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Archives-- Installments for June 1, 2004 through June 10, 2004 starting below in reverse chronological order.
June 10, 2004: No update for Thursday, June
10, 2004-- Editor's schedule consumed by family responsibilities.
June 9, 2004: No update for Wednesday, June 9, 2004-- Editor's schedule consumed by family responsibilities.
June 8 2004 #01: Political
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author, Jim Wrenn.
U.N. Security Council unanimously adopts resolution approving Coalition military presence in Iraq to secure Iraqi sovereignty; Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi expresses "thanks" to Coalition for toppling Saddam Hussein; Jaques Chirac and France grudgingly support resolution; Kennedy continues equating Abu Ghraib abuses with Saddam Hussein's torture and demands prisoner-of-war status under Geneva Convention for terrorists at Guantanamo.·
Today the U.N. unanimously, albeit grudgingly, adopted a resolution approving
the Coalition military presence in Iraq to secure Iraqi sovereignty. Last
week, the Iraqi Prime Minister, Iyad Allawi, publicly thanked the
U.S.-led Coalition for liberating Iraq and giving Iraqis an opportunity
to live in freedom from tyranny. [Source]
Sunday's 60th Anniversary commemoration of D-Day underscored the historical fact that tactical mistakes, operational errors and intelligence failures that increase risks and casualties in warfare for a noble goal do not undermine the nobility of the goal or warrant characterization of such sacrifices as having been "in vain." It underscored the moral value and wisdom of the forces of freedom bearing such burdens to overcome tyranny.
Saturday's death of Ronald Reagan served to remind us how viciously the Left attacked and maligned him in the 1980's for rejecting their demands for a unilateral nuclear-freeze, for characterizing the Soviet Union as an "Evil Empire" destined for the dust-bin of history, for supporting the Contras to coerce the Sandinistas to schedule an election in Nicaragua, (which ousted them from power), and for his speech at the Brandenburg Gate in demanding that Michael Gorbachev "tear down" the Berlin Wall. The historical events in the intervening years served to demonstrate that Reagan's vision was far superior to that of the "intelligentsia" who mocked and maligned him.
Those capable of learning from history can readily perceive the obvious parallels between those events and the even more vitriolic attacks on George W. Bush for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Thank goodness such "intelligentsia" was not in charge of Allied forces from D-Day through the Battle of the Bulge en route to victory. Thank goodness they weren't in charge of the White House in the 1980's. Thank goodness they're not in charge of the White House today.
Facts, Pacts and Hacks.
a U.N. resolution
embraced Dubya's plan for solution
to war in Iraq
on sovereignty's track
for liberty's grand evolution.
terrorists need it to fail,
with terror, the plan they'll assail,
and surely at times
the critics will chime
in chorus, "the plan is derailed."
the vision possessed
by Dubya, like Reagan's, is blessed
with wisdom defined
by liberty's mind:
That freedom itself is noblesse.
there'll be setbacks, perforce,
in helping Iraq chart its course,
it's when, 'stead of whether,
that liberty's tether
secures it from tyranny's force.
meanwhile, today, Teddy Kennedy
again has displayed the obscenity
of specious contentions
Geneva Conventions
give terrorists "pris'ner" identity.
Ted when in law school was last,
the cause of his views is more crass--
Despite his obtuseness,
the cause is his ruthless
desire al Jazeera to pass.
learn how Ted Kennedy's readier
than most to be meaner and pettier
as partisan hack
for vicious attacks,
see PoliSat.Com's
Al JaTeddya.*
*See the May 21, 2004, installment of Political Satire/Commentary at PoliSat.Com.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
June 7, 2004: No update for Monday, June 7, 2004-- Editor.
June 6
2004 #01: Political
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author, Jim Wrenn.
No satire for Sunday, June 6, 2004, the 60th Anniversary of D-Day.·
That today is the 60th anniversary of D-Day provides an opportunity to put the current state of Operation Iraqi Freedom in perspective. That numerous operational and tactical mistakes, errors in intelligence, and surprises by a cunning enemy increased casualties, delayed and disrupted military planning and sometimes seemed to cast doubt on the final outcome did not undermine the moral validity and long-term strategic correctness of the action. Similarly, miscalculations, setbacks, errors in intelligence, and terroristic resistance by cunning and ruthless enemies in Operation Iraqi Freedom do not undermine its moral validity and long-term strategic correctness. Just as we today express our appreciation for the world-transforming sacrifices of the World War II generation, future generations will express gratitude for the world-transforming sacrifices of American and Coalition troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the war on terror. Posterity will have as disdainful view of Bush's critics as the country's view today of Reagan's most ardent critics in the 1980's.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
June 5,
2004 #01: Political
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is always commentary but commentary isn't always satire™
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author, Jim Wrenn.
Ronald Reagan's death today reminds us that his vision lives.·
Today, Ronald Reagan, the man who, in effect, said the intellectuals were
wearing no clothes, died. He left a legacy that dwarfs the collective
legacies of the intellectuals who mocked and derided him.
He said Communism was destined for the dust-bin of history. The intellectuals laughed. They mocked him. They derided his intellect. He stood at the Brandenburg Gate in West Berlin and issued a demand for Gorbachev to "tear down this wall." The intellectuals laughed. The mocked him. They derided his intellect.
Within one year after Reagan's last year in office, Gorbachev tore down the wall. The Soviet empire collapsed less than two years after Reagan's last year in office. None of his intellectual critics in the 1980's had the vision or foresight to expect the the wall the come down or the Soviet Union to collapse as he predicted.
He persisted in installing short-range missiles in Western Europe to counter Soviet missiles and to serve as an incentive for them to bargain to reduce, rather than merely limit, nuclear weapons. The intellectuals laughed. They mocked him. They derided his intellect. They demanded unilateral nuclear freezes in hopes of persuading the Soviets to respond accordingly.
In Reykjavik, Iceland, he walked away from Michael Gorbachev's nuclear-arms-limitations proposals because Gorbachev made them conditional on Reagan agreeing to discontinue research for a space-based defense against nuclear missiles, which he called "Strategic Defense Initiative" (SDI) and which the intellectuals mocked as "Star Wars." The intellectuals laughed. They mocked him. They derided his intellect. He knew he could eat his cake and have it too. Less than a year later, Gorbachev baked Reagan the cake he demanded-- i.e., reductions in nuclear weapons without foreswearing SDI.
He expressed the belief that if the Nicaraguans were to have a truly free election, they would oust the Sandinistas. The intellectuals laughed, they mocked him. They derided his intellect. Yet, thanks to the "off the shelf" covert operations masterminded by Bill Casey, Reagan's CIA chief, continued support of the Contras put enough pressure on the Sandinistas to hold an election, in which Nicaraguans voted in favor of Reagan's vision rather than those of the "intellectuals." Were it not for Reagan, Casey, Ollie North, and Admiral Poindexter, Daniel Ortega would still be dictator of Nicaragua.
On each issue of most-lasting importance, Reagan was right and his "intellectual" critics were wrong. How could that be? Could it be their supposedly greater intellect was simply too small to grasp his vision?
As Yogi Berra would say, are we now experiencing "deja vu all over again" as the "intellectuals" mock Bush, deride his intellect, and impugn his motives in the war on terror? Remember at the commencement of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, the "intellectuals" confidently predicted failure since the brutal Soviet Union had met its Waterloo trying to subdue Afghanistan? Remember at the commencement of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the "intellectuals" were predicting a worldwide uprising of Moslem nations? Remember their predictions of many thousands of American casualties? Remember their predictions that we would be unable to prevent Saddam Hussein from destroying the oil wells as he destroyed the Kuwaiti wells before being driving from Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War? Remember their predictions that he would commence a general Middle-East war by launching Scud missiles against Israel?
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
June 3 & 4, 2004: No update for Thursday & Friday, June 3 & 4, 2004-- Editor still reeling from massive schedule disruptions. Coming up for air soon-- Stay tuned.
June 2,
2004 #01: Political
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author, Jim Wrenn.
Dueling Memoirs: Bill Clinton's memoirs "My Life" compete with Hillary Clinton's "Living History" with the Clinton Horror Picture Show debuting on "60 Minutes" on June 20, 2004-- "My Life, My Wife, My Strife."·
CBS News has announced
that on June 20, 2004, 60 Minutes will broadcast the first interview of
Bill Clinton about his memoirs entitled "My Life."
Dan Rather conducted the interview. Reliable sources told PoliSat.Com's
Washington Bureau Drawer Chief that Ed Bradley thought his having interviewed
Kathy Willey made him the more logical person to conduct the interview.
The sources also said Leslie Stahl believed here having interviewed both Bill
and Hillary in 1992 in the wake of the Jennifer Flowers story made her a more
logical choice. The same source told PoliSat.Com that in rejecting
those proposals, Clinton said that although Morley claimed to be Safer, he'd
Rather be safer with Dan.
Using Patriot-Act type technology, PoliSat.Com surreptitiously acquired a preview of Clinton's most salient comments during the interview. Without permission, but in the public interest, PoliSat.Com is hereby publishing the text of such comments accompanied by the video version converted by PoliSat.Com's engineers into the web-animation, which one can view by clicking the image below.
My Life, My Wife, My Strife.
memoirs I titled "My Life"
to supplement tales of my strife
as Lord of the Lies
and source of surprise
in memoirs of me by my wife.
memoirs she named "Living Hist'ry"
she claimed like a reader of myst'ries
'twas "shock" that she felt
in learning who knelt
before me to lessen my mis'ry.
course I would never dispute
her claim she went suddenly mute
from shock when my lips
conceded that Tripp,
not I, was the speaker of truth.
showcase my role as a paver
of progress instead of a craver
of pleasure so lawless,
I nixed Bradley/Wallace,
'cause, frankly, with Rather, I'm Safer.
to help 60 Minutes
at top of the ratings to finish
and not bust or bomb,
to soccer-type Moms
they'll tout it as "Bill's Sexy Minutes."
complement Hillary's memoirs
devoted to women-v-men wars,
to no one's surprise
"My Life" will comprise
Part Deux of the Dueling Memoirs.
end of this stanza foregoes
the rhythm a limerick should show.
My book is so groovy
'twill make a cult-movie:
The Clinton Horror Picture Show.
At this time, it's unclear whether Hillary's book, Living History, will be made into a separate movie, but speculation is rife that the ultimate movie will be an interactive cinematic groundbreaker based on both books featuring not only alternate endings but also an infinitely complex set of plot-lines to be selected by majority votes by the audience at various points in the movie. As another "first," Joan Crawford will come back from the dead to play Hillary. Reliable sources indicate that for the role of Bill Clinton, the casting director has already signed "Short Dong Silver," the brother of the award-winning performer "Long Dong Silver."
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.
June 1, 2004: No update for Tuesday, June 2, 2004-- Editor still reeling from schedule disruptions.
Archives for May 21-31, 2004, go here.
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