Mass Destruction Weapons abandoned by Lybia's Gadaffi, Khadafy, Gadhafi.·

News reports yesterday that in response to pressure from covert agents for Blair and CIA agents for Bush, Lybia's Moammar Khadafy agreed to destroy his weapons of mass destruction and the facilities and programs for producing them.  (Source.)  This news as as good for Bush as it was bad for Dean's presidential prospects.  However, this is not the only setback suffered recently by Dean, who had consistently demonstrated the dogged determination to stick to his positions regardless of the facts.  From highly reliable (reliably high?) sources deep inside the Dean Compound, PoliSat.Com has obtained exclusive footage of Dean in action as Commander in Chief of his campaign.  To view this exclusive footage, click the image below.
Bunker Busters-- Slow Motion Replay.

In Two Thousand Two, I regret,
I said that Saddam was a threat,
so therefore I've been
required to pretend
I never proclaimed him a threat.

Support I had said I would grant
for kicking Saddam in the pants
as long as the mission
received the permission
of Germany, Russia and France.

When Dubya ignored the demands
of Germany, Russia and France,
he lost my permission
by losing permission
of Germany, Russia and France.

Commencement of war made me hunker
inside my rhetorical bunker
for launching rhetorical
attacks metaphorical
on war in Iraq as a blunder.

While Joe stuck to arrows like cupid,
rhetorical missiles I boosted
to claim lack of growth
shows Bush doesn't know
it's still "the economy, stupid."

It's lucky for me that I hearkened
to incoming sounds that were markin'
that old Bubba bunker
in which I was hunkered
as "bullseyed" by bulls in the market.

With righteous and angry aplomb
I launched my rhetorical bombs
designed for assailing
the Dubya for failing
his mission to capture Saddam.

On incoming sounds from Iraq
from holes for Saddam 'neath a shack,
I opened the door
to exit before 
my "Where's Saddam" bunker was smacked.

As charges that Bush used seduction
on weapons of massive destruction,
I fired verbal volleys
contending, by golly,
he's failed to reduce mass-destruction.

But Dubya and Blair have conspired
with Moammar Khadafy to fire
political bombs
declaring his arms
for massive destruction retired.

When asked about these latest developments, Howard Dean issued a modified version of his response to the capture of Saddam Hussein.  Although Dean said he welcomed the news that Blair and Bush have persuaded Khadafy to give upon his weapons of mass destruction, he steadfastly maintained such accomplishment has not make his prospects of being elected any safer." --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·

Dec.22, 2003:  PoliSat .Com's Political Satire/ Commentary   Daily Update # 01·· ™©·2003··
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