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Archives-- Installments for October 11, 2005 through October 20, 2005, starting below in reverse chronological order.
October 18, 2005--
Sunnis voting on Iraqi constitution and alleged voting irregularities affect perceptions of Iraqi front in war against Islamic fascism as terrorist-tree blight or new growth in freedom's forest.
Notwithstanding undisputed physical-observation evidence of significant increases in the
number of Iraqis voting in the October 16, 2005, referendum on the proposed Iraqi Constitution in
areas in which turnout was low in the January, 30, 2005 election, the Left and the FDM/TDMº¹
are certain to focus on the hole in the doughnut: allegations
that in some areas the numbers of "yes" votes were padded and the numbers of
"no" votes were suppressed. Assuming, arguendo, that such
allegations are 100% correct (unlikely), what is now occurring is part of a new phenomenon in the
Middle East: serious governmental investigation, rather than suppression, of such
allegations. In the Saddam Hussein era, who would have dared present to such allegations to
the government?
In the Saddam Hussein era, Iraqis desiring to make such allegations knew they would have to do so
only after leaving Iraq to avoid being killed or imprisoned by the government for doing so.
Today, dissident Iraqis apparently know they can express such allegations without fearing such
reprisals from the government. Moreover, they know that threats of death as retaliation for
political activity come not from the government but from Sunni Fanatics and Islamic Fascists.
Thus, such dissidents' making such allegations directly to the government inside Iraq is at worst a
nascent embrace, rather than repudiation, of the constitutional process.
Undisputed physical-observation evidence of significant and dramatic increases in participation in the electoral process by dissident Sunnis bodes well for the electoral process. Likewise, expectations among dissidents that voting-irregularity allegations will prompt serious investigation rather than violent reprisal by the government is progress rather than regression. It's a sign that healthy trees in freedom's forest are overcoming the presence of terror-tree blight rather than vice-versa.
º¹ FDM/TDM means the "Formerly-Dominant-Media" heretofore known as the "Traditionally Dominant Media," also sarcastically known outside those media by the letters "MSM" to denote the FDM/TDM's masquerade as the "MainStream" Media.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
To email links to this Daily Update installment (above) to a friend, copy and paste the Links Box below into your email. To email the links to a different installment, go here to find the Links Box for that installment. To access permanent links to installments pre-dating those included in the Links Box page, use PoliSat.Com's chronologically-indexed Archives. To access permanent links for animations, cartoons, song-parodies, find them by name in the text-index, find them by thumbnail-image depictions in the image-index or find them by date in the chronologically-index Archives.
Links Box for: Oct. 18, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: Terrorist Trees in Freedom's Forest. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0510-11--20.htm#20051018--01. Permanent link to silent version of animation for this installment: http://polisat.com/images/TTiFF.gif. Permanent link to broadband sound/video version of animation for this installment: http://polisat.com/video/TTiFF-wmv-HQ.wmv. Permanent link to dialup size sound/video version of animation for this installment: http://polisat.com/video/TTiFF-wmv-du150.wmv. To learn how to support the "Thanks in Our Name for Deeds in Our Name" project, go to http://PoliSat.Com/Thanks.htm. Links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks & more: go to http://PoliSat.Com. Send this Links Box to a friend: Copy it, paste it into your email form, and send it. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations/'toons on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
October 16, 2005--
Sunni rather than later it's time to say to our troops, "Thanks In Our Name For Deeds In Our Name" in the wake of Sunnis joining the voting in Iraq yesterday.
That large numbers of Sunnis join Shiites and Kurds in voting in Iraq yesterday made it clear that Sunni rather than later it's time to say "Thanks" to our troops (and their families) for their courage and sacrifices in enabling civilization to dispense the strongest medicine against totalitarian philosophies that breed, tolerate or employ terrorism: Societal government founded on a constitutional system affording democratic control by the governed and imposing limitations on governmental powers.
We are witnessing the unfolding of a process that posterity will recognize as a pivotal, transformational change advantaging civilization and modernity over barbarity and Islamic fascism. It will be recognized by future generations as a transformational change that would not have occurred without the courage and sacrifice of American troops leading the effort. Therefore, today is not too soon to reiterate our thanks:
From farms in the country, from cities and towns,
From places quite humble, from places reknowned,
From fact'ries, from stores and from offices tall,
From service professions, from shops in our malls,
Come Citizen Soldiers their country to serve
As full-time professionals, guard or reserve.
From mothers and fathers and husbands and wives
From children and lovers and friends in their lives
Our Citizen Soldiers depart despite tears
On missions of danger in spite of their fears
As selflessly, proudly and bravely their serve
That Freedom of Conscience and Faith be preserved.
In caves and in tunnels where murderers train,
Unspeakable terror they face in our name.
With principled discipline, training and skill
In taming the instinct to kill or be killed,
Our Citizen Soldiers have honored our name,
So thank them we must for their deeds in our name.
They serve in the sky and at sea and on land,
In mountains and jungles and deserts of sand,
On foot and in foxholes, in trenches and tents,
In tanks and on submarine mission descents,
In planes and on ships and on carrier decks,
In Humvees and hangars and convoys on treks.
For risks to themselves they increase as they strive
To minimize danger to innocent lives,
So we and posterity freedom retain,
Unspeakable evil they face in our name.
Our Citizen Soldiers have honored our name,
so thank them we must for their deeds in our name:
you who defend us we proudly proclaim
Our pride in the deeds you have done in our name.
To Citizen Soldiers our humble refrain,
We thank you, we thank you for deeds in our name.
Copyright 2005 (original version copyright 2003; revised in 2005)
Those are the lyrics to a song I originally wrote in November, 2003. Having produced Windows Media Player "demos" to illustrate the sentiments of the song, we're in the process of arranging for production of an music-DVD version to feature more sophisticated video imaging and audio production than in the WMV "demos." . For more information, go to www.PoliSat.Com/Thanks.htm.
Shown above are image-links to two WMV "demo" versions, which are highly compressed and thus do not do justice to the singing talents of Brad Bennett or Cindy Burgess, who sang the demos. Brad's version is faster paced than Cindy's version.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
To email links to this Daily Update installment (above) to a friend, copy and paste the Links Box below into your email. To email the links to a different installment, go here to find the Links Box for that installment. To access permanent links to installments pre-dating those included in the Links Box page, use PoliSat.Com's chronologically-indexed Archives. To access permanent links for animations, cartoons, song-parodies, find them by name in the text-index, find them by thumbnail-image depictions in the image-index or find them by date in the chronologically-index Archives.
Links Box for: Oct. 16, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire.™ Title: Sunni Rather Than Later. Permanent link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0510-11--20.htm#20051016--01. To learn how to support the "Thanks in Our Name for Deeds in Our Name" project, go to http://PoliSat.Com/Thanks.htm. Links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks & more: go to http://PoliSat.Com. Send this Links Box to a friend: Copy it, paste it into your email form, and send it. To send links boxes for other installments, find them at http://PoliSat.Com/EmailAFriend.htm. To request Links Boxes for Daily Updates by email, click here. Include PoliSat.Com's automatically-updated animations/'toons on your website-- Go here: http://polisat.com/BanAnimLogo.htm. |
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