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Pelosi War  ·



Nancy Pelosi clarifies her definitions of "war" and "situation."·

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            PoliSat.Com has exclusively obtained PoliticalXray.Com's uncut video providing a political translation of Nancy Pelosi's response** to Brit Hume's recent question to her on November 8, 2006, asking whether her policy would be for the U.S. to "win" in Iraq.  Most viewers thought she merely said, "The point is that it's not a war to win, it's a situation to be solved" (paraphrased), but that quotation lacks the context of a full, political translation.  PoliticalXray.Com exclusively obtained the video, "PelosiWar," which enables viewers to "seek through" such out-of-context quotation in order to discern her deeper meaning.  (Scroll-down for video-boxes for in-page or stand-alone viewing of the video.)

            However, the Arabic translation differs substantially.  Al Jazeera is broadcasting the following version:  

When Hume as a "right-wingers' friend"

posed questions to me at the end

of counting votes cast,

the question he asked

was "War in Iraq-- should we win?"


Such "vict'ry" or "loss" peroration

on "war" in Iraq for our nation

applies the wrong word.

So, what's the "right" word?

Not "war" but instead "situation."


In Golden Gate Lingo, I think

that "war" is a concept that stinks,

and thus I prefer

in lieu of that word

the term, "Situation Code Pink."


"Code Pink" in our diplomats' lore

means "vision" for peace over war

with visualization

to change confrontations

to mere "situations," not war.


Iraqi insurgencies think

the freedom we've offered them "stinks,"

and thus when our Yanks

are gone, as our "thanks"

they'll laud "Situation Code Pink."


We're in the process of obtaining this Al Jazeera version of the video and will post it as soon as it's available, but while we're waiting, we discovered a "Political Grapevine" report on "Situation Code Pink" (see above), which includes part of the Al Jazeera "report" at the end.

**Hat Tip to AllahPundit at HotAir.Com: [http://hotair.com/archives/2006/11/08/pelosi-iraq-isnt-a-war-gannett-the-voice-of-the-military/]. 

--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.

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