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Links to updates on this page: April 12, 2005, April 14, 2005, August 1, 2005, October 13, 2007.
current _tv (gore_tv) |
Since winning the "Peace Prize," will Gore rely upon MoveOn_Dot_Org for "in kind" support enabling Al Gore to campaign for POTUS once more?·
By Jim Wrenn,
Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
Since Gore's won the Oslo "Peace Prize" for making a movie with lies as science disguised, some questions arise: "What's next as his quest for a 'Prize'"? The NutRoots are eager for Gore to tell them he's running once more for POTUS, the "prize" to answer their cries, "America needs to be Gored." From Gore's book contrasting his "Reason" with Bush's "Assault [Against] Reason," the NutRoots believe the country will see in Gore such examples of "Reason."
Though many contend it's too late for Gore to now enter the race, the NutRoots are certain, if Gore raised the curtain, he'd pass all the rest in the race. But where could the saintly Al Gore get more of which others have more-- i.e., campaign funds he'd need if he runs? Think Google and MoveOn_Dot_Org.
The most naive experts think Gore would need far more funds than before and thus they maintain that
Feingold/McCain would keep him from getting the "more." They wrongly assume he'd
need "more" than what he had needed before. Since Feingold/McCain, "in
kind" is the game of Google and Move_On_Dot_Org. So, Candidate Gore wouldn't need
the war-chest opponents would need 'cause MoveOn_Dot_Org and Google, of course, "in kind"
would attend to his needs.
To those who'd contend it is folly to claim such support could be parleyed from media pawns by Google/MoveOn, just look what they did to Mrs. Collins. When Senator Collins of Maine asked Google to post ads to name the smears and the lies that MoveOn designed against her, said Google, "We ain't." The spurious claim Google made as "grounds" to tell Collins "no way"? That MoveOn_Dot_Org a trademark did form denying her use of it's name.
Yet Google showed lack of compunction to bar ads by Leftists with gumption to trash and defame
the well-trademarked name of "Blackwater" smeared with
"corruption." Deceptively, Google explained that Blackwater hadn't
"complained." Thus, Google concocts that trademarks can stop their critics
from showing their names. The reason that Google resorts to legally flimsy retorts ain't hard
to dislodge: Their fortune's so large, that few can defeat them in court.
However, a force with more power than armies of lawyers so dour, perhaps could afford relief to the hordes of victims of Google's great power. You ask, "What's that power?" of course, that might make The Google change course. Though cumbersome, yes, quite often it's best: The power of free-market choice. It's true Google's assets are billions; it's users are hundreds of millions; but most of such worth can fleetingly turn to little by actions of millions. Remember when IBM stood on top for computerized goods? Twas toppled by voices of millions of choices selecting competitors' goods.
So, therefore, we're left with the choices: Give up or make Google hear voices of millions of users abstaining as users 'til Google makes fairness its choice.
If reading this text leads your mind to know it's in rhythm and rhyme, and if you prefer the format of verse, go here for the stanzas aligned.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
Aug. 1, 2005--
Al Gore TV debuts tonight as Current TV; Gore says network will focus on non-political fare such as how Bush "betrayed our country" and how he's destroying Earth; Google Gargles Gorgle.
Al Gore
TV debuts tonight as "Current
TV." Gore says his network will focus on non-political fare such as how Bush
"betrayed our country" and how Bush is "destroying the planet."
Collaborating with the Gore TV is the popular search-engine, Google-- soon to become known as "Gorgle"--
to periodically display on Gore TV whatever the GoogleBots' algorithms (AlGore Rhythms) determine to
be the "news" items of greatest interest among viewers of Gore TV and those who surf the
internet through Google Gargling Gorgle.
As proof of Google's objectivity in designing AlGoreRythms to search all news sources and then
select the ones to be displayed as Current News updates on Current TV, Gore cited the Google Current
News logo (a replicaº¹ of which
appears to the left of this text), which objectively describes Operation Iraqi Freedom as
"Occupation of Iraq." Gore stressed that this Google Current News feature will be
"upbeat." The GoogleBots will keep the content in synch with the progressive beat of
Gore predicted that "right-wing fanatics will attempt to mischaracterize our new network as a media organ for the leftist choir, but the broad range of well-known centrist activists and organizations such as Gorge Soros, NotInOurName, America Coming Together, MoveOn.Org, Al Franken, and the many intellectual heavyweights in Hollywood supporting our efforts belie that smear."
º¹·To protect against "link decay" and/or subsequent revision of the logo and to preserve for posterity the content of such logo on the debut of Current TV on August 1, 2005, PoliSat.Com preserved this exact copy of the logo as it appeared today.
Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
To email links to this Daily Update installment to a friend, copy and paste the Links Box below into your email. To email the links to a different installment, go here to find the Links Box for that installment.
P.S. from Editor:
By the way, use the logo and link for "Take Back the Memorial" (right) for information about how you can support the effort to "Take Back" the 9-11 Memorial from the politically-correct crowd now planning to overshadow the Memorial with a "museum" chronicling the sins of America as though they were relevant to the current war against the medieval, totalitarian, perverted version of Islam being peddled by al Qaeda et al.
Links Box for: Aug. 1, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: Google Gargles Gorgle. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0507-21--31.htm#20050728-01. Permanent link to the sound-video version: http://polisat.com/Video/GoogleGarglesGorgle-Launch-WMV.wmv. Links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks & more: go to http://PoliSat.Com. Send this Links Box to a friend: Copy it, paste it into your email form, and send it. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations/'toons on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
April 14, 2005--
The Fewture is Here at www.Current.tv-- Current Gore, Current Google, Current Gorgle.
More to come.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
April 12, 2005--
Google Gorgle or Gargoyle-- Commentary about Google's decision to "partner" with Al Gore's "news" network to reach the 18-34-year-old audience with "Google Current."
Recent news reports indicate Google has agreed to "partner" with Al Gore's "news" network with a "Google Current" feature targeted at an 18-to-34-year-old audience. Given Google's decision to identify itself so closely with Gore, perhaps the logo for "Google Current" take into account the following observations:
millions of users of Google
the term that they use is "to Google"
a phrase or a term
in order to learn
the facts through the search-engine Google.
However a recent report
that Google will "partner" with Gore
means those seeking truth
thereafter will choose
to "Google" much less than before.
Though Leftists with pleasure may chortle
when Google puts Gore in its portal,
the Center and Right
will likely take flight
when "Google" has morphed into "Gorgle."
of Gore as the flavor
of Google means many who savored
its logo and name
will view it as stained
by Gorgle with sounds of "Betrayer."
For hearing the sound of this slogan
by video-audio program,
at PoliSat.Com
a sound-version's on
the index of video programs.
Perhaps Google should use the final segments of the video-with-sound version (above) for "station breaks." Google has pioneered many innovative ideas and techniques. I quickly became an ardent admirer of Google, but I'm disappointed at this proposal, which appears to constitute yet another vehicle (like MTV) to market Left Coast political ideas in the guise of entertainment and news. Will Google exclude this April 12, 2005, installment of PoliSat.Com's commentary from its 30-days news database? Go here (or enter "Google Gorgle or Gargoyle" in the exact-phrase box of the advance search for Google News) between April 12 and May 12, 2005, to find out.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com. To email this to a friend, copy and paste the Links Box below into your email. To email the links to a different installment, go here to find the Links Box for that installment.
Links Box for: April 12, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: Google Gorgle or Gargoyle. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0504-11--20.htm#20050412-01. Temporary 30-day news-link: http://polisat.com/DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/du20y05m04d12-01.htm. Permanent link to the silent animation for this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Images/GoogleGorgleOrGargoyle.gif. Permanent link to the video animation with sound for this installment: http://polisat.com/Video/GoogleGorgleOrGargoyle.wmv. Permanent link to the video animation with sound for dialup: http://polisat.com/Video/GoogleGorgleOrGargoyle-WMVforDialup.wmv. For links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks, Palindromes, Archives, Site-Index/Search, go to http://PoliSat.Com. To send this Links Box to a friend, copy it and paste it into your email form and send it to your friend. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. |
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