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Gathering of Code Pink in Gather over being out-sized by Gathering of Eagles.·
March 25, 2007--
Code Pink Issues Out-of-Iraq Video-Response ANSWER to Belated News Reports that Gathering of Eagles Out-sized Gathering of Code Pink in D.C. on March 17, 2007.·
Silent Preview (above) "play" below for MiniVideo version |
"Gathering of Code Pink " For in-page viewing of larger versions, click here for permanent URL or find it by title in PoliSat.Com's index--here. powered by GlobalWeb.Net To view the video in a stand-alone media player, use permanent links: To display this permanent-links box for this video on a website or blog click here for the copy/paste code. To display on a website or blog an automatically-updating MiniVideo Box to play whatever is the latest PoliSat.Com Video, click here for copy/paste codes for variety of sizes & configurations. |
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*support troops; support Bush oppose the left*
Web Solutions, Inc.· |
Stung by belated news reports confirming that the Gathering of Eagles pro-troops/mission rally in Washington, D.C. on March 17, 2007, was "several times larger" than the Gathering of Code Pink, ANSWER, MoveOn.Org, 9-11 "Truthers," and the rest of the out-of-Iraq "protesters," Code Pink has belatedly issued a video-response to news reports viewed by the protestors as failing to present a fair and balance view of their protest and out-of-Iraq strategy. PoliSat.Com's Washington Bureau Drawer Chief has obtained an exclusive copy of the video and has incorporated it into this article.
Al Jazeera reported that although it seems somewhat misleading until the very end, the finale very accurately depicts "the common ground" for Iraqi patriots (as well as all in the Middle East favoring peace through withdrawal of the United States) and the out-of-Iraq protestors: Hatred for BushHitler. Another leader of international stature, Hugo Chavez, said, "The video is good as far as it goes, but it fails to also mention that "BushHitler" is also "the Devil." When asked to comment on Hugo's statement, Cindy Sheehan said, "I couldn't agree more."
"Dittos" said Jane Fonda, now being considered by the Cannes Film Festival as Best Actress
in Barbarella of Baghdad. "Likewise" said Charlie Sheen, now being considered for
nomination for the Nobel Prize Engineering Award for his insights into how BushHitler blew up the
Twin Towers. Rumors quickly spread that this newly released video "Gathering of Code
Pink" will be nominated as "Best Documentary" in the next Sundance Film
After viewing the video, the top news journalists turned red with embarrassment. "How could we have gotten it so wrong?" said Chris Matthews. "A real eye-opener" said Keith Olberman. "Someone gave me a copy in a brown envelope in a garage in the Watergate complex," said Dan Rather. "Right on," said Jack Cafferty.
The YouTube version of "Gathering of Code Pink" is here (or use the click-to-play image immediately below). Scroll down past the YouTube image to read the rest of this installment.
Meanwhile, at least some on the Left have expressed some reservations about the video. Rosie O'Donnell said, "I think it doesn't present me in my best light." Maxine Waters said, "I wonder where they got that picture of me?" Jack Murtha said "the main problem with the video is that it doesn't do justice to my "slow bleed" strategy. Neither Hillary Clinton nor Barak Obama could be reached for comment because they were both involved in a joint campaign appearance featuring what is certain to be the most popular campaign-song video of the 2008 election contest. Al Gore was likewise unavailable for comment because he's driving the GoreMobile to the next Global Warming Concert.
---Jim Wrenn, Editor at
PoliSat.Com. Note:
The permanent link to this installment is http://PoliSat.Com/Gathering_of_Code_Pink.htm. Editor's
Note: If demand-volume is preventing you from viewing the video now (or causing it
to load too slowly), please try again later. We're working to increase bandwidth.-- Jim Wrenn,
Editor@PoliSat.Com. Scroll
down for in-page viewing of a variety of size/connection-speed versions of the video, "Gathering of Code Pink," Click
"play" button below for a medium-size version of "Gathering of Code Pink" for high-speed connections (Scroll-down for large-size/fastest-connection
Click "play" button below for the largest size version of "Gathering of Code Pink" for the highest-speed connections
Click "play" button below for a medium-size version of "Gathering of Code Pink" for medium-speed connections (including accelerated dialup):
Click "play" button below for dialup connections:
To Display on your website the Silent-Preview/MiniVideo Player (170x374) for "Gathering_of_Code_Pink" shown below, copy/paste the html code into your site-- For the copy/paste code, go here.
Top: silent mini- preview MiniVideo-- Play below |
Larger versions at PoliSat.Com |
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Play below</font></p>
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</font></font><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Browallia New" size="3">versions at </font><a href="http://PoliSat.Com/Gathering_of_Code_Pink.htm" target="_top"><font face="Browallia New" size="3" color="#FFFFFF">PoliSat.Com</font></a><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Browallia New" size="3"> </font></b></p>
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Silent Preview (above) "play" below for MiniVideo version |
"Gathering of Code Pink " For in-page viewing of larger versions, click here for permanent URL or find it by title in PoliSat.Com's index--here. powered by GlobalWeb.Net To view the video in a stand-alone media player, use permanent links: To display this permanent-links box for this video on a website or blog click here for the copy/paste code. To display on a website or blog an automatically-updating MiniVideo Box to play whatever is the latest PoliSat.Com Video, click here for copy/paste codes for variety of sizes & configurations. |
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<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1"><b><font color="#FFFFFF">Silent
Preview (above)</font></b></font>
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 5" align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow" size="1"><b>"play"
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<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><b><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">"</font><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFF00">Gathering of Code Pink
Gathering of Code Pink</font><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">"</font></b></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: -2" align="center"><b><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">For
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</font><a href="http://PoliSat.Com/Gathering_of_Code_Pink.htm" target="_top"><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFF00">click
here</font></a><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFFFF"> for </font><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#00FF00">permanent</font></b></p>
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<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 5" align="center"><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFFFF"><b>for
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Copy/Paste Code for HQS Video Box for Gathering of Code Pink BEGINS ON LINE BELOW
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