Dec.12, 2003:  PoliSat .Com's Political Satire/ Commentary   Daily Update # 01·· ™©·2003··
Where the satire is always commentary, but the commentary isn't always satire (but you'll know the difference)·
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McCain/Feingold rulings can't crackdown on Gore-Versus-Hillary SmackDowns:  .·

McCain/Feingold laws forced a crackdown
on funds for Political SmackDowns
but funding ain't needed
for fans to be treated
to Gore-Versus-Hillary SmackDowns.

¹ Network presents
the SmackDowns as tag-team events:  
The GoreDeän
² Knots
v Hill'ry/Clark Plots,
and Jesse will "ref" the events.

According to an article in the
Boston Herald, Hillary is being "coy" about whether she would "accept" nomination as candidate for Vice President.  This is after news reports that Wesley Clark said he would "not rule out" selecting Hillary Clinton as his Vice Presidential running mate.  As observed in this space on December 10, 2003, Hillary's instantaneous response to Al Gore endorsing Howard Dean was that there should be no "coronation" before the primaries.  Earlier reports quoted Bill Clinton expressing his opinion that Hillary would make a great president.  This will be a fun political food-fight to watch.  There's ample reason to conclude (as suggested in this space on December 9, 2003) that a prime factor motivating Gore to endorse Dean was a desire to block Hillary from using Clark to deadlock the convention to get the nomination for herself and such motivation stemmed from Gore perceiving the bathtub ring left by Clinton as a greater factor leading to his defeat than the alleged flaws in Florida balloting process. With the new campaign finance law, perhaps an improvement would be for coverage of this ongoing power struggle between the Gorian and Hillarian wings of the Democratic Party to be featured on UPN as a replacement for milder forms of body slamming otherwise known as "professional" wrestling.  Maybe Jesse Ventura could be the referee for the Political Wrestling SmackDown of the Century. --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
¹·UPN, as everyone knows, stands for "Unruly Political Nuts."
²·Pronounce the "ea" in Dean as a diphthong so GoreDeän rhymes with Gordian.
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