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Daily Updates
Updates start below in
chronological order.
Sept. 30, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
Regardless of how one may slice it, the charge made by
Wilson's excisive*...
Unless Plame's** employment as faker***
were that of a counterfeit traitor,
her hubby's own page
as NSC sage
destroyed her covertness as faker.
i.e., if the wife were a faker
but not as a counterfeit traitor,
her hubby's own page
as NSC sage
destroyed her covertness as faker.
Because Plame's employment as faker
was not as a counterfeit traitor,
her hubby's own page
as NSC sage
destroyed her covertness as faker.
If one who's our agent overtly
believed that his wife must covertly
abstain from revealing
American fealty,
as "wife" he'd not name her overtly.
The wife of a man who overtly
is agent for us can't covertly
appear not our agent
except as a trojan
to pose as a traitor overtly.
i.e., one cannot serve covertly
to seem not our agent overtly
while also revealing
one's marital fealty
to one who's our agent overtly.
If I were a former ambassador for the U.S. and a former National Security Council Assistant, and if my wife were
serving the CIA as a covert agent whose safety and/or effectiveness could be compromised by her being
identified as a person with an intimate relationship with, and loyalty to, a former National Security Council
Assistant, there is no way I would jeopardize her covert status by identifying her as my wife on a website
--and especially not on a website hawking my status and availability as an expert on foreign-service and/or
national security matters. Doing so would, in effect, blow her cover in the minds of all but the most stupid
adversaries. If, however, on the other hand, I were to firmly believe that neither her safety (or that of any
of her "contacts") nor her (or her contacts') effectiveness for the CIA could be jeopardized by my identifying
her as my wife, I would, of course, proudly do so. Thus, regarding what I perceive to be the utter lack of credibility
of Wilson's shrill charge that public identification of his wife as a CIA "operative" jeopardized the safety and/or
effectiveness of his wife and/or any of her "contacts," I rest my case on patent
common sense that is apparently beyond the grasp of most in the media.
hereby using poetic license to coin "excisive" as an antonym of
incisive-- i.e., since a person or act that's "incisive" is one that
brilliantly reveals something not self-evident from cursory examination,
"excisive" as an antonym describes a person or act that is unwittingly
self-revealing in the nature of an unwitting self-exposι.
having heard the correct pronunciation of the last name of Valerie Plame, the
name Former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson's own biographical sketches
identified (before Novak's July 14, 2003, column) as his wife's maiden
name on websites [here
and here]
for organizations [ "Middle
East Institute" and "Corporate
& Public Strategy Advisory Group"] hawking him as an expert on, inter
alia, National Security****
matters for the United States, I'm using poetic license to pronounce it to rhyme
with "flame."
using "faker" as poetic slang for a covert agent-- i.e., one acting
covertly on behalf of one's country by concealing all evidence from which
adversaries could infer overt loyalty to one's country.
Novak's July 14, 2003, column, Wilson's biographical
sketch stated, inter alia, that he served as "Senior Director for African Affairs at the National Security Council from June 1997 until July 1998,
and identified his wife as "the former Valerie Plame." --Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 29, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
The game the Iraqis must play
for Lib'ral support for some aid...
The lib'rals* who righteously scream
the chant "20 billion's extreme"
for build-Iraq aid,
for AIDS favored aid
that totalled in billions FIFTEEN.
Implying they'll vote to approve
the 70 billion "for troops,"
they're speciously pleading
the 20 ain't needed
as part of supporting our troops.
So folks in Iraq needing aid
should learn how the game must be played:
For Lib'ral support,
they'll have to resort
to claiming they're threatened by AIDS.
many sensible liberals supported Operation Iraqi Freedom and unequivocally
support the current request for $67 billion for direct support to our military
plus $20 billion for indirect support to them by aiding and expediting Iraq's
recovery, by allowing their voices to be drowned out by the likes of Ted Kennedy
and by failing to publicly rebuke irresponsible comments such as those made by
Kennedy, those sensible liberals deserve some degree of guilt by association
effectuated by my disparaging use of the term "liberal." To
paraphrase Burke, "All that is needed for extremists to distort a
philosophy is for sensible adherents to remain silent." --Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 28, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
No update today-- Editor taking weekend off..
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 27, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
No update today-- Editor taking weekend off.
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 26, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
We need the Don't-Call-List for residents
not "Don't-Recall-Lists" for incumbents.
In court, the Don't-Call-List was stunted,
which action by Congress was blunted,
but hopefully soon
the High Court will doom
the "Don't Re-Call List" for incumbents.
If "Don't Re-Call List" you perceive
as reference to plans to relieve
the Left Coast of Gray,
then more I must say
to better explain what I mean.
You ask, "What's the 'Don't Re-Call List'?"
Read-on ad I'll tell you its gist:
By law it's adorned
as Campaign "Reform"
but serves as a Censorship List.
The Priests of Political Speech
September the Tenth did beseech
the Justices, Nine,
to rule that it's fine
to ration political speech.
If Five of the Nine would agree
with Priests of Political speech,
then wallets on gurneys
we'll need for attorneys
on what, when and where we can speak.
For more
satire/commentary on Political Censorship in the guise of Campaign Finance
"Reform," go to http://polisat.com/rhymes/r_campfinref.htm
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 25, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
A Clark-Speak Orwellian or Deuced Machiavellian?.
In May of Two-Thousand-and-One,
said Clark we are lucky who won:
'cause Dubya and Cheney
and Powell and Condi
and Rummy as best are the ones.
But now in Two-Thousand-and-Three
says Clark I was wrong as could be
to call them the best
and proudly confess
I now with their critics agree.
My journey from ardent supporter
began with denial of quarters
for me on their team,
so therefore I preened
myself as opposing their orders.
You wonder what made me convinced
to author such turn of events.
I answer with verve
I'm happy to serve
the Deuced Machiavellian Prince.
Inspired by the
confluence of the following facts: (1) In May, 2001, Clark expressed
lavish praise for, and confidence in, Powell, Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Dubya;
(2) Sometime thereafter-- according to Clark-- the Bush administration rejected,
ignored, or failed to accept Clark's offer to serve as an advisor in the
administration; (3) Sometime thereafter, Clark began to perceive glaring flaws
in the skills and judgments of Powell, Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Dubya.
If Clark's May, 2001 statements and his expressed desire to serve in the Bush
Administration were to have been sincere, it strains one's credulity to view
condition "(3)" as sincere and vice-versa. The fact that many
former operatives of Bill and Hillary are now ardently supporting Clark raises
Machiavellian suspicions that if Clark were to have received a post in the Bush
Administration he would have served until 2003, so that if Bush were to appear
vulnerable to defeat in 2004, he could then resign "on principle" in
2003 in order to position himself (and Hillary) for a Clark/Hillary or
Hillary/Clark ticket in 2004. --Jim
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Sept. 24, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
Galloping critics
& Galluping
The gallop away from the facts by Gallup revealed in Iraq:
Will galloping critics attack the Gallupping
done in Iraq?..
Like those seeking POTUS by ballot,
the critics are running full-gallop
with negative news
ignoring the views
Iraqis are stating to Gallup.
Says Gallup, two-thirds of Iraqis
believe that our toppling the Baathists
was worth, to be sure,
their hardships endured
in warfare by Bush against Baathists.
Despite Arab "news" paparazzi's
depictions of Bush as a Nazi,
already he's seen
in noble esteem
by nearly a-third of Iraqis.
What insights from this can be squeezed?
That all but the blind can perceive
the critics to be
unable to see
the forest instead of the trees.
Despite "Bush was wrong" as the stance
of Germany, Russia and France,
the Gallup report
shows Dubya has more
respect in Iraq than in France.
Inspired by the thus-far limited coverage by the media of recent findings by
Gallup in polling Iraqis on a wide range of issues. According to Gallup's
poll released September 23, 2003, "After five months of foreign military occupation and the removal of Saddam Hussein, nearly two-thirds of Baghdad residents say the removal of the Iraqi dictator has been worth the hardships they have been forced to endure."
Despite the unrelenting propaganda before, during and after the war by the Arab
and European media depicting Bush as a modern-day Hitler, nearly one third (29%)
of Iraqis have a "favorable" view of Bush. The fact that despite
such virulent anti-Bush propaganda, Bush is held in high esteem by a larger
percentage of people in Iraq than in France and much of Western Europe is
nothing less than astounding. This is the forest the critics cannot see
for the trees. --Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 23, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
The Gallupping
Apparently hoping to save
the face Amanpour has displayed
of CNN's news
as parroting views
of Fox, CNN's found a way:
To prove that from Foxes they'll gallop,
they ordered some polling by Gallup
with Wes beating George
in groups not engorged
with folks who are prone to cast ballots.
Inspired by a Sept.
22, 2003, "news" report that according to a CNN/USA-Today/Gallup
poll conducted Sept. 19-21, 2003, on "a head-to-head matchup" Clark
leads Bush by 49% to 46%. It struck me as odd that the "news"
report buried the following information about the poll at the end of the
report: "The poll of 1,003 adults, including 877 registered
voters, had a margin of error of plus of minus 3 percentage points, 4 points for registered voters."
(Emphasis added by Editor.) Since a poll of a group of which nearly 13%
were not even registered voters with the remaining 87% being merely
"registered" voters not classified whatsoever with respect to
"likelihood" of voting, or prior patterns of voting, is virtually
meaningless, I wonder about the motives of CNN/USA-Today in commissioning such
poll and in publishing its results as "news." Could it be,
perhaps, an effort to either disprove or rectify Christiane Amanpour's silly
that Fox News had "intimidated" CNN into going easy on the Bush
Administration? *·Click
here to view PoliSat.Com's September 16, 2003, Update about Amanpour's claims.
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 22, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
No update today--Editor
away-- Family responsibilities...
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 21, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
No update today--Editor
away-- Family responsibilities...
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 20, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
No update today--Editor
away-- Family responsibilities..
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 19, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
The Clark horse: A
dark horse or stalk horse?.
Because both the Bubba and Hillary
are feigning political chivalry
for candidate Clark,
suspicions are sparked
the Clark horse is stalking for Hillary.
Inspired by a September
19, 2003, New York Times article reciting how Bill and Hillary are lauding
the candidacy of Wesley Clark. --Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 18, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
Hurricane Isabel said
"No update today!".(Posted
September 19, 2003)
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 17, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
Will Wesley get bounce
from plans he's announced?.
The questions since Clark has announced:
How much and what way will he bounce?
How high will he go?
T'ward Howard or Joe?
On whom for support can he count?
Said Clark when his plans he announced
"If chosen, the Dubya I'll trounce."
In hopes to be nominated
on war he's equivocated
and shown how far left he can bounce.
Inspired by Retired Gen. Wes Clark's uninspiring formal announcement of his
candidacy for the Democratic nomination for President. --Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 16, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
Amanpour's Unmitigated
On war, Amanpour said again
a "climate of fear" made a dent
in CNN's will
for risking its till
by questioning Dubya's intent.
Her network, she claims, was "intimidated"
by Fox, so the bad news they exfiltrated.
Like Peter* before,
it's clear Amanpour
exhibits De Gaulle** that's unmitigated.
Inspired by a September
14, 2003, "news" report that CNN's Christiane Amanpour claims a
"climate of fear" created by the Bush administration and it's
"foot soldiers" at Fox News "intimidated" CNN into
minimizing coverage unfavorable to the War in Iraq. Said CNN's Christiane Amanpour: "I think the press was muzzled, and I think the press self-muzzled. I'm sorry to say, but certainly television and, perhaps, to a certain extent, my station was intimidated by the administration and its foot soldiers at Fox News. And it did, in fact, put a climate of fear and self-censorship, in my view, in terms of the kind of broadcast work we did."
Fox News spokeswoman Irena Briganti said of Amanpour's comments: "Given the choice, it's better to be viewed as a foot soldier for Bush than a spokeswoman for al-Qaeda."
I'm referring to Peter Arnett, who, after predicting the collapse of the
American military campaign in Iraq shortly after it began, lost his job as
"reporter" in Baghdad for MSNBC and National Geographic and then
suitably became the Fog on the Mirror, as
illustrated in our animation titled "Arnett's
Pardon the pun, but in my observations of Amanpour she always seems able to
summon the unmitigated gall to exhibit the same type of condescending,
patronizing view of American foreign policy (except when her
then-boyfriend/now-husband was a State Department spokesman during the Clinton
administration) consistently exhibited by the French since DeGaulle. --Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 15, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
The 9th Circuit Three*
on activist sprees..
Though "recall" in general I deem
a foolish electoral scheme,**
the cure is repealing
the law not appealing
to courts as the end-recall means.
The ruling of Bush versus Gore
was not that the courts should do more***
regarding the modes
to cast or count votes
as courts were requested by Gore.
The core of that ruling proscribed
attempts by the courts to prescribe
judicial solutions
to voting confusion
for some but not all sites described.
The 9th-Circuit Three have instead
turned Bush versus Gore on its head
decreeing intrusion
'til risks of confusion
are fixed when the issues are dead.
The lesson of Bush versus Gore
was not that the courts should do more
in judging elections;
instead 'twas rejection
of pleas for the courts to do more.
To enjoy PoliSat.Com's Ballad
of the Battle of Ballots, a rhyming, day-by-day description of
the Election 2000 Battle over Ballots, click
here for the text version.
"Ninth Circuit Three" means the three judges on the U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit who ruled that rates of error associated with
the punch-card voting equipment (used without objection a mere 11 months ago for
the election of Gov. Davis) would create unconstitutional deprivations of equal
protection if the recall vote were to occur as scheduled on October 7, 2003.
here to view my August 17, 2003, Daily Update explaining the reasons I deem
it unwise for the law to provide for a vote to recall an elected official for
conduct not involving criminality.
to the Ninth Circuit Three's distorted description of the U.S. Supreme Court
decision in Bush v. Gore, the gist of that decision was that the Florida
courts acted unconstitutionally by intervening to mandate a recount in a
manner that diminished the value of votes in some areas by enhancing the value
of votes in other areas.
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 14, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
Half-Right Albright.· (Red quotation marks denote paraphrasing.)
"If Gore were our POTUS," said Albright
"the things in Iraq would be all right,"
instead of the "mess"
at present possessed
'cause "war in Iraq was the wrong fight." ·
Okay, Madeline, we accept your challenge
to play the "What if Gore were President?"
game-- Read on below. The "what-if's?"
begin below:
Assume, arguendo, that Gore
were President rather than George,
Iraq would be "neat"--
No "messy" defeat
of Saddam if POTUS were Gore: ·
If Gore would have not taken action
for keeping Hussein under sanctions,
Saddam would've soon
his program resumed
for nukes with a reckless abandon.
For giant-size leaps in his pay-scale
his neighbors Saddam would've blackmailed,
who then would've sent
their money to him
and also included some fan-mail.
The man who without inhibition
covertly sent goons on a mission
to murder George H.,
covertly by freight
would soon send us gadgets that fission.
If Gore would instead have prevented
decisions that sanctions be ended,
it would have, of course,
required that our force
in Arabic lands be extended.
The EU and Arabs would shill
Saddam's claim that "children" are killed
by sanctions enforced
by presence in force
of Yanks wanting sanctions fulfilled.
Remember the top of the list
which Arabs deemed grounds to enlist
for entry to "Heaven"
September Eleven?
Our Middle-East presence was it.
And thus
the contentions of Albright
if Gore were the POTUS are half-right:
Iraq would have "less"
of what she calls "mess,"
'cause more would be here with a half-life.
Inspired by a Sept. 14, 2003, on-line excerpt from an interview
of Madeline Albrignt in Time for it's
"September 22, 2003" dateline issue, in which Albright contended
the dangers in Iraq had not yet become sufficiently "imminent" to
warrant toppling Saddam and contended further that "if there was [sic] a President Gore, we wouldn't be in this
particular mess." (Italics added by PoliSat.Com's
Editor.) As our strategies for the last several decades (under both
parties) have shown, ad-hoc, case-by-case, police-work-type responses to
terrorism are totally ineffective. Now that we're playing chess (and quite
well at that) with a unified, worldwide strategy, it's not surprising that
checkers experts find it too challenging. --Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 13, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
The Oracles of Ozone.·
The pantheopians*
in panic
our layer of ozone is nearing its end
as blanket for Earth
for cosmic ray dearth
'cause chloro-with-flouro-with-carbons will win.
In claiming the hole is the biggest one "ever"
implying the time it was bigger was "never,"
they blithely conceal
the science that's real:
In years, just a score is too little for "ever."
Inspired by a September
12, 2003, news report illustrating the latest example of Pantheopian
Panic. Unlike the 400,000-year "records" of levels of
atmospheric carbon dioxide obtained by drilling deep samples of polar ice (which,
by the way, undermine, rather than support, the pantheopians'
religious faith in their man-is-causing-global-warming theory), there is no
comparable long-term record of seasonal fluctuations in the ozone blanket over
the poles or elsewhere. In geological or astronomical terms, to use the
term "ever" in describing the most extreme sample of a set of
measurements spanning mere decades is even more ludicrous than it is
unscientific. Indeed, the only kind of "science" of which such
assertion could be deemed an example would be "political science," of
which the man-is-depleting-the-ozone theory is a good example. --Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 12, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
Dud: adieu Gore, rogue--
ID? a dud..(a palindrome--
i.e. a Gorerog.*)·
Poll agog-- gag as adieu? Democrats ask same hero, Gore; He masks a star come due-- ID as a gag-- Go
gallop-- pull a gag; a gallop as a poll; a gag a Gallup.
is the term I've coined for a palindrome about Al
Gore. Inspired by "news"
report that a Zogby poll of "1000 likely voters nationwide" taken
for DraftGore.Com from Sept. 5 through 9, 2003, showed a "dead heat"
between Al Gore and George Bush. DraftGore.Com should take a gallop, if
not a Gallup.
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 11, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
Freedom's Symphony...·
Convergence of terror and tyranny
is trying to quell Freedom's Symphony,
but no matter what,
the Freedom we strut
will never surrender to Terrornny.*·
coined "terrornny" to denote the tyranny of terror. --Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 10, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
Priests of Political
The Priests of Political Speech
on Monday in court did beseech
the Justices, Nine,
to rule that it's fine
to ration political speech.
If Five of the Nine would agree
with Priests of Political speech,
then wallets on gurneys
we'll need for attorneys
on what, when and where we can speak.
In listening to major portions of the oral argument before the Supreme Court
Monday (on C-SPAN) in the case challenging the constitutionality of McCain/Feingold
aka campaign finance "reform," it was depressing that the tone of some
of the Justices' questions implied tacit support for the unsound notion that the
government should be empowered to ration political speech. However, since
the tone and manner of questioning from a Justice during oral argument often
conveys misleading impressions about his/her legal view, I still cling to the
hope that at least five of the nine will rule most, if not all, of McCain/Feingold
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 09, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
The Dean Scheme (for
removing our troops from Iraq)...(Red
quotation marks denote paraphrased quotations.)·
Says Dean, "I've a plan to unlock
our forces from war in Iraq
with pro-Arab troops
replacing our troops--
I know I can count on Chirac."·
Last night, I heard Howard Dean say (in a television interview) that if he were
to be elected President, he would withdraw US troops from Iraq beginning with
withdrawal of 70,000 upon taking office. He asserted that he, unlike Bush,
would gain instant respect from our "allies" (the French, Germans,
Belgians, etc.). He further asserted that between the time of his election
and his taking office, he would have persuaded other countries to contribute
enough troops to replace at least half the current US force. Although he
was somewhat equivocal on which countries would be willing (and able) to provide
such large contingents of forces, he asserted he could persuade pro-Arab
countries ( Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, Turkey, etc.) to do so.
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 08, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
Says Schroeder, "I'll
puke before sending troops."..
Again Gerhardt Schroeder makes news--
When asked would his country send troops
to help us enable
Iraq to be stable,
said Shroeder, "The thought makes me puke."
What's needed for triumphs of evil
are good men, who, faced with an evil,
find counter offensives
to be more offensive
than passive response to the evil.
If Bush would like Schroeder eschew
the view that such force must be used,
twould increase the risks
that soon we'd all wish
for options no worse than to puke.
Inspired by a Sept.
7, 2003, Fox News report that when reporters asked Gerhardt Schroeder
whether he'd be willing to send German troops to Iraq to help secure Iraqis
against the terrorist tactics of the Baathists and Islamic fanatics, he said the
proposal made him want "puke."
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 07, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
Editor off today-- Sunday,
Sept. 7, 2003...
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 06, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
The Battle named Bulge in
redux: The Battle named Terror Influxed...
As world war defeating the Axis
made freeing the Belgians a tactic,
defeating the axis
of terror fanatics
made freeing Iraqis a tactic.
Our lines freeing Belgium divulged
the best hope the Nazis indulged
was splitting our lines,
but failure defined
their Battle creating the Bulge.
Like then, when our march made an isthmus
that sparked failing tactics to split us,
defeating the Baathists
invites terror tactics
to fail in a Battle of Terrorist Influx.
Although the World War II
Allies failed to anticipate the time, scope, and speed of the last-ditch Nazi
counteroffensive for which the Allies' rapid success in Belgium created such
opportunity for a counteroffensive, the Nazi concentration of resources
culminating in failure as the Battle of the Bulge ultimately hastened the final
collapse of the Axis. Similarly, even though the US failed to anticipate
the scope of the influx of terrorists into Iraq following the surprising speed
and scope of the collapse of Iraqi authority in the wake of the speedy
conclusion of major combat operations, such influx of terrorists represents a
last-ditch effort to deal a crippling blow to our war against terror. This
Battle of the Influx will fail just as did the Battle of the Bulge.
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 05, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
Democracy's midwife for
lands of the Hittites.*..
The critics are filling the air
with claims Dubya promptly must share
control in Iraq
through diplomat pacts
so burdens by others are shared.
The question the critics should ask
to learn who'd be best at the task
of putting Iraq
on liberty's track
is who has accomplished such task?
Not once**
since Marquis Lafayette
has France shown the skill to abet
a people to be
from tyranny free,
and Normandy cancelled that debt.
And never has Germany saved
a people oppressed or enslaved
by toppling a tyrant,
bur rather as tyrant
attempted the world to enslave.
Though Gorbachev wisely abstained
from war as a means to maintain
the Empire of Commies,
the slaves, not the Commies,
demanded the end of that reign.
Although the UN blessed the mission
of Bush-41's coalition,
the same coalition
imposed a restriction
on freeing Iraq as the mission.
The forces who best have displayed
the will and the skill to displace
tyrannical forces
with liberty's choices
are Brits and the U.S. of A.
On Anglo-American resumιs
the modern Japan is Exhibit A,
West Germany's "B,"
the Taiwanese "C,"
and next, South Korea is "D."
And next are the Falklands as "E";
appearing as "F" are the Philippines;
as "G" is Granada
and "H" Nicaragua
and "I" is where Panama's seen.
So therefore, I humbly suggest,
that hist'ry reveals who is best
replacing oppression
with freedom's progression--
the Yanks and the Brits are the best.
And who heads the list of the worst
in roles as democracy's nurse?
Bureaucracy's Den
--i.e., the UN
belongs on the list of the worst.
So hist'ry says Bush should demur
to critics' demands we confer
control of Iraq
to diplomats' pacts
diffusing control with their words.
Iraq includes areas which in antiquity were ruled by the Hittites.
grudging participation in Bush-41's nearly worldwide coalition to oust Saddam
from Kuwait is not really an example of France freeing a people.
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 04, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ©·2003 ··
GE reinventing the
Frenchmen's Vivendi...
In Gen'ral Electric's acquiring
Vivendi it's also requiring
the Frenchmen to pilfer
the veto of Diller
or else GE's offer's expiring.
It's great to observe French mosquitoes
in panic to sate their libidos
for blood-sucking pacts
required to contract
to stop an American veto
According to a news
report about GE's acquisition of Vivendi, the terms of the deal require the
French sellers to hold GE harmless from Barry Diller's preferred-stock veto over
restructuring of Vivendi in any way that could adversely affect Diller's
InterActiveCorp. Needless to say, I hope Diller can find out a way to hold out
for terms that maximize the burden on the French.
--Jim Wrenn,
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Sept. 01 through 03, 2003: No update-- Editor
taking extended Labor Day holiday.
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