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9, 2005--
Dan Rather resigns as CBS News Anchor in wake of MemoGate or RatherGate, but worldwide media find Dan Rather certain he did not have fraudulent relations with that source, Mary Mapes.
Today, on the occasion of Dan Rather's resignation as Anchor at CBS News, PoliSat.Com presents its
own historical perspective on Rather. Much of the information is at http://PoliSat.Com/RatherBlather.htm.
We're also publishing additional, serious commentary on the subject by John H. Wambough, Jr.,
titled, "Dan Rather’s Attack on President Bush’s Military Service Rested on Left-Wing Media’s Contrived Myths,"
for which the temporary news-database link is here
and the permanent archival link is here.
Also, with permission of a gifted editorial cartoonist, Mike
DeAdder, PoliSat.Com displays what I think is probably the best editorial cartoon about
the effect of "MemoGate" a.k.a. "RatherGate" on Dan Rather's career. In
giving permission, Mike certainly does not purport to endorse PoliSat.Com views or commentaries--
rather, he graciously accepted PoliSat.Com's request to display the cartoon to give it special
recognition. The cartoon appears below via the following direct link to his site:

visit Mike DeAdder's site, click the image above or go to http://deadder.net.
People interested in acquiring prints of his cartoons may do so at his site.
Here's a mega-animation (all silent*) titled " Rather
Backward" that consolidates into a single retrospective animation all the recent animations by
PoliSat.Com about Dan Rather. It may take a while to watch, but it's worth it. (*The
"Rather Certain" animation
with sound must remain separate.) To view "Rather
Backward," click the image to the right.
Today, we're also reprising the video-clip of Dan Rather rehearsing for his resignation for
his final appearance tonight as Anchor of the CBS News, which video clip (see below) PoliSat.Com's
obtained through the clandestine work of its Washington Bureau Drawer Chief using PoliSat.Com's
high-tech, remote-sensing equipment.

Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
send this to a friend, paste the Links Box below into your email or go to PoliSat.Com's "Email
a Friend" page.
Box for: Mar.
9, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com,
where satire is always
commentary, but commentary
isn't always satire.™ Title:
Rather Backwards. Permanent
link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0503-01--10.htm#20050309-01. Temporary
30-day news-link: http://polisat.com/DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/du20y05m03d09-01.htm Permanent
link to the animation for this Daily Update: http://PoliSat.Com/Images/RatherBackwards.gif. Permanent
link to sound version of a related
animation for this Daily Update:
http://PoliSat.Com/RatherCertain.htm. For
links to the latest Daily Updates, Animations, Song-Parodies, Limericks, Palindromes, Archives, Site-Index/Search, go to http://PoliSat.Com. |

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