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Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Updates.©·2002...
Updates start
below in
chronological order. [CHANGE
Oct. 31, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021031-01.©.2002.
From science, an internet
"first"-- a "handshake" traversing the Earth.·
From science, an internet "first"
enhances the internet's worth
with screens that can change
their shapes to arrange
a handshake traversing the Earth.
This science ain't fiction-- it's real.
Transmitting sensations to feel
by touching the screen
to feel what is seen
enables a handshake that's real.
Of course it ain't hard to conceive
the places this science will lead.
Though naughty to mention
this nifty invention
makes interns for Bill obsolete.
Inspired by an October
29, 2002, news report that scientists have designed transmitters and
receptors to be incorporated into computers to enable physical sensations to be
transmitted and received via the internet. In the first successful
test, two scientists were able to "feel" each other's hand movements
to "shake hands" via the internet. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2002/du021031.htm#20021031-01··©2002.
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Oct. 30, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021030-01.©.2002.
Said Blix "To
Iraq I won't go as feckless Inspector Blixeau."·
Said Blix to the
Council, "I'll go
inspecting if you will bestow
some bite to my barkin'
to force 'em to hearken
instructions on what they must show."
* ·
Said Blix "If they
force me to go
with bite to my bark not bestowed,
Saddam will perceive
my mission to be
Return of Inspector
here to see Return of Inspector Blixeau.].
Inspired by an October
30, 2002, news report that Blix informed Bush that he's been telling UN
Security Council members that sending him to Iraq to conduct weapons inspections
would be ineffective absent the UN first making clear to Iraq that
non-compliance would result in swift and serious consequences. [*Red
quotation marks denote text paraphrasing the text of a quotation.] --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2002/du021031.htm#20021030-01··©2002.
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Oct. 29, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021029-01.©.2002.
The latest prediction by
Cronkite invokes the "America's wrong" rite.·
Attacking Iraq proclaimed Cronkite
without the UN is a wrong fight.
He thinks World War Three
is where it would lead
though Two flowed from League votes to not-fight.
It seems in retirement that Cronkite
finds lessons from Munich recondite*
His lessons from hist'ry
like chants from the Sixties
invoke the "America's wrong" rite.
Inspired by an October
29, 2002, report of comments by Walter Cronkite appearing in a Texas A &
M lecture series warning that attacking Iraq without approval of the UN could
lead to "World War III." In fairness to Cronkite, however, his
comments implied that he may be predicating such warning on his assumption that
Britain would be the "only" country to join forces with us in such
attack. Thus, one could reasonably infer he would support attacking Iraq
without UN authorization if a done with the support of a large
coalition. Indeed, if my recollection is correct, he supported our attacks
on the Serbians without UN authorization because we did so in concert
with NATO allies. It seems that Cronkite advocates the coalition
determining the mission rather than vice-versa. [*Re-con-dite
is the alternate
pronunciation of recondite.] --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 28, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021028-01.©.2002.
A view about actors as
moral detractors.·
The timing of actors in launching depictions
of plans against terror as moral afflictions
shows why they're opposed--
Their protests arose
when plans went beyond self-portrayal as victims.
Inspired by my recollection that celebrity activists began expressing their
moral condemnation of our plans to combat terror almost the moment after Bush
announced plans to counterattack in Afghanistan and in any other country in
which the government supports or harbors terrorist activities, training or
networks. In other words, those celebrities' support for our
counter-terrorism strategy evaporated the moment it became clear our plans would
go beyond wallowing in what they perceived to have been our role as blameworthy
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2002/du021031.htm#20021028-01··©2002.
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Oct. 27, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021027-01.©.2002.
Sarandon gets febrile
'cause Dubya says "evil.".·
Why don't those who march in the canyon
of "wisdom" of Susan Sarandon--
that violence is not
how terror is stopped--
perceive it's a box-ended canyon?
They claim it's outdated and feeble
to say that an enemy's "evil,"
but yet in their rants
they claim in their chants
their enemy, Dubya, is "evil."
Inspired by reports
of comments by Susan Sarandon at the "anti-war" rally in Dee Cee
today. The report paraphrases her as having said that "terrorism
could not be fought with violence." While those "anti-war"
protestors mock Bush's invocation of the moral yardstick of civilized society as
the basis for describing terrorists and those who support them as
"evil," the very essence of their condemnation of Bush, Cheney,
Rumsfeld, et al, is that their motives for proactive warfare against
terrorism are "evil."
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2002/du021031.htm#20021027-01·©2002.
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Oct. 26, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021026-01.©.2002.
Designs to encrypt
implantable chips.·
Our data we now can encrypt
to wear in implantable chips
so we who have needs
to prove our IDs
may do so without moving lips.
The risks that "Loose lips can sink ships"
would seem not a danger with chips
'til ways are invented
to copy and mimic
emissions of data to loosen our chips.
Inspired by an October
26, 2002, Wired.Com report that implantable chips are now available for
people desiring a method for proving their identification, establishing their
security clearance, making their medical histories or other vital data instantly
available, etc. by having such data encrypted into bio-implantable chips to be
read by scanning devices. Here come the "Borg." --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du021031.htm#20021026-01.©.2002...
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Oct. 25, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #200210254-01.©.2002.
The "will" of
Usama ain't proof he's a goner.·
A magazine published in London
has published "the will" of bin Laden,
in which he asserted
Afghanis deserted
his war 'cause their leaders were rotten.
Its date is December Fourteen
in Two-Thousand-One when gangrene
persuaded bin Laden
his odds were so rotten
that soon he would pass from the scene.
Although he ain't lately been spotted,
it could be a ruse he has plotted.
Concluding he's dust
requires that we must
have proof that his body has rotted.
Inspired by an October 25, 2002, news report* that a Arabic-language magazine in
London has published contents from what it describes as a "will" Usama
bin Laden wrote on December 14, 2001, while suffering from what were, or he may
have believed to have been, mortal wounds. The article describes the will
as having included, inter alia, bin Laden's condemnation of the Taliban
as deserters to his cause. (*I'm
omitting a link to the Reuters report as a form of protest against Reuters for
its continuation of its unworthy and morally indefensible refusal to describe as
"terrorists" the fanatics who flew the planes into the World Trade
Center) --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du021031.htm#20021025-01··©.2002...
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Oct. 24, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021024-01.©.2002.
While waiting 'til snipers
were caught, I fear the wrong lessons we've taught.·
I fear the wrong lessons we've taught
while waiting 'til snipers were caught--
Our yielding to fears
was teaching their peers
their cost to make terror is naught.
I fear that the extent to which we limited our functioning as a free society in
response to the indisputable terror of snipers on the loose has taught their
peers the wrong lesson. As difficult as it may be, we need to have the
courage to place such risks in context in order to display the same type of
courage displayed by Londoners under much more terrifying circumstances
throughout the Battle of London in World War II. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du021031.htm#20021024-01··©.2002...
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Oct. 23, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021023-01.©.2002.
Instructions we
soon will receive on when, where and how we can speak.·
How "wonderful" Campaign "Reform"
can tell us the "speech" within "norms"
so we can receive
permission to speak
in ways to please Priests of Reform.·
Inspired by an October
23, 2002, article by Carl Sullivan at EditorAndPublisher.Com
indicating the Federal
Election Commission has graciously ruled that the Political Censorship Law
(otherwise known as McCain-Feingold aka "Campaign Finance 'Reform'")
doesn't apply to "Web site" advertisements. To paraphrase an old adage
that Democratic voters in Chicago always voted "early and often," it
is my intention to violate the unconstitutional Campaign Finance
"Reform" limitations on free speech as "early and often" as
possible once it become effective after November 6, 2002. Priests of Political
Speech have no place in a country in which the Constitution guarantees free
speech. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du021031.htm#20021023-01··©.2002...
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Oct. 22, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021022-01.©.2002.
A buy, sell or
barter on books about Martha
From Martha, Some Tips You Can Use
On How You Can Cook Your Own Goose..·
According to publishers' news,
the galleys have now been approved
for Insider's Views
on Recipes Used
by Martha to Cook Her Own Goose.·
Inspired by reports that the SEC has informed Martha Stewart that it is
preparing securities-fraud charges against her.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du021031.htm#20021022-01··©.2002...
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Oct. 21, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021021-01.©.2002.
A free society must
react to sniper terrorism the same way it must react to other forms of terrorism
while its government is doing its best to find and eradicate the perpetrators
and planners of terrorism.·
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du021031.htm#20021021-01··©.2002...
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Oct. 20, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021020-01.©.2002.
The parody sung by
McCain shows People Knead People with fame.·
I've always admired* you,
Though some of your views**
are a pain,
your parodies live
on Saturday*** Live
were tour de force satire, McCain.
And so I send kudos, McCain
for mocking Ms Streisand, whose fame
has lately been used
in faxes to prove
that singing does not require brains.·
McCain, like a beloved friend who often makes one angry without destroying the
friendship, deserves admiration not only for his heroism but also for having
somehow retained his sense of humor despite the horrors he endured. To
those who criticized him for missing a chance to vote "aye" on a
defense appropriation bill (that passed overwhelmingly) while he was rehearsing
for "Saturday Night Live," I say his tour de force satire
mocking the anti-terror-war celebrities was far more valuable than would have
been increasing the overwhelming support for the defense bill by adding one more
vote. *Go
here. **Go
here and here.
had to use "Saturday Live" because "Saturday Night Live"
doesn't fit the rhythm (except as spoken in the deep South-- i.e., "Sair-day
Night Live.") --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 19, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021019-01.©.2002.
"stars" are emotive impugning our motives.·
Why is it so many celebrities
appear to experience revelry
in statements emotive
impugning the motives
of warfare for terrorist-fettering?
Perhaps their "artistic" self-images
are not deemed acceptable "vintages"
unless they are shocking
or otherwise mocking
the views of traditional vintages.
In launching their verbal projectiles
with logic resembling a pretzel,
they seem to be craving
a way for assuaging
the fear that they're not really special.·
Inspired by an October
19, 2002, Washington Times article about the increasing shrillness of many
"celebrities" in emotively impugning the motives of those favoring
application of military force against terrorists and terrorist-states-- e.g.,
Woody Harrelson calling our war against terror a "racist war"; Harry
Belafonte trashing Colin Powell and Condi Rice as "house slaves";
the self-righteous babbling of various celebrities supporting "Not
In Our Name", Hanoi Jane Fonda, Barbara
Streisand, Ed Asner, Susan Sarandon, Robert
Altman, Sean Penn, ad naseum. . . --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 18, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021018-01.©.2002.
A "razor-thin
miss" we shouldn't dismiss.·
"We need to develop," the experts are warning,
"defenses for comet, or asteroid, warnings,"
cause objects from space
are not the best ways
to patch "holes" in ozone or
"stop" global "warming."
Since Schoemaker-Levy*
our experts have learned
some "razor-thin misses"**
of Earth have occurred.
To make a defense,
the task is immense,
so sooner, not later, we must get to work.·
That we are currently playing Russian Roulette in the cosmic shooting gallery
is-- unlike the "ozone" and "global warming" theories, an
indisputable scientific fact. That the most recent impact large enough to
have flattened New York City occurred less than a hundred years ago***
and that recent geological discoveries strongly indicate that impacts comparable
in scope have occurred approximately every hundred years demonstrate that we
should be spending billions on a Manhattan-Project type program to develop ways
to prevent the next impact
(instead of wasting countless billions on politically-motivated, scientifically
debatable "ozone-hole" and "global warming" theories). *For
more information, go here;
more information, go
here. ***If the comet that devastated thousands of square miles in Siberia in 1908 (with a force 1,000 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb) were to have occurred a mere twelve hours earlier, thousands of square miles of New England would have been flattened-- For more information,
go here.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 17, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021017-01.©.2002.
treaty" was Bubba's idea; "Got nukes" confessed Kim's North
"Got Treaty" was Bubba's idea;
"Got Nukes" confessed Kim's North Korea.
If Clinton remained
he'd merely complain
"My treaty is stained-- 'Got Di'rrhea.' "
"My critics," said Bush, "call me 'Dumbbell';
However, my plans have begun well--
to first show Saddam
for him I've 'Got Bombs,'
and then for Kim Jong, I've 'Got Rumsfeld' ! "·
Inspired by an October
16, 2002, Washington Times report that North Korea just admitted the
accuracy of the Bush Administration's charges that North Korea has been
maintaining its nuclear program for making enriched uranium in direct violation
of its 1994 agreement with the Clinton Administration under which we funded
billions in aid to North Korea for light-water reactors and food in exchange for
North Korea's "promise" to abandon its nuclear program. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du021031.htm#20021017-01··©.2002...
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Oct. 16, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021016-01.©.2002.
The stuff Streisand
states in her "Truth-Alert" is proof her cerebrum is too inert.."·
To prove her cerebrum ain't too inert,
Ms Streisand informs us in "Truth-Alerts"
that Shakespeare's Iran
is ruled by Saddam,
where sanctions make babies drink hooter-curd. ·
Inspired by Streisand's "Truth Alert" having referred to Saddam
Hussein as the dictator of "Iran" and also having recently purported
to have been quoting Shakespeare in reciting bogus Shakespearean quotations
spread around the interent. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du021031.htm#20021016-01··©.2002...
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Oct. 15, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021015-01.©.2002.
The experts are fin'lly
discerning a fact we have long been discerning.·
The dinosaur experts have now come upon
some facts to reveal what we've known all along:
That dinosaur "men"
had scales on their skin--
We'd learned it observing the one they call
"Strom." ·
Inspired by an Oct. 14, 2002, news report that paleontologists in Montana just
found "mummified" remains of a dinosaur revealing the texture of its
"skin" covered with scales ranging from the size of a BB to the size
of a dime. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 14, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021014-01.©.2002.
The Trouble that led to
The Bubble.·
The Trouble that led to The Bubble
when stocks often split & then doubled,
we now clearly see
as "me-first, not thee"
with lies as the seeds for the trouble.
When lying was seeding for trouble,
the stocks often split and then doubled.
Said Greenspan, "Irrational
exub'rance ain't factual"--
Says Hist'ry: the Great Bubba Bubble.
I coined "the Great Bubba Bubble" in recognition that it seems
unlikely to be have been mere coincidence that the emergence of massive, unprecedented
corporate lying among a minority of unprincipled business executives and
accountants coincided with the Co-Presidency of the Duke of Deception (aka
, the Mullah of Mendacity, the Shaman of Sham) and the Duchess of Deceit
the Queen of Concealment, the Princess of Pretense). For a satirical
account of the elevation of lying to high art- form under the ageless poetic
rubric "Truth is Booty & Booty is Truth", click
here for the latest edition of the Clinton
Book, here
for a review, or here
for more information. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 13, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021013-01.©.2002.
To Harry said Senator
Lott: "Attending your dinner? I'm not
! (a
The insults at Colin by Harry made Lott
tell Harry, "Your dinner, attending I'm not !"
Then Dashle took fever
exclaiming "Me neither !"
Which leaves Belafonte more food in the pot.·
I'm reprising the Daily Update for Oct. 11, 2002, to introduce Sambo-Mon
Song, a new
animation/song-parody to the tune of Belafonte's "Banana Boat"
song. In this animation, Belafonte sings insults to Powell followed by
singing retorts by Powell, Lott and Daschle. Click the image above (or
http://polisat.com/SamboMonSong.html) to go to the animation-page. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 12, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021012-01.©.2002.
Today, Jim Wrenn's off
(his rocker).·
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 11, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021011-01.©.2002.
To Harry, said Senator
Lott, "Your dinner? Attending, I'm not !.·
The insults at Colin by Harry made Lott
tell Harry, "Your dinner, attending I'm not !"
Then Dashle took fever
exclaiming "Me neither !"
Which leaves Belafonte more food in the pot.·
Inspired by news reports that when Trent Lott cancelled his scheduled appearance
at an upcoming dinner to honor Harry Belafonte when Lott learned about
Belafonte's radio-interview comments (see my Oct.
8, 2002 Daily Update) comparing Colin Powell to a "slave" who's
allowed to work "in the master's plantation house" so long as he does
exactly and only the bidding of the "master." Late in the
evening, O'Reilly reported on The Factor that Daschle had said he would
also cancel his scheduled appearance at the same dinner. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 10, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021010-01.©.2002.
Better ape than
Thought Tom, to whom Streisand said, "Never
help Bush" or she'd ruffle her feathers:
"To be or not be,
or be me-too be?
Me too, because later is better than never."·
Today Daschle braved the scorn of the brilliant 21st-Century geo-strategist,
Barbara Streisand, by supporting the resolution on Iraq favored by Bush. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 9, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021009-01.©.2002.
A Traficant juror
forlorn... invents the best Campaign Reform.·
A Traficant juror's forlorn
'cause reas'nable doubt has been formed
since voting to send
ole James to the pen,
so campaigning work he'll perform.
One hopes it begins a new norm--
a new type of Campaign Reform:
That all politicians
may run on condition
they're jailed while campaigns are performed.
Inspired by an Oct.
9, 2002, Yahoo/AP news report that Leo Glaser, one of the jurors who voted
to convict James Traficant, now says he has reasonable doubts and is offering to
help in Traficant's from-the-jailhouse campaign for reelection. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 8, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021008-01.©.2002.
"The Sambo-Mon Song"·
[Click image below for new animation superseding this one.)
Click image above (or here) for
updated animation/song-parody superseding this one.
Inspired by Harry Belafonte's insulting comments on a radio program likening
Colin Powell to a slave who worked in the house of the master rather than in the
fields and always did the masters bidding. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 7, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021007-01.©.2002.
"Their nom de
plume "Not In Our Name" instead
should be "Not In Our Brains."·
Say members of Not In Our Name,
"Attacking Iraq's inhumane!"
They'd wait 'til Saddam
is bombing anon
and then they'd debate whom to blame.
Their spokespersons then would complain
"The dots weren't connected again,"
but doubt not a whit
they'd never admit
"Connections were Not In Our Brains."·
Inspired by the re-emergence of the it's-all-America's-fault crowd under the nom
de plume "Not In Our Name" supported by such brilliant
members of the "arts" community as Susan Sarandon, Robert Altman,
Martin Sheen, Jane Fonda, ad nauseam. Editor's note:
the nom de plume's dot-com version connects to an anti-western propaganda
site, and it's dot-net version touts support by the great intellectuals of our
time such as Hanoi Jane Fonda, Ed Asner, Susan
Sarandon, Robert
Altman, ad nauseam. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 6, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021006-01.©.2002.
babble by Senator Daschle.·
Said Dubya, the Senate assuredly
in stalling for labor-law purity
puts how we dispense
our Homeland Defense
ahead of our national security.
"Outrageous! Outrageous!
said Daschle to show he's courageous
expressing his pique
at Dubya's critique
of stalling as disadvantageous.
But yet when he learned Tom McDermott
alleged in Iraq as "observer,"
that Bush "would mislead"
for war to proceed,
from Daschle we heard not a murmur.
But fin'lly at Meet the Press time,
when Tim asked that Daschle opine
on claims by McDermott,
he quietly murmured
McDermott was "over the line."
If Daschle were really courageous
when fairness is disadvantageous,
he'd label the claims
McDermott has made
"Outrageous! Outrageous!
Inspired by Daschle's appearance today on Meet the Press. Russert showed
Daschle a video clip of Daschle angrily expressing his "outrage" on
the Senate floor at Bush for criticizing "the Senate" for being more
interested in serving labor-law special interests potentially affected by the
proposed Homeland Security Department than the national-security interests
creation of such department would be intended to serve. Then Russert
confronted Daschle with Democratic Representative Tom McDermott's statement in
Baghdad that we should "take at face value" Saddam Hussein's
assurances of cooperation with a UN investigation team and that Bush "would
mislead the American people" into supporting war on Iraq. Rather than
righteously pounding his fist on the table and characterizing McDermott's
statements as "outrageous," Daschle merely murmured that McDermott's
statement was "over the line." --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 5, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021005-01.©.2002.
The Democrat ad
claiming Bush wants seniors from cliffs to be pushed.·
The Democrat's ads are alleging that Bush
wants seniors in wheelchairs from cliffs to be pushed
to show how he'd bust
the S-S-I
Like World-Com deceivers, they think we are schnooks.
Since "perp-walks" are right for the business-world hot-shots
whose fraudulent claims made their companies' stocks drop,
we ought to demand some contrition
and "perp-walks" by each politician
who claimed S-S-I
is a "trust fund" or "lockbox."·
Inspired by the controversy*
erupting on Oct. 4, 2002, over a DNC animation showing Bush pushing
wheelchair-bound seniors off the "cliff" of a falling chart-line of
Social Security benefits. *See
Report; Washington
Times, and Washington
Post. [Editor's note-- The "perp-walk" stanza is a
revised reprise of my August 8, 2002, Daily
Update wishing that politicians who have called Social Security a
"trust fund" be forced to do the same "perp-walk" as is now
being done by con artists in the corporate world.] --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 4, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021004-01.©.2002.
last-minute actions in Jersey give more than Republicans worries.·
The Democrats' last-minute actions in Jersey
should give more than just the Republicans worries
that precedents set
will surely beget
demands from the fringe for the same kind of mercy.·
Narrow, short-term self-interests have motivated the New Jersey Democrats and
New Jersey Supreme Court to set a dangerous precedent. The prior case(s)
in which the New Jersey Supreme Court allowed substitution of a live candidate
for one who died after the statutory deadline for substituting candidates did
not set dangerous precedents (unless one were to assume candidates whose
poll-numbers are too low as they near the election would be willing to commit
suicide to enable their parties to recruit better candidates). By allowing
Democrats to substitute a candidate after the deadline merely to
substitute a stronger candidate, New Jersey would not have a constitutionally
viable basis to reject the same type requests by fringe parties, which could
wreak havoc with the electoral process. If it's fair for the Democrats to
substitute Frank Lautenberg for Bob Torrecelli merely to increase their chances
of winning, how could New Jersey refuse a similar, last-minute request by a
fringe party to substitute a well-known celebrity for its candidate to increase
its chances of winning? --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 3, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021003-01.©.2002.
would tweak our freedom to speak..·
The Fed'ral Election Commission
has kindly extended permission
to Leno and Dave
for mocking the knaves--
You know who I mean: Politicians.
But those who believe a Commission
can grant or deny us permission
to speak with inflection
before an election
ignore First Amendment permission.
And those who would use a Commission
to try to deny me permission
to speak with inflection
before an election
will learn I don't need their permission.·
Inspired by the insufferable arrogance of supporters of the anti-free-speech
Campaign Finance "Reform" and by the equally insufferable arrogance of
the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in recently
announcing an exemption permitting comedians, such as Jay Leno and Dave
Letterman, to mock candidates during the 60-day period before federal
elections. Even worse, the FEC qualified such exemption by stating it
would "[not] be automatic" and that such comments "would be
considered [on a] case by case [basis]." It's my intention to violate
such patently unconstitutional laws and regulations as early and as often as
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 2, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021002-02.©.2002.
The deafening
silence of Daschle endorses McDermott the Trasher.·
Why hasn't Tom Daschle been fervent
condemning the claims of McDermott*
in Baghdad, Iraq
that Bush fudges facts?
His silence endorses McDermott !·
Inspired by Daschle's deafening silence in failing to explicitly, vehemently and
self-righteously condemn Democratic Representative Jim McDermott (Washington
state) for his irresponsible, inflammatory and dangerous allegations in Baghdad,
Iraq, on September 29, 2002, that Bush "would mislead" the American
people in order to start a war against Iraq. In light of Daschle's
infantile eruption**
on the Senate floor last week in response to Bush's criticism that the Senate's
delays on the Homeland Security indicates it cares more about the special
interests of government-employee labor unions than Homeland Security, one could
only infer that his failure to promptly, emotionally and unequivocally condemn
McDermott for his Baghdad remarks is evidence of Daschle's agreement with
McDermott. [**To
read my Sept. 25, 2002, Update about Daschle's eruption, go to http://polisat.com/du2002/du020930.htm#20020925-01.] --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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Oct. 2, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021002-01.©.2002.
Saddam is agreeing
to host... Return of Inspector Blixeau..·
Saddam's found a way he can show
he doesn't have weapons that glow
because he's obtaining
conditions arranging
Return of Inspector Blixeau.
image at left to view cartoon.]
[To view
the Return of Inspector Blixeau
cartoon, click here.]·
Inspired by the statement on October 1, 2002, by Hans Blix (leader of the UN
inspection team for Iraq) asserting that Iraq had agreed to unconditional
inspections at any time, anywhere (except for Saddam's
"palaces," for which inspections require advance notice, permission
from Iraq and diplomats to accompany the inspectors). --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du021031.htm#20021001-01.©.2002...
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Oct. 1, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20021001-01.©.2002.
McDermott is
yearnin' for trusting in vermin.·
Says Bush "There's
no doubt it's a fact
Saddam's building nukes for Iraq,
so give me permission
for launching a mission
to corner the Rat of Iraq." *
quotation marks denote paraphrasing.]
By words in Iraq, Jim McDermott,
proclaiming Saddam has been earnin'
his trust in believing
that "Bush is deceiving," *
quotation marks denote paraphrasing.]
has earned a new name: Jim
Inspired by the outrageously
irresponsible and morally offensive statements in Baghdad on September 29, 2002
by Washington state Representative Jim McDermott urging the world to take
Saddam Hussein's assurances at "face value" but assume that Bush would
"mislead" the world about Hussein.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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this Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du021031.htm#20021001-01.©.2002...
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