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7, 2005--
Post publishes interview with Hillary Clinton: "I stay awake at night" worrying
about the harm in Washington caused by "people who have never been acquainted with the
Hillary Clinton told the Washington
Post: "I stay awake at night thinking about all the mistakes and the wrong direction and all the bad decisions being made in Washington," Clinton said at the fund-raiser. "It's very hard to stop people who have no shame about what they're doing. It's very hard to stop people who have never been acquainted with the truth."
Apparently, due to a publishing error involving archived issues, the article published in today's
(June 7, 2005) issue attributing such quotation to Hillary Clinton was originally published on
August 18, 1998, the day after Bill Clinton addressed the nation (on
August 17, 1998) to admit that he had been lying in deying that he had "sex" with
Monica Lewinsky. Through the Political-Web-Way-Back-Machine, PoliSat.Com has obtained exclusive
video of the original, on-line publication of the August 18, 1998, article.

Presidential historian Doris Kearns Good-Wind marveled at the technical prowess of PoliSat.Com's
Political-Web-Way-Back-Machine and wondered if it might be able to retrieve pre-plagiarized versions
of some of her work. John Kerry left a voice-mail indicating a willingness to say kind things
about PoliSat.Com in exchange for use of PSC's Machine to retrieve his tour of duty in Cambodia during
Christmas, 1968, on orders of the warmongering then-President-Elect Richard Nixon. PoliSat.Com
declined both requests as being violative of the Second Directive: Don't mess with the

Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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Box for: June
7, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com,
where satire is always
commentary, but commentary
isn't always satire. Title:
Hillary Stays Awake at Night. Permanent
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