Dec.17, 2003: PoliSat
Political Satire/
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003··
Where the satire is always commentary, but the commentary isn't always satire
(but you'll know the difference)·
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Says Albright "My goal was to speak with tongue
planted firmly in cheek." ·
Tongue in Cheek or Tongue in Chic? ·
As Albright, not HalfBright, I speak
too often with tongue in the cheek
and therefore I must
remind you, "Don't trust
the things I say 'tongue in the cheek.' "
I'm sorry I wasn't more leery
of telling Kondracke my "theory"
that Dubya has "gotten"
Usama bin Laden
to hide him 'til voting is nearing.
I'm guessing poor Mort didn't see
my tongue planted firmly in cheek
in stating the theory
in mocking the dreary
contentions by people like Dean.
I thought he'd perceive that my "joke"
at others, not Dubya, was poked--
like Jimmy McDermott,
Proctology Servant
of paranoid Democrat folks.
I though he'd perceive I was mocking
the "ammo" that Dean has been stocking
like theories he's borne
that Dubya was warned
of plans for our Trade-Towers' toppling.
So now it's incumbent on me
to state what I thought he'd perceive--
i.e., I condemn
the theories of Jim
and Howard from paranoid dreams.
According to a Fox
News report today,
former Secretary of State Madeline Albright told Fox News today that Mort
Kondracke failed to understand that she was speaking "tongue in cheek"
to him yesterday when she implied she suspected we've already captured Usama bin
Laden and that Bush planned to withhold such information until just before the
election next November. Kondracke, not known as a person likely to jump to
wild conclusions, interpreted her comments as being serious in a vein similar to
earlier comments by Democratic U.S. Representative Jim McDermott of Washington
suggesting that Bush could have ordered the "capture" of Saddam
Hussein long before December 14, 2003, and that he had delayed doing so
previously in order to maximize "political timing" for the
capture. (To view an animated version of my commentary yesterday about
McDermott's allegations, go
here.) Was she
really speaking "tongue in cheek," was she speaking seriously, or was
she attempting to mock fellow Democratic politicians like Jim McDermott who
reflexively attribute base motives to every decision Bush makes? Did she
expect Kondracke to treat her comments as being "off the record"? If,
when he questioned whether she was being "serious" or
"joking," why did she not then say something to the effect of
"Mort, you dolt, I was speaking tongue in cheek, of
course"? Doesn't her attempt today to describe her comments as
"tongue in cheek" impliedly (if not overtly) constitute her clumsy and
timid effort to condemn the paranoid wing of the Democratic party for seriously
making, or spreading, comparable allegations-- i.e., McDermott accusing Bush of
"political timing" in the capture of Saddam Hussein; Ted Kennedy
accusing Bush of "plotting" the war on Iraq in Crawford for
"political benefit" and to "financially benefit" his
business friends and supporters; Howard Dean bringing public attention to
"theories" that Bush knew in advance about the plans for the 9-11
attack but chose to do nothing about them in order to achieve political support
as a "wartime" leader; Cynthia McKinney claiming Bush allowed 9-11 to
occur in order to justify war to financially benefit the Carlyle Group and gain
control of Iraq's oil; etc, ad nauseam? Intending no disrespect to
Kondracke, I'm giving Albright the benefit of the doubt and construing
Kondracke's interpretation of her comments as the product of a good-faith
misunderstanding of Albright's real intention of mocking the paranoid wing of
the Democratic Party thinking Kondracke, a traditional, classically-liberal
Democrat, would understand such intention without her explicitly saying
so. Most important, even if I were to not accord her the benefit of such
doubt, her fervent attempts to forcefully characterize such comments as having
been intended "tongue in cheek" indisputably constitutes a
public rebuke of members of her party who have expressed, or drawn attention to,
paranoid theories attributing base motives to Bush in toppling Saddam. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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