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Archives-- Installments for August 21, 2005 through August 31, 2005, starting below in reverse chronological order.
Aug. 31, 2005--
Images of desperation in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina-- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., blames Katrina on George Bush not advocating Kyoto Treaty; Kyoto Kennedy Kites Katrina.
Today, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a high-priest in the Church of GreenHouse Beliefs, revealed to a
shocked and stunned world that he has scientific proof that George W. Bush and Haley Barbour caused Katrina and
thereby caused the catastrophic damages and losses of lives in the Gulf Coast states such as
Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama an Florida. "Needless to say," wrote RFK, Jr.,
"Katrina would have been a mere pussycat at worst if George W. Bush were to have just advocated
that the United States Senate ratify the Kyoto Treaty without any changes unacceptable to the United
Nations' experts, otherwise known as the UN-IPPC (UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)."
When asked about the report
that meteorological scientists say the intensity or frequency of hurricanes cannot be attributed to
"global warming," he said, "What do meteorological scientists know
compared to the United Nations' Intergovernmental Experts?"
When questioned about the inconsistencies and contradictions in the "man is causing global
warming" theory, RFK, Jr., vehemently denied that the weight of scientific evidence attributes
the greatest source of warming in the atmosphere to Scientific
Flatulence. He also expressed warm support for the McCain/Liberman
bill to codify the Kyoto Treaty as a part of United States environmental law.
As a humanitarian gesture to the victims still trapped in flood-waters in the New Orleans area, RFK, Jr., immediately launched "Operation Kyoto Kites Katrina" providing boats to recover victims willing to repent for voting for Bush or to claim they voted for Kerry. To support this humanitarian project, John Kerry himself donated 18 tractor-trailer loads of Heinz Ketchup to provide nourishment to the victims who repent or claim they voted for him. These dramatic still-photograph images show the heroic nature of the humanitarian relief being offered by RFK to those desperate victims of flooding caused by Hurricane Katrina.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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P.S. from Editor:
By the way, use the logo and link for "Take Back the Memorial" (right) for information about how you can support the effort to "Take Back" the 9-11 Memorial from the politically-correct crowd now planning to overshadow the Memorial with a "museum" chronicling the sins of America as though they were relevant to the current war against the medieval, totalitarian, perverted version of Islam being peddled by al Qaeda et al.
Links Box for: Aug. 31, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: Kyoto Kennedy Kites Katrina. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0508-21--31.htm#20050831-01. Permanent link to 320x240 static-image 'toon for this installment: http://polisat.com/images/KyotoKennedyKitesKatrina-WMV-Toon-00L.gif. Permanent link to 216x300 static-image 'toon for this installment: http://polisat.com/images/KyotoKennedyKitesKatrina-Toon.gif. Permanent link to full-size static-image "toon" illustrating this installment: http://polisat.com/images/NoThanksToWAHABOAism-WMVx2-00b.gif. To learn how to support the "Thanks in Our Name for Deeds in Our Name" project, go to http://PoliSat.Com/Thanks.htm. Links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks & more: go to http://PoliSat.Com. Send this Links Box to a friend: Copy it, paste it into your email form, and send it. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations/'toons on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
Aug. 29, 2005--
Martin Sheen, Acting President of WAHABOAism joins First Lady of WAHABOAism, Cindy Sheehan, in Crawford to admire WAHABOA Award she received from Al Jazeera's Editorial Board.
Despite Martin Sheen, Acting President of WAHABOAism, joining the First Lady of WAHABOAism, Cindy Sheehan, in Crawford, Texas to admire the WAHABOA Award she received from Al Jazeera's Editorial Board, Americans repudiate WAHABOAismn by expressing to our troops Tanks In Our Name For Deeds In Our Name.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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links to this Daily Update installment (above) to a friend, copy and paste the Links Box
below into your email. To email the links to a different installment, go here
to find the Links Box for that installment. To access permanent links to installments
pre-dating those included in the Links Box page, use PoliSat.Com's chronologically-indexed
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song-parodies, find them by name in the text-index,
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P.S. from Editor:
By the way, use the logo and link for "Take Back the Memorial" (right) for information about how you can support the effort to "Take Back" the 9-11 Memorial from the politically-correct crowd now planning to overshadow the Memorial with a "museum" chronicling the sins of America as though they were relevant to the current war against the medieval, totalitarian, perverted version of Islam being peddled by al Qaeda et al.
Links Box for: Aug. 29, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: No-Thanks to WAHABOAism. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0508-21--31.htm#20050829-01. Permanent link to full-size static-image "toon" illustrating this installment: http://polisat.com/images/NoThanksToWAHABOAism-WMVx2-00b.gif. Permanent link to silent animation illustrating this installment: http://polisat.com/images/NoThanksToWAHABOAism.gif. Permanent links to highly-compressed sound/video demos for "Thanks in Our Name for Deeds in Our Name"-- ----Version sung by Brad Bennett: http://polisat.com/video/TION4DION-DemoBB-WMV-At48k.wmv. ----Version sung by Cindy Burgess: http://polisat.com/video/TION4DION-DemoCB-WMV-At48k.wmv. Permanent link to the original, silent version: http://polisat.com/images/DeedsInOurName-FullSizeVersion.gif. To learn how to support the "Thanks in Our Name for Deeds in Our Name" project, go to http://PoliSat.Com/Thanks.htm. Links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks & more: go to http://PoliSat.Com. Send this Links Box to a friend: Copy it, paste it into your email form, and send it. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations/'toons on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
Aug. 27, 2005--
Repudiating Cindy Sheehan's WAHABOAism: A song to our soldiers to proudly explain how proudly we thank them for deeds in our name; "You Don't Speak for Me, Cindy" Caravan.
Today, the "You Don't Speak for Me, Cindy" caravan (details) arrives in Crawford, Texas. To support them and also join the overwhelming majority of Americans who repudiate Cindy Sheehan's WAHABOAism and her smearing of President Bush and America, I'm releasing a work in progress while continuing to work towards completion of the larger project of producing a first-class music-DVD to thank and honor our troops and support reputable organizations that support them, their families and their survivors.
I wrote the original lyrics at the time of Thanksgiving in 2003. Since then, I've revised the lyrics and with the assistance of friends (Bill Brown, Lindsey Smith, Brad Bennett and Cindy Burgess), who-- unlike me-- have talent in the field of music, we've produced two "demos" for what we're working towards producing as a music-DVD to thank our troops and support reputable organizations that support them, their families and their survivors. The size of each of the two demos is far too large for even high-speed internet connections. Therefore, to make these interim, "demo" versions available to show support for the troops while we're still working to complete the project, I dramatically compressed the files to produce illustrative versions small enough for the internet. Unfortunately, the facts that they are both the products of recording sessions without benefit of high-tech studio-production facilities (because they were merely designed to produce "demos") and that shrinking them to a size suitable for the internet required such sever compression of the files, the resulting degradation in quality can't do justice to the singers, the melody, or the illustrative visual imagery. One version is sung by Brad Bennett. The other version (sung at a slower pace) is sung by Cindy Burgess, who's brother just returned from serving in Iraq. To view/hear Windows Media Player versions of the song, "Thanks In Our Name For Deeds In Our Name," click the images below:
For more information, go to http://PoliSat.Com/DeedsInOurName.htm.
Hopefully we will soon complete production of a high-quality music-DVD version which we expect to
market in a way designed primarily to raise funds for reputable organizations that support troops
injured, and the families of troops killed, while serving our country. If you want to learn
how to support this project, go to http://PoliSat.Com/DeedsInOurName.htm.
(To view the original, silent
version go here or click the small image to the left of this paragraph.)
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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song-parodies, find them by name in the text-index,
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P.S. from Editor:
By the way, use the logo and link for "Take Back the Memorial" (right) for information about how you can support the effort to "Take Back" the 9-11 Memorial from the politically-correct crowd now planning to overshadow the Memorial with a "museum" chronicling the sins of America as though they were relevant to the current war against the medieval, totalitarian, perverted version of Islam being peddled by al Qaeda et al.
Links Box for: Aug. 27, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: Thanks in Our Name for Deeds in Our Name. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0508-21--31.htm#20050827-01. Permanent links to compressed sound/video demos for "Thanks in Our Name for Deeds in Our Name"-- ----Version sung by Brad Bennett: http://polisat.com/video/TION4DION-DemoBB-WMV-At48k.wmv. ----Version sung by Cindy Burgess: http://polisat.com/video/TION4DION-DemoCB-WMV-At48k.wmv. Permanent link to the original, silent version: http://polisat.com/images/DeedsInOurName-FullSizeVersion.gif. Links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks & more: go to http://PoliSat.Com. Send this Links Box to a friend: Copy it, paste it into your email form, and send it. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations/'toons on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
Aug. 24, 2005--
Hall of Fame inducts Cindy Sheehan to join Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, Dick Durbin, Al Gore, Michael Moore, Dan Rather,
et al to complete the Whole Schmeer of Smearers.
Today, the Smearers' Hall of Fame inducts Cindy Sheehan for smearing skills that made the Induction Committee (the Editorial Board of Al Jazeera) turn green with envy. The Induction Committee also gave her the prestigious WAHABOA award, which stands for "We Always Heap All Blame On America.
Although some critics though the award should have gone (again) to Ted Kennedy , the Induction Committee defended its decision in a press-release emphasizing her "moral authority" as the mother of one who died after voluntarily re-enlisting in what she characterized as an "American Occupation of Iraq for Oil and Profits" and listing the vital statistics supporting their decision:
A propaganda quinti-fecta in describing George W. Bush as the world's "biggest
as a "war criminal,"A-2
as a warmonger sending "our
children" to "die for Israel"A-3 to generate "profits"A-4
for his friends,
and as a President disrespectfully and callously exhibiting
a "jovial" and "party-like" attitude in meeting with parents of troops
killed in action.A-5
B. A propaganda quadri-fecta in saying “America has been killing people on this continent since it was started,"B-1 saying America is "waging nuclear war in Iraq [contaminating] the entire country,"B-2 equating Lynne Stewart with the heroic lawyer, Atticus Finch, in To Kill A Mockingbird,B-3 and attending a rally for Lynne Stewart at which flyers were distributed urging support for the insurgency in Iraq.B-4
Previously inducted members of the Smearer's Hall of Fame (Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, Dick Durbin, Al Gore, Michael Moore, Dan Rather, and many intellectual heavyweights in the Entertainment Industry) applauded her induction, but some of them seemed to also resent the possibility that Sheehan's "moral authority" so astutely recognized by Maureen Dowd might enable her to eclipse them as accomplished practitioners of The Smear. Sensing their anxiety, Joe Trippi, an advisor to Sheehan, told them "not to worry" because in the field of smearing as in most other areas of human endeavor, "competition is good."
The Entertainment Industry is so excited about the honor bestowed upon Sheehan in receiving the WAHABOA award that Ted Turner is already planning a new "reality" show to be hosted by Jane Fonda and Howard Dean with Martin Sheen, Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins as judges in contests for the next WAHABOA award.
A-1· See the transcript of Cindy Sheehan's remarks at a rally for Lynne Stewart, the lawyer convicted for aiding her client, the "Blind Sheik" convicted as a conspirator in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, in communicating with other terrorists.
A-2· See A-1 above.
A-3· See the "SideBar" explanation by Slate Magazine's Blake Wilson, exposing the falsehood of Sheehan's claim that someone other that she had included in her email to Nightline the assertion that Bush had, in effect, required her son to "die for Israel" and that Bush had launched the war in Iraq to further the interests of Israel at the expense of the United States.
A-4· See A-1 above.
A-5· See the part of the transcript of CNN's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer on August 7, 2005, comprising Blitzer's interview of Cindy Sheehan.
B-1· See A-1 above.
B-2· See A-1 above.
B-3· See A-1 above.
B-4· See May 2, 2005, report of the April 27, 2005 rally for Lynne Stewart at which Cindy Sheehan spoke (for transcript, see A-1 above), which includes a picture of a flyer distributed to those attending the speeches-- including Sheehan's speech-- (inside at San Francisco State University), which flyer urged attendees to also attend a rally by "Students Against War" scheduled for May 4, 2005, at the "Caesar Chavez Student Center" to "join the contentious debate" on the question, "Should We Support the Iraqi Resistance?"
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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below into your email. To email the links to a different installment, go here
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song-parodies, find them by name in the text-index,
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P.S. from Editor:
By the way, use the logo and link for "Take Back the Memorial" (right) for information about how you can support the effort to "Take Back" the 9-11 Memorial from the politically-correct crowd now planning to overshadow the Memorial with a "museum" chronicling the sins of America as though they were relevant to the current war against the medieval, totalitarian, perverted version of Islam being peddled by al Qaeda et al.
Links Box for: Aug. 24, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: Smearers Hall of Fame. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0508-21--31.htm#20050824-01. Permanent link to silent animation illustrating this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Images/SmearersHallOfFame.gif. Permanent link to the sound/video WMV movie illustrating this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Video/SmearersHallOfFame-WMV.wmv. Links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks & more: go to http://PoliSat.Com. Send this Links Box to a friend: Copy it, paste it into your email form, and send it. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations/'toons on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
Aug. 22, 2005--
To disapprovingly but accurately quote Cindy Sheehan smearing others isn't to "smear" Sheehan.
When Cindy
Sheehan claims President Bush ordered the war in Iraq in order for his friends to make
"profits" (as Ted
Kennedy has repeatedly done) her supporters laud her as a "grieving Gold-Star
mom" protesting the war. When supporters
of Bush (including even left-of-center supporters) disapprovingly draw attention to such claims,
Sheehan and her supporters
call it a "smear." The ideological mindset of Sheehan and her
supporters is that to accuse a president of sending American troops into harm's way so his friends
can make a "profit" is not a "smear" but for such accusation to be
truthfully attributed to her by Bush's supporters is a "smear."
When Cindy Sheehan claims Bush launched the war in Iraq to further the interests of Israel at the expense of the interests of the United States, her supporters laud her as a "grieving Gold-Star mom" protesting the war. When supporters of Bush disapprovingly draw attention to such claims, Sheehan and her supporters call it a "smear." The ideological mindset of Sheehan and her supporters is that to accuse a president of such criminal, if not treasonous, action is not a "smear" but for such accusation to be truthfully attributed to her by Bush's supporters is a "smear."
When Cindy Sheehan characterizes Bush as a "war criminal" her supporters laud her as a
"grieving Gold-Star mom" protesting the war. When supporters of Bush disapprovingly
draw attention to such characterization, and her supporters call it a "smear." The
ideological mindset of Sheehan and her supporters is that to accuse a president of "war
crimes" is not a "smear" but for such accusation to be truthfully attributed
to her by Bush supporters is a "smear."
When Cindy Sheehan characterizes Bush as the "world's greatest terrorist" her supporters laud her as a "grieving Gold-Star mom" protesting the war. When supporters of Bush disapprovingly draw attention to such characterization, Sheehan and her supporters call it a "smear." The ideological mindset of Sheehan and her supporters is that to accuse a president of being the "world's greatest terrorist" is not a "smear" but for such accusation to be truthfully attributed to her by Bush supporters is a "smear."
When Cindy Sheehan said the United States "is not worth dying for," her supporters laud her as a "grieving Gold Star mom" protesting the war. When supporters of Bush disapprovingly draw attention to such characterization, Sheehan and her supporters call it a "smear." The ideological mindset of Sheehan and her supporters is that to thus characterize the United States is not a "smear," but for such characterization to be truthfully attributed to her by Bush supporters is a "smear."
When Cindy Sheehan accuses Bush of being a supporter of a foreign power (Israel) at the expense of the United States, her supporters laud her as a "grieving Gold Star mom" protesting the war. When supporters of Bush accurately draw attention to the fact that she made such statement at a rally expressing support for Lynne Stewart, who was convicted of aiding her terrorist client's communications with other terrorists, Sheehan and her supporters call it a "smear." The ideological mindset of Sheehan and her supporters is that to accuse the president of subordinating American interests to those of a foreign power is not a smear but for his supporters to truthfully draw attention to her participation in a gathering to "support" the convicted terrorist-aider, Lynne Stewart, is a "smear."
People who smear others and then claim to be "smeared" by those who accurately report their smearing of others don't deserve the megaphone the dominant media seems determined to give Cindy Sheehan and the hate-spewing crowd with whom she has associated herself.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
To email links to this Daily Update installment to a friend, copy and paste the Links Box below into your email. To email the links to a different installment, go here to find the Links Box for that installment.
P.S. from Editor:
By the way, use the logo and link for "Take Back the Memorial" (right) for information about how you can support the effort to "Take Back" the 9-11 Memorial from the politically-correct crowd now planning to overshadow the Memorial with a "museum" chronicling the sins of America as though they were relevant to the current war against the medieval, totalitarian, perverted version of Islam being peddled by al Qaeda et al.
Links Box for: Aug. 22, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: Smearing-Cindy Sheehan. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0508-21--31.htm#20050822-01. Links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks & more: go to http://PoliSat.Com. Permanent link to silent animation for this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Images/Smearing-Cindy_Sheehan.gif. Permanent link to full-size static-cartoon version for this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/Images/Smearing-Cindy_Sheehan-Full-Size-Toon.gif. Send this Links Box to a friend: Copy it, paste it into your email form, and send it. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations/'toons on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
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