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To better understand the story behind the "REAL Feminist Tank Tops," scroll down and read the articles, and view the associated videos "WretchBoarding" and "Burka Babes Booting Bombers."
Guys-- These are great gift-ideas for girlfriends. Gals-- These are great additions to your casual attire to excite your boyfriends while also conveying clever messages.
REAL Men I Prefer-- The "triple message" tank-top: (a) "REAL" in the right position (b) with the phrase "Men I Prefer" conveying a message about yourself and (c) "REAL" modifying "Men" to convey a message about the kind of guys you prefer.
REAL Feminists Flaunt Femininity-- Slightly overstating the view that real feminists aren't afraid to be feminine.
REAL Feminists Fete Freedom's Forces Fighting Fanaticism-- Cleverly conveys the classically liberal* belief that freedom is superior to totalitarian fanaticism and that our forces fighting such fanaticism deserve our thanks and our support.
(*Classically liberal? The view expressed by John F. Kennedy and still embraced by a few liberals today, such as Joe Lieberman, that the United States and the forces of freedom must "bear any burden, support any friend and oppose any foe" to assure the ultimate survival of "liberty" in the in "the long, twilight struggle" between totalitarianism and freedom." This is a paraphrasing of sentiments he expressed in his inaugural address. It's virtually identical to the long-term, strategic goals of the United States and allied forces for freedom expressed by George W. Bush in what will be a long, twilight struggle against the forces of medieval fanaticism. See "Baseball, Football and War" and "Rewind, Rewrite and Replay."
August 26, 2007--
New York Times and ABC News expose top-secret activities of former Defense Secretary Rumsfeld using "WretchBoarding" -- much harsher than "waterboarding"-- at Gitmo.·
Not satisfied with the harshness of "waterboarding" as an interrogation technique, Vice President Cheney has dispatched former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to Gitmo to supervise a far harsher technique known as "WretchBoarding." Both Cheney and Rumsfeld have declined to comment. When reporters asked Ted Kennedy for his reaction to the reports, he said, "Waterboarding, surfboarding, wretchboarding, wakeboarding, bed'n'boarding, wretchboring, lakeboarding, floorboarding -- they're all the same to me."
PoliSat.Com's Washington Bureau Drawer Chief has obtained an exclusive video of this new, incredibly harsh interrogation technique, and has appended it to an ABC News video, in which the ABC News Management deemed the "wretchboarding" interrogation session "too shocking" for inclusion in the ABC video-report. (That video is available for viewing by scrolling-down below or going here. YouTube versions are immediately below, but the original, higher-quality version in Windows Movie Video from which the YouTube versions are converted is further down on the page for viewing in a variety of size/connection-speed configurations.) Even though Ted Kennedy didn't find it "shocking," PoliSat.Com has not thus far obtained a reaction from either Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton on how they would feel if they were to have been targets of such highly offensive action.
(YouTube version above is for highest-speed connections. YouTube version further down is for high-speed connections. Also, scroll further down for Windows Movie Video versions, which are the originals.) As indicated in a previous report, anonymous, but highly reliable sources, have told PoliSat.Com's Washington Bureau Chief, that exposing Gitmo detainees to "wretch-boarding" causes such severe trauma that they almost immediately agree to do anything to end their exposure to it. A human-rights advocate intimately familiar with the process describes it as "one of the most cruel and inhumane things that can be done to any man." He said, "I've been exposed to it-- true, I survived without any physical injury whatsoever, but just one exposure has psychologically scarred me for life."
Paradoxically, the original inspiration for "wretch-boarding" came from interrogation experts viewing news reports on July 24, 2007 (here and here), in the Google News database from July 24, 2007 through August 24, 2007, but when that link decays 30 days after July 24, 2007, one can find the same news report by searching the Google News Archives for July, 2007. (In case Google News and/or those two news sources were to exclude those reports and accompanying images -- here and here -- from their sites, PoliSat.Com has preserved archived versions of them all, but PoliSat.Com need not post such versions unless such exclusions were to occur.)
--Jim Wrenn, Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
August 17, 2007--
What if, instead of the New York Times leaking our top secrets, someone on the other side were to leak to us? (Scroll down for video.) What if there were to be a growing rebellion against Islamic fanatics among non-fanatical Muslims heretofore terrorized by them? This page will be further updated soon with additional information and links. In the interim, the Windows Movie Video boxes below are working. See also http://PoliSat.Com/Submission.htm. Other PoliSat.Com videos related to this general subject? See WorkPlace Fatwa, Burka Secrets Revealed, and Buurka Streeper.
Per a kindly suggestion from Rusty, I'm hereby embedding the YouTube versions immediately below. Scroll down further if you want to view the better-quality original in Windows Movie Video format.-- Jim Aug. 18, 2007.
Immediately below is the YouTube conversion from the 320x240 size Windows Movie Video for high-speed connections. Immediately below that is the YouTube conversion from the 640x480 size Windows Movie Video for highest-speed connections.
YouTube version from 320x240 wmv video (below):
YouTube version from 640x480 wmv video (below):
Silent Preview (above) "play" below for MiniVideo version |
"Wretch Boarding " For in-page viewing of larger versions, click here for permanent URL or find it by title in PoliSat.Com's index--here. powered by GlobalWeb.Net To view the video in a stand-alone media player, use permanent links: To display this permanent-links box for this video on a website or blog click here for the copy/paste code. To display on a website or blog an automatically-updating MiniVideo Box to play whatever is the latest PoliSat.Com Video, click here for copy/paste codes for variety of sizes & configurations. |
Use "play" button above to view 640x480 Windows Movie Video version.
Use "play" button (above left for high-speed connections; above-right for medium-speed connections) to view video.
Links for stand-alone viewing:
640x480 for highest-speed connections: http://polisat.com/Video/WretchBoarding-wmv-HQL.wmv.
320x240 for high-speed connections: http://polisat.com/Video/WretchBoarding-wmv-HQS.wmv.
320x240 for medium-speed connections: http://polisat.com/Video/WretchBoarding-wmv-At150k.wmv.
160x120 mini-video for dialup speeds: http://polisat.com/Video/WretchBoarding-wmv-At48k.wmv.
To Display on your website the Silent-Preview/MiniVideo Player (170x374) for "Three_Little_Pigs_Redux" shown below, copy/paste the html code into your site-- For the copy/paste code, go here.
Top: silent mini- preview MiniVideo-- Play below |
Larger versions at PoliSat.Com |
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</font></font><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Browallia New" size="3">versions at </font><a href="http://PoliSat.Com/WretchBoarding.htm" target="_top"><font face="Browallia New" size="3" color="#FFFFFF">PoliSat.Com</font></a><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Browallia New" size="3"> </font></b></p>
<p style="margin-top: -4; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><a href="http://GlobalWeb.Net"><font color="#FFFF00" face="Browallia New" size="2">GlobalWeb<b>.</b></font><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Browallia New" size="2">Net</font></a><b><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">.</font></b></td>
To display on a website or blog the video-box below (including permanent links for stand-alone viewing of versions for multiple sizes/connection-speeds), use the copy/paste code below (here).
Silent Preview (above) "play" below for MiniVideo version |
"Wretch Boarding " For in-page viewing of larger versions, click here for permanent URL or find it by title in PoliSat.Com's index--here. powered by GlobalWeb.Net To view the video in a stand-alone media player, use permanent links: To display this permanent-links box for this video on a website or blog click here for the copy/paste code. To display on a website or blog an automatically-updating MiniVideo Box to play whatever is the latest PoliSat.Com Video, click here for copy/paste codes for variety of sizes & configurations. |
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<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1"><b><font color="#FFFFFF">Silent
Preview (above)</font></b></font>
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 5" align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow" size="1"><b>"play"
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<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><b><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">"</font><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFF00">Wretch Boarding
Wretch Boarding</font><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">"</font></b></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: -2" align="center"><b><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">For
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</font><a href="http://PoliSat.Com/WretchBoarding.htm" target="_top"><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFF00">click
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