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10, 2005--
wish good luck to Captain Bob Schieffer, who may be able to keep the U.S.S. See BS from sinking
after dropping the Rather over-sized anchor.
Rumors are that Bob Schieffer may become the "heir" to Dan Rather's anchor chair.
Schieffer tries to be fair, but he'll need a lot of right-full rudder to reverse the perpetually
counter-clockwise direction of the U.S.S. See BS News, which, without the oversized anchor may be
able to stay afloat despite having struck an iceberg.
Schieffer is a decent man, but what CBS News ought to do is to hire Roger Mudd, but maybe he's too
fond of working at the History Channel. Charles Osgood would be another good choice.
There were rumors that CBS wanted to hire Katie Couric, but to do that would simply maintain the
counter-clockwise drift.
In the meantime, good luck to Capt. Bob Schieffer, who never lost his common sense. To be
sure, his views are not to the right of center, but neither are Tim Russert's views, yet he manages
to be fair most of the time and it's obvious that he tries hard to do so.
Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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Box for: Mar.
10, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com,
where satire is always
commentary, but commentary
isn't always satire. Title:
Good Luck Capt. Schieffer. Permanent
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