Dec.4, 2003:
Daily Update #
01·· ™©·2003·(posted Dec. 5)
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Mouth on Foot for Foot in Mouth
or Tongue in Cheek for Cheeky Tongue?
I know I think I know what I'm thinking without knowing...·
A prize by some Brits was announced
for Rumsfeld for "foot in the mouth"
for claiming unknowns
are known and unknown--
I paraphrase words he did spout:
We know there are things that we know
and know things we know we don't know
but know that we've found
the unknown abounds
in things we don't know we don't know.
His meaning they claim not to know
so therefore to them I bestow
the title of Dummy,
who unlike the Rummy
don't know they know less than they know.
In giving the prize for the Mouthful of Foot,
if he who judged syntax that Rummy forsook
had not done his deed
with tongue-in-the-cheek,
he'd owe Donald Rumsfeld a mouth on the foot.·
Inspired by a news
report that Britain's Plain English Campaign awarded a "Foot in
Mouth" award to Rumsfeld for comments in response to a question on weapons
of mass destructions not yet having been found in Iraq. Here's the classic
Rumsfeldian response:
"Reports that say something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know," Rumsfeld said. "We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don't know we don't know."
One of the things about Rumsfeld that most
frightens his serious critics is that he's one of the few political
leaders who consistently refuses to claim to know what he doesn't know he knows
and readily concedes what he knows he doesn't know. One of the reasons it
frightens his critics is that it manifests a quality they lack. Of course,
that's not really true of the Brits who, in giving him the award (which was at
least partly tongue in cheek if not foot in mouth), said, "We think we know
what he means. But we don't know if we really know." --Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.·
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