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Archives-- Installments for August 1, 2005 through August 10, 2005, starting below in reverse chronological order.
Aug. 10, 2005--
Mick Jagger bashes Bush in new Rolling Stones album, "Sweet NeoCon"; Left swoons over Roiling Clones also known as "JagMoorKenDurb" seeking Alternate Posterities in War on Terror.
Entertainment heavyweights, the arts community and the left are swooning over the latest
Rolling Stones album featuring Mick Jagger singing "Sweet NeoCon," a musical
composition that New York Times critics consider the most
profound musical lyrics ever written:
"You call yourself a Christian, I call you a hypocrite/ You call yourself a patriot. Well, I think your are full of sh*t!... How come you're so wrong, my sweet neo-con."
Few, if any, composer-musicians could match the intellectual power of Jagger's profound compositions. Michael Moore lavished praise on Jagger by saying, "I envy his skill in writing lyrics with such eloquence and grace." Not to be out-done, Michael-Moore-Wannabe, Bill Moyers, said Jagger's song would "bring the mindless fundamentalism of the Bush White House to its knees." Ted Kennedy said hearing the song gave him great "Satisfaction." Dick Durbin, appearing somewhat envious of Jagger's polished way of expressing himself lyrically, said, "Although I would have titled the song 'Torture,' who am I to criticize a genius?
Al Jazeera has already booked the DVD version of the album to be played 'round the clock (between infomercials by Ayman al-Zawahri) on its popular Islamic Music Station, WHAK Infidels. No doubt this new album will win a Grammie in virtually every category.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
To email links to this Daily Update installment to a friend, copy and paste the Links Box below into your email. To email the links to a different installment, go here to find the Links Box for that installment.
P.S. from Editor:
By the way, use the logo and link for "Take Back the Memorial" (right) for information about how you can support the effort to "Take Back" the 9-11 Memorial from the politically-correct crowd now planning to overshadow the Memorial with a "museum" chronicling the sins of America as though they were relevant to the current war against the medieval, totalitarian, perverted version of Islam being peddled by al Qaeda et al.
Links Box for: Aug. 10, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: Roiling Clones-- Alternate Posterities. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0508-01--10.htm#20050810-01. Permanent link to silent animation illustrating this update: http://polisat.com/images/RoilingClones--AlternatePosterities.gif. Links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks & more: go to http://PoliSat.Com. Send this Links Box to a friend: Copy it, paste it into your email form, and send it. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations/'toons on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
Aug. 8, 2005--
The ABC's of Peter Jennings-- American; Born Canadian.
Critics and fans of Peter
Jennings share great sadness at his death. One news source who knew him well, Brit
Hume, described him as an honorable man who did not harbor grudges against, or maintain harsh
feelings towards, those with whom he strenuously disagreed.
One protracted "event" and two newsmen did more to shape ABC News in the last twenty-five years than anything and anyone else: The Iranians holding American diplomats hostage during latter part of Jimmy Carter's presidency, which led to ABC News providing nightly updates called "America Held Hostage" (which later became "Nightline"), was the protracted "event." Ted Koppel (born in Britain) and Peter Jennings (born in Canada) were the two newsmen. That two such immigrants rose to the top in America is more than a testimonial to their talents-- it's also a testimonial to part of what's great about America.
"America Held Hostage" gave the then-struggling ABC News a foothold on the landscape of viewer loyalty. When the crisis ended, ABC News' astute decision to continue a nightly news-update program in the form of "Nightline" with Ted Koppel gave ABC News a cachet lacked by the other two broadcast-news networks. In hosting "Nightline," Koppel began, and for many years continued, providing a more balanced presentation of opposing views of current issues in the news than was being done by CBS or NBC. This cachet helped ABC attract David Brinkley as the host for a revamped Sunday news program that became dominant and remained so for several years after Brinkley's departure. Additionally, ABC News' periodic presentation of "town hall" programs (Viewpoint) inviting viewers to criticize ABC News exemplified a willingness to engage in introspection not comparably manifested by CBS or NBC at the time.
In becoming news anchor for ABC News, Jennings stood on the shoulders of the balanced-perspective cachet established by Koppel in the process of making Nightline an American institution for news junkies. The balanced-presentation-of-issues goal I perceived Koppel and Jennings to have then been seeking to attain led me to prefer ABC News over the news at CBS or NBC. However, as time wore on, Jennings (and later even Koppel) became comfortable enough with the status of ABC News as an established player in the broadcast-news game to begin backsliding into what many perceive (correctly, in my opinion) as the New York Times mindset, from which their balanced-presentation goals had initially distinguished them.
Paradoxically, Fox News today stands on the shoulders of the cachet conferred on "balanced" presentation of opposing views by both Koppel and Jennings when they were at their best. Also paradoxically, Fox News also stands on the shoulders of Larry King, who, despite his limitations, provided another forum which news junkies initially found to be an emulation (pale though it was) of what they liked about "Nightline" -- i.e., a current-events program that afforded of a variety of opposing views to be expressed in an unfiltered way.
Thus, even the most severe critics of the post-backslide Peter Jennings must in fairness concede, and should thank him for, an important role he played in proving the breadth and depth of the market for outlets for perspectives on the news beyond the cosmopolitan provinciality of the New York Times, which Jennings, Koppel, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and then MSNBC ultimately felt compelled to emulate. Despite his flaws (surely no greater than, and likely far lesser than, my own), he played a vital, positive role in the gradual evolution of the broader balance available in the news media today.
Peter Jennings-- Canadian Yankee.
passing of Jennings this morn
leaves critics and backers to mourn
this naturalized Yank
who rose through our ranks
like many in Canada born.
Koppel and Jennings who raised
the ABC News from its grave
to rise to a challenge
for news less unbalanced--
a pathway they both helped to pave.
both may have back-slid into
the Gray Lady's loyal me-toos,
it can't be denied
at first they defied
conventions of other me-toos.
they first rose to the challenge
of making the news less unbalanced,
a pathway they paved
for sources today
to counter Gray Lady's imbalance.
heartfelt condolence we're sending
to friends and the family of Jennings,
a transplanted Yank
who rose in our ranks
and strived to view fences for mending.
Despite his perception of the many flaws in America, he
also often manifested great insight into America's greatness. Indeed, I remember a
few years ago when this native Canadian so proudly announced his becoming an American
citizen. I'm saddened by his passing and extend my condolences to his family.
Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
To email links to this Daily Update installment to a friend, copy and paste the Links Box below into your email. To email the links to a different installment, go here to find the Links Box for that installment.
P.S. from Editor:
By the way, use the logo and link for "Take Back the Memorial" (right) for information about how you can support the effort to "Take Back" the 9-11 Memorial from the politically-correct crowd now planning to overshadow the Memorial with a "museum" chronicling the sins of America as though they were relevant to the current war against the medieval, totalitarian, perverted version of Islam being peddled by al Qaeda et al.
Links Box for: Aug. 8, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: ABC's of Peter Jennings. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0508-01--10.htm#20050808-01. Permanent link to silent animation illustrating this update: http://polisat.com/images/ABC'sOfPeterJennings.gif. Links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks & more: go to http://PoliSat.Com. Send this Links Box to a friend: Copy it, paste it into your email form, and send it. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations/'toons on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
Aug. 5, 2005--
al Zawahri hosts infomercial on Al Jazeera touting Al Qaeda Brand Jihad.
Following Ayman
al Zawahri's video-tape on Al Jazeera threatening more attacks on Britain and the United States,
our high-tech equipment has captured the video from Ayman al Zawahri's pilot for an infomercial for
Al Qaeda Brand Jihad. His popularity on Al Jazeera convinced his marketing specialists that he
has a loyal following in the Middle East, so they're trying to convert his occasional videos into a
full-length infomercial. They're even considering trying to make it into a marathon if they
can continue counting on a number of wealthy Saudis.
Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
To email links to this Daily Update installment to a friend, copy and paste the Links Box below into your email. To email the links to a different installment, go here to find the Links Box for that installment.
P.S. from Editor:
By the way, use the logo and link for "Take Back the Memorial" (right) for information about how you can support the effort to "Take Back" the 9-11 Memorial from the politically-correct crowd now planning to overshadow the Memorial with a "museum" chronicling the sins of America as though they were relevant to the current war against the medieval, totalitarian, perverted version of Islam being peddled by al Qaeda et al.
Links Box for: Aug. 5, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: Al-Qaeda Brand Jihad. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0508-01--10.htm#20050805-01. Permanent link to silent version of animation illustrating this update: http://PoliSat.Com/Images/Al-Qaeda_Brand_Jihadgif. Permanent link to sound/video version of animation illustrating this update: http://polisat.com/video/Al-Qaeda_Brand_Jihad-WMV.wmv. Links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks & more: go to http://PoliSat.Com. Send this Links Box to a friend: Copy it, paste it into your email form, and send it. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations/'toons on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
Aug. 4, 2005--
Intelligent Design of Nature Or Natural Design Of Intelligence-- "IDONONDOI" solution lies in Palindromic Arts-and-Sciences Concept and the da Vinci Code of Scientific Evidence.
Before the Beginning there was no "was" that has since become
"was," so what "was" Before cannot be explored by Science that is from
what was. Thus "Science" as "Science" can't try to go beyond
"was" into "Why?"-- Though Science learns how what was and is now, as
"Science," it cannot know "Why?"
Conversely, what claims that it does know "why" for the "is" and the "was" comprises not "Science" but, rather, reliance on faith to say more than what "was." And likewise what claims to deny that faith could be right to say "why" cannot claim reliance on methods of Science, which cannot purport to know "why." Though methods of Science can't find a proof that Intelligence signed a plan of Design they likewise can't find a proof to negate such Design.
So therefore, for lessons on Science to also describe the reliance on theories that find, by inference, Design distinguishes theory from Science. What's known of Da Vinci provides a way to explain this divide: What Science now knows it then couldn't know-- that humans, with power, could fly. However, that theories advanced predicting a possible chance for flight to be shown could not make it "known" 'til proof by the Wrights was advanced. But likewise, before the Wrights flew, by Science one couldn't disprove the theory Da Vinci developed by thinking beyond such constrictions of proof.
That some think in Science they find a theory inferring Design can serve to explain where theories remain when proof Science yet cannot find. So Science has nothing to fear from lessons for students to hear un-testable theories in learning how theories by Science to test without fear. Intelligent source of Design from patterns of nature we find by some is inferred, while others infer from nature intelligence climbed. Since neither such inference employed can be by the other destroyed, what's needed, of course, is civil discourse respecting IDONONDOI·º¹.
In reading this text you will find it's written in rhythm and rhyme, however to trick your mind, it is "writ" in paragraph form 'stead of lines. But if you prefer the design of text having rhythm and rhyme be written in lines, below you will find the text in such formatted lines.
To the extent to which the theory of "Intelligent Design" argues that the complexity of nature is evidence of a "design" and hence of a "Designer" beyond the comprehension of science, such theory does not contradict (nor does it purport to contradict) science. For such theory to be explained in science classes focusing on the scientific method provides an opportunity to reinforce, rather than to deconstruct, the scientific method. It's an un-provable theory. However, provability of a theory is not a sine qua non of scientific inquiry, which entertains hypotheses (un-proven theories) and then embraces those which appear to have empirical support until further empirical analysis or evidence were to require their revision or rejection. If, on the other hand, such theory were to be presented as "scientific" proof of the correctness of the Old Testament or the Koran or any other set of theological beliefs, then such theory would merely constitute theology and clearly doesn't belong in a science classroom.
Some advocates of "Intelligent Design" argue that the Law of Thermodynamics negates the possibility of organization without a designing force. (I think this theory is demonstrably flawed because the very foundation on which the conclusion is premised negates the very conclusion purported to logically flow from the premise, but I don't think explaining that theory in a science classroom undermines the scientific method-- indeed, I think it probably reinforces the scientific method by making it easier to distinguish between theology and science.)
From history, one can perceive Leonardo da Vinci as a useful symbol of the differences between theories that are unproven (or un-provable) on the one hand and proven on the other. It's well known that da Vinci created a design for a machine that could have flown as does a helicopter [http://rotored.arc.nasa.gov/timeline/veryLong_ago.html] if there were to have been internal combustion engines in his time. The Wright Brothers scientifically proved the essence of da Vinci's theories to be correct. Until then, science was incapable of proving powered flight to be possible, yet it had also been incapable of proving it to be impossible. That a theory is not yet provable (or even that it may be correctly thought to be un-provable) does not make it "unscientific" to entertain it without embracing it. Indeed, the act of entertaining such theory tends to lead to an understanding of its unproven (or un-provable) nature and hence to a better understanding of what distinguishes science from virtually all other forms of higher learning: the scientific method.
Intelligent Design Of Nature Or Natural Design Of Intelligence.
the Beginning there was
no "was" that has since become "was,"
so what "was" Before
cannot be explored
by Science that is from what was.
"Science" as "Science" can't try
to go beyond "was" into "Why?"--
Though Science learns how
what was and is now,
as "Science," it cannot know "Why?"
what claims that it does
know "why" for the "is" and the "was"
comprises not "Science"
but, rather, reliance
on faith to say more than what "was."
likewise what claims to deny
that faith could be right to say "why"
cannot claim reliance
on methods of Science,
which cannot purport to know "why."
methods of Science can't find
a proof that Intelligence signed
a plan of Design
they likewise can't find
a proof to negate such Design.
therefore, for lessons on Science
to also describe the reliance
on theories that find,
by inference, Design
distinguishes theory from Science.
known of Da Vinci provides
a way to explain this divide:
What Science now knows
it then couldn't know--
that humans, with power, could fly.
that theories advanced
predicting a possible chance
for flight to be shown
could not make it "known"
'til proof by the Wrights was advanced.
likewise, before the Wrights flew,
by Science one couldn't disprove
the theory Da Vinci
developed by thinking
beyond such constrictions of proof.
some think in Science they find
a theory inferring Design
can serve to explain
where theories remain
when proof Science yet cannot find.
Science has nothing to fear
from lessons for students to hear
un-testable theories
in learning how theories
by Science to test without fear.
source of Design
from patterns of nature we find
by some is inferred,
while others infer
from nature intelligence climbed.
neither such inference employed
can be by the other destroyed,
what's needed, of course,
is civil discourse
respecting IDONONDOI·º¹.
º¹.Pronounce "eye-don-un-doye" as the acronym for the scientifically unsolvable debate over Intelligent Design Of Nature Or Natural Design Of Intelligence, to symbolize a rational understanding that neither theory is inherently incompatible. In other words, recognizing scientific knowledge of the fact of evolution does not negate a theory construing complex patterns of nature as evidence of a "design" and hence a "Designer," who (or which), after all, could have designed nature in such a way as to enable (or cause) nature to design intelligence. This palindromic acronym is a metaphor for the dual, but inseparable, nature of mankind's intellectual quest and emotional desire to learn not only "how" but also "why."
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
To email links to this Daily Update installment to a friend, copy and paste the Links Box below into your email. To email the links to a different installment, go here to find the Links Box for that installment.
P.S. from Editor:
By the way, use the logo and link for "Take Back the Memorial" (right) for information about how you can support the effort to "Take Back" the 9-11 Memorial from the politically-correct crowd now planning to overshadow the Memorial with a "museum" chronicling the sins of America as though they were relevant to the current war against the medieval, totalitarian, perverted version of Islam being peddled by al Qaeda et al.
Links Box for: Aug. 4, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: IDONONDOI (pronounced: " eye-don'-un-doye' "-- Intelligent Design Of Nature Or Natural Design Of Intelligence). Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0508-01--10.htm#20050804-01. Permanent link to silent animation illustrating this update: http://PoliSat.Com/Images/IDONONDOI.gif. Links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks & more: go to http://PoliSat.Com. Send this Links Box to a friend: Copy it, paste it into your email form, and send it. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations/'toons on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
Aug. 2, 2005--
Sen. Norm Coleman urges Senate to counter efforts of UN's Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) to take control over the World Wide Web from ICANN.
Like a vampire that can't be killed by conventional means, the U.N. Working Group on Internet
Governance (WGIG) is renewing its efforts to suck the lifeblood out of ICANN to eable the U.N. to
seize worldwide regulatory control of the World Wide Web. Sen.
Norm Coleman is urging the Senate to give ICANN a silver bullet for protection against
this vampire. Otherwise, the regulation of the World Wide Web will enjoy the benefits of
the same kind of "wise" regulation as did the "Oil for Food"
In 2005 we reprise our comments in 2003 on plans to allow U.N. rules on how the Earth's World Wide Web may be weaved: Dec. 5, 2003-- The growth of the Internet Web helps freedom advance 'stead of ebb, so freedom demands that government hands do little in weaving the Web. Reports say that soon the UN intends to propose to begin control of the Net to aid and abet the Third World's desires to get in. Because the UN is the worstest in helping the lastest be firstest, to let it control the Internet's folds, it soon would become the Interred Net. So ICANNº¹ should tell Kofi Annanº² that if the UN won't abandon its trigger-lock plank, then ICANN will yank permission to lock its ICANNon; and Dec. 8, 2003: Reports say that ICANN received 'til 2005 a reprieve from slow strangulation by miscreant nations who'd rule how the Web we should weave. Proponents of UN control on weaving the Internet's folds resemble exhorters to license "reporters" by standards their governments mold. It's not since our first-most Amendment against free-expression infringement that freedom received such help to proceed as that from the Wide-Web's invention. Since using the Web may elicit what tyrants perceive as illicit, we can't simply by-stand but must echo ICANN: When something ain't broken, don't "fix" it.
And now the U.N.'s W-GIGº³ continues its effort to dig a hole to inter what ICANN conferred on Earthlings: From freedom a swig. The W-GIG plan is to get from ICANN control of the Net with plans to "improve" (like oil sold for "food") the world-wide control of the Net. But Coleman, et al, have proclaimed control of the Net must remain with ICANN so swigs from freedom aren't rigged with rulings by tyrants ordained. Said Coleman, "I'm certain ICANN bite off W-GIG, a bite planned to give the U.N. control that has been for freedom preserved by ICANN."
In reading this text you will find it's written in rhythm and rhyme, however to trick your mind, it is "writ" in paragraph form 'stead of lines.
º¹·ICANN (pronounced eye-can) is the acronym for The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). It's the non-profit corporation that was formed to assume responsibility for the IP address space allocation, protocol parameter assignment, domain name system management, and root server system management functions previously performed under U.S. Government contract by IANA and other entities. Here's the site: http://www.icann.org/.
º²·Reports some time ago quoted Kofi Annan as expressing a preference for the English pronunciation of his last name to rhyme with "cannon" rather than "anon."
º³· Pronounce dubya-gig.
Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
To email links to this Daily Update installment to a friend, copy and paste the Links Box below into your email. To email the links to a different installment, go here to find the Links Box for that installment.
P.S. from Editor:
By the way, use the logo and link for "Take Back the Memorial" (right) for information about how you can support the effort to "Take Back" the 9-11 Memorial from the politically-correct crowd now planning to overshadow the Memorial with a "museum" chronicling the sins of America as though they were relevant to the current war against the medieval, totalitarian, perverted version of Islam being peddled by al Qaeda et al.
Links Box for: Aug. 2, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: UN's WGIG-A-Bite ICANN Bite. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0508-01--10.htm#20050802-01. Permanent link to the silent version: http://polisat.com/Images/UN'sWGIG-A-Bite-ICANN-Bite.gif. Links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks & more: go to http://PoliSat.Com. Send this Links Box to a friend: Copy it, paste it into your email form, and send it. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations/'toons on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
Aug. 1, 2005--
Al Gore TV debuts tonight as Current TV; Gore says network will focus on non-political fare such as how Bush "betrayed our country" and how he's destroying Earth; Google Gargles Gorgle.
Al Gore TV debuts tonight as "Current
TV." Gore says his network will focus on
non-political fare such as how Bush "betrayed our country" and how Bush is
"destroying the planet." Collaborating with the Gore TV is the popular
search-engine, Google-- soon to become known as "Gorgle"-- to periodically display on Gore
TV whatever the GoogleBots' algorithms (AlGore Rhythms) determine to be the "news" items
of greatest interest among viewers of Gore TV and those who surf the internet through Google
Gargling Gorgle.
As proof of Google's objectivity in designing AlGoreRythms to search all news sources and then
select the ones to be displayed as Current News updates on Current TV, Gore cited the Google Current
News logo (a replicaº¹
of which appears to the left of this text), which objectively describes Operation Iraqi Freedom as
"Occupation of Iraq." Gore stressed that this Google Current News feature will be
"upbeat." The GoogleBots will keep the content in synch with the progressive beat of
Gore predicted that "right-wing fanatics will attempt to mischaracterize our new network as a
media organ for the leftist choir, but the broad range of well-known centrist activists and
organizations such as Gorge Soros, NotInOurName, America Coming Together, MoveOn.Org, Al Franken,
and the many intellectual heavyweights in Hollywood supporting our efforts belie that
º¹·To protect against "link decay" and/or subsequent revision of the logo and to preserve for posterity the content of such logo on the debut of Current TV on August 1, 2005, PoliSat.Com preserved this exact copy of the logo as it appeared today.
Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
To email links to this Daily Update installment to a friend, copy and paste the Links Box below into your email. To email the links to a different installment, go here to find the Links Box for that installment.
P.S. from Editor:
By the way, use the logo and link for "Take Back the Memorial" (right) for information about how you can support the effort to "Take Back" the 9-11 Memorial from the politically-correct crowd now planning to overshadow the Memorial with a "museum" chronicling the sins of America as though they were relevant to the current war against the medieval, totalitarian, perverted version of Islam being peddled by al Qaeda et al.
Links Box for: Aug. 1, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: Google Gargles Gorgle. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0508-01--10.htm#20050801-01. Permanent link to the silent version: http://polisat.com/Images/GoogleGarglesGorgle-Launch.gif. Permanent link to the sound-video version: http://polisat.com/Video/GoogleGarglesGorgle-Launch-WMV.wmv. Links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks & more: go to http://PoliSat.Com. Send this Links Box to a friend: Copy it, paste it into your email form, and send it. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations/'toons on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
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