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Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Updates.©·2003..
Updates start
below in
chronological order.
June 30
, 2003:
Daily Update #
Kucinich conceives
"Department of Peace".
"For war," says Kucinich, "to cease
we need a Department of Peace."
He seems unaware
it's already there--
It's Rumsfeld on George Dubya's leash.
The vision Kucinich conceives
is really Deportment of Peace
for walking the walk
that matches his talk--
The "peace" that's from walking on knees.
Click image to view animation.
According to a June
30, 2003, news report, Dennis Kucinich said he would establish a
of Peace" if he were elected President. Perhaps the report contains
an uncorrected typo since Kucinich's strategy for dealing with worldwide terror
and rogue states resembles Neville Chamberlain's Deportment
of Peace-- to say, "Pretty please," while walking on knees. --Jim Wrenn,
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June 29
, 2003:
Daily Update #
Passing the Colors and Passing
the Coverage.
To firemen our soldiers gave cheer
by saying "We'll take it from here,"
so Colors were passed
as families grasped
their loved ones departing from here.
The regulars, guardsmen, reservists
and forces for specialized service
left fam'lies behind
for duties assigned
for taking Hussein out of service.
Twas good that courageous reporters
embedded in units of soldiers
enabled the world
to penetrate swirls
of rumors so truth could be bolstered.
But soon after Baathists were driven
from power with freedom arisen,
embedded reporters
returned to their quarters
and news became incident-driven.
To show where our progress is headed
we need more reporters embedded
with civil controllers
as well as with soldiers
to give us a balanced perspective...
During full-combat operations, news coverage was mission driven. Since
Bush announced the end of full-combat operations, news coverage has gradually
become merely event driven. Our military personnel have to "stay the
course," and self-respecting news organizations should do the same.
Therefore, I'm hoping the major news organizations will individually and/or
collectively dramatically increase the scope of coverage of the entirety of the
still-ongoing Operation Iraqi Freedom. Only by regular, extensive and
daily reports from locations throughout Iraq (including civil administration
activities as well as combat operations against Baathist saboteurs, terrorists
and fanatical extremists) will the media be able to discharge their
responsibilities to give us a balanced persepctive. --Jim Wrenn,
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June 28, 2003:
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
No update today (Saturday)-- Editor working on special project.... ·
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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June 27, 2003:
Daily Update #
Overcooked spinach of Dean and
Today, Drudge
reports the results of the "virtual primary" aka "on line primary" by MoveOn.Com. 67% favored either Dean or
Kucinich: ..
The Virtual Primary's finished,
but how will the Democrats spin-it?
The top of the tier
was Dean without peer,
and who came in second? Kucinich!
The views of both Dean and Kucinich
the Left deems political spinach,
but Bush will serve pan-fried
and win in a landslide
if matched against Dean or Kucinich.··
Here's the tally from MoveOn.Com's "virtual primary":
BRAUN 7021/ 2.21%
DEAN 139360/ 43.87%
EDWARDS 10146/ 3.19%
GRAHAM 7113/ 2.24%
KERRY 49973/ 15.73%
KUCINICH 76000/ 23.93%
GEPHARDT 7755/ 2.44%
LIEBERMAN 6095/ 1.92%
SHARPTON 1677/ 0.53%
OTHER 6121/ 1.93%
UNDECIDED 6378/ 2.01%.
317647/ 100.00] --Jim Wrenn,
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June 26, 2003:
Daily Update #
Sexual revolution: Is it
revolution of evolution or evolution of revolution? .
Today, news
reports say that in a 6-to-3 vote, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that legislation criminalizing homosexual conduct
in private between consenting adults violates constitutional rights to privacy.
From broad disagreements in private
the U.S. Supreme Court decided
by 6-to-3 vote
for striking a blow
for sex between grownups in private.
Opponents believe it's defective
and fear too much else is affected;
Supporters perceive
it's more than reprieve
from bans on how friends are connected.
Opponents are too pessimistic;
Supporters are too optimistic;
The ruling is right
on privacy rights
inherent in freedom's holistics.
Preferring with whom to relate
for all but a few is innate,
and likewise revulsion
t'ward counter compulsions
for all but a few is innate.
But those who embrace revolution
ignoring their own evolution
will reach the distinction
of self-made extinction
by barring their genes' evolution.
Because evolution's more brutal
than laws that evolved for reproval,
the law can command
acceptance but can't
command evolution's approval.
Rejection of crim'nal reproval
does not require public approval
by those who are born
within nature's norm
innately constrained from approval.
Acceptance of privacy rights
for abnormal sexual rites
does not require parents
to render transparent
the bound'ries of norms for such rites.
Though tol'rance is right, without doubt,
approval's no duty to tout,
so parents are right
supporting the rights
for drawing of bound'ries for Scouts.
The privacy haven to choose
abnormal must never be used
for forcing the normal
to treat the abnormal
as though it were normal to choose.
The fact that creationists view
"abnormal" from Biblical views
does not undermine
how science defines
what humans evolved to eschew.
"Abnormal" is sometimes constructive
as "normal" is sometimes destructive,
but norms that were needed
evolving our species
are plainly constructive instead of destructive.
Yet many who proudly profess
that science, not faith, is their test
condemn the term "normal"
and likewise "abnormal"
through faith in PeeCee as their test.
Obviously, this decision implicitly applies with equal force to heterosexual conduct in private between consenting adults. Since animal rights activists have already initiated litigation to declare some species of non-human primates as "sentient" beings
(click here) vested with what we "chauvinistically" call "human" rights, will they next advocate a privacy right for non-human primates to "consent" to sexual activity in private with adult humans and vice versa? This decision also gives new hope to
other animal lovers, who won't be far behind. Speaking of primates, surely Bill Clinton will laud this decision as a blow for
privacy, and Hillary will surely issue pronouncements steeped in lawyerly linguistics. Although this particular case involved homosexual conduct between two males, cunning linguists
will correctly interpret the decision as applying with equal force to consenting adult lesbians
and also to heterosexual couples descended from (or pretending to be descended from) French ancestry engaging in what patriotic couples today call "Freedom Sex."
--Jim Wrenn,
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June 25, 2003:
Daily Update #
Hillary's eyes. .
According to news reports today, Hillary recently began wearing contacts that
make her hazel eyes appear blue.
Remember Old Blue Eyes adored
by fans as the Chair* of the Board
for eyes that were real
and songs that revealed
a genuine style they adored.
That eyes are the windows to souls
is wisdom the poets have told,
so shading those windows
leaves viewers in limbo
about the true state of the soul.
So, therefore, it's not a surprise
that Hill'ry's now shading her eyes
disguising their hue
with lenses of blue
completing her latest disguise.
desire to conform to rhythm rather than politically correct de-genderization led
me to shorten Sinatra's nickname as "Chairman of the Board" to
"Chair of the Board."
--Jim Wrenn,
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June 24, 2003:
Daily Update #
Who's Got Game? Who's Got
Claims? .
Yesterday, on Today, Katie Couric interviewed Toni Morrison about her work with her son on a
children's book
of "modernized" versions of Aesop's fables. The "modernized" version of the fable about the ant and the
grasshopper explains the importance of the grasshopper's "artistic" contribution
in fiddling while the ant worked to store enough supplies for the winter.
To view the animation, click image to the left. Then, to read the text
accompanying the animation, cursor-down below the image to the left.
We heard Toni Morrison's name
attached to a book to re-name
the Fables of Aesop* ·
rewritten for hip-hop
as fables renamed Who's Got Game?**·
The ant and the grasshopper fable
revised as a modernist fable
will kindle and keep-hot
political g-spots
where fiddling's an art to be savored.
The theme of this modernist fable?
That grasshopper's fiddling enabled
the ant to enjoy
his work to deploy
supplies for his wintertime table.
The moral presented as vital?
The grasshopper's surely entitled
to share in the fruits
the ant has produced
or art by the ant would be stifled.
The fable explains Who's Got Game
like rebottled wine that's renamed
so wants define needs
regardless of deeds
avoided by those Who've Got Claims .
The source wasn't Aesop's old yarn;
Instead, 'twas a hackneyed old con:
The fable that needs
are filled without deeds,
depicted by Orwell in Animal Farm.·
www.aesopfables.com ·**·Who's
Got Game at Barnes & Noble.
--Jim Wrenn,
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June 20--23, 2003: No Update-- Away for a wedding. Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com
June 19, 2003:
Daily Update #
Would Gore Channel Views give
balance to news? .
A news
report on June 18, 2003, says Al Gore is organizing contributors to found a
new radio and television news network to present the news from a
"progressive" viewpoint.
To view the animated slide-show version, click image at left. The
text-only version, begins below.
Remember when labels were simple?
Conservative, mod'rate and lib'ral
then socialist drivel
infected the lib'rals
'til leftward was all they could dribble.
Conservatives hardened by fright
t'ward lefties moved more to the right
and mod'rates, of course--
not donkey or horse--
stayed mules plowing left and then right.
The classical liberals' skeletons
from death have arisen as neocons
and classic right-wingers
have lately been fingered
as back in the guises of paleocons.
Since networks were touting as news
incessantly liberal views
with alternates hushed,
the sound of a Rush
became counter-balancing views.
However, from bottom to top
the news on TeeVee tended flocks
with liberal views,
'til alternate views
appeared "fair and balanced" on Fox.
Since ratings are showing that Fox
is cleaning competitors' clocks,
a network with Gore
will tackle the chore
of countering balance on Fox.
Since Gore perceives "lib'ral" suggestive
of socialist drivel digested
the network he's founding
for Fox Cable pounding
he'll call 'stead of "lib'ral,"
In challenging Fox's News Channel
his focus on "Earth in the Balance"
for ratings his effort
will rewrite the record
for lowest as "Dearth in the Balance."
--Jim Wrenn,
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June 18, 2003:
Daily Update #
A need to adapt the copyright
trap so diff'rent infringements are "zapped."
According to a news report
on June 17, 2003, Sen. Orin Hatch expressed a willingness "as
a last resort" to support laws to allow copyright owners to embed software
in their material to "zap" computers unlawfully downloading
copyrighted material.
Said Hatch, to be suitably strong
in righting of copyright wrongs,
we must allow traps
for owners to zap
computers that download their songs.
Abstractly the cure is quite right
to punish infringement of rights,
but better conceived
the cure would relieve
a diff'rent infringement of rights.
As cure for infringements of speech
we need such a zapper to reach
proposals reborn
for campaign "reform"
by Priests of Political Speech.
--Jim Wrenn,
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June 17
, 2003:
Daily Update #
robbers, a Hummer makes robb'ry a bummer.
This is about a news
report by WKGM-TV6 in Florida of a Hummer-driving store owner robbed at gunpoint in his store by
several men, after which the store owner got into his Hummer and chased the
getaway car until overtaking it and running over it. A couple of the
robbers escaped, but several were hospitalized for serious injuries.
A store owner robbed by a gang
by Hummer gave chase to the gang.
Before they got far
their getaway car
his Hummer had crushed with a bang.
By do-gooders this is perceived
as proof of more laws that we need,
and so they'll demand
a new law to ban
those big, automatic, assault SUV's.
·Photo: Link
to news story containing the photo; Link
to photo as originally published. --Jim Wrenn,
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June 16
, 2003:
Daily Update #
on Lynch and Dollars and Cents.
Though freedom permits CBS
to offer to Lynch what is best
in dollars and cents,
it's likely good sense
of Lynch will out-do CBS.
Since Lynch and her peers risked their lives
so freedom, not tyranny, thrives,
it's likely she'll sense
such dollars and cents
should honor the mem'ries of sacrificed lives.·
Inspired by news reports alleging CBS News is leading the pack of "news"
organizations attempting to out-bid each other in efforts to secure an
exclusive interview of Jessica Lynch. I predict that Jessica Lynch will
rise above the behavior of the "news" media by either granting unconditional
interviews or insisting that "compensation" for any such interview
be used to benefit not merely Jessica but also her peers who sustained
injuries, and survivors of those who sacrificed their lives, in serving their
country and the cause of freedom. --JimWrenn,
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June 15
, 2003:
Daily Update #
No update today-- Father's Day Weekend stuff.·
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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June 14
, 2003:
Daily Update #
No update today-- Father's Day Weekend stuff.·
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030630.htm#20030614-01
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June 13, 2003:
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
No update today-- Father's Day Weekend stuff.·
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030630.htm#20030613-01·©2003.
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June 12, 2003:
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
Says Morris, "I'm pilloried by memoirs of
quotation marks denote paraphrased language.)·
Says Morris, "I've wrongly been
by claims in the memoirs of Hillary
in year Ninety Four
reluctance I bore
to work with the staffers for Hillary."
"In language so false and so unctuous
she claims I expressed my reluctance
to once again serve
'cause staffers for her
t'ward me had behaved with repugnance."
"T'was not fear by her I'd be shackled;
Instead, 'twas the time I was hackled
by treatment so shoddy
as threats when my body
in anger by Bubba was tackled."
But Hill'ry will laugh the last laugh
'cause Dick has committed the gaffe: ·
Ignoring so clearly
that Bubba was merely
a member of Hillary's staff.·
To view animation, click either image.
Inspired by Dick Morris' June 12, 2003 Open Letter to Hillary (main
link; print
link). Morris' letter says Hillary's book, Living History (aka Living
Hystery) falsely attributes his reluctance in 1994 to resume his role as
political advisor to Bill Clinton was "mean" treatment of Morris by
Hillary's "staff." Morris' letter says the real reason for his
reluctance was his having been physically assaulted by Bill Clinton in 1990 in
the wake of a disagreement over Morris' work for Clinton's 1990 campaign for
reelection as Governor of Arkansas. Morris' "gaffe" in this open
letter was forgetting that although Hillary kept Bubba on a very long leash with
respect to his sexual activities, she kept him on a very short leash with
respect to everything else. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030630.htm#20030612-01·©2003.
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June 11, 2003:
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
From Rumsfeld instructions to Blix for dastardly quote
to be fixed;
Did Rumsfeld tell Blix where to go to learn he's Inspector Blixeau?.·
The Guardian quoted Hans Blix
as claiming that Pentagon tricks
portrayed him as though
Inspector Clouseau
was really his name 'stead of Blix.
But later when Rumsfeld et al
denied they had mocked him at all,
corrections by Blix
said sources of tricks
were private, not Rumsfeld et al.
Perhaps he told Blix where to go
to learn what he seemed not to know:
T'was PoliSat-Com's
satirical wand
that dubbed him "Inspector Blixeau."*··
The Guardian
published a June 11, 2003, article based on an interview with Hans Blix
headlined "Blix: I was smeared by the Pentagon." The
article quoted Blix as having said the "bastards in Washington" had
been trying to smear him and undermine him during the inspection period
preceding Operation Iraqi Freedom. After worldwide dissemination of the
article, Blix told a Fox News reporter that when he referred to "bastards
in Washington," he meant private individuals rather than Pentagon
officials. As a private individual, I plead guilty to satirizing Blix as Inspector
Blixeau. ·*·For
the Adventures of Inspector Blixeau, go here.
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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June 10, 2003:
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
Assuming connections of dots no longer exist in
(Proceeding at maximum knots t'ward absent connections of dots) .·
The anti-war S.S.
is joined in the Northern Atlantic
by some who were for
the stop-Saddam war
'til boarding the S.S.
Pedantic "conditions" to back
a war for disarming Iraq
were deadly contagions
controlled by its agents
with imminent plans for attack.
The few now on board the I-Panic
seem ready to join the Pedantic
'cause yet we've not found
Iraq to abound
with poisons or toxic organics.
Assume, arguendo, the dots
our experts perceived in Iraq
as being connected
Saddam disconnected
before Blix returned to Iraq.
Saddam's dots arranged on the ruse
that weapons connections weren't used,
if left would have been
connected again
covertly for weaponized use.
The efforts of warfare opponents
to focus on missing components
for massive destruction
is like the compunction
to focus on holes in the doughnuts.
Click either image to activate animation.
by the panicky clamor over the fact that although we've uncovered two sanitized
mobile bio-chemical labs and huge quantities of ingredients for production of
chemical weapons, we've not yet uncovered weaponized chemical or biological
agents. To focus on the disconnected status of such dots is no different
than focusing on the hole in a doughnut so say that nothing is there. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030630.htm#20030610-01·©2003.
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June 9, 2003:
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
Assertions by Hill'ry last night on family privacy
Said Hill'ry to Bar'bra last night
assaults on her family's rights
occurred when the court
told Bill to report
his sex-in-the-workplace delights.
Opponents of Hill'ry believe
the goal for such comments to be
maintaining her dictum
as privacy victim
who nobly gave Bill a reprieve.
In claiming a victim she's been
opponents believe she intends
to set as her image
noblesse oblige lineage
when running for POTUS begins.
At PoliSat-Com we have caught
the plan she has secretly wrought
to earn many millions
from corporate minions
so campaign restrictions are naught.
She first will resign from the Senate
to work as a lawyer appended
as privacy guru
for men facing lawsuits
for sex-in-the-workplace offenses.
The message to gals in the workplace?
To start your career-path on first-base,
assume that the workspace
is privacy-first space
for rising by workin' the sex-place.
To view the animation, click either of the images above.
limerick-set and animation were inspired by Hillary's rank hypocrisy (as a
feminist icon) in telling Barbara Walters (in the interview broadcast last
night) that Bill's "inappropriate intimacies" with female subordinates
were matters that should have remained within her family's "zone of
privacy." Never mind that she had been an ardent supporter of laws for
female employees to bring sexual-harassment suits against male superiors
requiring them, under penalties of perjury, to answer questions under oath about
sexual activities regardless of whether doing so would embarrass their wives and
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030630.htm#20030609-01·©2003.
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June 8, 2003:
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
No update today-- Family weekend.
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030630.htm#20030608-01·©2003.
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June 7,
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
No update today-- Family weekend.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030630.htm#20030607-01·©2003.
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June 6, 2003:
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
No update today-- Family weekend.
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030630.htm#20030606-01·©2003.
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June 5, 2003:
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
How now Dowd's clouds
The stained New York Times has explained
today's resignation by Raines
for failing to dare
to terminate Blair
for stories constructed on feints.
From absence of Raines they would tout
will follow the absence of clouds
while silently hoping
that feigning in quoting
by Dowd won't be seen as a cloud.
The threat from al Qaeda, Bush said,
is gone from the ones who are dead,
but Dowd* said he said
since many are dead,
the threat from al Qaeda is dead
However, until she concedes
that feigning in quoting should be
in columns of views
as wrong as in news,
the cloud over Dowd won't recede.
an explanation of Dowd's material alteration of what Bush said about the effects
of the war on terror having killed or captured a significant number of al Qaeda
leaders, click
here to read Andrew Sullivan's May 14, 2003, analysis of the Dowd column in
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030630.htm#20030605-01·©2003.
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June 4, 2003:
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
The media hype of the day on what Hill'ry's memoirs
will say..
The media hype of the day:
What Hill'ry has chosen to say
about her reaction
to Bubba's retraction
of claiming no sex with that babe.
The hyping of excerpts display
what Hill'ry in memoirs will say
describing her shock
that Bubba had not
abstained from an intern a day.
Inspired by today's Media Hype of the Day on excerpts "leaked" from
Hillary's Memoirs (Living History aka Living Hystery) scheduled to be published
June 9, 2003. Today's hype? Her account of being shocked that Bill
had "lied" to her in denying allegations of sex with an intern. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030630.htm#20030604-01·©2003.
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June 3, 2003:
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
From Martha, the cookbook hereafter: "My Own
Recipes for Disaster.".
To rumors a charge on a ruse
will end Martha's time on the loose,
her lawyers opine
her victimless crime
was merely to cook her own goose.
Inspired by reports from "reliable" sources that prosecutors offered
Martha Stewart an opportunity to "turn herself in" rather than
doing a "perp walk." --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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June 2, 2003:
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
The Maiden Voyage of the S.S. I-Panic..
To view the animated version of today's update,
click the image at the left. To read the text-only
version, scroll down below the image.
The anti-war crowd is pedantic
and some who were for it have panicked
that weapons whose function
is massive destruction
discovered are small not gigantic.
The goal wasn't merely location
of stockpiles of large aggregations
of chemical agents
or bio-contagions,
but also equipment to make 'em.
Though yet we've not found the location
of agents or bio-contagions,
discov'ry of trucks
for brewing the stuff
is proof of a program to make 'em.
But critics are hawking the view
that trucks with equipment to brew
the chemical agents
or bio-contagions
were used to make weather balloons.
But experts on weather balloons
know fermenting vats are not used
for making in mass
some hydrogen gas
for filling of weather balloons.
But critics respond "Merely two"
such trucks are quite simply too few
to prove they possessed
a "program" to vest
their forces with toxins to use.
However, since both of the trucks
fit Powell's description of trucks
as systems proscribed
Iraq had denied
there likely are more of such trucks.
Remember when Powell told Blix
that many such trucks did exist,
to which Blix replied
you claim is denied
'cause none we have found to exist?
Suppose that instead Mr. Blix
found clues that the trucks did exist
and then had reported
Iraq has resorted
to claiming the trucks don't exist.
It's clear that Iraqi refusal
to furnish such trucks for perusal
would surely have forced
approval of force
to find 'em and force their removal.
Now back to the present to view
the import of finding "just two":
To paraphrase Blix
their finding depicts
the "tip of an iceberg" in view..
Inspired by the increasing shrillness of Iraqi-war opponents claiming, and some
Iraqi-war supporters fearing, there "are no weapons of mass
destruction" despite the finding of two mobile bio-chemical labs nearly
identical to what Powell described to the UN in asserting they possessed at
least 18 of such illegal bio-chemical mobile weapons-production labs. I'm
not panicking yet.
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030630.htm#20030602-01·©2003.
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1, 2003:
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
For BBC News 't'was a cinch...
to stage-manage
"news" about Lynch..
For the slide-show animation version of today's update,
click the image to the left. For the text-only version
(and links to sources), scroll down below the image.
Remember when BBC "News"·01·
disguised as "reporting" its views
that rescuing Lynch
was really a cinch
we merely had "staged" for the news?··
The BBC's "News" imprimatur
on claims we were stagers and plotters
presented as true
the prejudiced views
of two of that hospital's doctors.
The BBC chose not to learn
the truth that it could have discerned
by both'ring to ask
the rest of the staff
what they had perceived or discerned.·02·
The BBC story implied
the doctors had openly tried
by ambulance ride
with Jesse inside
to reach the American side.
The BBC further implied
a checkpoint approached in this ride
prevented their entry
by bullets from sentries
that almost killed Jesse inside.
The BBC failed to recite
the ride was in darkness of night
without getting close
to checkpoint or post
when gunfire made quitting seem right.
The BBC claimed we had known
that Baathists for days had been gone
before we commenced
the rescue of Lynch
and used her for "news" as a pawn.
The BBC could have derived
such claim by the facts was belied
'cause others explained
that Baathists remained
'til shortly before we arrived.
The BBC chose to ignore
that just a few hours before
our mission arriving
the Baathists were hiding
with weapons in underground floors.
The BBC ought to have known
adjacent the hospital zone
't'was danger abiding
from Feyadeen firing
at forces approaching the zone.
The BBC willfully sank
to levels so patently rank
as claiming we hatched
a plan that dispatched
our men to a war-zone with blanks.
The BBC purpose to fulminate
was overplayed rather than underplayed
by blank-shots reporting
while plainly ignoring
that missions for rescue use stun-grenades.
The BBC treated the claim
that offers of keys we disdained
because we preferred
for weapons not words
to free her from captive domain.
The BBC writer had not
been living beneath a big rock,
and thus was aware
Iraqis had dared
set traps for our guys to get shot.
The BBC found it a shocker
we handcuffed the staff and the doctors
as though we could know
no Baathists had posed
as hospital workers or doctors.
When war-news awards are received,
the host will say "Envelope, please...
For stage-managed views
presented as "news,"
the winner, of course: BBC.".
·Having grown impatient with the laziness of the media in purporting to apply
serious investigative and intellectual scrutiny to the BBC's accusations, and
those of a couple of Iraqi doctors, that the U.S. military "staged"
the rescue of Jessica Lynch from an environment controlled by people who had
only her best interests at heart, I've hereby outlined the operative facts,
objective analysis of which support, rather than undermine, the military
sensibility of the tactics of our Special Forces in rescuing Jessica.
the link to a PoliSat.Com page preserving the BBC "report" for
purposes of this commentary.
subsequent interviews of other members of the hospital staff indicate that many
of them perceived
themselves as having
been trying to facilitate good care for Jessica Lynch and as having had a desire
to facilitate her safe return to, or recovery by, American forces, the facts
they admit support, rather than undermine, the military sensibility of
the tactics employed by Special Forces in rescuing Jessica. Furthermore,
it is self-evident from reports by other media based on such subsequent
interviews that the BBC reporter either knew, or carelessly chose not, or
preferred not, to learn those facts before writing a "news" report
expressing his concurrence with claims by two Iraqi doctors that our military
"stage managed" as a daring rescue an event which really should have
involved nothing more than appearing at the door of the hospital and asking
permission to retrieve Jessica Lynch and dig-up the partially-buried bodies of
other prisoners (some of whom may have been killed after, rather than before,
being captured). Even though a May
29, 2003, MSNBC report says "In interview after interview [by an
Associated Press reporter], the assessment [of more than 20 doctors, nurses and
workers] was [that the] dramatics that surrounded Lynch's rescue were
unnecessary," the facts
admitted in those interviews make it self-evident how subjectively
understandable but objectively unrealistic were those workers' implied claims
that the American military had any reason whatsoever to share, or even expect,
such state of mind on the part those doctors, nurses and hospital workers.
The fact that the MSNBC reporters, S. Faramarzi in writing and Jim Avila on
video, appear to validate the subjective perceptions of the hospital staff
indicates a willingness of those reporters to embrace a conclusion undermined by
the objective reality of the facts
they elicited from the hospital staff. For other examples of lazy, "the
truth must be somewhere in the middle" reports purporting to have
investigated the the bases for the BBC's naked accusations and the U.S.
military's vehement denials of such preposterous accusations, click these
links: CBS
on May 29, 2003; Washington
Post on May 29, 2003.
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030630.htm#20030601-01·©2003.
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