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means PoliSat.Com's
War Against Terrorism.
Updates start below in reverse chronological order--
i.e., most-recent first.
16--21, 2002
Update #01.
War Against Terrorism) © 2002.
Did pre-Nine-Eleven intelligence
show it? Or, what did Bush know & when did he
know it?.
date to go to particular item: .
To stop Nine-Eleven, could Bush have
done more if he had just added the 2's to get 4?
To Hill'ry & Daschle & Gephardt: A challenge
to put-up or shut-up. 5-17-02.
On-Daschle & Gephardt & Hill'ry & Willie-- continue
pronouncements that make you look silly. 5-18-02.
Still waiting for "put-ups" or "shut-ups"
from Hill'ry & Daschle & Gephardt. 5-19-02.
No self-esteem "E" just for effort... for
Hill'ry or Daschle or "Gepper". 05-20-02.
The questions 3/4ths of the Gang of Four's posing:
"Just what did Bush
know and just when did he know it?". 05-21-02..
May 16, 2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update #20020516-01.©.2002.
To stop
Nine-Eleven, could Bush have done more...
... if he had just added the two's to get four?..
"To stop Nine-Eleven, we could have
done more
if only we'd added the two's to get four"*--
*[This is a paraphrase of current criticism.]
Such critics' apostasy
is blatant hypocrisy
by those who opposed such addition
'T'was long-ago Congress enacted some laws
designed to save freedom from government's
Domestic intelligence
and foreign intelligence
were kept on the opposite sides of a wall.
And what was the reason for for making
that wall?
To minimize risks that our freedom might fall
if both were to be
our own "KGB"
becoming "Big Brother" as knower of
So what can we do to resolve this
in making intelligence better and trimmer
for finding the bad-guys
and leaving the good-guys
while not making lights of our liberties
I wish I could claim that I know the
right answer.
For terror, the cure, is for freedom a
Demanding perfection
in terror protection
would weaken our rights as vaccine for
the cancer.
And so, like the Brits, in the Battle of Britain,
who all faced the risks they'd be pers'nally
we all must accept
the risks can't be kept
at zero or else it's our freedom that's
Inspired by the patent
hypocrisy and transparent apostasy of claims that the Bush administration could
have, and would have, prevented 911 if only it had added two and two to get four
in light of the fact that many who make such claims are the same ones who
insisted years ago that we maintain a wall of separation between domestic and
foreign intelligence to protect us from the evolution of a KGB type authority
that could, and would, threaten our liberties. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.....
Direct link for
this 05-16-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020531.htm#20020516-01.©.2002..
.Back to
"What did Bush know & when did he know it?".
May 17,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update
To Hill'ry and
Daschle and Gephardt: A challenge to "put-up" or shut-up!..
I have an assignment for critics who
the claim, "Dubya could've or should've
done more
to stop Nine-One-One"--
Your time has now come
to specify how you'd-a handled that chore:
Pretend years-ago Congress hadn't installed
domestic and foreign intelligence walls,
and Nine-One-One clues
could all have been viewed
by one special team without breaking the
You next must pretend last July you
the total collection of terrorist clues
which now you're contending
were keys for preventing
attacks on New York and the Pentagon too.
Assume your review of the clues made it plain
that Arab fanatics would hijack a plane
and kill or subdue
the airliner's crew
to knock-down a building by flying the
Assume in addition the clues made it plain
they wouldn't attempt to take guns on the plane
but prob'ly would use
a knife or a ruse
for seizing the cockpit to pilot the plane.
Assume that the clues made it clear in addition
that early September's the time for the mission
with targets to be
New York or DeeCee,
and now tell me how you would thwart
such a mission.
I'll give you 'til Sunday to tender submissions
of things you'd have done to have thwarted their missions,
but if you return
on Sunday you'll learn
the reasons you wouldn't have thwarted their missions.
Inspired by the shallow,
naive, sanctimonious and self-serving criticisms of those-- among the worst of
whom have been Daschle, Gephardt and Hillary-- attempting to imply that 911
probably wouldn't have occurred absent negligence, inattentiveness, or
insufficient intellect on the part of Bush-- especially in light of their having
long occupied in so sanctimonious a way that part of the political spectrum most
ardent in the desire to maintain separation of foreign intelligence and domestic
intelligence activities. Although I certainly want to avoid concentration
of sufficient intelligence authority to increase the risks of a KGB type service
evolving, I'm willing to accept the fact that one of the prices a free society
must pay to minimize that risk is an inherent diminution of its ability to
prevent terrorism. That's why Rumsfeld is right-- in the age of
mass-destruction weapons coupled with the existence of people with sufficient
expertise and fanaticism to use them as weapons of terror, the only effective
"defense" is comprehensive and unrelenting offense. --Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.....
Direct link for
this 05-17-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020531.htm#20020517-01.©.2002..
.Back to
"What did Bush know & when did he know it?".
May 18,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update
On-Daschle; On-Gephardt;
On-Hill'ry; On-Willie...
Continue pronouncements that make you look silly..
On Daschle, on Gephardt, on Hill'ry, on Willie
Continue pronouncements that make you look silly
expressing your views
that Bush ignored clues--
I'm waiting to learn what you'd do that he didn't.
I hope you don't wait for a polling alignment
to send me your plans per the latest assignment*
to you-all from me
on May Seventeen.
For your brilliant minds, it's a simple
my assignment to Hill'ry, Daschle, and Gephardt in my May 17, 2002, Daily Update
at .http://polisat.com/du2002/du020531.htm#20020517-01.--Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.....
Direct link for
this 05-18-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020531.htm#20020518-01.©.2002..
.Back to
"What did Bush know & when did he know it?".
May 19,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update
Still waiting
for "put-ups" or "shut-ups" from Daschle & Hill'ry &
To emulate "libr'al" professors,
I must be a lenient assessor
allowing more time
for deadlines assigned*
to Daschle and Hill'ry and "Gepper.".
my assignment to Hill'ry, Daschle, and Gephardt** in my May 17, 2002, Daily Update
at .http://polisat.com/du2002/du020531.htm#20020517-01.
the way, shouldn't the "ph" be pronounced like the "ph" in
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.....
Direct link for
this 05-19-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020531.htm#20020519-01.©.2002..
.Back to
"What did Bush know & when did he know it?"..
May 20,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update
No self-esteem
"E" just for effort ... for Daschle or Hill'ry or "Gepper"..
When Daschle and Gephardt and Hillary roared
the claim, "Dubya could've or should've
done more
to stop Nine-One-One,"
I said, "Don't be mum--
Please tell us how you would've handled
that chore."
Now Daschle and Hill'ry and Gephardt
have quit after taking a head-start
contending Bush should've
and they, of course, would've
brought Nine-One-One plans to a dead-stop.
Since Daschle and Hill'ry and "Gepper"
have not sent by word or by letter
a single submission*,
I can't even give 'em
a self-esteem "E" just for effort.
Tomorrow, I'm planning to mention
the grades they deserve for contentions
that timely review
of all of the clues
would prob'ly have led to prevention.
my assignment to Hill'ry, Daschle, and Gephardt in my May 17, 2002, Daily Update
at .http://polisat.com/du2002/du020531.htm#20020517-01.--Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.....
Direct link for
this 05-20-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020531.htm#20020520-01.©.2002..
.Back to
"What did Bush know & when did he know it?"..
May 21,
2002 PoliSat.Com's
Daily Update
The questions
3/4ths of the Gang of Four's posing:
"Just what did Bush know and just when did he know it?"..
When Daschle and Hill'ry and Gephardt were posing:
"Just what did Bush know ...
and when did he know it?"
Their "trumpets" were clear
not knowing we'd hear
their horns as political flatulence blowing.
The posings by Daschle and Hill'ry and Gephardt
with sinister questions in hopes for a head-start
as Two-Thousand-Four's
replacement for Gore
resembled the south of some northward-bound centaurs.
By quickly denying intent to imply
that Bush knew the danger from planes in the sky,
they hoped to evade
they mess they had made,
but we still demanded they tell us their
We gave them assignments*:
Assume that you knew
the scope of the clues you imply that he knew,
then stand in the limelight
and tell us your hindsight
on how terror would've been thwarted by
you: .
Assume laws for homeland and foreign
allowed F-B-I
/ C-I-A
the convenience
of agents and snoops
exchanging the fruits
of files like that note from the agent in
And also assume that the agents and filers
shared data procured on that man, Zacarias
and theorized too,
but yet couldn't prove,
his plan was to serve as a hijacking flier.
Assume you deduced that he wasn't alone
with plans to control where a plane
would be flown
and brilliantly knew
the weapons they'd use--
not pistols or rifles but blades finely
Assume you had foresight to rightly deduce
as missiles is how hijacked planes would
be used
in early September
in plans they would enter
New York and DeeCee as the targets they'd use.
To stop 'em you'd have-to have kept on
the ground
all planes for New York and for Washington bound--
despite accusations
you'd panic the nation--
'til all of the hijacking plotters were found.
But even Draconian measures like that
would not guarantee that their plans would fall
'cause soon they'd decide
to take diff'rent rides
and pick other cities for terror attacks.
To guard against that you'd instruct all
the crews
to stay in the cockpits, ignore what they do
and make the plane land
as soon as you can
and then call the morgue for the people they
Before Nine-One-One, they would not have obeyed
a theory all hijackers' plans are the same.
Instead they'd have tried
to save people's lives
believing they'd not lose control of the plane.
Before Nine-One-One altered everyone's role
not even the heroes like Beamer would
to crash their own plane--
They'd think it insane
to risk death of all of the folks on the plane.
You thus should've known if you only
would ground
the planes for New York and for Washington bound,
you merely would change
the targets of planes
and elsewhere make "zero" the name of
the ground.
We're sure you would know that adopting a plan
to close all the airports throughout all the land
would lay the foundation
for making the nation
a hostage to all of the terrorists' plans.
So what could be used as a secular
for thwarting the plans to use airlines as missiles?
We're sure you'd reject
an plan to eject
all men from the lands in the East we
call Middle.
I thus say to Daschle and Hill'ry and Gephardt:
To alter your visage as back-sides of centaurs,
you ought to admit
your words were unfit
and also find smarter political mentors.
my assignment to Hill'ry, Daschle, and Gephardt in my May 17, 2002, Daily Update
at .http://polisat.com/du2002/du020531.htm#20020517-01.--Jim
Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.....
Direct link for
this 05-21-02, Political-Satire Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2002/du020531.htm#20020521-01.©.2002..
.Back to "What did Bush know & when did he
know it?"..
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