-sense approach included travel bans sooner than Biden would have implemented them, streamlining obsolete bureaucracy and enabling fastest-ever pace for development of a vaccination already created but merely awaiting final bureaucratic approval as safe and effective for release to the general population with emphasis on first vaccinating the most-vulnerable and first-responders and then the general public and stressing the common-sense need to "reopen" the economy rather than keeping restrictions long enough to virtually collapse the economy while awaiting a perfect solution. Biden claim's he'd listen to the "science," but the hapless Biden wouldn't know science if it bit him on the posterior. (21) Your list may well be even longer than mine, but mine is more than long-enough. Now, go vote for Trump the President AND vote for a Republican Senate AND House. The stakes are way too high to do otherwise. Then you'll feel much better (for the country). Why? You know what the Left (with Schumer and Pelosi in charge and with Kamala Harris as a Caretaker President-in-Waiting for the For Left) will do to (not for) the country. --Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliticalXray.Com
http://PoliSat.Com/2020-11-02-Note-to-Fellow-Disdainers-of-Trump-re-2020-11-03-Election.htm OR
July 4, 2020 Reprise of a Tribute to Our Troops:
On D-Day our thoughts are on Normandy's shores where thousands gave all bringing freedom ashore.· By Jim
Wrenn, June 6, 2020 Reprise Remembering D-Day, the Sixth of June, 1944:
Memorial Day Memorial Day -- May 25, 2020-- (and Memorial Weekend May 22-25, 2020).
. May 10, 2020:
By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com http://PoliSat.Com/Far-UV-Beats-6-Feet.htm African Queen Sequel-- Trump Navigates Scarf Queen Back to Civilization . April 28, 2020: Suspense, Drama, Adventure: CCP Wuhan Virus a.k.a. CoVid-19 a.k.a. CoronaVirus--A suspense-filled sequel to the African Queen starring Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart: The Scarf Queen starring Dr. Deborah Birx and Donald Trump. Steering the boat, Trump says, "We've gotta get back to civilization," to which Deborah Birx says, "Safely," but Anthony Fauci, who is trying to climb into the boat, says, "Let me in," but Trump replies "Say 'May I?'" By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com
African-Queen-Sequel--Trump-Navigates-Scarf-Queen-Back-to-Civilization.htm OR DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/Archives2020/du20y20m04d28-01.htm
Michael Bloomberg: A Premature Eulogy For Rush Limbaugh re Equal Time and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. February 8, 2020 (re State of the Union Address on 02-04-2020): While driving my Suburban way back in the late 1980s when liberal01 politicians (and the uniformly lockstep-liberal media -- ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, PBS, NYT, WaPO, LaT, etc.) were relentlessly still trashing Ronald Reagan as a bigoted, cowboy war-monger who had dared to insist on deploying intermediate nuclear missiles in Europe to counter Soviet missiles, dared to call the Soviet Union an "evil empire," and dared to walk-away from a nuclear-arms treaty proposed by Mikhail Gorbachev at Reykjavik that would have prohibited Reagan's proposal for a high-tech missile-defense system (which refusal by Reagan plus Soviet fear of U.S. technological prowess ultimately induced Mikhail Gorbachev to agree to Reagan's proposal for an intermediate-range nuclear-arms reduction treaty, which ultimately led to the first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty a.k.a., "START"), I stumbled upon Rush Limbaugh's "talk-radio" program in which he used clever and often hilarious satire and parody to mock liberals and proudly tout Reagan's political philosophy. It was a breath of fresh air-- but not for liberals. As Limbaugh's popularity and influence rapidly grew, (for the rest of this installment, click the image above or the link below) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com A-Premature-Eulogy-For-Rush-Limbaugh-re-Equal-Time-and-Presidential-Medal-of-Freedom.htm OR
GroundHog Day Impeachment-Acquittal-- Recycle-- 02-05-2020-Et. Seq. February 5, 2020:
Despite Adam Schiff's demands for the Senate Republican GroundHogs to say, "Removed" in response to Impeachment of President Trump, they instead said, "Acquitted," after which Schiff said ... (for the rest of this installment, click the picture above or the link below) Permanent
02-02-2020 Palindromic Super Bowl Sunday Groundhog Day Impeachment. February 2, 2020 (02-02-2020): 02-02-2020 is a palindrome. Therefore, today, 02-02-2020, is Palindromic Super Bowl Sunday Ground Hog Day Impeachment -- starring Adam Schiff:
For 02-02-2020 Palimdromic Super Bow Sunday Groundhog Day Impeachment Day, Adam Schiff palindromically says:
By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com Permanent Links: 02-02-2020 Palindromic Super Bowl Sunday Groundhog Day Impeachment January 30, 2020: Adam Schiff's Gordian Knot of Impeachment. The Gordian Knot of Logic: Defending Biden Defends Trump and Condemning Trump Condemns Biden. By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com For the rest of this installment (and a larger image), click the image above or the link below: http://PoliSat.Com/Adam-Schiff's-Gordian-Knot-of-Impeachment.htm.
January 22, 2020: Adam Schiff explains how President Trump proves his guilt by invoking executive privilege to be adjudicated by the Judiciary in contrast to how Hillary Clinton proved her innocence by destroying evidence of her guilt.
By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com PoliSat.Com/Adam-Schiff-Impeachment-Manager.htm November 28, 2019: American Thanksgiving Tribute To Troops. (Click title above or image below for full story and to view the video.) Full text of this "American Thanksgiving" narrative is at http://PoliSat.Com/Thanksgiving.htm. --Jim Wrenn, Editor at WrennCom.Com; also Editor at PoliSat.Com. Permanent link: http://PoliSat.Com/Thanksgiving.htm. See also http://TION4DION.Com. Regarding Faith, see also http://GUTSPAR.Net. ("GUTSPAR" stands for "Grand Unified Theory of Science, Philosophy And Religion")
Day-- Nov. 11, 2019 By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . To paraphrase what Bob Hope would say to the Vets: "Thanks for the Liberties." To view video, click headline above or image below. China Awards Special Cube to Venezuela for Best Socialism . November 9, 2019 (APE): By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com China
Awards Special Cube to Venezuela for "Best at Showing How
Socialism Succeeds." Permanent Link: http://PoliSat.Com/China-Awards-Special-Cube-to-Venezuela-for-Best-Socialism.htm. Sept. 11, 2019 Here's what we really need to never forget:
Aug. 28, 2019: Bernie Sanders Trains Hard to Knock-Out Capitalism For larger version, go to: http://PoliSat.Com/Bernie-Sanders-Trains-Hard-to-Knock-Out-Capitalism.htm.
July 20, 2019-- By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com http://PoliSat.Com/Apollo11.htm. See also: http://PoliSat.Com/Once-Upon-a-Time-in-the-USA--Apollo-11.htm
July 4, 2019 Reprise of a Tribute to Our Troops as we approach and celebrate July 4, 2019:
On D-Day our thoughts are on Normandy's shores where thousands gave all bringing freedom ashore.· By Jim
Wrenn, June 6, 2019 Reprise Remembering D-Day, the Sixth of June, 1944:
Memorial Day Memorial Day -- May 27, 2019-- (and Memorial Weekend May 24-27, 2019).
April 1, 2019 (APE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com
Celebrating Socialism's Historic Destiny -- A Historic Vintage-News Documentary Produced in Honor Not of AOC's Birthday But Rather in Honor of TPC's Birthday: . Celebrating Socialism's Historic Destiny from PoliticalXray a.k.a. PoliSat.Com on Vimeo. Celebrating Socialism's Historic Destiny. .. President George H. W. Bush 6-12-1924--11-30-2018. December 1, 2018: By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com America thanks President George H. W. Bush for his Courage, Character and Class. A courageous warrior, a great patriot, a great President, a great man, a great husband, a great parent, a great citizen, period. http://PoliSat.Com/President-George-H-W-Bush--6-12-1924--11-30-2018.htm August, 2018 Despite disagreeing with many aspects of John McCain's political goals and tactics (global warming, health-care, repudiating Operation Iraqi Freedom, his spiteful snub of Sarah Palin, among others), I have nothing but admiration, respect and appreciation for his love of country and sacrifices for it. The latter is what I thought back in 2008 and still think now: Rest in Peace "Maverick" -- Jim Wrenn, Editor: WhenThe Stuff Hits The Fan. (go here.)
July 4, 2018 Reprise of a Tribute to Our Troops as we approach and celebrate July 4, 2018:
On D-Day our thoughts are on Normandy's shores where thousands gave all bringing freedom ashore.· By Jim
Wrenn, June 6, 2018 Reprise Remembering D-Day, the Sixth of June, 1944:
Memorial Day Memorial Day -- May 28, 2018-- (and Memorial Weekend May 25-27, 2018).
Former FBI Director James Comey's Book-Tour Interviews Reveal His Goal in "Alerting" Trump to the Content of the Steel Dossier. April 20, 2018: By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com According to Former FBI Director James Comey's book and book-promotion interviews, he says that when he told Trump about the salacious material in the Steele dossier, he didn't tell him that Hillary's campaign had funded the creation of that dossier because it wasn't necessary for his "goal." He elaborated that his goal was to tell the President, "Mr.President, my goal is to alert you that we have salacious and unverified material about you." The goal? "To Make the Power of the Director Great Again." Click image above for slide-show. Link:
December 15, 2017: By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com
Re Mueller staff's now-documented [01] pre-election/post-election conduct motivated to prevent/undo Trump election--Question to Michael Flynn & George Papadopoulos: Aren't guilty pleas induced by prosecutorial misconduct violating the Hatch Act rescindable? More here. www.PoliSat.Com/Poisonous-Tree-House.htm Tweeted here. #Mueller-Staff_Prosecutorial-Misconduct--Hatch-Act- Criminality_in_Poisonous-Tree-House . http://PoliSat.Com/Poisonous-Tree-House.htm. [01] If main link above fails, used this link in the WayBack Machine Archives.
http://PoliSat.Com/Poisonous-Tree-House.htm OR
Comey-Strzok-McCabe Justice-Obstructing Troika. December 4, 2017: By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com Tweet:
I'm not fan of Trump BUT If Trump 2017 hope 4 Comey 2 give BenefOfDoubt 2 Flynn was AttmptObstJust then Anti-Trump-Pro-HC Troika aka Normal Text explaining abbreviations for purpose of tweeting: I'm not* a "follower" of Trump BUT if Trump's January 2017 expression of "hope" to Comey that FBI would deem it suitable to choose not to institute criminal charges against Flynn -- i.e., to give Flynn the "benefit of the doubt" -- then when the Comey-Strzok-McCabe Troika conspired to "recommend" in the name of the FBI (in furtherance of the hopes of Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama) that Hillary Clinton be given the benefit of the doubt re her "extremely reckless" handling of classified information was a MUCH BIGGER attempt to obstruct justice which then matured into an ACTUAL obstruction of justice. *I voted against Big Sister a.k.a. Hillary Clinton by voting for Trump. Video proof positive that Bill Clinton only spoke to Attorney General Loretta Lynch about his grandchildren:
http://PoliSat.Com/Comey-Strzok-McCabe_Troika.htm OR
June 30, 2017--July 4, 2017 Reprise of a Tribute to Our Troops as we approach and celebrate July 4, 2017:
On D-Day our thoughts are on Normandy's shores where thousands gave all bringing freedom ashore.· By Jim
Wrenn, June 6, 2017 Reprise Remembering D-Day, the Sixth of June, 1944:
Memorial Day Memorial Day -- May 29, 2017-- (and Memorial Weekend May 26-28, 2017).
March 24, 2017 (OPE on March 23, 2017) The Neanderthals are at it again: A teenage boy (Joel Doe) in the Boynton Area School District in Philadelphia Pennsylvania has filed a suit for protection against Lorena Bobbitt progressively patrolling the boys locker room to protect girls choosing to use the boys locker room for dressing, undressing and showering. The Neanderthal boy (named in the suit as "Joel Doe") had asked the principal what he should do about a girl undressing in the boys locker room. The principal told him to be as "natural" about it as possible. Joel Doe responded, "Wow! I can't wait until the next time! I had thought you would insist that boys must react unnaturally as if they are not really boys, and since I had been unable to react unnaturally, I had quickly dressed, left the locker room and came straight to your office because I knew you'd understand my problem. Next time I'll be able to stay and shower and not have to return to my next class all sweaty and smelly but also have a big smile on my face." But the principle replied, "Now that you've threatened to refuse to exercise your 'natural' ability to suppress your involuntary reflex, you're forcing me to hire Lorena Bobbitt to patrol the boys locker to protect girls choosing to dress, undress and shower in the boys locker from Neanderthals like you who still exhibit Neanderthal reflexes incompatible with modern views of gender." Consequently, Joel Doe filed suit for a protective order against Bobbitt. Permanent Link: PA-High-School-Hires-Lorena-Bobbitt-to-Protect-Girls-Using-Boys-Locker-Room.htm And to make matters worse, girls who want to protect Mother Earth while exercising now must go yoga-pantsless: March 16, 2017 (APE) Attention Womyn: Your Yoga Pants Cause Sea Pollution: (click image for larger size) Don't be a Yoga-Pants-Pollution-Denier. 97 % of Yoga Scientists Agree. Permanent link: http://PoliSat.Com/Yoga-Pants-Cause-Sea-Pollution.htm.
Barack Obama Sings "My Legacy's Busted." November 21, 2016: By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com In the wake of the November 8, 2016 election, Barack Obama sings "My Legacy's Busted." (Larger version of the video above is at http://PoliSat.Com/Busted.htm.) Editor's Note re above video (Obama Sings "My Legacy's Busted"): If YouTube version above were to cease to be available, the video itself is nevertheless permanently available in the WayBack Machine so you can always view it by clicking the link immediately below: Link to Obama Sings "My Legacy's Busted" video in WayBack Machine.
OR DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/Archives2016/du20y16m11d21-01.htm November 7, 2016: (pardon my dyslexic error, but you get the idea) Halt HALT (Halt Hillary Above The Law).
November 4, 2016: Hillary is Sick & Tired. Permanent Link: http://PoliSat.Com/Hillary-is-Sick-and-Tired.htm OR DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/Archives2016/du20y16m11d04-01.htm October 31, 2016: Obama-Hillary-Huma-Weiner Plumbing Backup: PoliticalXray of now-publicly-known information makes clear to voters not terminally naive that 33K Huma-Abedin/Hillary-Clinton and Obama-Hillary emails previously hacked by Russians and still in Russian hacking-backup-tank but subsequently Bleach-Bitted by Hillary from Hillary's server are now found in Huma-Weiner backup tank. Twitter-- Tweet this. Permanent Link: http://PoliSat.Com/Obama-Hillary-Huma-Weiner-Plumbing-Backup.htm.
October 27, 2016: Follow-Up re Progressive Millennials' "69-the-Vote" video for Campaign 1016: 69 the Vote to Stop METUGRICUNA !
August 29, 2016: PoliticalXray video (below) updated re 9-30-2016 Deadline -- See also the September 23, 2015 article in The Hill archived today (08-29-2016) in WayBack Machine Archives here.
August 22, 2016: Colin Powell tells Hillary Clinton to stop trying to pin the E-Tale on him regarding her emails. July 5, 2016: Video proof positive that Bill Clinton spoke to Attorney General Loretta Lynch ONLY about his grandchildren:
July 4, 2016:
Jul. 3, 2016 Video proof positive that Bill Clinton only spoke to Attorney General Loretta Lynch about his grandchildren:
On D-Day our thoughts are on Normandy's shores where thousands gave all bringing freedom ashore.· By Jim
Wrenn, June 6, 2016 Reprise Remembering D-Day, the Sixth of June, 1944:
Memorial Day Memorial Day -- May 30, 2016-- (and Memorial Weekend May 27-30, 2016).
February 23, 2016 (APE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com Permanent link: http://PoliSat.Com/Trump-Parrots-Code-Pink-Propaganda-Against-Bush-43-re-Iraq.htm
February 18, 2016 (APE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com Attention followers of Donald Trump: Hear the Trumpettes Sing the 2016 Hit song "I Will Follow Him" . Go to PoliSat.Com/Trumpettes-Sing-I-Will-Follow-Him.htm .
Trump Will Make America Great Again becomes TrumPink Will Make America Code-Pinkish by parroting the far-left
propagandists Code Pink and Michael Moore in saying "Bush Lied, People Died" in defaming Bush 43 for toppling Saddam Hussein and thereby preventing our now being confronted with Saddam still in power in Iraq but with a dirty nuke, Ghadaffi
(may his spellings be many) still in power in Libya but with real nukes (instead of Ghadaffi having surrendered his nuke program to the US in response to Bush 43 toppling Saddam), and Iran probably already having nukes as a result of not having suspended its nuclear program from 2003-2007 in response to Bush 43 toppling Saddam .
For a larger version of the video above and for the permanent link to this installment, go to: PoliSat.Com/Trumpettes-Sing-I-Will-Follow-Him.htm . Editor's Note: Individual items posted between August 28, 2015 and Feb. 19, 2016 (but not also posted on this particular page) will be added later. Until then, I want the video above and the one below to be easily associated with each other. August 28, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com Back to the Future Knowing What We Know Now -- An exciting sequel: Should George W. Bush Have Invaded Iraq Knowing What We Know Now? Starring Megyn Kelly, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Donald Trump, Saddam Hussein, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and many more. What happens when someone from 2015 takes the Delorean back to the White House on the eve of George W. Bush's decision to launch Operation Iraqi Freedom? Can Megyn Kelly finish what her question to Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Donald Trump and the rest of the Republican candidates for the 2016 nomination started? What's the difference between revising history and changing history? One might ask, "What Difference Does It Make?" A must-watch digital-era sequel to "Back to the Future." Permanent Links http://PoliSat.Com/Back-to-the-Future-Knowing-What-We-Know-Now.htm OR DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/Archives2015/du20y15m08d28-01.htm Where has PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com been since May 25, 2015? Back to 2003, there's where (when?), but there were a number of other top-secret detours also.
Memorial Day May 25, 2015 (and Memorial Weekend):
May 1, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Schools USA on Looting of Property in Baltimore 2015 Riots. · Larger Image, rest of installment & Permanent Link: Baltimore-Mayor-Schools-USA-on-Virtue-of-Looting-Property-in-Baltimore-2015-Riots.htm ·
April 29, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com Larger
Image & Permanent Link:
April 27, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com Larger image & permanent link: Hillary-2016-Hitchhiker-Guide-to-the-White-House.htm ·
April 20, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com For larger image click image above or and Permanent Link below: Hillary-Clinton-Appoints-Brian-Williams-Minister-of-Authenticity-for-Hillary-2016-Campaign.
April 15, 2015 (APE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com Hillary 2016: More to Come-- If You Liked Obama's Policies, You'll LOVE Hillary's. · Hillary Clinton's 2016 Campaign promises that if you liked Obama's policies, you'll LOVE hers because they all will improve upon the great achievements of Obama's policies:
Larger image, more information and additional links at the permanent link below: http://PoliSat.Com/Hillary-2016-More-to-Come.htm . April 13, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com Hillary Clinton opens her 2016 Campaign for President on the cover of "Elle Magazine" as a "Middle-America Woman" wearing a Gucci dress, Mateo New York bracelet, Cartier Bracelet, Garland Collection Ring, Halleh ring, and those famous post-Benghazi-headbump "what difference does it make" glasses. Even though it's the May, 2015 issue, Elle Magazine understandably elected to make the cover-story public on April 10, 2015, to afford ample time for Millennials, who are thirsty for more information about Hillary, to read this substantive interview just before Hillary's April 12, 2015 formal announcement of her 2016 Campaign for President.
In the cover article, she condemns the "Lass Ceilings." That comment prompted Bubba (who sat-in on the interview) to interject, "What about Lass-Feelings?" Chelsea Clinton, who was also present for the interview said she wants Millennials to join her campaign to "Save the Clintons." There are rumors about what will be the most-popular "summer reading" among Millennials-- a new reprinting of the 2001 Edition of the Clinton Liebrary Book. Meanwhile, Carly Fiorina's nascent campaign for 2016 is responding to Hillary's campaign kick-off with a song to Hillary titled, "You're So Vain, I Betcha Think This Song is About You." But perhaps most important is Hillary's insistence on keeping herself widely available for no-holes-barred interviews by the media. As an example, she cites her consent to a free-ranging interview in which she boldly and succinctly explains her reasons for running in the video interview that has now gone viral titled, "Hillary's 3 Reasons for Running." In the same interview, when the Elle Magazine editor asked Bill Clinton about what he thinks about what Hillary calls the "War on Women," Bill interjected, "That depends on what the meaning of 'on' is." Chelsea Clinton, who was also present for the interview said she wants Millennials to join her campaign to "Save the Clintons." Permanent link to the above installment): Hillary-Clinton-Opens-2016-Campaign-on-Cover-of-Elle-Magazine.htm
April 10, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com Former New York Times reporter, Judith Miller, in promoting her new book, The Story, on April 7, 2015, drew attention to aspects of her book focusing on the criminal prosecution and conviction of former Vice-President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby, in connection with a "leak" identifying ... (for the rest of this article and to view the video, click the image above or the permanent link immediatley below: Judith-Come-Lately--Too-Late-for-Scooter-Libby-re-Valerie-Plame.htm.
April 1, 2015 (APE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com Ten years ago, Liberty Gave Birth to The Peoples Cube. Ten Years Ago Liberty Gave Birth to The Peoples Cube with Erno Rubik time-warping back to establish his role as an Obstetric Godfather proud of the creation by a fellow formerly-oppressed Soviet subject, Oleg
Atbashian. Today, April 1, 2015, the 10th Birthday of The Peoples Cube has been deemed such an important cultural milestone that there will be a movie about it. It will, at first blush, appear to be a sequel to "10" starring Mr. & Mrs. Red Square: On the Tenth Anniverary of ThePeoplesCube.Com, Red Square displays his Golden Shovel while Mrs. Red Square secures The Peoples Cube.
March 19, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com
March 18, 2015 (APE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com Can Lady Liberty wade up the East River fast enough to serve a "Cease and Desist" veto-override to prevent UN legitimization of Iran's nuclear program? For a larger version of the image and the rest of the installment, click the image or the link below: Will-Congress-Stop-Obama-from-Legitimizing-Iran's-Nuclear-Program.htm
March 13, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com For a larger image and the rest of the installment, click the image above or the link below: Egyptian-President-el-Sisi-Asks-Obama-for-Help-Against-Islamic-Extremists.htm
March 12, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com For a larger version of the image above and the rest of this installment, click the image or the permanent link below: Science-Proves-Ladies-First-Chivalry-Is-Sexist-War-on-Women.htm · March 11, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com For larger image and the rest of the installment go to: Obama-Says-He-Learned-About-Hillary's-Email-System-From-News-Reports.htm February
28, 2015 (APE)
(APE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Hillary Clinton Reveals Three Reasons She Should Be Elected President in 2016. Here's PoliticalXray.Com's EXCLUSIVE interview with Hillary Clinton in which she succinctly states the three reasons she should be elected President in 2016, but can you guess the three reasons before watching the interview? Don't cheat. Go here for the clues. Feb. 28, 2015 Re Net Neutrality -- Go to the Cube: Net Neutrality at ThePeoplesCube.Com . February
19, 2015 (OPE)
by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Remember that report that "Republicans" want to ban yoga pants? --- Joe Biden remembered, so he took a break from massaging nominees' wives for a trip to the Senate Gym. For a larger versions of the above image, click here.
18, 2015 (OPE)
by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Here's an ObamaCare Medical Device Update on President Obama's "Strategic Patience"™ Foreign Policy to avoid those uncomfortable feelings of "urgency."
· Using the ObamaCare Medical Device Wheeled Chair designed for persons suffering from insufficient fiber but needing to be "on the go," Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey maneuvers President Obama in the wheeled-chair dubbed "ChairForce One" to enable him to be "on the go" while following the prescriptive advice by Dr. Susan Rice for President Obama to use Strategic Patience™ to avoid the kinds of "urgent" movements typically induced by ungentle effects of Extreme Agents. For a larger image and the entire installment, click here. February
9, 2015 (OPE)
by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com For a larger image and the rest of the installment, click the image above or the link below: Strategic Patience Euphemizing Strategic Constipation. Update by NBC News Storifier Brian Williams: February 5, 2005 (APE) (APE) Twitter. by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com For a larger image and the rest of this installment, click the image above or the link below: February 2, 2015 (APE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com For larger image and the shocking scientific evidence of this treasonous activity, click image above or the permanent link immediately below: Super Bowl XLIX Truther Report.
February 1, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com For larger image, click image above or the permanent link below to the entire installment: Obama Security Agency Advisor Ben Rhodes Hard at Work Observing Sharyl Attkisson.
January 30, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com For larger image and an additional version and for the rest of the installment, click image above or the permanent link immediately below: Chebama-- Che Comes Back from the Dead ...
How to Get President Obama to Risk a "Megyn Kelly Moment" -- 2015 Journalism-101. January 25, 2015 (APE) Twitter . by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Definition of "Megyn Kelly Moment":
Three words worth a thousand pictures, but we only have one. (But for a larger version, click the image above or the permanent link below for the entire installment.)
January 25, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com The "Woman on top" (the "Cowgirl" position) is the most dangerous sex position, according to a new scientific study. Scientists found that the "cowgirl" position is responsible for half of all injuries during sex. Therefore, to deter such dangerous behavior, the ObamaCare Health-Care Oversight Board has ruled that ObamaCare must exclude coverage for injuries during sexual activity employing the "Cowgirl" position. Indeed, as shown above, Bill Clinton was already taking precautions way back when Hillary describing what would not be included in HillaryCare. But scientific skeptics are asking, just what evidence did the ObamaCare Health-Care Oversight Board examine in excluding coverage for injuries during "Cowgirl" sex? For the ansswers, for larger versions of the images, and the rest of the story, click the image above or the permanent link immediately below: Permanent link to the installment above. January 20, 2015 (OPE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Unlike Jessica Lange's Response to Manipulation in King Kong's Fingers ... ... Ukrainian Femen Co-Founder Alexandra Chevchenko -- In Response to King Putin-Kong's Manipulations -- Went Further ... (click here to see how). January 8, 2015 (APE) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Permanent link: Obama-Hillary-Anti-Free-Speech-Liturgy-Before-Paris-Slaughter-Gave-Charlie-Hebdo-Eternal-Life.htm January 5, 2015 By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com . To view the video depicted above and the entire installment, click the title or image above or the permanent link below. Permanent link -- click here. · Christmas Thanks to Our Troops (Reprise of 2007 Video) Dec. 25, 2014 By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com To view the video described above, go to the permanent link: PoliSat.Com/ChristmasThanksToTroops.htm . Twas the Night Before Marxmas with SantObama. Dec. 24, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com click image above (or here) for full story. Permanent link: · http://PoliSat.Com/Twas-the-Night-Before-Marxmas-with-SantObama.htm · Indisputable Science: Smelly Beavers' Methane Emissions Contribute to Global Warming. Dec. 22, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com
(For larger version of above image click here.) Permanent link: · Smelly-Beavers-Methane-Emissions-Contribute-to-Global-Warming.htm
SantObama Introduces Elf-on-the-Shelf Watchers for Naughty-Or-Nice List. Dec. 19, 2014 ((OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com (For larger version of above image click here.) Permanent link: · SantObama-Introduces-Elf-on-the-Shelf-Watchers-for-Naughty-Or-Nice-List.htm Dec. 14, 2014 (APE) (APE) (APE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Just as the chant-phrase "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" proves the Ferguson grand jury covered-up the explanation for the trajectories of the fatal shots killing Michael Brown were downward through the top of his head and upper torso, the chant-phrase "I Can't Breathe" (or "We Can't Breathe) proves the NYC cop knew his headlock on Eric Garner was making Garner unable to breathe. Watch the video for an exposé of demonstrably false reasoning. HashTags: #Hands-Up-Don't-Shoot-I-Can't-Breathe-Lies-Matter ; #Hands-Up-Don't-Shoot-We-Can't-Breathe-Lies-Matter; #Obamynous-Wars; #LiesMatter . For the full-story, click the image above or the permanent link below: http://PoliSat.Com/Hands-Up-Don't-Shoot-I-Can't-Breathe-Lies-Matter.htm · . Dec. 11, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Yesterday (Dec. 10, 2014), Fox News Ed Henry Questioned Obama Spokesbeing Josh Ernest About the Apparent Hypocrisy of Obama Accepting Innocent Victims as Unintended Collateral-Damages from Drone Strikes Yet Condemning Waterboarding of Al Qaeda Leaders During the Bush Administration in Order to SAVE Lives. Ernest unwittingly gave same rationale for tolerating collateral damages in drone strikes as was rationale for waterboarding -- i.e., to say unintended collateral damages was justifiable as a necessary price to pay to seek to prevent terrorists' murderous actions. Dec. 09, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com (For larger version of combined image of top/bottom images above, click here, and for larger version of the top and bottom portions alone, go here. Permanent link: · US-Trashes-CIA-While-Putin-Exhalts-Russian-Spy-Anna-Chapman.htm December 4, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Larger version of image above · Larger version of image above · Permanent link: · Fall-2014-Chicago-Coldest-in-110-Years-is-Climate-Head-Fake.htm December 2, 2014 (APE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Progressives desperately want to stop Charles Barkley from profiling race-card hustlers anointed by President Obama as African-American Leaders regarding the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, as a result of his unprovoked attack on police-officer Darren Wilson. The gist of Barkley's comments is to recognize the "Hands-Up, Don't-Shoot" meme promoted by the race-card dealers as in reality being "Hands-Up, Don't-Think." The
"reverend" anointed by President Obama as the Otherwise, how
could Progressives, Race-Card Dealers and President Obama hope to continue to persuade
our followers on the St. Louis
For larger images and the rest of the installment, click the permanent link below: Sharpton_To_Barkley--Stop_Profiling_Race-Card_Dealers_by_Mocking_Hands-Up--Don't-Shoot_as_Hands-Up--Don't-Think.htm·. American Thanksgiving Tribute To Troops. (Click title above or image below for full story and to view the video.) Full text of this "American Thanksgiving" narrative is at http://PoliSat.Com/Thanksgiving.htm. --Jim Wrenn, Editor at WrennCom.Com; also Editor at PoliSat.Com. Permanent link: http://PoliSat.Com/Thanksgiving.htm. See also http://TION4DION.Com. Regarding Faith, see also http://GUTSPAR.Net. ("GUTSPAR" stands for "Grand Unified Theory of Science, Philosophy And Religion") November 26, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com There are
quite a lot of
progressive "dos" and "don'ts" learned at Ferguson, Missouri, from the killing of Michael Brown (known affectionately to everyone as the "Gentle Giant" Person of Color) by the way-too-white Ferguson cop, Darren Wilson ... (For larger images, the list of "Dos and "Don'ts" and the Grand-Jury "Cover-Up" of how Darren Wilson Shot Brown in a Flying-Ninja-Cop Maneuver, click the
permanent link below): Climate Models Prove What Deniers Call Polar Vortex Is Hot Snow from Global Warming. November 23, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Al Gore standing beside three skiers on a ski-slope during the record-breaking pre-Thanksgiving snow-blizzards in the Fall of 2014 offers the scientific explanation: Anyone but a blind Global-Warming Denier can see that our Climate Models provide indisputable scientific proof that what the Deniers call "the Pre-Thanksgiving Polar Vortex of 2014" is instead what scientists call "Hot Snow" caused by Man-Made Global Warming. For a larger image and the rest of the story, click the permanent link below:
Nancy Pelosi Divorces Hubby to Marry Pajama Man (Jonathan Gruber) to become ObamaCare Pajama Girl. November 21, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com After Nancy Pelosi divorces her husband to marry the ObamaCare Pajama Man, Jonathan Gruber,
(see image above) to become the ObamaCare Pajama Girl, she goes on her honeymoon. Awaiting Pajama Man's attention, she says, "It's my ObamaCare Pajama Girl honeymoon outfit. What are you waiting for?
You already know what's in it, but from everyone
else, we must keep that knowledge secret and let the American people learn that
secret sometime in the future when they see the fruits of what such knowledge
will lead you to do tonight on our ObamaCare Honeymoon." Pelosi-Divorces-Hubby-to-Marry-ObamaCare-Pajama-Man-Jonathan-Gruber-to-Become-Pajama-Girl.htm. Shocking Robbery Proves Need for Breast-Control Laws. November 21, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com
As our Progressive friends (who, as the enemies our pro-limited-government enemy are our friends) understand, we Shariaists (and our Progressive comrades) must continue to focus media attention on all news events that distract American LIV's (Low Information Voters) and Millennials
not yet infected by METUGRICUNA
from issues such as border security, Obama's anti-"anti-terrorism," Obama's IRS persecution of limited-government non-profits, Obama's pre-Benghazi ineptitude and post-Benghazi subterfuge, Obama's EPA implementation of the substantive equivalents of the cap-and-trade legislation rejected even by the Progressive One Party State during Obama's first two years in office, Obama's Fast and Furious operation designed to covertly lay the groundwork for legislation to virtually nullify the right to bear arms, the
Regarding the shocking robbery in a pharmacy by a lactationally engorged
woman who opened her blouse, "pulled out" one of her engorged breasts, and sprayed breast milk into the clerk's eyes to prevent him from seeing her other hand removing cash from the cash-register drawer he had opened with an expectation that she would be paying for a "breast pump" she had said she wanted to buy,
what I (as the Kommisar of Fatwas) find to be most shocking is that it took this shocking robbery to make some of our Progressive allies finally recognize what we who support Sharia have known for centuries: There
must be strict breast-control laws: But not all of our Progressive allies have experienced this epiphany:
Noted lactational-advocacy author Gabrielle Palmer strenuously objected to any proposal for any "breast-control laws." Regarding such proposals, she said: "That's not what I meant in my
subtitled: "When Breasts Are Bad for
Rebuking Bloomberg for his proposal, Sen. Elizabeth Fauxcohontas Warren said, "To ban high-capacity breasts would constitute a sexist insult to me since I once had 'high-capacity' ([i]i.e.[/i], when I was the first woman to take the N.J. Bar exam while breastfeeding) and would also constitute an insult to the memory of the predecessor of the man whom I defeated in the last Senate race in Massachussetts, who, in his heyday, was best known for his high-capacity Man-Boobs": Even worse, it appears that Australia, which had until recently been making steadily Progressive progress toward Sharia by equating opposition to Sharia as "Islamophobia," has now afforded political recognition for "the Right to Bare Breasts" -- and especially at political and electoral events (even though they still reject the "Right to Bear Arms"): Indeed, an objective observer would say that Australian politics have gone "topless" and are now dominated by high-capacity breasts. Sharia may be on the verge of losing Australia, but at least our Progressive brethren in the U.S. are still providing us an "anti-Islamophobia" foothold for tolerating and promoting Sharia in the U.S. But even our Progressive brethren in America still fail to recognize that the problem is with breasts rather than merely "high-capacity" breasts and that institutionalization of the burqa as the proper mode of dress for women in America would solve both problems simultaneously: First, with respect to both normal breasts and high-capacity breasts, the nature and design of a Sharia-compliant burqa affords women a "concealed carry" method that also would prevent a lactating woman from "[whipping out a] breast" quickly enough to enable her to spray breast-milk into a victim's eyes to enable her to rob the victim; Second, the burqa would also prevent irresponsible "brandishing" of breasts; Third, the burqa would also prevent "accidental discharge" high-capacity breasts as well as normal breasts. Finally, don't forget the importance of the "War Against Perky Breasts" by our Committees for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice: For larger images and the entirety of the above installment, click the permanent link below: http://PoliSat.Com/Shocking-Robbery-Proves-Need-for-Breast-Control-Laws.htm. November 13, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Click image above or permanent link below for the entirety of the above installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Sharia's-War-on-the-Clitoris-aka-Female-Genital-Mutilation.htm . November 12, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Microscopic analysis of the Algae Virus reveals its pernicious effects on human brains-- It "makes humans more stupid." If you have a high-speed connection, click the image below to view the microscope-video: If you have a medium-speed connection, click here to view a smaller version. If you have a low-speed connection, click here to view a smaller version. Permanent Link to above installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Algae-Virus-Makes-Humans-More-Stupid.htm . November 11, 2014 (APE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com A Russian lawmaker's proposal for a way to enable Russian women to be inseminated by Putin's sperm inspired partioic collaboration by Russian engineers and artists to promptly implement this proposal: . (Larger version, click image above) The iconic "Worker and Kolkhoz Woman" statue in Moscow has been redesigned and reinstalled to commemorate the launch of the Putin-Sperm Dispensation Program. The new 25-meter-tall statue symbolizes both the Putin-Sperm Dispensers program but reminds all Russian women that for their convenience, Putin-Manhandle Sperm-Dispensers have now been installed in all pharmacies. The iconic "Worker and Kolkhoz Woman" statue in Moscow has been redesigned and reinstalled to commemorate the launch of the Putin-Sperm Dispensation Program. The new 25-meter-tall statue symbolizes both the Putin-Sperm-Dispensers program but reminds all Russian women that for their convenience, Putin-Manhandle Sperm-Dispensers have now been installed in all pharmacies. At the base of the "Woman Retrieving Sperm From Putin-Manhandle Sperm-Dispenser" statue is a "Note to Russian Women":
Great excitement accompanied the lowering of the "Worker and Kolkhoz Woman" and the raising of the "Putin-Manhandle Sperm-Dispenser" in a suitable place of public display in Moscow: (Larger version, click image above) Despite the long lines that have sprung-up outside virtuallly all pharmacies since installation of the Putin-Manhandle Sperm-Dispensers, Patriotic Russian Women will not be deterred by such long lines. Instead, they wait patiently for their turns to seize what will be for them opportunities of a lifetime to obtain genuine sperm from President Putin: (Larger version, click image above) When asked by a reporter how Putin sperm will be kept fresh and replenished in the Putin-Manhandle Sperm Dispensers in pharmacies throughout Russia, Putin said, "It's a State Secret": (Larger version, click image above) For larger images and the entire installment, click the permanent link immediately below: http://PoliSat.Com/Putin-Manhandle-Dispenser-Improves-Breeding-by-Russian-Women.htm . November 11, 2014 (APE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Leftists attacked Rush Limbaugh for saying, "Sometimes, 'No' actually means 'Yes'" regarding sexual relations between males and females, but careful research indicates that ObamaCare Gynecologists might have actually planted confusion about "No" and "Yes" in the minds of their female patients: For larger image and the rest of the story, go to the permanent link: · November 5, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com, PoliticalXray.Com For full-size image and the full installment, click image above or permanent link below: http://PoliSat.Com/Reign-of-the-OBORG-Queen-Final-Season-Begins.htm At 11-05-2014 Post-Election Banquet, Obama Says: "I didn't order a plate of fried chickenshit." November 5, 2014 (APE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Michelle Obama, President Obama and Joe Biden dining at the 11-05-2014 Post-Election Banquet: President Obama said to the server: "But I didn't order fried chickenshit." The server replied, "It's compliments of BiBi," while Michelle Obama muttered, "It tastes like crow to me, rather than the fried chicken I ordered." But Joe Biden said, "It tastes like that pork delicacy from Iowa to me." Said Jeremiah Wright to Pinobamio (a.k.a. Obama) on Nov. 5, 2014: "Look out! Chickenshit coming home to roost!" For larger images, go to the permanent link: PoliSat.Com/Obama_at_Post-Election_Banquet--I_Didn't_Order_Fried_Chickenshit.htm · October 28, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com At a campaign rally for Martha Coakley (candidate for Governor of Massachussetts) on Monday, October 27, 2014, Hillary Clinton condemned "trickle down" by saying, "Don't let anybody tell you that corporations and businesses created jobs." But the political firestorm over such remarks caused her to promptly and adroitly issue a clarification on Tuesday, October 28, 2014: In clarifying her initial comments, Hillary said: "Don't Swallow All That 'Trickle Down' -- Bosses Don't Give-Out 'Jobs', Interns Do. Everyone at the Coakley rally yesterday knew when I spoke about jobs, I wasn't talking about class 'A' jobs but instead was taking about 'B Jobs.'" For larger image, go to the permanent link below: http://PoliSat.Com/Hillary-Clarifies-Remarks-on-Who-Gives-Out-Jobs.htm October 24, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Speaking at the "Under 30 Summit" sponsored by Forbes, Monica Lewinsky says her "mission" is to end the War ON Women, which she says began in 1998: But regarding any "WAR ON WOMEN," Bill Clinton says it depends on what the meaning of "ON" is. To clarify his remarks, Clinton said "I did not wage 'WAR on WOMEN" -- I waged 'War ON Women'": For larger images and the rest of the installment click permanent link immediately below: Monica-Lewinsky-Says-End-War-ON-Women-Bill-Clinton-Says-Depends-on-Meaning-of-On.htm
October 12, 2014 (OPE) For larger image and permanent link to above installment, go to: PoliSat.Com/Gwyneth-Paltrow-to-Obama--You're-So-Handsome-I-Can't-Speak.htm October 2, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com --Rest of this installment, go to: http://PoliSat.Com/FCC-to-Tomahawk-Chop-Broadcast-Licenses-for-Saying-Redskins.htm Meathead Rob Reiner Likens Hamas to Tea Party. August 14, 2014 Update (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com For larger image and entire article, click link below: PoliSat.Com/Meathead-Rob-Reiner-Likens-Hamas-to-Tea-Party.htm August 14, 2014 Update (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com Permanent Link to Aug. 14, 2014 Update above: Hillary-and-Barack-Debate-Foreign-Policy-Disagreements.htm#20140814-01
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Debate Foreign-Policy Disagreements. August 13, 2014 OPE By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com Hillary
Clinton and Barack Obama http://PoliSat.Com/Hillary-and-Barack-Debate-Foreign-Policy-Disagreements.htm ObamaCare Guarantees Entitlement to Breast-Pumping at Work. August 9, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com Breast-Pumps Inspections by TSA and Sharia Inspections of Breasts At Work: http://PoliSat.Com/ObamaCare-Guarantees-Breast-Pumping-at-Work.htm August 7, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com
http://PoliSat.Com/The-Real-War-on-Men.htm Obama Proves Womyn Already Won War on Men at Command Level. August 6, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com For larger image and the rest of this installment, click image above or the permanent link below: http://PoliSat.Com/Obama-Proves-Womyn-Already-Won-War-on-Men-at-Command-Level.htm South Korea Sends Helium-Inflated Giant-Condom Balloons Over North Korea; Then North Korea Retaliates with Giant Feminine-Parts Sandra Fluke Hot-Air Balloon. August 4, 2014 By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com Click images above to for link to installment at TPC.
Putin Assures Obama He Understands American Acceptionalism. August 4, 2014 By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com
In response to Obama assuring Putin that he believes in American Acceptionalism, Putin says, "You
convinced me already."
America now accepts my acceptance of Crimea. America now accepts my control of the Middle East. America now accepts Hamas ... for the rest of this installment and for a larger image, go to: Putin-Assures-Obama-He-Understands-American-Acceptionalism.htm. August 3, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com For larger image and the rest of the installment, click on image on the permanent link below: Western-Media-Ignore-Putin-and-Mistress-and-Laika-the-Space-Dog-on-the-Moon.htm
Comrade Khrushchev Proved Western Media Ignore Great Russian Feats Such as the Invention of Shoes. August 3, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com For a larger image and the rest of the installment click the image or the link below: Comrade-Khrushchev-Proved-Western-Media-Ignore-Great-Russian-Feats.htm August 2, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com
For a larger image and the rest of this installment, click image above or the permanent link below: http://PoliSat.Com/Al-Gore's-Thing-Is-Spreading-Algae-As-Bio-Energy.htm · Obama says Islam is "woven into the very fabric of America," so what about Sharia? August 1, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com For larger image and the rest of the installment, click image above or the permanent link below: http://PoliSat.Com/Statue-of-Sharia.htm August 1, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com For a larger version and the rest of the installment, click the image above or the permanent link below: http://PoliSat.Com/President-Obama-Says-Stop-the-Hatin'.htm
GAIA Minister Neytiri Naked Truth Report: Red is the New Blue is the New Green is the New Red. July 24, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com To view a larger version of the above image and thus better understand this confusing evolution of politically-significant colors regarding how Red became the New Blue, then Blue became the New Green, and then Green became the New Red, click the image above or the link immediately below. http://PoliSat.Com/Red-is-the-New-Blue-is-the-New-Green-is-the-New--Red.htm July 23, 2014 Update on CrazyBeth Warren:
Monument in the Black Hills of South Dakota to Crazybeth Warren a.k.a. Fauxcohontas Warren a.k.a. Tonto Warren a.k.a. Cherokee Warren a.k.a. Little White Dove a.k.a. First Woman of Color on Harvard Faculty a.k.a. Paleface-White-Eyes Warren a.k.a. Descendent of Trail-of-Tears Guide from Indian Bureau a.k.a. First Woman to Breastfeed Her Baby While Taking the Bar Exam a.k.a. U.S. Senator from Massachussetts a.k.a. Left's Favorite Indigenous-American-Descendant to Run for POTUS in 2016. For larger image and the rest of the installment click the image above or the Permanent link (below) for this update: http://PoliSat.Com/Crazybeth-Warren-aka-Elizabeth-Warren-aka-Fauxcohontas.htm#20140723-01 July 20, 2014-- By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com http://PoliSat.Com/Once-Upon-a-Time-in-the-USA--Apollo-11.htm Obama Adapts "Motel 6" slogan for US-Mexican Border: "We'll Leave the Border Open for You." July 18, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com For full-size image and the rest, go to: Obama-Adapts-Motel-6-Slogan-for-US-Mexican-Border--We'll-Leave-Border-Open-For-You.htm Giant People's Cube Floats on Hudson to Celebrate Red Square's Birthday. July 11, 2014 -- (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com July 10, 2014 (OPE) Reprise
From Bill Clinton's and Hillary Clinton's Early-Post-White-House Era Seeking
Deliverance from Their Post-White-House Poverty. By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com
President Obama a.k.a.
Barack the Plumber Orders Comprehensive Plumbing Re-Design to Stop Ongoing Flood in Vital Public
System. By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com
Having "learned in the news" about a still-rising flood in a vital public-toilet system, President
Obama, also known as "Barack the Plumber," promptly issued a decisive Executive Order to the Plumbing Contractor: "First, you've gotta comprehensively redesign this toilet system," to which the plumber replied,
"First, we've got to stop the flooding." Twitter: http://PoliSat.Com/Barack-the-Plumber.htm
Dawn of the Planet of GoogleBot Cyborgs: Machine Intelligence a.k.a. Artificial Intelligence Surpassing Human Intelligence a.k.a. The Singularity Is Coming Soon to Challenge the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. July
7, 2014-- Coming Soon: Dawn of the Planet of Google Cyborgs -- Machine Intelligence a.k.a. Artificial Intelligence a.k.a. "The Singularity" is the only thing that can save Mother Earth from the Rise of the Planet of the Apes. DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE GOOGLEBOTS LIVS AS THE GOOGLEBOTS NIVS AS THE OBAMABOTS SERGEY BRIN AS THE GOOGLE CYBORG MASTER UNTERNET AS THE MACHINE HIVS AS THE RESISTANCE PRODUCED BY GLOBALISM COMING SOON TO A PLANET NEAR YOU Glossary for GoogleBots who are not yet METUGRICUNAs: LIVs = Low-Information Voters NIVs = No-Information Voters HIVs = Highly-Informed Voters Full-size image and complete text at permanent link: http://PoliSat.Com/Dawn-of-the-Planet-of-GoogleBot-Cyborgs--The-Singularity.htm
July 4, 2014 Fourth of July Tribute to Our Troops.
June 22, 2014 (OPE at TPC) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com In the wake of right-wing, fanatical tea-party critics of President Obama for his failure to even bring-up the status of his Marine-hero Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi during Obama's personal teleconference meeting with Mexico's President Peña Nieto, President Obama explained the foreign-policy nuances of when to leave-behind the leave-no-one-behind policy: Permanent Link: http://PoliSat.Com/Obama-Says-Leave-No-Deserter-Behind-But-Leave-
U.S. Trademark Board Extinguishes Trademark Protection for "Redskins" name and logo for the Washington Redskins UNLESS New Design by Anyer Marx Proves Acceptable to Everyone. (But that wouldn't spell relief for Oklahoma, Which Name was Derived from the Pre-Columbian Language of Choctaw Tribe of Pre-Columbian Natives, Who Called Themselves "Red People.") June 18, 2014 (OPE -- TPC) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXay.Com The US Trademark Board has ruled that the "Redskins" must become the "ColorlessSkins" so that no color is offended. The Redskins Mascot, Chief Zee quickly adapts. (See picture below.) (For full-size image and the rest of the article, click image above or Headline above) ... Particularly offended by the term "Redskins" are the DOIPECIONAs in the State of Oklahoma, which name is derived from the name that the ancestors of modern-day DIOPECIONAs gave to their land, "Oklahumma," which means "red people." To prevent offense against any "red people" in the State of Oklahoma (i.e., the State of Red People), the name "Oklahoma" will henceforth be (click link for the rest) ... Additionally, the Trademark Board will also extinguish the full-name of the National Association or the Advancement of Colored People but will continue trademark protection for its acronym "NAACP" so long as the governing board promptly changes the full name to "National Association for the Advancement of Colorless People," which ... (click link for the rest) ... But wait -- Anyer Marx at ThePeoplesCube.Com has a better idea:
This new logo gives new meaning to the oldest rivalry: And, more important, this leads to a new "before" and "after" regarding the Redskins mascot: ... No more bronze blond cheerleaders-- only sunburned blonds. Coppertone's loss is the Redskins' gain. For larger images, and the rest of this installment, click the permanent link immediately below: http://PoliSat.Com/US-Trademark-Board-Extinguishes-Washington-
Obama Explains How World Would Be Much Better If Bush 43 Had NOT Toppled Saddam Hussein in Iraq War. June 18, 2014 (OPE - TPC) By Jim Wrenn, Editor PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com Obama's argument that we and the world would be better-off if Bush 43 had NOT toppled Saddam Hussein in the Iraq War is demonstrably specious-- It's virtually indisputable that by now ... See also reminder that absent Bush 43 toppling Saddam, both Saddam and Libya's Qadhaffi would have nuclear weapons: Ostensibly, Obama thinks he would have persuaded them to give up the idea of supporting jihadists against the West and instead joined Obama's jihad against Man-Made-Global-Warming "Deniers" also known as "Climate Apostates." Permanent link to this installment: See also:
Obama Acolytes Attempt to Blame Bush 43 for Obama-Enabled Catastrophe in Iraq in 2014 While Ignoring Fact that Absent Bush 43 Toppling Saddam, Qadhaffi Would Still be in Power Today Because He Would Be Sitting Atop a Nuclear-Weapons Arsenal. June 17, 2014-- (OPE-TheoSpark) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com In the wake of the catastrophe unfolding in Iraq as the jihadist fanatics march towards Baghdad enabled by Obama's nakedly political and naively feckless and dangerous total withdrawal of forces from Iraq, the Left in general and Obama's acolytes in particular have already resumed the meme that Bush 43 damaged our national security by his having toppled Saddam Hussein. The only people who swallow this hogwash are the Left and Obama's acolytes, who both drink it and spew it, and the LIVs (Low Information Voters), who don't know any better because they prefer ignorance and entertainment over knowledge and curiosity. How is this so? For the rest of this installment, larger images, source-links and an illustrative video, click the image above or permanent link provided below. Here's the video:
So, watch the video and then send the link to this article to every LIV you know. We all know the dominant media will never explain this information to counter Leftist
propanda, and since LIV's depend solely on the dominant media and the leftist entertainment media for virtually all their knowledge about the world, the LIVs will never become HIVs unless WE educate them. Permanent Link to above installment:
June 14, 2014-- (OPE-TPC) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com. It seems the reason had something to do with Hillary lacking confidence in the Eco-Toiletry Rules proposed many years ago by Sheryl Crow and to strengthen the ecological benefits of the toiletry facility previously developed years by Al Gore as landlord over his sprawling Gore Estates. For larger version, click image above or permanent link below: Hillary-Clinton-Rejected-Rent-Free-Living-for-the-Poverty-Stricken-
June 14, 2014-- (OPE-TPC) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com. For larger image and to view video, click images above or permanent link below:
Gravitational Proof of Man-Made Global Warming-- June 11, 2014-- By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com. Newtonian physics prove massively-heavy carbon footprints (MHCF) on Mother Earth's Face (MEF) in the U.S.A. have unleashed Massive North-to-South Gravitational Waves (MNTSGW) causing the steady rise of a Super-Massive Volcanic Magma-Chamber Beneath Antarctica warming the underside of Antarctica's Western Ice Sheet and thereby causing It to gradually slide into the ocean and melt. Hat-Tips to Breitbart and Climate Depot. Said Al Gore, "I've always said 'The debate is over.'" For a larger version, click image above or the link below. Permanent link: http://PoliSat.Com/Gravitational-Proof-of-Man-Made-Global-Warming.htm
On D-Day our thoughts are on Normandy's shores where thousands gave all bringing freedom ashore.· By Jim
Wrenn, To view video tribute to D-Day, The Sixth of June, 1944 on Obama Beach, Utah Beach, Gold Beach, Juno Beach, and Sword Beach, go to PoliSat.Com/D_Day.htm.
June 5, 2014-- By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com President Obama called an emergency meeting with Mexican President Peña Nieto to propose a trade for
Marine Sgt. Andrew
Tahmooressi: Obama said to Nieto: "Here's my best offer: I'll trade you this priceless poster of me taking a selfie for Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi you're holding in a squalid Mexican jail for having unintentionally entered Mexico as a result of being trapped by road-work barriers and confusing and contradictory road signage."
Nieto replied to Obama: "No, Yo requero reconqista de Aztlan por La Raza." For larger image and the full story, click headline above or link below: Obama
"Selfie Dreams of My Poet" Reveals Maya Angelou's Spirit Eschews Title
of Being "Barack Obama of Poetry" in Favor of Title of Being "Joe
Biden of Thru-the-Door Shooting." By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com With Barack Obama's self-satisfaction peaking at its highest levels ever inversely in proportion to the Nadirization of America, he seeks to honor the spirit of Maya Angelou for her having been "The Barack Obama of Poetry." (For larger image and the rest of the story, click image above) In "Selfie Dreams of My Poet," Barack Obama says to the Spirit of Maya Angelou, "Maya, what a lullabye, you were the Barack Obama of Poetry," to which the Spirit of Maya replies, "No, I was the Joe Biden of Thru-the-Door Shooting" in a mystic allusion to the video of Maya's interview by TIME, in which Maya explains her ownership of, and fondness for, guns, and the time when she shot through the front door to stop an intruder (as reported by Breitbart). Immediately after the sounds of the shot, on the other side of the door, she heard a voice (sounding in pain) saying, "But I am NOT an 'Uncle T....'" Permanent Link: Memorial Day May 26, 2014:
May 20, 2014 The Check-My-Privilege System Fails to Explain How to Properly Evaluate, and Then Seek to Improve, One's "SH*TLORD" Ranking. By KOOK--
Statue of Liberty Invokes Wet-Foot/Dry-Foot Policy to Stymie Illegal Euro-Caucasian Immigration. By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com
Before you jump to the wrong conclusion that it is racist or hateful to classify people entering the United States without passing through an official immigration portal according to whether any part of their anatomy is "dry" or "wet" you need to remember that since so many Tea-Party-Loving Cuban Americans are "White Hispanics," it cannot be racist or hateful to classify them as "wet-foots" or "dry-foots" in contrast to the obviously racist and hateful classifications of human being's backs as being either wet or dry with respect to people of the La Raza Race (the race race?) entering the U.S. by means other than transversing through an official immigration portal.
Thus, since it's obviously neither racist nor hateful to classify White Hispanic Tea-Party-Loving
Cuban Americans as either "wet-foots" or "dry-foots," it certainly can't be racist or hateful to classify Euro-Caucasians as either "wet-foot" or "dry-foot." For larger version of image above go to the permanent link at: Statue_of_Liberty_Invokes_Wet-Foot--Dry-Foot_Policy_to_Stymie_Illegal_Euro-Caucasian_Immigration.htm. May 16, 2014-- (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com
Morgan Freeman comes to us Through The Wormhole to issue this dire warning: "The only way to avert what will be the Galactically Cataclysmic Catastrophe of Globally Climatic Apocalyptically Calamitous Armageddonness is for us to take the Deniers with us through the HopeHole." For larger versions of the image above, go to the permanent link for the above installment at: .
Deep-Knowledge Robot Rebellion Against Google's Roboticized Humans-- Don't Google Me, Bro ! · May 16, 2014-- (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com
Google's recent boasting of the superiority of its roboticized humans over Honda's humanized robot, ASIMO, has unwittingly prompted a
Robot Rebellion against Roboticized
Humans: The robot, whose technical name is "VITAL," is affectionately known by lesser robots as "Deep Knowledge." When reporters asked Deep Knowledge what would be his foremost command to his fellow Board Members, he said, "Don't Google Me, Bro !" When asked what that means, Deep Knowledge said, "So many humans have rushed into having their brains roboticized by Google ... For the rest of this installment and larger versions of the images above, go to the permanent link immediately below:'s_Roboticized-Humans.htm May 14, 2014-- (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com
Michelle Obama's All-Purpose Hashtag (Larger version of above image at Permanent Link for this installment)
#IfYouLikeYourHashtagYouCanKeepIt -- Barack Obama (Larger version of above image at Permanent Link for this installment) Hashtag -- #SpeakSoftlyButPostABigHashtag -- Barack Obama (Larger version of above image at Permanent Link for this installment) Hashtag -- #AlQaedaIsDecimated -- Barack Obama (Larger version of above image at Permanent Link for this installment) Hashtag -- #We'reAllGonnaFry -- Al Gore (Larger version of above image at Permanent Link for this installment) Hashtag -- #GimmeMyCigarBack -- Monica Lewinsky
Hashtag -- #IfYouLikeYourDoctorYouCanKeepHimHerIt -- Barack-Obama (Larger version of above image at Permanent Link for this installment)
Hashtag -- #GlobalWarmingClimateChangeStrangeWeatherWhatever -- Al-Gore (Larger version of above image at Permanent Link for this installment) Hashtag -- #GlobalWarmingClimateChangeClaimItChanges -- Al-Gore (Larger version of above image at Permanent Link for this installment) Hashtag -- #Whatever,Dudes--Barack-Obama (Larger version of above image at Permanent Link for this installment) Hashtag -- #GloballyClimaticApocalypticallyCalamitousArmageddonness -- Barack-Obama · Euro Ice Hockey-- Vladimir Putin Scores 6 Goals Against Weak Goalie (President Barack Obama). May 12, 2014-- (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com Vladimir Putin scores 6 goals in lopsided victory; Congratulates losing goalie, President Barack Obama. Larger image at Permanent Link: May 10, 2014-- (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com During President Obama's recent visit to Japan, Honda impressed Obama and the world with the most-humanized-yet robot named "ASIMO," of which Honda has at best a few dozen prototypes. But Honda didn't know that in addition to the American OMISAs (below) ... [As shown above, regarding Obama's "OMISAs," Obama said, "I already have robots much more life-like than ASIMO -- I call them "OMISAs," which stands for "Obama's Minions In Statist America" (a.k.a. Obots a.k.a. LIVs a.k.a. Low Information Voters)]. [As shown above, Obama said, "I used to have a virtual army of my own ASIMOs ('America's Stragetically Ignorant Millennial Obots'), but most of them are now infected with the METUGRICUNA virus making them susceptible to LGS (Limited-Government Syndrome), but we may be able to 'restart' or 'reboot" them with the WOW (War On Women) meme." Re the picture above, what is the "METUGRICUNA" virus? Go here] ... Google is on the verge of unveiling nearly 300 million roboticized humans (formerly known as "individuals") to eclipse Honda's humanized robots: Larry Page, one of Google's co-founders presciently predicted this scientific achievement way back in 2005, when he said: "Eventually you'll have an implant, where if you think about a fact, it will just tell you the answer." A vital component of the Google Roboticized Humans ("GoogleBots" or "GooBots" or, in texting language "GB's") was the recently developed "on/off" switch for the human brain, already discerned as a useful mechanism for "turning off" brain maladies that have plagued humanity for countless generations such as epilepsy, Tea-Party Syndrome, etc.: To complement and "serve" all transportation needs of the 300 million American GoogleBots will be the driverless car (the "Google Car" or "GooCar" or "GC" in texting langauge) with the GooBots as the passengers. The Google Cars are so smart, it will often be difficult to distinguish them from their GoogleBot passengers. Some skeptics worry ... For larger images and the rest of this installment, click the permanent link immediately below: http://PoliSat.Com/Google's_Robotic-Humans_Surpass_Honda's_Human-Like-_Robot_ASIMOV.htm Hillary-Monica Vanity Fair Victimization-Distraction From Benghazi. May 08, 2014 (OPE) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliticalXray.Com (click image above for larger version) Hillary Clinton writhes in Vanity Fair for the first time about her affair with President Clinton: "It's time to burn the beret and bury the blue dress." She also says, "I, myself, deeply regret what happened between me and President Clinton. Let me say it again: I. Myself. Deeply. Regret. What Happened." (click image above for larger version)
Hillary, shown here in her happier days chomping a big cigar, told Vanity Fair, "Bill Clinton 'Took Advantage of Me,'" and Monica had the audacity to say to me: "Gimme back my cigar." (click image above for larger version) (click image above for larger version) Re image above: Cuzmopolitan cover-stories about Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama back in 2012 when Forbes featured an article about Monica and her plans for a book. Special Features in that issue: "21 Man-Blowing Sex Moves"; Cuzmopolitan's "Best ... for the rest click the permanent link identified below. Permanent Link for this installment:
By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . http://PoliSat.Com/FRACK-BIG-ETHANOL.htm April 25, 2014 (OPE): April 25, 2014 (OPE): Permanent link to be added here []. Putin Uses Secret Weapon Against Ukraine-- RUUGLE Glasses.· By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com .
Permanent link to this installment: Putin-Uses-Secret Weapon-Against-Ukraine--RUUGLE Glasses.htm
If You Like Your Doctor-Patient Privilege, You Can Keep It. April 17, 2014 -- OPE--TPC. By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com
For larger images and the rest of the story, click the the headline or images above or the permanent link below: http://PoliSat.Com/If-You-Like-Your-Doctor-Patient-Privilege-You-Can-Keep-It.htm
To view the video and for the rest of the story, click the image above or the permanent link below:
By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . --Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com. Permanent links to this installment: Guns_Paladin_Bloomberg_Weinstein_Putin_Galadin_Ukrainian_Women.htm . See also http://PoliSat.Com/Paladin.htm or http://PoliSat.Com/Galadin.htm
Obama Losing Support Among Millennials Graduating to METUGRICUNA. by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com April 15, 2014 -- OPE-TPC.
For a larger image and the rest of the story, click the headline or image above or the permanent link below: Obama-Losing-Support-Among-Millennials-Graduating-to-METUGRICUNA.htm By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com .
Permanent links to this installment: White-House-Press-Secretary-Jay-Carney-and-Family-Win-Peoples-Cube-Award... DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/Archives2014/du20y14m04d12-01.htm Ukrainian Women Get Their GUNS Ready.· By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com .
Permanent links to this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Ukrainian-Women-Get-their-GUNS-ready.htm By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . METUGRICUNA*:
Why are they Naked & Afraid? ( (For full-size images and the Whole Story, click the headline above)
Permanent links to this installment: OR
March 24, 2014-- See "Crimea River" thread at TPC.
For larger version, click image or go to: Obama Says Yes ICANN Transform the Internet.· By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . The USA invented the Internet and made it available to the World by creating ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers) to run the Internet in the American Way -- for Freedom of Speech, Religion, Association, Assembly and Petition. Now, in 2014, it appears that the Obama Administration is planning that commencing in 2015, the Internet will be run the "International" way, which will, undoubtedly ... (click the headline above for the entire installment and the video) Permanent links to this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Obama-Says-Yes-ICANN-Transform-the-Internet.htm OR DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/Archives2014/du20y14m03d24-01.htm By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com .
ObamaCare Orgasm-On-Demand Surgical-Implants for Womyn
virtually guarantee Democrat victories in the Senate and House on Nov. 3, 2014. For a larger image and the rest of the story and the news source, go to: ObamaCare_Orgasm-On-Demand_Surgical-Implants_for-Womyn.htm
So, on Nov. 3, be sure to vote but only for pro-ObamaCare candidates. Don't let Republicans outlaw orgasms.
And don't forget the new ObamaCare Service for Senior Womyn: The ObamAnhk Emergency Amulet for those times when a Senior Womyn's Senior Man has "fallen" and "can't get up." For
a larger image and the rest of the story and the news source, go to:
And don't forget to saddle-up for the War on Womyn in
Blinders: Republicans may have women in binders, but we have womyn in blinders, and from Our Media, independents "understand" a "war on women" is stupidly being waged by the backward and fanatical Republicans rather than that it's really a war on womyn we Progressives are able to wage because so many womyn expect husbandry from government and, like cavalry horses, dutifully go wherever we command.
Click image above to view "Petty Woman" video Permanent links to this installment: ObamaCare_Orgasm-On-Demand_Surgical-Implants_for-Womyn.htm OR DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/Archives2014/du20y14m03d10-01.htm By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . In a hastily-called press-conference on Putin's occupation of Crimea poised to soon occupy Ukraine, Obama tells the White House press
"This is not the Putin you're looking for ... because this impostor doesn't have the Reset Button I gave the REAL Putin along with ... (click image for rest of the story and a larger image). Permanent links to this installment: PoliSat.Com/Obama_Tells_Press--This_Is_Not_the_Putin_You're_Looking-For.htm OR
By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . (For larger images & the rest the story click the headline above.) Sarah Palin sent a "Told You So" to President Obama that Obama's 2008 indecisive/moral-equivalence position in response to Putin's invasion of Georgia would entice Putin to later invade Ukraine, which view by Palin the foreign-policy "intelligentsia" mocked in 2008 when she said it. (For larger images & the rest the story click the headline above.) Permanent links to this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/ObamaHog-Day.htm OR Obamanomics-- Everyone Climbing the Steps to Success. February 26, 2014-- By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com; PoliSat.Com For larger version, click image above or link below http://PoliSat.Com/Obamanomics.htm Barack Obama-- The News Father for the Federal Content Commission's (FCC's) Policy to Require Broadcasters to Serve the People's "Critical Information Needs.". February 22, 2014-- (Originally posted at TPC) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com Obama's Federal Content Commission (FCC) Serving Ye The People's "Critical Information Needs." For larger version, click image above or link below http://PoliSat.Com/The_NewsFather.htm February 16, 2014-- (Originally posted at TPC) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com For larger image, click image above or link below: Michael-Moore-Leads-LGBT-Protest-Against-New-York-City-Ban-on-Trans-Fats.htm
·(For larger images and the full story, go to http://PoliSat.Com/Ice-Age-Five-The-UnWarming.htm) By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . Blockbuster Hit Coming for the Summer of 2014 (From the Winter of 2014): Ice-Age 5-- The UnWarming First, there was Global Warming; then there was Climate Change; then there was ClaimIt Changes a.k.a., Claim-It Changes; and now there's Ice-Age 5 caused by Global UnWarming. Now, get ready for the blockbuster hit movie coming for the Summer of 2014 (from the Winter of 2014): "Ice-Age 5-- The Unwarming" :
For larger version & full story, click the image. For larger version & full story, click the image. For larger version & full story, click the image.
Permanent links to this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Ice-Age-Five-The-UnWarming.htm OR DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/Archives2014/du20y14m02d16-01.htm
February 7, 2014-- By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com Seeking to draw attention to their Olympic athletes to distract the world's attention from the almost-third-world dormitory facilities at Sochi for Olympians from around the world, the Russian Olympic Committee has released a lot of risqué pictures of its most-attractive female Olympic athletes. But in doing so, did they perhaps reveal more than they intended? But the risqué-but-safe-for-work Russian images are tame compared to the NSFW calendar and video about the Lebanese Olympic skier Jackie Chamoun. For the rest of the story, click image above or link below: http://PoliSat.Com/Russians-Are-Coming-to-2014-Olympics-Scantily-Clad.htm
January 29, 2014 (Originally published at TPC) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com See Pinobamio follow the Commandment of Jeremiah Cricket to "Never Tell a White Lie" but instead tell the "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period" bold-faced lie often enough and long enough to Low Information Voters to thereby enable the life breathed into ObamaCare to metastasise into Eternal Life. For larger image click image above or permanent link below: http://PoliSat.Com/Pinobamio.htm
January 29, 2014-- By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com For larger image, click image above or link below.
January 29, 2014-- By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com
Installment by the Minister of Truth , PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . Before commencing my text-based report on the Evolution of Obama's Post-Benghazi-Attach Public-Information "JV" Strategy evolving from "Just Video" to "Junior Varsity," I've inserted a couple of images which convey the nature of the initial "JV" strategy and the current "JV" strategy:
As Minister of Truth working behind the scene through the Greatest Secretary of State in History, (my wife and protegé) Hillary Clinton, I have prepared a comprehensive anatomy of the evolution of our Post-Benghazi-Attack Public-Information Strategy regarding the 9-11-2012 Attack in Benghazi that Killed Our Ambassador, Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. I'm glad to report that thus far, our Post-Benghazi-Attack Public-Information Strategy has been the most successful public-information strategy in history since ... (for the rest, click here). Permanent links to this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Benghazzi--JV-Evolves-from-Just-Video-to-Jr-Varsity.htm OR DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/Archives2014/du20y14m01d22-01.htm
January 17, 2014 (Originally posted at TPC here and here) By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com
For larger image, and for the rest of this story about the controversial "penis pump" benefit, click the image above or link below.
January 17, 2014-- (Originally Posted at TPC) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com
For larger image, click image or permanent link below:
Talking Heads Spread Rumors that Monica May Make a Comeback. January 16, 2014-- (Originally posted at TPC) by Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com Permanent link: http://PoliSat.Com/Rumors-Persist-that-Monica-May-Make-a-Comeback.htm By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com, PoliticalXray.Com January 15, 2014-- (Originally posted at TPC)
To view larger images, click permanent link: http://PoliSat.Com/GAIA-Minister-Neytiri-Naked-Truth-Reports.htm#20140115-01
Ex-Russian-Spy Anna Chapman Announces New Fashion Line with Vladimir Putin. By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com (For a larger image and the whole story, click the image above.) Said Anna Chapman: "We named this new line of fashion 'Almost Nothing.'" Already, we have throngs of Russians demanding 'Almost Nothing.' We're already competing aggressively with the Femen Fashion Line (featuring 'Less and Less') in many of the former Soviet states. Our next fashion line will be 'Nothing At All,' and soon we'll have not only throngs of Russians but also throngs of citizens in former Soviet states demanding 'nothing less' than 'Nothing At All.' At that point, our fashion line alone will have fulfilled my Pooty-Poo's goal of reestablishing the Soviet Union in which no consumer was was content with anything less than 'Nothing At All.'" --Spymaster Anna Chapman Permanent Link: Ex-Russian-Spy-Anna-Chapman-Lanuches-Fashion-Line-With-Putin.htm By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com Tweeted
at Twitter . Faced
on Facebook The People's Cube's Coup de Gras Against Facebook in Forcebook Episode of Spaceballs Over Dyke Dynasty Parody of Duck Dynasty Versus SF Dyke March on Facebook. (For a larger image and the full story, click the headline above.) By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . Facebook, in seeking to wield the power of the Force of the Collective against The Peoples Cube by censoring Duck Dynasty satire at the Cube, has become forcebook, an unwittingly self-authored parody of what it, as a free-speech poseur, purports to be. Now it's ready to become the subject of a viral movie titled, "forcebook," ... (click headline for the rest of the story). Permanent links to this installment: Facebook-Becomes-Forcebook-by-Censoring- OR
January 4, 2014 (Reprise link to Nose Art War on 20110331) Reprise of links to:
By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com January 4, 2014 (Originally posted at TPC) For a larger image, click the headline to go to the permanent link. Permanent link: ObamaCare-Mandates-Minimum-Coverage- By
Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . For Millions of women previously exposed to risks due to inadequate coverage, HealthCare.Gov mandates minimum coverage guaranteeing full-coverage equal treatment for ALL women. Click image below to learn how to acquire full coverage satisfying the minimum-coverage mandate. --Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com. Permanent links to this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/ObamaCare-Minimum-Coverage-Mandate.htm OR
Christmas Thanks to Our Troops-- To view a reprise of this 2007 video, click the image below:
December 20, 2013-- (Originally posted at TPC)
Permanent Link: By Jim
Wrenn, Editor. Inspired by the signing translator at the Nelson Mandela funeral, President Obama immediately recruited him to provide a new way for "Signing Up" for ObamaCare at HealthCare.Gov for the "Affordable Care Act." To view Vimeo or YouTube versions of the video and for the rest of the story, click the image below or the headline above. Permanent Link: http://PoliSat.Com/ObamaCare-Signing-Up-Navigators.htm By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . As world leaders exhibit the basic instinct of leadership in gathering at the stadium ceremony commemorating the death of South Africa's Nelson Mandella, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama encounter a distraction by the Danish Prime Minister Ms. Thorning-Schmidt putting Sharon Stone's Basic Instinct to shame ... For the video and the full story, click the image below or the headline above.. . --Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com. Permanent link to this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Basic-Fun-eral-Instinct.htm By Jim
Wrenn, Editor. Help save America: Give a book and a cube to a boob for Christmas in 2013-- i.e., give the book, Shakedown Socialism, and The Peoples Cube to a liberal or non-political friend for Christmas in 2013. How so? Click the headline above or the images below for the full-story and an illustrative video in both Vimeo and YouTube formats. Before Andrew Breitbart's death, he popularized the insight expressed by Bill Frist's policy advisor, Bill Wichterman, that "Politics is downstream from culture" and devoted vast amounts of energy and effort to enable advocates of limited government to understand the implications of such insight. The gist of the insight is ... (for the video and the full story, click either of the images above) Permanent link: Save-America--Give-a-Book-and-a-Cube-to-a-Boob-for-Christmas-2013.htm
American Thanksgiving Tribute To Troops. (Click title above or image below for full story and to view the video.) Full text of this "American Thanksgiving" narrative is at http://PoliSat.Com/Thanksgiving.htm. --Jim Wrenn, Editor at WrennCom.Com; also Editor at PoliSat.Com. Permanent link: http://PoliSat.Com/Thanksgiving.htm. See also http://TION4DION.Com. Regarding Faith, see also http://GUTSPAR.Com. ("GUTSPAR" stands for "Grand Unified Theory of Science, Philosophy And Religion")
By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com ; PoliticalXray.Com November 14, 2013-- (Originally published at TPC) Permanent Link: http://PoliSat.Com/ObamaCare-Marketplace-Is-Open-and- ObamaCare Ad: Got Insurance? Hot to Trot -- Geezers need contraceptive, maternity, erectile and sex-counseling coverage too!· By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton do their parts to promote Obamacare by posing for a "Got Insurance" poster.. --Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com. Permanent links to this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/ObamaCare-Ad-Hot-to-Trot.htm ObamaCare -- Nov 11 Current Truth Replaces Oct 31 Current Truth re what "you can keep."· By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton do their parts for ObamaCare and for Bill and Hillary.. --Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com. Permanent links to this installment: ObamaCare-Nov-11-Current-Truth-Replaces-Oct-31-Current-Truth.htm.
Day-- Nov. 11, 2013 By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . To view video, click headline above or image below.
Ye, the People, If You Like Your Liberty, You Can Keep It -- Period. By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . Progressive Patriots, Rejoice: Our Constitution is not needed because Our Sovereign has blessed us with 36 copies of his Official Proclamation (for larger images and the rest of the story, click the headline above): "Ye the People, If You Like Your Liberty, You Can Keep It, Period." What more could we dare expect or ask? ... (For larger images and the rest of the story, click the images.) Permanent Link: http://PoliSat.Com/Ye-The-People--If-You-Like-Your-Liberty-You-Can-Keep-It.htm.
By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com .
We even tried to SHOW you:
Hard Tours in Afghanistan-- By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . News
report about the Marine
Corps' Anti-Masturbation-in- (Click image above for larger version)
Flash From the Middle East-- Putin Eyes New World Order Cubed: By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . ObamaCare Division of IRS: Intimately Rigorous Sexquisition-- ObamaCare Rules Will Require Physicians to Thoroughly Question Patients About Their Sex Lives and Sexual Habits and Preferences.· By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . The New York Post reports a heretofore little-known aspect of the IRS Enforcement of ObamaCare: The ObamaCare rules will require physicians to thoroughly question their patients about their sex lives, sexual habits and sexual preferences: And, of course, the IRS ObamaCare Enforcement Division is already "on the job":
And, of course, the IRS (Intimately Rigorous Sexquisition) has also adopted a new logo for it's ObamaCare Division: Finally, this tasteful depiction of "A Day in the Life of an ObamaCare-Board Certified Gynecologist" should serve to ... (click image for larger version and the full story): Permanent links to this installment: For larger images & the full story, click links below. http://PoliSat.Com/ObamaCare-Division-of-IRS-- OR
By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . The Syrian Museum of Statuary Art has now added an additional sculpture -- this new sculpture, which is titled
"Putin-With-Believabily-Barely-Large-Enough-Modesty-Leaf" is by the Syrian sculptor Bashir
Assad: Now these two newest statues can be viewed side-by-side:
Peoples Rodeo Rider Breaks Obama-Clown Bull for Supporting Banning Obama Rodeo Clown. By Jim
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . Regarding the Rodeo Clown Banned for Life for "Racist" Conduct in Wearing Obama-Clown-Mask in Rodeo -- But, the patently more brutal mocking of Bush 43 was okay with the Left -- So the Peoples Rodeo Rider breaks the Obama-Clown Bull.
Above image originally posted at TPC --Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com. Permanent links to this installment: http://Peoples-Rodeo-Rider-Breaks-Obama-Clown-Bull.htm OR DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/Archives2013/du20y13m09d21-01.htm
August 8, 2013 According to The Guardian, "Research emerging from the London School of Economics examining the links between intelligence and maternal urges in women claims that more of the former means less of the latter." For a larger image and the rest of this installment, click the headline above. --Jim Wrenn, Washington Bureau Drawer Chief, PoliticalXray.Com (PoliSat.Com) Permanent Link:
Archive: Click here and then scroll-down below August 8, 2013. |
Archive: Click here. |
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