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Lions for Lambs or LambChops for Lions.


November 10, 2007--  (For commentary accompanying these videos, click here or scroll further down.)

More to come regarding Robert Redford's, Meryl Streep's, Tom Cruise's, and Hollywood's anti-war, anti-McCain campaign commercial thinly (really not even thinly) disguised as a movie, "Lions for Lambs," featuring three of Hollywood's greatest "Lambchops for Lions."  More to come... ·

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320x240 for medium-speed connections:  http://polisat.com/Video/LambChopsForLions-wmv-At150k.wmv.

160x120 mini-video for dialup speeds:  http://polisat.com/Video/LambChopsForLions-wmv-At48k.wmv.


Lions for Lambs movie exposes Robert Redford, Meryl Streep and Tom Cruise as LambChops for Lions in Hollywood Left's anti-McCain campaign commercial posing as a movie.·

By Jim Wrenn,

Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.

November 10, 2007--

            The latest in a series of anti-war, anti-Bush propanda emanating from Hollywood thinly (indeed, nano-thinly) disguised as a "movie" is "Lions for Lambs" unwittingly exposing Robert Redford, Meryl Streep and Tom Cruise as "LambChops for Lions" in what amounts to an anti-McCain campaign commercial on behalf of the candidates favored by the Hollywood Left.  Years ago, people using common sense deemed the "McCain/Feingold" campaign finance "reform" law not only unconstitutional but likely to have the effect of disarming center and right-of-center political campaigns while leaving the Hollywood Left with "gold plated" propaganda weapons supported by virtually unlimited, unregulated funds.   Such people take no satisfaction in now repeating to John McCain, "We told you so."  That the Hollywood Left's propaganda may politically injury McCain in the minds of so-called "independents" and "middle-roaders," who pay scant attention to history as it unfolds on a daily basis, is unfair to McCain is a minor problem compared to the damage McCain/Feingold is doing to the country by placing all political views other than the Hollywood Left at an extreme disadvantage.

            By PoliSat-Com overheard:  McCain's muttered words when he learned  how Hollywood "clams" for "Lions and Lambs" were spent so McCain would be spurned.  The "Maverick" (McCain) said: "Shazaam!  The movie named 'Lions for Lambs' makes perfectly plain that "Cruise" is "McCain" and Redford's 'Obama' sans tan."  "When campaign 'reform' I did start to limit the campaigning arts, I erred not including
political movies--  I'm hoisted upon my petard."

            "So now, with the limits imposed on candidates, parties and pros but not on the darts in Hollywood's arts, I"m wounded by Cruise as me posed."   "To stop it, I'll need to resort to pleadings requesting a court
to promptly declare 'reform' that I dared is trumped by free-speech ever more."

            So many of us tried to show McCain what "reform" would impose, but John wouldn't listen so now he must listen to us say "We toldeth you so."  (Perhaps as you're reading, you mind perceives this in rhythm and rhyme; so if you prefer the format of verse, go here where it's writ line-by-line.)

            Who has the financial clout and production skills to counter Hollywood's "Lions for Lambs" campaign-ad?  Does not McCain/Feingold unconstitutionally limit the capacity of political parties, candidates, their supporters, grass-roots organizations, etc. to effectively counter such naked propaganda?  Of course it does.  Are we who opposed McCain/Feingold now entitled to say "We told you so"?  Of course we are, but there's no satisfaction in that.  

            How can opponents of such naked propaganda counter it?  Here's one of my meager attempts at http://PoliSat.Com/BaseballFootballAndWar.htm (which includes a windows movie video) or, if you insist on giving traffic to Google/Gorgle, you can view the video on YouTube at http://youtube.com/watch?v=1ww3VocsYFc.   The only "good" news is that at least so far, the Hollywood Left's most recent  hurt-America-in-order-to-hurt Bush "blockbusters" may prove to be wallet-busters for the Hollywood Left, but given the scope of resources they possess and their fanatical willingness to expend them hurting America in order to hurt Bush, there's little cause for optimism.  The only thing that will ever get their attention is when enough consumers stand up on their hind legs in the market place and say "Enough."  (Unfortunately, a rapidly expanding "venue" for Hollywood's hurt-American-in-order-to-hurt-Bush campaign is in those parts of the world where such propaganda is welcomed by those recruiting fanatics to kill American troops.)  With respect to the Hollywood Left spewing their propaganda in the cocoon of freedom being protected by American troops, I paraphrase what Churchill said after greatly outnumbered British pilots won the "Battle of Britain":  "Never before in human conflict has so much been owed to so few by so many idiotic, hateful ingrates."  

--Jim Wrenn,

Editor, PoliSat.Com.

Permanent link to this installment:  http://PoliSat.Com/LambChopsForLions.htm#20071110-01Article.




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