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23, 2005--
the Coverage Redux regarding news about Iraq.
Putting aside the current media coverage of the controversy over Terri Schiavo, which, despite the
non-uniqueness of the controversy, involves important legal and moral issues, too much of the media
coverage since the January 30, 2005, elections in Iraq has obsessively focused on the tabloid
aspects of the Michael Jackson trial, the fate of Scott Peterson, the trial of Robert Blake, etc.
Meanwhile, since the news from Iraq is obviously becoming less bad (Dare one say better?) than
before-- hence, the decline of "bad" news for Americans leads to the non-coverage of the
good news which has far greater implications for our long-term national interests than tabloid
coverage of court cases.
Does the fault lie with the media? The media certainly deserve at least some blame, but the
bulk of the blame lies with too many of those among us lacking sufficient attention span to demand
comprehensive coverage of what's happening in Iraq other than declining rates of car-bombs,
increasing rates of effectiveness of the Iraqi military, and increasingly public outcries by Iraqis
against the terrorists, the Islamic fanatics, and the Baathists as well as Syrian and Iranian
involvement in efforts to undermine the new government and the Iraqi elections.
Individual criminal cases are, of course important to the victims and the defendants, but obsessive,
tabloid-like, sporting-event-style commentary about such trials serves little other than the same
kind of emotional cravings that lead too many people to believe that details of the lives of
celebrities are important. Will this problem ever dissipate? Probably not.
Today's animation is a reprise of previous animations that featured outstanding art work by Jeff
Grier. For more about Jeff Grier's "Ill Take it from here," go to http://PoliSat.Com/PassingTheColors.htm.
Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
Box for:
Mar. 23,
2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com,
where satire is always
commentary, but commentary
isn't always satire.
Passing the Coverage Redux.
link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0503-21--31.htm#20050323-01.
30-day news-link: http://polisat.com/DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/du20y05m03d23-01.htm
link for today's animation: http://PoliSat.Com/Images/PassingTheCoverageRedux.gif.
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