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Daily Updates
Where the satire is always
commentary but the commentary isn't always satire.
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Nov. 30, 29 & 28: No updates due to Jim Wrenn's extended Thanksgiving holiday
contributing to delays in remote postings in late November.
Nov. 27, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003
·(posted Nov. 29)·
To Citizen Soldiers a Song to
How Proudly We Thank You for Deeds in Our Name...·
(Scroll down below image for text-only version)
From farms in the country, from cities and towns,
from places quite humble, from places renowned,
from fact'ries, from stores and from offices tall,
from service professions, from stores in our malls,
come citizen soldiers their country to serve
as full time professionals or guard or reserve.
From mothers and fathers and husbands and wives,
from children and lovers and friends in their lives,
our citizen soldiers depart despite tears
on missions of danger in spite of their fears
as selflessly, proudly, and bravely they serve
that freedom of conscience and Faith be preserved.
In caves and in tunnels where murderers train
unspeakable terror they face in our name.
With principled discipline, training and skill
in taming the instinct to kill or be killed
our citizen soldiers have honored our name,
so, proudly we thank them for deeds in our name.
They serve in the skies, and at sea and on land,
in mountains and jungles and deserts of sand,
on foot and in foxholes, in trenches and tents,
in tanks and on submarine mission descents,
in planes and on ships and on carrier decks,
in Humvees, and hangars and convoys on treks.
For risks to themselves in their battles with terrors
increased by attempts to use force without error,
for risks to themselves they increase by providing
assistance to those who for freedom are striving,
our citizen soldiers have honored our name,
so thank them we must for their deeds in our name.
So we and posterity freedom retain
barbaric regimes you confront in our name.
To you who defend us, we proudly proclaim
our pride in the deeds you have done in our name.
We thank you, we thank you for deeds in our name,
We thank you, we thank you for deeds in our name.·
Copyright, November, 2003, by James R. Wrenn, Jr., Editor at PoliSat.Com.
Note to visitors: I'm in the process of arranging for recording and
production of this song, which I authored to honor those who serve us in the
military. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 26, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003
·(posted Nov. 29)·
Abetting Phonetic Contusions: NeVahDuh & Nookelar Fusion... ·
"The folks I address in Ne-vah-duh
get mad that I don't say Ne-vadda,
but phonic contusions
like Nookelar fusion
for me are just mine over madder."·
Inspired by a news report that Nevadans
are peeved by Bush's pronunciation of Nevada with the "va" rhyming with "hah" rather than "bad". --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 25, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003
·(posted Nov. 28)·
Again Shevardnadze's displayed
commitment to freedom's parade... ·
Again Shevardnadze has played
a pivotal role to display
commitment to freedom
instead of a fiefdom
by actions in Georgia today.
Like actions in Gorbachev's day,
his choice in resigning today
in Georgia as leader
is proof he's a leader
determined for freedom to stay.·
Inspired by the selfless nobility and commitment to freedom exhibited by Eduard Shevardnadze
in choosing to resign as leader of Georgia to facilitate a nonviolent transfer
of power to pro-democracy dissidents outraged by Shevardnadze's apparent failure
to perceive that many in his administration had corruptly benefited
themselves in the course of Georgia's transition to democratic freedom and
respect for human rights. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 24, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003
·(posted Nov. 28)·
The costs of addictions to myths
on prescriptions... ·
Consumerist advocates claim
that profits, of course, are to blame
that prices are more
at home than offshore
for drugs treating illness or pain.
Where prices are lower offshore,
there's less of what here there is more--
It's legal inflation
i.e., litigation
of which, 'stead of less, we have more.·
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 23, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003
·(posted Nov. 27)·
Hypocrisy's Path to Grapelettes of
Wrath... ·
When Caesar Chavez was in vogue
the libs favored boycotts as drogues
on farmers restricting
their grape-harvest picking
to non-union migrants they chose.
When Disney, the Kingdom of Walt,
began mocking views he'd exalt,
the boycotting plans
of old Disney fans
by libs were decried as assaults.·
Remember when boycotts were in vogue among liberals as a tool seeking to
economically coerce growers into accepting compulsory unionism? When did
boycotts fall out of their favor? Could it be when their political
opponents began using the same tactics against liberal icons? Are the business
interests of entertainers somehow more worthy than the business interests of
grape growers? --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 22, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003
·(posted Nov. 25)·
For many, it's not what is said,
instead, it's by whom it is said... ·
For this 40th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, I paraphrase
the most memorable lines from one of his best speeches:
The world should know that the United States stands ready to help any friend and
oppose any foe for the sake of liberty.
How ironic it is that so many alive today who would count themselves among JFK's
greatest admirers so readily mock George W. Bush's speeches and policies so
eloquently emulating the same noble purposes and vision exemplified by JFK for
safeguarding liberty from the forces of tyranny.·
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 21, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003
·(posted Nov. 24)·
The dreams of Blixeau for
hist'ry's tableau... ·
"My book," says Inspector Blixeau,¹
"will soon become hist'ry's tableau
on how Blair and Bush
were wrong when they pushed
for orders for warfare to go."
"Since dubya-M-D's weren't detected,
to me there'll be statues erected
as soon as the Baathists
again rule Iraqis
to celebrate freedom ejected."
Such legacy dreams of Blixeau
will dominate hist'ry's tableau
as soon as Berlin
prefers once again
a wall between East/West plateaus.·
Inspired by a November 20, 2003, news report of an interview with Hans Blix, in
which Blix explains his plans to write a book explaining his view of how
history will view Operation Iraqi Freedom as an illegal war rather than one
leading to the spread of freedom in the Middle East. Blix's expectations
of being vindicated by history are about as good as similar hopes of those who
mocked Reagan's stubborn insistence on increasing and modernizing our nuclear
forces as an incentive for the Soviet Union to ultimately capitulate to his
demands for reducing nuclear weapons rather than merely continuing the
decades-old pattern of limiting increases in such weapons.
Blixeau" is the name I coined for U.N. Weapons Inspector Hans Blix.
For more about Inspector Blixeau, go here.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 20, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003
·(posted Nov. 24)·
The Ozone Faux Zone... ·
In ozone, the seasonal hole
in 2003 was as bold
as 2000's summer.
Oh, my what a bummer!
So, what was enlarging the hole?
By ozone alarmists we're told
the sizes of seasonal holes
are linked to logistics
revealed by statistics
on gases men spread 'round the globe.
Though science shows greater infection
from Massive Coronal Ejections,
the hottest of gases
emitted in masses
are Massive Goronal Ejections.
Regarding when gases were more,
the latest statistics report:
Like 2000's Summer,
Oh-Three was a Summer,
with many more speeches by Gore.·
Inspired by news reports that in the last few years, the holes in the ozone, which alarmists claim to be caused by
gases expelled into the atmosphere by men, were largest in the summers of 2000 and 2003. Could it be mere
coincidence that tose time periods statistically correlate with increases
in the number of speeches by Gore?·--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 19, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003
·(posted Nov. 22)·
Churchillian peaks in Britain are
reached by Dubya's Bushillian speech... ·
The speech Bush delivered in Britain,
like those which by Churchill were given,
showed uncommon wisdom
comprising the vision
of freedom by which he is smitten.
The speech showed perceptions of mind
that all but politic'lly blind
observers will see
as wisdom to be
affirmed by the passage of time.
The outcries attempting to mock
the wisdom the Dubya's unlocked
by hist'ry will be
like Chamberlain's creed
equated with courage in hock.·
·--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 18, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003
·(posted Nov. 21)·
Evolution Versus
Revolution... ·
Before I opine on an issue
so fraught with emotional fissures
twixt secular views
and folks in the pews,
I'll tell you my rational strictures.
I'm lacking belief in a Deity
but favor the het'rogeneity
of mystical views
and secular views
with none forcing homogeneity.
That mystic sectarian reasons
supported the government's reasons
promoting communion
of man/woman union
does not negate secular reasons.
Evolution, like creeds on Creation,
shows humans achieved procreation
through man/woman sex
to make and protect
for humans a next generation.
In times when Mankind's perpetuity
was doubtful without promiscuity,
survival of Man
precluded demands
promoting monogamous purity.
When Man needed poly-coition
to guard against human extinction,
that mono-coition
for children's conditions
was best had to yield for fruition.
From advent of safer conditions
eclipsing the risks of extinction
arose a new test:
For children what's best?
Monogamous family tradition.
Twas then modern Man chose to savor
societal customs to favor
monogamous missions
as best of conditions
for kids as posterity's framers.
It's true that sectarian missions
inspired modern Man's imposition
of laws to endeavor
enactment of measures
to punish unlicensed coition.
But freedom evolved recognition
that liberty barred imposition
of laws to endeavor
enforcement of measures
to punish unlicensed coition.
However, that freedom demands
the staying of punitive hands
to limit coition
to licensed conditions
does not require laudative stands.
And absence of justification
to punish evolved aberrations¹
does not make unsound
the preferences found
for het'ro-monogamous missions.
That freedom protects aberration
from punishment isn't equation
of aberrant freedom
with moral accretion
against fav'ring non-aberration.
So, therefore, for laws to show deference
to non-aberrational preference
for marriage allegiance
that's heterogeneous
would not deny equal protection.
To bless aberrational marriage
would undermine grounds to disparage
polygamous marriage
or bigamous marriage
from het'ro-monogamous marriage.
Twould banish, not merely discourage,
incentives as means to encourage
what hist'ry's professed
for children is best--
i.e., the traditional marriage.
To serve aberrational unions,
what's best is contractual union,
which also could serve
polygamous verve,
distinguished from marital union.·
if homosexuality were to have become the evolutionary norm rather than
continuing as a statistically aberrant condition, we wouldn't exist.
Therefore, only scientific ignorance (or ideological blindness) could prompt
disagreement with my characterization of homosexuality as an aberrant
condition. That's not an expression of a value judgment, it's merely a
scientifically apt characterization for a condition that of necessity
constituted a statistical deviation from the norm in order for the human race
(as it exists) to have evolved. Thus, I believe that history, science and
logic support the same conclusion reached (on theological grounds) by proponents
of the view that society should treat "marriage" as a union uniquely
applicable to a man and a woman. Allowing "civil unions" for
same-sex couples affords them an opportunity to exchange binding commitments
(enforceable by law) without impairing society's ability to provide special
incentives for "marriage" without being obliged to provide the same
incentives for every other kind of mutual-support unions that may evolve or seek
legal recognition.·
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 17, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003
·(posted Nov. 18)·
Political Journal: The
Portable Gorinal... ·
"Despite my political funeral,"
says Gore, "my career isn't terminal
'cause now I've agreed
that henceforth I'll be
the Spokesman
for Waterless Urinals."
"To guarantee sales are phenomenal,
I'm coining a name that's cognominal
like Crapper, whose fame
for toilets remains,
by naming it 'Portable Gorinal.' "
"And like Thomas Crapper of yore,
my fame would extend evermore
'cause people in need
politely will plead,
'Excuse me, I must take a Gore.' "
You ask if this lim'rick's confirmable
that Gore speaks for Waterless Urinals.
The news that I speak
was sourced as a leak
that flowed from his Portable Journal.
Alternate title:
The Portable Gorinal Waterless
Inspired by a November 16, 2003, report that Gore has agreed to become the
spokesman for a company that manufactures "waterless urinals."
(As Dave Barry would say, "I'm not making this up.") --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 16, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·(posted
Nov. 17)·
Italian battalions to quench the
backstabbing stench of the French... ·
The US of A and Britannia
sang vive la France as their aria
'til stabbed in Iraq
by back-stabbing Jacques
for butcher Saddam's Babylonia.
While Jacques toots his hateful harmonica,
to hear Berlusconi sing arias
to join our symphonia
for New Babylonia,
we're proud to sing viva Italia.
Inspired by the nobility, courage and wisdom of Italian
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in responding to the suicide-bombing murder of
Italian soldiers serving in Iraq in support of our effort to transform a
dangerous tyranny into an asset for freedom and human rights. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 15, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ··
Public Service: Information
on American military casualties is available on a "Faces of Valor"
page on a military-information site at http://www.militarycity.com/valor/honor.html
(No satire/commentary today)... ·
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 14, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·
(posted Nov. 15)
Breaking News: PoliSat.Com buys the
Victoria's Secret News
Network... ·
It's often I've ranted and raved
at frivolous tabloid displays
on channels that choose
to call themselves "news"
while showing such raunchy displays.
I once told a managing news-man
"I'll not watch your channel for news, man
until it eschews
the tabloids as news
--'til then, 'cept for Brit, I'll watch C-SPAN."
The news-man replied, "You're too grumpy.
The ratings we need to raise money
require us to show
some gossip tableaus
to fund showing news to news junkies."
Instead of eschewing the channel,
I merely continued to channel
my anger to vote
by clicking remotes
when gossip appeared on the channel.
But lately, I've altered my views--
'cause gossip tableaus in the news
can educate those
preferring tableaus
who then may stay tuned to the news.
So therefore, I'm testing my theory
with tactics of which I'd be leery
except as a tool
to educate fools
seduced to come here for my theories.
To surfers on internet sea-treks,
by headline I'll offer a see-trek:
"A Satirist Buys
Cavuto's Franchise
for News From Victoria's Secrets."
Of course those seduced to arrive
by this clever test would deny
their motives were base
in reaching this place,
but trust I'll indulge in their lies.
The proof of the theory will lie
in whether the ones who arrive
for "Secrets" not news
remain without views
of things I would never provide.
If some of the ones who arrive
remain for enjoyment of rhymes,
perhaps they'll return
on finding they've learned
the thrill of expanding their minds.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 13, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·
(posted Nov. 15) ·
Fringes on Binges. .. ·
It's time that the gentle majority
of Christians rebuke the minority
of brethren who show
how little they know
of how Christians made our¹
And likewise, it's time the majority
for secular moral authority
inaugurate shunning
of Secular Fundies²
for mocking the Christian majority.
A small, but quite vocal, minority
of Christians disgrace the majority
by strident demands
that government hands
applaud them as moral authorities.
And likewise, the Secular Fundies,
too haughty to ever speak humbly,
incessantly spew
the bigoted view
that Christian believers are dummies.
The fate of America hinges
on forthright rejection of fringes--
Sectarian Fundies
and Secular Fundies
on bigoted, arrogant binges.
Rejecting the fringes of arrogance
of theo-and-ideo-narrowgance³
exemplifies best
the freedom professed
as Faith that's uniquely American.
The classic'ly lib'ral Joe Lieberman,
and Dubya, the NeoCon Ev'ryman,
instead of Bill Moyers
or Judge Moore supporters,
show Faith that's uniquely American.
·Inspired by the obstinate refusal of the secular fringe (best personified by Bill
Moyers) to acknowledge the pivotal role that American Christianity played in
our Constitution's enshrinement of freedom of religion as a human right and the
fanatical zeal of the sectarian fringe (best personified by the now-former Alabama
Chief Justice Roy Moore) seeking enshrinement of Christianity as the
foundation of our system of government.
a non-believer, I consider "our majority" to be the majority of
Christians, Jews, Muslims and non-believers dedicated to the uniquely
American view that government should neither favor one religion over another nor
exhibit overt hostility toward religious views not incompatible with the
American principle of religious tolerance. Although religions other than
Christianity benefit from this uniquely American principle, Christianity (as it
had evolved in America by the time of our Constitutional Convention)-- not any
other religion-- invented this uniquely American principle. That
Christianity played such role is indisputably worthy of historical and
commemorative recognition, which Secular Fundies blindly refuse to
recognize. However, Christianity's having played such role did not render
it the "foundation" of our government notwithstanding Sectarian
Fundies' contentions to the contrary.
understand why I coined the term "Secular
Fundies" and what the term means, go
coining the term "narrowgance" to define the mindset exemplified by
the arrogant narrow-mindedness exhibited by (a) secularists suffering the
conceit that their broadmindedness renders their beliefs inherently superior to
anyone embracing sectarian beliefs and (b) sectarians suffering the conceit that
their theological beliefs constitute infallible articulations of the
"Will" of the Creator.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 12, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·
(posted Nov. 13) ·
Connecting the dots outside of
the box. .. ·
In Nineteen-Nine-Eight Clinton then
said rule by Saddam had to end
or else MD weapons
he'd use 'cause the question
was not "if" or "whether" but "when."
Fast-forward to 2001
when those who arranged Nine-One-One
proclaimed that our presence
in Mid-Eastern deserts
was why they arranged Nine-One-One.
Fast-forward to 2002:
"Containing" Saddam required use
of much larger presence
in Mid-Eastern deserts
in hopes to deter MD use.
Assume we could count on Saddam
to never supply MD bombs
to Muslim fanatics
for terrorist tactics
for fear he'd be next to be bombed.
In contrast, we'd have to assume
Saddam would agree, not refuse,
to help the fanatics
use Nine-One-One tactics
'til from the Mid-East we withdrew.
Connecting 01's set of dots
to 2002's set of dots
shows motives enhanced
for terrorists' plans
for more of such Nine-One-One plots.
Connecting the same sets of dots
shows motives for aiding those plots
would be for Saddam
compellingly strong,
so pressure on him we would stop.
In warfare, a tie ain't success,
so linear tactics ain't best.
Success requires more
than ev'ning the score--
not tic-tac-toe tactics, but chess.
So, absent our toppling Saddam
our war against more Nine-One-Ones
could never have made
the terror brigades
make elsewhere, not here, their main front.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 11, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·
(posted Nov. 12) ·
Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. .. ·
Remember, after Nine-One-One
we promptly did what must be done
by digging deep in sending funds
to help survivors needing funds?
In cemeteries, anthems sung
to those on freedom's highest rung
remind us all of what they'd done:
To honor more than life they clung.
However, more than anthems sung
for their survivors must be done,
so here's
the place for sending funds:
Fallen Heroes Fund.
I think the disparity between the scope of the public's noble generosity to the
survivors of Nine-Eleven victims and survivors of military personnel who've died
for our country and for us is appalling. Therefore, I'm taking this
opportunity to urge fellow Americans to contribute to the Intrepid
Fallen Heroes Fund. I'm also taking this opportunity to credit Joe
Scarborough on MSNBC for bringing this Fund to the public's attention and
interviewing Challe Pokorney, a volunteer promoting the fund and honoring her
husband, who sacrificed his life during combat operations in Iraq in March,
2003. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 10, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·
(posted Nov. 12) ·
The Citizen Gore, Inventor of
Lore. .. ·
I'm Al, the Vice-POTUS¹
of yore,
and now I give speeches to roar:
If I
were the POTUS
and Tipper were FLOTUS,²
our risks would be fewer, not more.
I've now
with respect to Iraq
invented a way to redact
support that I gave
in Nineteen-Nine-Eight
to change the regime in Iraq.
Although I'm a person of principles,
I'm never from pressure invincible,
and so I confess
support I expressed
was merely a statement of principle.
I'm busy as Citizen Gore
inventing redactions galore
emerging from stasis
to prove that I'm greatest
as "Al, the Inventor of Lore."
Inspired by:
(a) the transparently self-serving revisionism manifest in Gore's speech to
"MoveOn.Org" about the nature of the threat posed by Saddam Hussein's
regime remaining in power, (b) his specious claims that the pre-911
"dots" (which began appearing during the tenure of the Clinton/Gore
administration) could have been connected despite the pre-911 laws limiting
domestic intelligence activities by the FBI, banning such activities by the CIA,
and barring FBI/CIA collaboration in such activities, (c) his demagogic language
implying Bush has established a police state, and (d) his specious claim we are
in greater danger today than before 9-11.
"POTUS," the acronym for President of the United States, to rhyme with
"FLOTUS," the acronym for First Lady of the United States, to rhyme
with "sodas."
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 9, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·
(posted Nov. 11) ·
"Reform" is imperiled
by Howard the Squirrel. .. ·
Though candidate, Dean, I disdain,
on one thing I'm forced to refrain
from writing to mock
the arrogant "Doc"--
His "no-public-funding" campaign.
Such action by Howard reverses
his statement that money from purses
of taxpayers must
be fillings and crusts
for sating the populists' urges.
Hypocrisy always entwines
the ideologically blind,
but sometimes with luck
the truth like a nut
they find like a squirrel that's blind.
Inspired by Howard Dean's decision (on Saturday, November 8) to forgo acceptance
of public funding for his campaign to avoid spending caps. Even though he
reversed his position for the wrong reason (i.e., by claiming that Bush's
refusal to accept public funding forced him into such reversal rather than
admitting his pro-public-funding position was wrong), his having embraced the
right position (i.e., eschewing public funding for political campaigns)
will take a lot of the moral righteousness out of the movement for campaign
finance "reform," which I find patently unconstitutional. For
more of my rants against campaign finance "reform," go
here. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 8, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·(posted
Nov. 10) ·
Political SARS from Venus or
Mars?. .. ·
Eureka, now science¹
can validate
that some gals have powers to activate
responses in men
to make them begin
to swoon and/or drool and/or salivate.
A similar tool for compliance
is found in political science
that many profess
by Hill'ry's possessed
for thrilling political clients.
When deadlocks arise among candidates,
the Donkeys t'ward Hill'ry will gravitate.
While Hollywood swoons
and feminists drool,
the Elephants surely will salivate.
Inspired by a news
report that researchers found that being in the presence of an attractive
female makes men salivate. Since Hillary seems to have that kind of power
over the Democratic base, I wonder whether her backstage maneuvering can
maintain her ability to induce a deadlock in the race for the 2004 nomination
long enough for her to determine whether to do so in order to secure the
nomination for herself with Clark as her running mate? --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 7, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·
The Candidates'
Flak on Patriot Acts. .. ·
"Before Nine-Eleven the dots
by experts connected were not,"
say critics implying
that lacking of trying
is why they did not connect dots.
Before war began in Iraq
our experts' connections of dots
exceeding the sum
about Nine-One-One
showed weapons concealed in Iraq.
Yet those who condemn us for not
connecting the Nine-One-One dots
though fewer to plot
than those in Iraq
condemn hooking dots on Iraq.
The critics of CIA acts
before Nine-Eleven's attack
say failures to share
some tips to ensnare
the plotters allowed the attack.
The critics of FBI acts
before Nine-Eleven's attack
say paperwork mired
the profiles acquired
that could have prevented attack.
Say critics, if only they'd shared
such profiles and tips to ensnare
the men in the plot,
they'd surely have stopped
the plot before planes reached the air.
However, those critics ignore
requirements existing before
that awful attack
for separate tracks
for CIA/FBI chores.
Those critics did later enact
the law named the Patriot Act
for profiles and tips
routinely to slip
'cross CIA/FBI tracks.
But later those critics began
abusing the name of the man
enforcing their Act
for dots to be tracked
as though 'twas his personal plan.
Inspired by the disingenuous tap-dance by John Edwards and others who, after
voting for the Patriot Act, began demonizing Aschroft for enforcing it. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 6, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·
The Rangel for
angles. .. ·
Although Charlie Rangel deserves
respect from the country he served
at war in Korea,
his oral diarrhea
on Rumsfeld a raspberry earned.
Contending that Rumsfeld brought shame
last Sunday in how he explained
the deaths of our troops
aboard a Chinook,
'twas Rangel's complaint that brought shame.
Twas not the way Rumsfeld explained
the crash, twas that Rangel maintained
the crash was a sign
that Don should resign
and thus used the crash for political gain.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 5, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·
The Dean of Sanctimony. .. ·
I'm Dean and I'm quite sanctimonious,
with humbleness, quite parsimonious,
compelled to pontificate
on how I would orchestrate
a view of the world that's harmonious.
When statements I make are offensive,
I call those offended defensive
and thereby imply
the fault has to lie
in their lack of will to be pensive.
On learning that words from my mouth
offended the folks in the South,
I rightly declared
the problem is theirs
as views kept in backs of their mouths.
You're wondering how I'm so certain
the South is by bigotry burdened.
The answer is clear.
It's where I was reared--
The North were no prejudice burgeoned.
Inspired by Dean's condescendingly and transparently insincere non-apology for
his bigoted stereotyping of modern southerners as though they were people who
long to ride horses while wearing the robes of intolerance. To view a good
example of a modern prejudicial mindset, Dean should look in the
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 4, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·
The Legend of
Drudge & Goliath:
The One-Eyed Goliath of Liberal Bias by Drudge with a slingshot is knocked from
the dais. .. ·
That Hollywood, Babs and her Mister
were planning a History Twister
portraying the Gipper
as History's Blister
alarmed the Political Tipster.
So, Drudge, the Political Tipster
exposed how the History Twister
was crudely designed
with lies to malign
the life and the wife of the Gipper.
At first CBS told its scolders
that art's in the eye of beholders,
but also implied
excisions of lies
would mollify most of its scolders.
However, so little remained
when lies from the movie were strained,
the Hollywood Click
involved in the flick
refused to promote it as changed.
And now the Political Tipster
says Hollywood, Babs and her Mister
by Redstone were told
The Eye won't behold
the flick, but on Showtime 'twill flicker.
The lesson to draw from this twister?
By Drudge, the Political Tipster,
the One-Eyed Goliath
of Liberal Bias
by slingshot was knocked on its keister.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 3, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·
Containing Saddam
could've worked, but for/against whom would it "work"? .. ·
The Deans and the Kerrys and Clarks
contend we had trapped in a box
Saddam of Iraq,
so warfare was not
required for his plans to be stopped.
But blithely ignoring the "box"
was power displayed to Iraq
by sending divisions
in Mid-East dominions,
the Nine-One-One "cause" they forgot.
When planes made our trade-towers fall,
our Mid-Eastern footprint was small,
but nevertheless
the killers professed
their goal as no footprint at all.
If Bush, a la Kerry and Clark,
had placed all his faith in a "box,"
by ten-folding forces
he'd ten-fold the motives
for murder in terrorists' flocks.
With forces defensively locked
for keeping Saddam in a box,
by now we'd have learned
the tables would turn
with us, 'stead of them, in a box.
Instead, by deposing Hussein,
we've altered the terrorists' game
by forcing their hands
to Mid-Eastern lands
to die in the boxes we've framed.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 2, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·
(posted Nov. 3)·
The "Tet You So"
Liturgy. .. ·
We're all sure we "know" what we "know"
but think we "know" more than we know,
so those who opposed
the War as a "go"
seem eager to say "Tet you so."
But we who've supported the War
know Tet was perceived to be more
than loss for the North
and thus came to dwarf
reality's view of the North.
The "Tet You So" celebrants never
admitted their liturgy severed
the moral dimension
supporting our mission
and then ignored slaughters unfettered.
Their "Tet You So" seeks absolution
for their having lacked a solution
for gathering danger
'til imminent dangers
demand far more risky solutions.
Inspired by the shallow, self-serving and irresponsible "I told you
so" tone of comments by Dean, Clark, et al, about the tragic deaths
of American soldiers at the hands of supporters of the sub-human,
barbaric culture of the Iraqi Baathists exemplified by the torture/murder tape
revealed last week. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Nov. 1, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003 ·(posted
Nov. 2)·
The ClaLiCom
Phenomenon aka
SchwarZelMiller. .. ·
The Nine-One-One terrorist mission
has altered political visions
of both Left and Right
with polarized sight
for viewing the scope of our mission.
The Left and the Right perceive Moderates
as people imbued by their tolerance
with valueless views
because they eschew
the Left and the Right as "intolerant."
At forks in their trek to find Halcyon,
they rarely obey Yogi's axiom
of "taking" a fork;
instead they resort
to slogging ahead like contrarians.
Til now our political lexicon
ignored this profound idioticon,¹
but Arnold's election
and Millers'²
demand that we name this phenomenon.
This void in political lexicon
I'll fill by defining as "ClaLiCoM"
the Classic'ly Lib'ral
Conservative Middle,
a plainly eclectic phenomenon.
By use of an Icon Distiller
with Schwarzenegger's name mixing Millers
an acronym merges
with icons emerging,
we've named the result "SchwarZelMiller."
Inspired by the recent effects of three political forces: Arnold Schwarzenegger
as Governor of CollieFornEeeYah, Zell Miller as Democratic Senator from Georgia
speaking for disaffected Democrats, and Dennis
Miller as a political commentator (and potential candidate), all of whom
exemplify eclectic mixtures of classical liberalism and libertarianism tempered
by NeoCon realizations that although might doesn't make right, mightless right
can't triumph over rightless might.
term "idioticon" means "a
dictionary of a peculiar dialect, or of the words and phrases peculiar to one part of a country; a
glossary" according to Dictionary.Com.
means both Zell Miller and Dennis Miller.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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