Dec.16, 2003: PoliSat
Political Satire/
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003··
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Political timing
determined ensnaring Saddam, says McDermott.·
Political Proctology: ·
In Congress, my name is McDermott
acclaimed for the times that I've furnished
political fog
as ideologue,
acclaim I deserve 'cause I've earned it.
My training as Doctor has furnished
my knack as Polemic Internist
to label as dots
political clots
connecting conspiracies furtive.
Like Dean, I'm a Doctor proclaiming
my medical skills in explaining
the motives of others
as stemming from druthers
for lying, deceiving and feigning.
And thus as Polemic Internist
I hereby proclaim I've determined
the timing to snare
Saddam from his lair
was set when the Dubya preferred it.
Conspiracy plots I can crack
'cause hooking the dots is a knack
for people who share
the paranoid flare
displayed by Saddam of Iraq.
to the Associated
Press, Washington state Democratic Congressman Jim McDermott alleged that
Bush had "timed" the capture of Saddam Hussein for
"political" advantage. McDermott alleged, inter alia¹,
that the U.S. military "could have" found Saddam "a long time ago if they
wanted [to do so]." Before commencement of combat operations for
Operation Iraqi Freedom, McDermott traveled to Baghdad and earned the nickname
"Baghdad Jim" in distinguishing himself as runner-up for the Cynthia
McKinney award for Ideological Paranoia by pronouncing Saddam Hussein more
trustworthy than George W. Bush. McDermott made his most recent statement
upon emerging from a small closet inside his Congressional office specially
fitted with a fan to circulate stale air and a reversing-image periscope to
enable him to keep abreast of events in the world outside his closet.
(McDermott began gaining national attention a few years ago in his crusade for a
"single payer" health-care system specially defining "single
payer" as legally synonymous with "tax-payer in the top 5% of
income-earners.") In response to a wave of criticism for his claims
that Bush had "timed" the capture of Saddam for "political"
advantage, McDermott denied saying what he had said despite it's having been
preserved by the recordation of the radio program on which he said it. To
demonstrate the veracity of his denial that he said what he said, McDermott
said, "What are you going to believe? Me or your own
ears?" Could it be that political timing determined conspiracy claims
by McDermott? Gambling in Casablanca? Political proctology?
alia" is legal jargon for "among other things."
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com..
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