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8, 2005--
world finds Dan Rather certain he did not have fraudulent relations with that source, Mrs. Maples,
so he needs to get back to the work of informing the people on 60 Minutes.

As Dan Rather prepares to formally retire as the CBS News Anchor (and in this case,
"Anchor" is literally correct), the media world finds Dan Rather certain he did not have
fraudulent relations with that source, Mrs. Maples, so he needs to get back to the work of informing
the people on 60 Minutes. Paraphrasing his most beloved political role model, Rather
said, "I am not a
partisan hack." However, even though Rather adamantly insists he is not a
politically biased reporter, most media observers know that for decades he has been a reported
political bias. When he began to Anchor CBS News decades ago, many Northeasterners
doubted the country could adjust to his accent, but he soon overcame it with his unique way of
communicating, which became known as Rather-Blather.
In anticipation of Rather's retirement on March 9, 2005, PoliSat.Com's Washington Bureau Drawer
Chief used PoliSat.Com's high-tech, remote-sensing equipment to capture a video clip from Dan
Rather's "testimony" before the panel appointed by CBS to investigate the infamous 60
Minutes broadcast of patently fraudulent "documents" from George Bush's National Guard
record. (More on that tomorrow.) To view the short video segment, click the large "Rather
Certain" image below labeled for video clip
with sound. (To view a silent version, click the smaller image to the right.)
The doting Walter Cronkite marked the eve of Rather's retirement as an occasion to express amazement
that CBS News hadn't replaced rather more than a decade ago. PoliSat.Com was unable to reach
Roger Mudd, widely recognized when Cronkite retired decades ago as the most suitable replacement for
Cronkite, but, alas, Mudd had alienated the politically correct crowd at CBS News when, during his
interview of Ted Kennedy during Kennedy's campaign in the 1980 primaries against Jimmy Carter, he
did the unthinkable-- he asked Kennedy to do what any fair-minded reporter would have known to have
been a "below the belt" question-- i.e., he asked Kennedy to explain why he wanted
to be president. Of course Kennedy's embarrassing inability to answer the question all but
destroyed his chances against even the feckless Jimmy Carter, and, of course, Mudd's having deigned
to ask such a question planted great anxiety in the minds of the brass at CBS News that Mudd might
not be a "team player" or might even be a potentially future red-stater.
The burning question today is whether Rather's parting words will paraphrase another great line from
his political role-model: "Well, you won't have Dan Rather to kick around
anymore." Or, will he paraphrase Douglas MacArthur: "Old Anchors never die,
they just drag the ships to the bottom."
Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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Box for: Mar.
8, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com,
where satire is always
commentary, but commentary
isn't always satire. Title:
Rather Certain. Permanent
link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0503-01--10.htm#20050308-01. Temporary
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link to silent version of the animation for this Daily Update:
http://PoliSat.Com/Images/RatherCertain.gif. Permanent
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