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Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Updates.©·2003..
Updates start
below in
chronological order.
March 31, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
Arnett's views are clearer as Fog on the Mirror.·
Arnett claimed his viewpoints are clearer
because to Saddam he's been nearer.
The Peacock abhorred
his Fog on the War,
so now he's the Fog on the Mirror.
(Click image to view animation.)
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030331-01·©2003.
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March 30, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
Reporting for National Geographic:
Arnett from the Baby Milk Fact'ry.·
Arnett, for the National Geographic,
reports from the Baby Milk Fact'ry
to prove once again
the "Emmy" he'll win
as "Best" as Iraq's Propagandist.
Click image to view animation.·
Inspired by Peter Arnett's comments on Iraqi television today while being
"interviewed" by an Iraqi official, in which Arnett trashed Bush and
America's military and lauded the Iraq regime as though it were a bastion of the
free press. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030330-01·©2003.
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March 29, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
The war for Saddam to be toppled is not barred by claims of estoppel*.·
It's argued "We're just not entitled
to label this warfare as vital
'cause once we assisted
Saddam in resisting
Iran from expanding by warfare unbridled."
We're lucky such spurious views
by Truman were clearly eschewed
to name in his Doctrine
as "enemy" Stalin,
whom we helped survive World War Two.
Undaunted by flaws in their logic,
those critics remain demagogic
contending attainment
of cold-war containment
is proof that for war there's no logic.
Their logic's demonstrably bad
because it's dependent on MAD**--
Containment designed
for bipolar times
would be lit'rally mad.***·
"Estoppel" is a legal term describing a legal principle applicable to
special circumstances under which the law may deem a proposed course of action
as being barred by prior actions unequivocally incompatible with the proposed
course of action. ·**·For
readers who were young children at the end of the Cold War and who may have only
received limited, politically-correct education in history, "MAD"
means "Mutual Assured Destruction." ·***·
Click here
to access my March 11, 2003, commentary on why last century's
"containment" theory would be dangerous in today's multipolar
world. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030329-01·©2003.
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March 28, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
De Villepin de Vichy Mein.·
When asked, "In Iraq, who should win?"
De Villepin spoke for the French
refusing to say
"the U. S. of A.,"
revealing why "French" rhymes with "Stench.".
Inspired by my outrage comments attributed to French Foreign Minister Dominique
de Villepin yesterday at London's International Institute for Strategic Studies.
According to a Sky
News report, during a question and answer session at the end of his speech he refused to answer the question: "Who do you want to win the
war [in Iraq]?"] ··--Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·http://polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030328-01·©2003.
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March 27, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
It's not how big we make it, it's how we make it big.·
It seems to be argued by critics
our force in Iraq is arthritic--
i.e., not so massive
to render impassive
what's keeping Saddam parasitic.
The problem is less with the size
of forces on ground and in skies
than how to assuage
the fears that enslave
his "soldiers" to fight 'til they die.
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030327-01·©2003.
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March 26, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
Saddam clings to hopes of roping a dope.·
The goons of Saddam harbor hope
that soon they'll be roping a dope
expecting Chirac
et al to yell "Stop"
and "Let poor Saddam off the ropes."
But lucky for us Bush can cope
with claims he's a dope being roped
'cause Bush will tell Jacques
"Your friend in Iraq
won't slip from my tightening rope."
Responding to claims he's a dope
the Dubya will calmly say, "Nope--
A genuine dope
would let Saddam go
on reaching the end of his rope."
It seems self-evident that Saddam's goons now hope to endure punishment until
they can muster demands from the French, et al, that there be a
cease-fire and a "negotiated" solution. I'm confident Bush will
refuse to cave-in to such pressure and equally confident that the French, the
Hollywood Left, et al, will demonize him for refusing to do so. Finally,
I'm also equally convinced that even ten years from now, neither the French nor
the Hollywood Left will be willing to admit they were wrong and he was right to
settle for nothing less than the eradication of Saddam Hussein's murderous
regime. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030326-01·©2003.
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March 25, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
Again Kofi Annan's too morally lame to plainly use words to call evil by name.·
Again Kofi Annan's* too
morally lame
to plainly use words to call evil by name
when asked to respond
to tapes from Saddam
revealing his pris'ners were shot in their brains.
Invoking the jargon of diplomat fools--
for whom obfuscation's a favorite tool--
regarding the tapes,
the most he would say
was "both sides" should follow the rules..
Inspired by my outrage at Kofi Annan's response to reporters' questions about
the video tape released yesterday by Saddam's goons plainly showing American
soldiers captured by his goons had been murdered after capture by gunshots to
their heads. Annan's morally lame response was that "both sides"
should treat prisoners according to the Geneva Conventions. It was
predictable, but nevertheless inexcusable, that the same Secretary General who
had earlier managed to muster the alleged "courage" to say that the
Coalition's decision to forcibly disarm Saddam Hussein's regime
"could" be considered "illegal" lacked the common decency to
plainly state the obvious regarding the tapes-- i.e., that they were strong
evidence of war crimes by Saddam's goons-- or to demand that Saddam's goons
immediately begin complying with the Conventions. ·*·Kofi
Annan prefers his name being pronounced to sound like "cannon" rather
than 'anon." --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030325-01·©2003.
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March 24, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
The Rally in Richmond that dwarfed the "anti-war" march in New York.·
By measured proportions numerical,
a Rally Supporting America
in Richmond did dwarf
the crowd in New York
by Lefties condemning America.
A Rally Supporting America*
yesterday in Richmond, Virginia, drew more than 7,000 in an area in which the
population within a one-hour ride is much less than half-a-million.
Compared to the "rally" in New York City on Saturday condemning
Operation Iraqi Freedom, which drew far fewer than 100,000 in an area in which
the population within a one-hour ride exceeds 30 million, the Support-America
Rally in Richmond was at least four times the size of the New York City rally of
lefties condemning Operation Iraqi Freedom. *·
Jimmy Barrett, Michael Graham and Randall Bloomquist of the 50,000-watt
Clear-Channel radio station, WRVA, in Richmond,
Virginia, organized the rally,
which featured Michael Wells' stirring, spine-tingling rendition of Patrick Henry's famous "Liberty or
Death" speech and an outstanding keynote speech by national radio
commentator, Glenn Beck.
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030324-01·©2003.
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March 23, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
The barbarous wrongs by goons of Saddam.·
Iraqis releasing the pictures just issued
of horrors our soldiers as pris'ners had been-through
must harbor delusions
their crimes would induce us
to quit and depart as we left Mogadishu.
But since Nine-Eleven, such tactics are seen-through,
and much better strategies now have been issued,
so barbarous wrongs
will not stop our bombs--
It ain't '93 and it ain't Mogadishu.
It's well known that Usama bin Laden perceived America's withdrawal from Somalia after
the barbarous murder and public mutilation of our soldiers in Mogadishu (in
1993) as evidence America lacked the political will to militarily confront such
barbarians or states that harbor or support them. Today's release of a
video tape by Saddam's goons smilingly displaying the bodies of American
soldiers murdered after being taken prisoner shows Saddam's regime suffers the delusion that such American attitude (best
exemplified by the Hollywood Left) continued as the dominant American attitude
after Nine-Eleven. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030323-01·©2003.
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March 22, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
A few "human shields" have now spoken,
admitting their eyes have been opened. ·
A few "human shields" have now spoken
admitting their eyes have been opened
by insights that dawned
when "minders" were gone
and truths by Iraqis were spoken.
Following is an excerpt from " Lucky Break for Jordan By Arnaud de Borchgrave,
UPI Editor at Large From the International Desk Published 3/21/2003 2:46 PM":
A group of American anti-war demonstrators who came to Iraq with Japanese human shield volunteers made it across the border today with 14 hours of uncensored video, all shot without Iraqi government minders present. Kenneth Joseph, a young American pastor with the Assyrian Church of the East, told UPI the trip "had shocked me back to reality." Some of the Iraqis he interviewed on camera "told me they would commit suicide if American bombing didn't start. They were willing to see their homes demolished to gain their freedom from Saddam's bloody tyranny. They convinced me that Saddam was a monster the likes of which the world had not seen since Stalin and Hitler. He and his sons are sick sadists. Their tales of slow torture and killing made me ill, such as people put in a huge shredder for plastic products, feet first so they could hear their screams as bodies got chewed up from foot to head." http://www.upi.com/print.cfm?StoryID=20030321-023627-5923r.
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030322-01·©2003.
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March 21, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
·The fruits of our
will soon leave Chirac-appalled. ·
A "gif"* in The Sun made Chirac appalled
by looks of Saddam on his face installed,
but far greater shocks
await Jacques Chirac
when Jacques sees the fruits of our "shock-'n'-awe."
Defeat of oppression Saddam installed
will lead to the ultimate "shock-'n'-awe"
when folks in Iraq
are telling Chirac
"Thank goodness for Yankees but not-the-Gauls."··
·*·To view the original parody of which this is a parody, go to http://images.thesun.co.uk/picture/0,,2003120263,00.gif.
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030321-01·©2003.
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March 20, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
the Colors: "I'll take it from here."·
The image at the left includes a reduced reproduction of an image sent to me by
email without attribution. The email said it was drawn by an American
soldier preparing to go into battle. The words of the soldier taking the
Flag from the firefighter are: "I'll take it from here."
When I'm able to identify the artist, I'll publish the full-size image with
proper attribution and permission.
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030320-01·©2003.
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March 19, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
Chirac's parley vou of
deja vu, and Dubya to Daschle, "Et tu?"·
To Jacques, Powell asked, "Parley vou
Anglais?" Veritas? Parley vou?
m'mystifier au commencement,
pouah en me au commencement,
m'mystifier de nouveau, pouah en vou."
To Jacques, Powell questioned, "Do you
speak English? Or truth? Parley vou?
Fool me once, shame on me,
fool me twice, shame on thee.
For truth, you avoid deja vu.
And worse were the words of Tom Daschle,
who seems by the French to be dazzled,
to castigate George
for failing to forge
agreements Chirac would find facile.··
Inspired by my taking at face value without hesitation the statements by Colin
Powell that in retrospect, it's clear to him that the French deliberately misled
him in voting for Resolution 1441. Thus, it's offensive that today Chirac
said France would "join" the fight on our side "if" the
Iraqis were to use chemical or biological weapons. Equally offensive
were Tom Daschle's words implying Bush's failure to procure a Security Council
resolution (never mind it would have been the eighteenth and never mind Bush
wouldn't have even entered into the debacle of seeking an eighteenth resolution
except to help Blair) satisfactory to the French constituted diplomatic
incompetence. If Daschle believes he could have, and would have, procured a
resolution satisfactory to Jacques Chirac, then such belief alone demonstrates a
naivety too broad and deep for a position of national leadership.
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030319-01·©2003.
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March 18, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
Jacque's Trap.·
Today, Jacques Chirac loves to revel
in views of George Bush as the devil,
but hist'ry will plot
the name of Chirac
as Twenty-First Century's "Neville."*·
And Schroeder, by joining Chirac's camp
for backdoor support of Saddam's camp,
by hist'ry will be
remembered to be
a German entangled in Jacques' trap.··
referring, of course, to Neville Chamberlain, remembered by history for
pronouncing that accommodations with Hitler would produce "peace
in our time." .
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030318-01·©2003.
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March 17, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
From Bush to Saddam, a
chance to be-gone.·
Tonight Dubya said to Saddam
"In 48 hours, be-gone,"
but experts believe
Saddam will not leave--
he'd rather be bombed than be gone.
But actors and France will continue
to claim if inspections continued
they would've restrained
Saddam and "contained"
his means to strike outside his venue.
However, in making such claims
for casting on Dubya the blame,
the Frenchmen and actors
are blind to the factors
negating the grounds for their claims.
For more on my claim that reality's factors
negate the contentions by Frenchmen and actors
"Inspections maintained
would serve to contain
the dangers" go here*
for my view of the factors.···
Opponents of using force to remove Saddam Hussein's regime contend doing so will
increase the risks of terrorist attacks on us and also contend
"inspections" would "work" and that the West having
"contained" the Soviet Union for 50 years is proof that we could
likewise "contain" Saddam. Such contentions are self-evidently
flawed in all but the most politically and historically blind. For
"inspections" and "containment" to "work," we'd
need to maintain a military presence in the Middle East far more robust than our
pre-9-11 presence that nevertheless was a major factor enabling bin Laden to
motivate "suicide" terrorists to carry-out the 9-11 attack.
Furthermore, the bi-polar nature of nuclear armament throughout most of the
bygone "cold war" era enabled the "MAD"**
theory to deter the Soviets from risking massive nuclear retaliation by
attempting to use terrorist surrogates to launch a nuclear strike against the
West. It would be truly mad to continue adhering to such outmoded
"MAD" theory in a world of multi-polar nuclear proliferation.
the link to my column: http://WrennCom.Com/focus2003/20030311-01.asp.
readers too young to remember the cold war, "MAD" means "Mutual
Assured Destruction."
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030317-01·©2003.
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March 16, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003··
Dubya's 3 beats Jacques'
trap for 2.·
Said Bush to Chirac, "Show your cards,"
and Jacques said to Bush, "Here they are."
Said Dubya, "You lose,
my 3 beats your 2
& likewise Saddam's in the Jacques' trap for 2.·····
Inspired by comments by Bush in the press conference today in the Azores
following his meeting with Blair and Asnar. When asked whether he would
demand a Security Council vote on a proposed 18th resolution to force Jacques
Chirac to "show his cards," he said such vote wouldn't be necessary
since Chirac had "already shown his cards." --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030316-01·©2003.
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March 15, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
Blixeau's Knowledge Diet
is snappy: Keep saying "Don't Worry, Be Happy."·····
Blixeau knows his job's to give warning
of weapons Saddam is still hording
but told MTV
the "danger" he sees
ain't war but instead "global warming."
Inspired by a March
14, 2003, news report of Hans Blix's (aka Inspector
Blixeau) comments to an MTV "reporter," in which Blix contended he
worries more about "global warming" than nuclear weapons. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030315-01·©2003.
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March 14, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
Attacks on the Dubya by
Bubba the flubber.·····
Though Bubba, when POTUS, had failed to extract
a "yes" for inspectors' return to Iraq,
he claims Dubya goofed
by sending our troops
when Council's inspectors were asked to go back.
To all but the critics who'd rather be duped,
it's clear that if Dubya had not sent the troops,
we'd still be debating
the terms and awaiting
conditions Saddam would impose as a ruse.
If hindsight's becoming the newest requirement
to know how Saddam could be sent to "retirement,"
the answer is clearly
we should've just merely
announced "We're enforcing the cease-fire
Inspired by Clinton's fatuous criticism that Bush, in essence, poisoned the
diplomatic well be promptly dispatching troops to the Gulf while awaiting a
response from Saddam as to whether he would grant "unconditional" and
"unlimited" access to a new team of inspectors. Had the troops
not been sent, the diplomats would still be haggling over the extent to which
the terms "unconditional" and "unlimited" should be
sublimated to the "sovereign dignity" of Iraq. Here's an excerpt
of the news report of Clinton's remarks in a speech last night in New York:
On the issue of Iraq, Clinton said he supports booting dictator Saddam Hussein out of Baghdad and destroying his weapons, but he said Bush has made it more difficult to line up international cooperation for a possible war. Right after winning UN Security Council support in November for weapons inspections, the White House "sent 150,000 troops to the gulf, which convinced everybody we weren't serious about UN inspections. That's how we got into this political mess. The U.S. should be strengthening the UN and other "mechanisms of cooperation," Clinton said. "We need to be creating a world that we would like to live in when we're not the biggest power on the block." Source: New York Daily News, March 14, 2003.
his suggestion that we "need to be creating a world we would like to live
in when we're not the biggest power on the block," I don't think the proper
tool for such construction project is an institution that names Libya to chair
its Commission on Human Rights and Iraq to chair its Commission on Disarmament. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030314-01·©2003.
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March 13, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
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Daily Update #01··©·2003···
An old French
confection: Saddam's French Connection.·····
In threat'ning to vote for rejection
of plans that would end the inspections,
the French hope to serve
their goal to preserve
Chirac as Saddam's French Connection.
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030313-01·©2003.
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March 12, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
A new resolution submitted
by Britain: Saddam on TeeVee must express his contrition.····
A new resolution submitted by Britain:
Saddam on TV must express his contrition.
By him must be said:
"I lied when I said
'I didn't do work on the weapons forbidden.'"
A time-slot for stating the truths he has blemished
is all that they need for this plan to be finished.
It's easy to spot
a suitable slot:
replacement for Bill on the show Sixty Minutes.
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030312-01·©2003.
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March 11, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
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Daily Update #01··©·2003···
has begun to hide smoking guns.····
Blixeau showed his "fairness" as weapons inspector
when Powell by him at the Council was hectored
contending Saddam
was "going along"
to help him t'ward ending his job as inspector.
In praising Saddam 'cause he owned-up
to weapons as soon as they've shown-up
Blixeau has displayed
his knowledge of ways
to focus on holes in the doughnuts.··
Inspired by Blix's obliviousness to his real task as evidenced by his decision
to exclude from his oral report to the Security Council last Friday the fact
that the inspectors had found pilot-less planes and customized bombs designed to
disperse chemical and/or biological weapons. *·Blixeau
is the name I coined for Inspector Hans Blix last October due to my
expectation that his job performance would resemble that of Inspector
Clouseau. For more Adventures of
Inspector Blixeau, go here. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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this Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030311-01·©2003.
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March 10, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
Blixeau* in a fix, becomes
Sgt. Blix .····
Though armed with a list of the clusters of tricks
employed by Saddam, the "inspector" named Blix,
when asked to report,
commences to morph
'til Blix, the "inspector" becomes "Sgt. Blix."
Inspired by the conduct of Blix in being so doggedly reluctant to shed light on
Hussein's continuing, massive defiance of his obligation disarm. * Blix also appears at PoliSat.Com as
"Inspector Blixeau." --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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March 09, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
The syrupy dreams of
Vermont's Howard Dean .··
Vermont's Howard Dean has declared he'd "maintain"
our troops in the Gulf for "containing" Hussein.
Perhaps he forgot
the Nine-One-One plot
was payback for troops in the Gulf we maintained.·
Today, when Howard Dean reiterated his contention that Bush should not use force
in Iraq without explicit approval of the U.N. Security Council, he was asked
what he would do if he were president. He said he'd "triple" the
number of inspectors and "contain" Saddam Hussein by leaving most of
our 250,000 troops in the Middle East. Unlike Dean, most of us remember
that one of the main motivations of the 9-11 hijackers was to take revenge on
the U.S. for having dared to station its military forces in the Middle
East. Why do Dean, and those who agree with him, think our maintaining in
the Middle East a force large enough to "contain" Saddam and
"coerce" his "cooperation" with "inspectors" would
be any less likely to motivate a large-scale terrorist attack against us than if
we were to forcible remove Hussein's regime. Furthermore, the contention
that our having "contained" the Soviet Union for 50 years is proof we
could "contain" Saddam Hussein ignores an important difference between
then and now. Then, the effectiveness of Mutual Assured Destruction as a
deterrent against the Soviets attempting to use a surrogate to plant a nuclear
bomb in our country was due to the bi-polar nature of nuclear armament that
existed for most of those 50 years-- i.e., if a nuclear bomb exploded in
America, the Soviets were virtually certain that we would have retaliated
against them-- thus, unlike Saddam Hussein in a world of greater nuclear
proliferation, they were deterred from ever seriously considering such
approach. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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this Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030309-01·©2003.
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March 08, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
Inspector Blixeau has
perfected his act... in swallowing elephants; straining on gnats.··
Inspector Blixeau has perfected his act
in swallowing elephants; straining on gnats
and praising the grudging
concessions of fudging;
ignoring the drones with the chemical vats.·
Inspired by (1) reports today that buried in Blix's "cluster report"
was the statement that the inspectors discovered Iraq has, and was concealing,
pilot-less drones capable of flying into other countries to spray or disperse
chemical or biological weapons and (2) an assertion today by Bill Tierney, a
former U.N. weapons inspector, that more than three weeks ago he furnished Blix
the precise coordinates of an underground uranium facility, that despite such
precise information, the inspectors have not yet even gone to those coordinates,
and, further, that despite their having failed to do so, Blix told the Security
Council yesterday that the inspectors had been "unable to find" any
"underground" facility. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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this Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030308-01·©2003.
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March 07, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
Why Dubya declined to
explain the reason support's on the wane.··
Reporters requested that Dubya explain
the reason support for our country has waned
like smoke from the embers
the day in September
fanatics killed thousands by hijacking planes.
Though Dubya was too diplomatic
to give them an answer emphatic,
the answer is clear
if one needn't fear
the fact that the answer is undiplomatic.
The change that produced this transition
was merely our change of condition
by choosing to stop
ignoring "the dots"
and thereby abjuring the status of "victim."
For lib'rals and Frenchmen it's dictum
to lend their support on condition
that one who requests
support pass the test
of passively holding the status of victim.·
At last night's news conference, reporters reminded Bush that immediately after
Nine-Eleven, countries now opposing us were very supportive and that even the
French proclaimed "We are all Americans." Then Bush was asked
why their support waned. Bush was too diplomatic to say that part of the
reason for loss of French support is that their willingness to be supportive is
conditioned upon their self-indulgent desire for one seeking their support
exhibit a willingness to behave as a passive, grateful recipient of their
beneficent "support."
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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this Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030307-01·©2003.
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March 06, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
The folks who by fame are
too coddled...
think fame gives them truth in a bottle.··
If fame revealed truth in a bottle
or bred intellectual models,
celebrities' visions
would manifest wisdom
instead of Celebrity
To spotlight their efforts to swaddle
themselves as morality models
to pose and pronounce,
we're proud to announce
Awards for Celebrity
The need to be iconoclastic
t'wards those who are socially plastic
is also well-served
with humor and verve
by Mark t'ward the Hollywood
And further a method to tartly
respond to the Hollywood smarties
to mock their sedition
is signing
petitions ***
by a lady named Bardsley.
soon: PoliSat.Com's Awards
for Celebrity ClapTrap and Awards for Celebrity Twaddle.
documented database of entertainers' inanities.
campaign against celebrity pontifications by Lori Bardsley.
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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this Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030306-01·©2003.
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March 05, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
A pix of Usama's
concessionaire whom Leno described as "Joe Million-Hairs"····
"The pix of Usama's concessionaire
when captured while still in his underwear,"
said Leno "reveals
he's likely to squeal
if promised a role as 'Joe Million-Hairs.' "··
This limerick paraphrases the funniest comment about the capture of Usama's
concessionaire, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed: Jay Leno said the
picture of the hairy-bodied Khalid when captured in his underwear shows
that the best way to persuade "to talk" would be to offer him a chance
to star as "Joe Million-Hairs." To view the original picture of
Khalid shortly after his capture in Pakistan on March 1, 2003, go
here. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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this Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030305-01·©2003.
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March 04, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
The nom de plume,
"Not in Our Names," is cover for "Not in Our Brains."··
Supporters of "Not in Our Names"*
contend we could surely contain
Saddam by deterrence
enforced by resurgence
of "MAD"** by
which "Reds" were "contained."
The flaws in the grounds for their claims
appear to be "Not in Their Brains":
When countries with nukes
were only a few,
the victim would know who to blame.
They argue "extending inspections"
will find his atomic confections,
forgetting his lies
for years numb'ring five
concealed from "inspectors" atomic confections.***
They choose to be blind to the evil,
when Bush said the "Axis of Evil"
reveals for our era
containment's an error
re programs for nukes by the "Axis of Evil."
The sensible notion is "Not in Their Brains"
that states in the Axis could not be constrained
from choosing to use
a terrorist ruse
to nuke us in hopes that we'd not know their name.
Inspired by the stupefyingly gullible beliefs by celebrities supporting the
"Not in Our Name" arguments against use of force to disarm Saddam.
·*·"Not in Our Names" (like
"Move On") is a propaganda campaign supported by celebrities (such as
Martin Sheen, Susan Sarandon, Danny Glover, Woody Harrellson, Sean Penn, Mike
Farrell, Janeane Garofolo, Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Edward Asner, Barbara
Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Jessica Lange, Richard Gere, and others on the Entertainment Left) exercising their First
Amendment rights to show how stupefyingly gullible they are and how callously
they discard the notion that their very vocal campaign is almost certainly
reducing the likelihood that Saddam Hussein would come to the sensible
conclusion that it's in his own interests to voluntarily remove himself and his
goons from power in Iraq.
·**·"MAD," the acronym for
"Mutual Assured Destruction," may have made sense when so few
countries had nuclear weapons that none would have dared to believe it could
launch a nuclear attack against another through a terrorist surrogate without
being perceived as the source and thus becoming the object of retaliation by the
country attacked. Unlike supporters of "Not in Our Name," those
of us with common sense readily understand that if we were to fail to prevent,
or terminate, proliferation of nuclear weapons programs among sociopathic and/or
fanatic tyrants, freedom would in perpetuity be held hostage to nuclear
blackmail until one of them would become sufficiently intoxicated with such
power to use terrorist surrogates to deal a nuclear "death" blow to
the West without the country attacked being able to know against whom to
·***·Despite the inspectors' continuous
belief throughout five years of inspections (from 1991 through 1995) that Iraq
no longer had a nuclear-weapons program, were it not for an Iraqi having chosen
to defect to the West, those "inspectors" would have continued to
labor under such delusion of "containment" for a few more months until
they would have learned about the program's existence through an announcement by
Saddam that he had developed "the bomb."
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
this Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030304-01·©2003.
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March 03, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
Blixeau and ElBlabAday
want Dubya to back-away.··
seems quite easy to please;
always agrees,
and Gerhardt and Jacques
proclaim that Iraq's
a country "we love to appease."
Our sources say Gerhardt and Jacques
are coaching Saddam of Iraq
on feeding to Blix
enough tiny bits
to please him, click
here*** for the facts..
Will Blix tout Saddam's piecemeal disclosures and piecemeal destruction of the
rockets as "good progress" warranting indefinite extension of "inspectons"?
·*·"Blixeau" is the name
I assigned to Inspector Blix (Blix plus Clouseau = Blixeau.)
·**·"ElBlabAday" is the
Pink-Pantherization of "ElBaradei."
·***·The proof is in the form of a "video
tape" obtained by PoliSat.Com from highly classified sources. To
view this "video
tape" of just one of the many "coaching" sessions, go
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
Direct link for
this Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030303-01·©2003.
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March 02, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
We captured the Shaikh
despite his "new" face.··
Though Turks bit the hand they had promised to shake,
at least Pakistanis helped capture the Shaikh.
'Twas vict'ry divine
to capture the slime
despite plastic surgery changing his face.
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was easily captured
as shown in a tape that was made of his capture,
a copy of which
we got from a snitch--
click here* for our tape showing how he was captured.
·*·To view a copy of the tape of Khalid
Shaikh Mohammed's capture obtained by PoliSat.Com from its highly confidential
sources, go
here.· --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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this Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030302-01·©2003.
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March 01, 2003: PoliSat.Com's
Political Satire/Commentary
Daily Update #01··©·2003···
The gullible frenzy of
Hil'ry Mackenzie.··
On Greta,*
reports by Mackenzie
from Baghdad proclaimed in a frenzy
"the people" are angry
that we are demanding
Saddam's stock of missiles be emptied.
Pretending "the people" think minders
are suddenly gentler and kinder,
she thinks it cachet
to trust what they "say"
to journalists shadowed by minders.
And questions and comments by Greta
on balance were clearly no better
for trusting not doubting
what "people" were spouting
as though they were speaking unfettered
On the Feb. 28, 2003, on Fox News a Southam
News** reporter, Hilary Mackenzie,
"reported" from Baghdad that "the Iraqi people feel anger [at
Bush rather than Saddam]" in reaction to the U.N. and U.S. demands for
destruction of Saddam's missiles that violate long-standing U.N. restrictions
imposed on Saddam after the 1991 Persian Gulf War. Even worse, Greta's
responses to Mackenzie's report exhibited credulity with respect to Mackenzie's
stupefyingly gullible assertions of what "the Iraqi people feel" or
"believe" on the subject of Saddam Hussein.
·*·The February
28, 2003, edition of Greta van Sustren's "On the Record."·
·**·A Canadian
news corporation.] ] --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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this Update: ·polisat.com/du2003/du030331.htm#20030301-01·©2003.
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