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Daily Updates
Updates start below in
chronological order.
Aug. 29 through 31, 2003: No update-- Editor
taking extended
Labor Day Holiday.
Aug. 28, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
Said Ford in Australia,
the war is a failure...
(Text below--red quotation marks
denote poetic license in paraphrasing a quotation.)·
When Harrison Ford was Down-Under*
he said in Iraq we had blundered
by launching a war
to stop Saddam's roar,
so what was Ford's answer, one wonders.
The answer, said Ford, was that "something
be done for the factions succumbing
to anger's enticement
from disenfranchisement
so something replaces their nothing."·**
If Ford saw the world without visors
for views from ground level not risers,
he'd know war on terror
instead of an error
is war against disenfranchisers.
The statement, "We ought to do something,"
quite often means "nothing" not "something."
Though spoken sincerely
quite often it merely
is code for "I'd rather do nothing."
His words were no doubt injudicious
but unlike Sarandon's, not vicious,
but hope there may be
he'll yet will perceive
that war against terror's propitious.
It seems Ford's reverted to Han
at midpoint of episode one
when Han said he'd not
help Skywalker stop
the Death Star before it was done.
But luckily Han became wiser
and joined with the Skywalker fliers
for Death Star destruction
before it could function
for use by the Disenfranchisers.
And therefore, there's hope Mr. Ford
will learn not the spade but the sword
is best as incisor
of Disenfranchisers
in tyrants' and terrorists' hordes.
here for the link to the Australian news article quoting statements Ford
made while in Australia about America's current foreign policy and several other
Here's the quotation attributed to Ford: "I think something needs to be done to help alleviate the conditions which have created a disenfranchised and angry faction in the Middle East."
--Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 27, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
What Cronkite today would
call "lib'ral" is better defined as "illib'ral"..
Now Cronkite "admits" he's "a lib'ral,"
concedes most reporters are "lib'rals,"
and further contends
the claims that they bend
reports to their views is just drivel.
So why does he think that the news
is rarely distorted by views
and fairness abounds?
'Cause liturgies sound
correct to the folks in the pews.
In contrast to classical lib'rals,
who now fill the NeoCon middle,
too many today
as "lib'rals" display
an illness I'm naming "illib'ral."
To "lib'ral" I'm prefixing "ill"
defining it's use as a shill
to label as "lib'ral"
the pantheist drivel *
that PC Theocracy spills.
To "lib'ral" I also add "ill"
'cause often it's used as a shill
with do-gooder labels
for gov'ment enabled
to "save" us from foolish free will**.
To "lib'ral" I further add "ill"
whenever it's used as a shill
for PC Theocracy
contending democracy
means gov'ment on Faith can say nil***.
However, the opposite view
is one that I also eschew:
A TheoConOcracy
with Faith by democracy
enshrined as majority views****.
Inspired by Walter
Cronkite's August 15, 2003, column titled, "Liberalism in the Media."
learn what I mean by "pantheist
drivel," go here. **To
learn what I mean by this, go here and here.
learn what I mean by this, go here.
learn what I mean by TheoConOcracy (views espoused by those I would classify as
"TheoCons"-- i.e."conservatives" more interested in
promoting their theology than limited government), go
here and here. --Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 26, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
The Franken Briars in
Franken's "Liars."..
I'm glad that Fox News is now yankin'
the lawsuit it filed against Franken,
who surely had hoped
by Fox to be poked
to draw more attention to Franken.
I wonder if Fox read my tomes*
on why to leave Franken alone
'cause suing for "Liars"
made patches of briars
where Franken desired to be thrown..
Inspired by a news
report that Fox announced its decision to dismiss its suit against Franken
for using Fox's trademarked slogan "Fair and Balanced" in the title of
his book mocking Fox and everyone to the right (left?) of FFOTL (Fashionable
Fascistic Of The Left). ·*·
To view my prior tomes on the subject, click here
for August 13, 2003 (or here for
"FrankenSine" and here for
"FrankenMorph") and here
for August 18, 2003 (or here
"Franken's Lair"). --Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 25, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
Could ABC's George
Stephanopoulos knock Russert from Sunday's Acropolis?..
believed "No one can topple us"
when Brinkley ruled Sunday's Acropolis,
but slippage began
with Cokie & Sam
and bottomed with George
ABC thus became the Necropolis
while Tim became Zeus of Acropolis,
but yet ABC
thinks Russert can be
defeated by more Stephanopoulos.
Their hopes to re-conquer Acropolis
they've pinned on a lone Stephanopoulos,
but viewers, they'll find,
will only comprise
the fam'ly of George Stephanopoulos.
--Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 24, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
Conversing enjoined by
rule in Des Moines ...
In school in the town of Des Moines
a rule was imposed to enjoin
the students from speaking
while food they were eating
with manners and silence conjoined.
Since parents and students rebelled
against such a ruling to quell
the talking while eating,
the school is retreating,
so lunch is now louder than hell.
The lesson we simply must face?
What's right is the rule not the place.
So what is the place
this ruling should grace?
The lips of each Congressman's face.
According to a news report in the Des Moines
Register, an Iowa school principal seeking to improve rowdy behavior of students during lunch ordered silence in the cafeteria throughout the lunch period. In response to massive protests, he rescinded the order.
--Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 23, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
The Do-Good, the Do-Bad and the Do-Ugly...
The clamor's becoming a din
by critics who want the UN
to share in control
to make Iraq whole
so freedom, not tyranny, wins.
A problem the critics ignore:
To bring the UN to the fore
would lead to demands
that hamper command
of missions our forces perform.
Although to "do good" the UN
can sometimes decisively win,
the failures it's had
in stopping what's bad
say "no" to "control" by UN.
In guiding Iraq to democracy
we need to avoid the mobocracy
of basing our missions
or forces' decisions
on whims of the UN bureaucracy
--Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 22, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
The Ugly, the Bad and the
Since journeys of seeking the truth
find goodness and badness en route,
contending we should
conclude that the good
is worth it can seem so uncouth.
Though knowing we can't expect magic
in efforts to free the Iraqis,
we rightly decry
that soldiers will die
'cause death of just one is so tragic.
We all think the suicide bombing
the UN sustained is alarming
because it implies
that what has arrived
are groups who for terror are arming.
But yet if Iraq has become
the place where the terrorists come
to battle the West,
it offers the best
locale for such war to be won.
In the wake of the suicide bombing of the UN Headquarters, critics of Operation
Iraqi Freedom have expressed the fear that terrorists' war against the West has
motivated large numbers of them to enter Iraq to battle US forces and attempt to
prevent stabilization of Iraq. Although no one could find "good"
in the fact that such trend will inevitably lead to US casualties, the reality
is that such trend has more effect on where, and when, rather than whether,
there will be US casualties in the war on terror, and it seems to me that we may
be better able to minimize our casualties, maximize the terrorists' casualties
and minimize the geographic impact of their terror campaigns as long as the
terrorists and their networks are concentrating their resources against us in
--Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 21, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
In Court, Judge Moore
poses for role as Judge Moses...
Before I proceed I concede
in God I am lacking belief,
but yet I concede
religious beliefs
help many be better than me*.
I also concede Ten Commandments
for laws were historic'ly candent
as civilization
matured into nations
and Man became morally scandent.
I further concede a foundation
for freedom was Tom's Declaration
that rights weren't allowed
but rather endowed
to each upon each's Creation.
However, when passion subsided
on being from England divided,
our Forefathers grasped
the sobering task
of joining what doctrines divided.
Though nationhood instincts were nascent,
the Founders for years remained nescient
on how to emerge
from doctrines diverse
to form what would last as a nation.
On learning a loose federation
did not form the bonds for a nation,
for bonding a union
a new Constitution
they authored for founding a nation.
In contrast to Tom's Declaration
the document founding our nation
omitted assertions
that rights of a person
arose from an act of Creation.
Twas not that they'd ceased to believe
but rather their wisdom perceived
that law shouldn't choose
the doctrinal views
that citizens "ought" to believe.
Such wisdom embraced prohibition
of law to establish religion
by Congress at first,
then states were deterred
from breaking the same prohibition.
Though leftist political junkies
disparage the Doctrinal Fundies,
they're deaf to the tones
of hymns of their own
they're singing as Secular Fundies.
If Moore had displayed in the lobby
the Code of the King, Hamurabi,
as ancestor to
the laws we construe,
the hearts of the Left would be throbbing.
Display of such Code to be seen
as part of the fibers of strings
of hist'ry that led
to justice we've bred
would not be "endorsement" of kings.
But motives that Moore's been explaining
as grounds for his action displaying
the ancient Commandments
appear more than candent--
implying it's faith he's displaying.
But Moore's stubborn conduct is fraying
the sensible grounds for displaying
Commands that inspired
mankind to aspire
to frameworks of laws for obeying.
That Moore made a choice to defy
the fed'ral court's ruling belies
his claiming his motive
included promoting
respect for the law in men's eyes.
I think religious zealots and secular zealots deserve each other. Although
I'm a non-believer, I find much to admire and respect in courage, nobility and
selflessness exhibited by many in trying to live the spirit of their religious
faith. I detest the arrogant self-righteousness of the anti-religious
zealotry of those I would classify as Secular Fundamentalists. Despite the
transparently religious motives of Judge Moore in placing the granite display
representing the Ten Commandments, it's a historical fact that those
Commandments played a large historic role in the moral evolution of Man's
willingness to conform his behavior to a standard of law rather than merely the
rule of the jungle. To construe symbolic display of the Commandments on
public property as governmental "establishment" of Judaism or
Christianity or Deism is to demand that public displays must avoid attributing
human progress to religion even when such contribution is historically
demonstrable. Yet Moore's behavior mocks the high principles he claims
just as the attitudes of the Priests of Political Correctness reveal about their
own Secular Fundamentalism. Am I alone? I hope not. ·*·Poetic
license allows me to substitute the grammatically incorrect object-pronoun
"me" for the the subject-pronoun "I." --Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 20, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
Passing the Cov'rage, Part
It's time for repeating my views
on "Passing the Cov'rage"
for news
about Operation
Iraq's Liberation
constricted to incident views.
Since networks constricted the news
to little but incident views,
the "news" on Iraq
by nature has lacked
the breadth to show news that ain't skewed.
The news networks' decisions following the end of formal combat operations in
Iraq to downgrade their coverage of "news" from Iraq to little more
than incident-driven coverage has seriously impaired the ability of the public
to view events in such as the bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad in a
sensible perspective. I wish the "news" networks would include
daily one-hour programs devoted exclusively to news from Iraq and Afghanistan
with breadth and depth to enable viewers to be able to view sensational
incidents with a more realistic perspective. To view the original
"Passing the Coverage" animation (June 29, 2003), click here. --Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 19, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
The Faux*
News Networks..
MSNBC, CNN and Fox News
contend they're presenting the serious news
but all three include
as though it were "news"
celebrity pap and those lawyers with views.
Obsessively cov'ring sensational cases,
celebrity gossip and vehicle-chases
in battles for ratings
they're misallocating
their assets for cov'ring the most-vital places.
To answer, they first rightly skewer
the tastes of the typical viewer,
whose eyeballs are glued
to gossipy news,
then whine that news-junkies are fewer.
However, it's not an excuser
that news-junkie viewers are fewer--
Before Fox supplanted
the status quo ante,
the sources for balance were fewer.
So, therefore, to Fox I suggest
for shows on faux news you should let
and CNN be
where fans know such drivel they'll get.
Then Fox can continue to prove
the market for serious news
is larger than thought
before Twenty-Naught
by losing the fans of faux news.
note: Although there is a website, FauxNews.Com, which satirizes Fox,
that's not to what I'm refering. (Ostensibly, FauxNews.Com harbors the
illusion or delusion that the news networks other than Fox are not presenting faux
news.) Rather, I'm using "faux news" to mean the
kind of pap too often found on all three "news" networks-- i.e.,
"news" about celebrities, obsessive coverage of sensational crimes and
criminal trials (which should really be labeled "infomercials" for
"high profile" lawyers), car-chases, and bleed-must-lead coverage of
isolated disasters. It's too facile to say there would not be a large
enough audience left to support a news network eschewing such coverage just as
it was too facile to say years ago that there would not be an audience large
enough to support a view of the news not genuflecting to the stereotypical views
of the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times,
ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and NPR. Until the advent of Fox News, C-SPAN, McNeil-Lehrer
(now NewsHour) and CrossFire were the only places viewers could find
right-of-center views alongside, or balanced against, left-of-center
views. --Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 18, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
A pass in the Spin Zone
would score in the end zone..
O'Reilly's good judgment has shrunk
in suing Al Franken, the drunk,
for lies about Bill
'cause wisdom is nil
in you-know-what contests with skunks.
If asked, I would humbly advise
that Bill use a tactic more wise:
A best-selling book
providing a look
at liars who lie about lies.
Inspired by O'Reilly's
August 18, 2003, column asserting his reasons for his and Fox's suit against
Al Franken for defamation and for trespassing on Fox's "Fair and
Balanced" slogan. --Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 17, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
Is recall for leadership
change the cure for political mange?..
The Left Coast is hank'ring for change
to cure its political mange
with symptoms displayed
as shadings of Gray,
but change can be boon or a bane.
Twas good we were founded without
provisions for recall to oust
our leaders before
their service is o'er
without proof of laws they did flout.
If recall were part of our liberty
for ousting our leaders exhibiting
political mange,
our gov'ment would change
more often than gov'ments of Italy
When symptoms are voters' remorse,
political mange is perforce
disease that's involuntary,
however, like dysentery,
it's best that it just run its course.
Although Salmonella gives pain
by forcing consumers to strain,
the victim accrues
the will to eschew
consuming the same thing again.
--Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 16, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
The fuzzing of blame in a
hurry by Hill'ry and Gephardt and Kerry..
The first to cast blame in a hurry
were Hill'ry and Gephardt and Kerry
for blackout cascades
by Dubya portrayed
as tool of an oil-money slurry.
But Hill'ry and Gephardt and Kerry
ignore in their flurry of worry
what activists did:
Prohibiting grids
from touching domains of the furry.
Inspired by reports that Hillary and Dick Gephardt and John Kerry immediately
blamed the cascading blackout on August 14, 2003, as the product of George
Bush's allegiance to the oil industry. I don't remember any oil companies
using civil disobedience, litigation or lobbying to prevent expansion of the
grid to curry favor with the NIMBYs and Pantheopians.
--Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 15, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
Where blame should be laid for blackout cascades..
Disasters prompt searches for blame,
but those who most loudly cast blame
for blackout cascades
on business brigades
are those most deserving the blame.
You wonder just what is my meaning?
What lesson this lim'rick is teaching?
That loudness of blame
distracts from the shame
that blamers themselves should be feeling.
If risks to the grids are induced
by needs to transmit too much juice
on grid-work designed
for long-ago times,
the cause is the size of the juice.
Since "causes" created by needs
do not comprise blameworthy deeds,
the failures to build
a grid to fulfill
our needs were the blameworthy deeds.
Since growing the grid was the mission
to save us from blackout conditions,
whoever impeded
expansions we needed
earned blame for the blackout conditions.
So who are the ones who impede
expansion of grid-work we need?
They're Pantheopians*·
and NIMBY**
and weak politicians they breed.
"Not here!" is the NIMBY cliché
with Pantheopian* cachet
contending that Man
belongs to The Land
instead of the opposite way
Panth-ee-oh-pee-uns; Definition: Go
here. ·**·Not
In My Back Yard.
Who's really to blame? Politicians and courts who cater to, and the rest
of us who fail to actively counter, the narrow self-interest of the NIMBYs
and the ideological crusade of Pantheopians . -
--Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 14, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
When "ABC News"
means "ABC Skews"..
Now ABC News has described
the arms-dealer sting by our spies
to capture a man
who'd purchase some SAM's
as "less than [is meeting] the eye."
The factors, contends ABC,
reveal the defendant to be
a guy merely willing
to buy SAMs for killing
induced by a sting to proceed.
That ABC failed to cognize
that Russia's assistance with spies
enabled the stinging
shows ABC's thinking
is "less than [is meeting] the eye."
In an August
13, 2003 report about the sting resulting in the arrest of the British citizen who contracted with undercover Russian intelligence agents (working with British and American intelligence agents) to purchase to purchase 50 shoulder-fired Russian-made SAM's to be sold in America to terrorists willing to fire them at American airlines,
ABC News focused primarily on the "sting" nature of the
operation-- i.e., that the defendant accepted such proposed deal from, rather than having proposed such deal to, the undercover agents-- in suggesting that the story revealed "less than meets the eye." Perhaps ABC doesn't realize that such sting operations are one of the most reliable methods for "connecting the dots" without waiting for potential plotters to connect the plots. --Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 13, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
Re: Fox versus Franken
for phrases he's yankin'..
For starters, I'm proud to confess
for news I think Fox is the best,
and next I'll admit
contempt for the twit,
Al Franken, before I progress.
Reports are that Fox has filed suit
on Al 'cause his book title used
the phrase "fair and balanced"
to tout his unbalanced
perceptions and anti-Fox views.
Though gagging, I'm forced to confess
for once Franken's argument's best--
for freedom of speech
a satirist needs
to mock works by others possessed.
And so I hope Fox reassesses
it's suit for the phrase it possesses
and has the benignity
to end my indignity
in touting Al's right to infest.
Here's a link to a news
article about Fox's suit against Franken. --Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 12, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
We would have, says Ralph,
been protected
from terror had he been elected..
According to "Washington
Whispers" in the U.S. News issue (Aug. 18, 2003 cover date), Ralph
Nader claims if he were to have been elected President in 2000, the 911 attack
could not have occurred because he would have ordered the "hardening of
cockpit doors." Apparently, he's unaware that the hijackers
threatened the lives of passengers and/or attendants to coerce the pilots, who
were trained to expect hostage missions rather than suicide missions, to let the
hijackers into the cockpit. Thus, not only would his plan not have
prevented the crashes into the WTC and the Pentagon, but would also have
protected the Flight 93 hijackers from being stopped by passengers storming the
cockpit (or prevented the hijackers from deliberately crashing the plane in
Pennsylvania due to a fear that the counterattacking passengers might be able to
successfully storm the cockpit and take control of the plane).
"If I had been POTUS," said Nader
"'twould surely have guaranteed failure
of Nine-One-One plans
for taking command
of planes by America's haters."
He said to prevent such deportment
he would've "required reinforcement
of doors to the cockpits,"
but what's so ironic?
Nine-Three would have not been aborted.
To cockpits their method of entrance
was threats to kill airline attendants,
against which deportment
a door's reinforcement
would not have prevented their entrance.
Since Ralph has such faith in demanding
prevention by laws for commanding
compliance with rules,
perhaps he'd have ruled
"Stay buckled from takeoff to landing."
--Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 11, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
The news-frenzy feedings
on crim'nal proceedings. .
If more who for "news" reconnoiter
displayed a refusal to loiter
on shows that are feeding
on crim'nal proceedings,
'twould end infomercials for lawyers.
As a realist, I know the reason in the guise of presenting news and/or analysis,
so many "news" channel programs continually present speculation about
criminal cases involving sensationalism generated by the fame (or notoriety) of
a defendant and/or a tabloid view of the circumstances of the case-- it's
"the ratings, stupid." My wish would be that the audience for
such programming-- which covers the gamut from drivel to outrageously
prejudicial coverage-- would dramatically diminish and that the demands for
regular, broader coverage of news about matters of far greater importance (i.e.,
more, deeper and broader coverage about Iraq, the Middle East, the war on
terror, North Korea, Iran, economics, etc.). Whenever a news channel I'm
watching begins doing more than merely reporting new facts about a criminal
case, I switch channels. That's my one-person vote against these
infomercials for "high-profile" lawyers engaging in irresponsible
speculation about criminal cases while piously disdaining the very conduct in
which they're engaging. Not only do such infomercials for
"high-profile" lawyers marginalize coverage of news of far broader and
deeper implications, but they also are breeding increasing disrespect for the
legal system, undermining the rules of evidence, and impairing the system's
ability to impanel juries of intelligent people with views untainted by
publicity about such cases.
--Jim Wrenn,
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Aug. 10, 2003:
Daily Update #
(See Editor's Note re updates for July 3, 2003 through
August 9, 2003.) ·
To those who believed I'd
been hacked, I say, just like Arnold, "I'm back."
Though some thought this site had been hacked
'cause updates were stopped in their tracks
the third of July,
I'll later tell why--
For now, just like Arnold, "I'm back."
Editor's Note: Due to a series of circumstances, I took more time off for
vacation, family activities, business responsibilities, etc. than I had planned
in early July. Now that I'm back, I plan to gradually add retrospective
satire/commentary for the dates encompassed by the hiatus. --Jim Wrenn,
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