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Other experts doubt that Gore would be amenable to being Hillary's running mate for several
reasons: First of all, he's having too much fun being the leader of the New Age Religion known
as "Anthropomorphic Global Warming"; Second, he's enjoying the spotlight of being featured
in the "Super
Bowl Gore Mobile Ad" showcasing his latest invention (best/largest here;
smaller & YouTube versions here), the "Gore Mobile ("GoreMobile");
Third, he would not want what everyone recognizes to be the "essence of Gore" (see video
to the right) overshadowed by the "essence of Hillary."
Yet another video about
Hillary (for
the 2008 Super Bowl Half-Time-- best/largest here;
smaller & YouTube versions here)
ends with a revelation making it clear that the true
"essence of Hillary" is virtually identical to what has long been thought to be the
"essence of Gore." This has led scientists to speculate that rather than this
startling similarity being indicative of Hillary and Al having been "separated at birth"
they were "separated at creation," but then that leads to the raging debate over
"creation science" versus "evolution."
In a related story, many Republicans expressed dismay when Rudy Giuliani joined John McCain and
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Deacons in the New Age Religion of "Anthropomorphic Global
Warming" and eagerly endorsed the moral and scientific certitude revealed by the "Da
Gorgle Code," which was the prequel to Al Gore's movie, "Inconvenient
Truth." In an effort to distract attention from these issues, McCain stressed his
new plan for combating illegal immigration, which, he said, would be modeled on the plan
first described by Chris Muir.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com.
Permanent link to this installment:
http://polisat.com/DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/Archives2008/du20y08m02d01-02.htm .
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