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1, 2005--
wake of car-bomb in Hillah, Iraq, thousands of Iraqis condemn "Wahhabism" rather than the
West; NeoCons at the Gates welcome what Neo-Arabians Speak in Neo-Arabian Streets.
In the wake of the car-bomb murder of 125 Iraqis waiting in line in Hillah outside a clinic to
undergo physicals as new recruits for the Iraqi National Guard and Iraqi Police, a crowd
of 2,000 spontaneously assembled to protest the car-bombing. Did they chant against
George Bush or Tony Blair or the Coalition forces? No-- They chanted "No
to terrorism" and "No to Baathism and Wahhabism." (Emphasis
added.) It's hard to know whether their protests are more stressful to the Saudi royalty
or Michael Moore and other Hollywood Leftists of his ilk. Probably equally stressful to them
Speak in Neo-Arabian Streets.
new in Arabian streets?
The words of the "man in the street"
spread Neo-Arabian
freedom contagions
in Neo-Arabian Streets.
freedom first toppled Saddamists,
the "man in the street" as a novice
at Baathists first booed,
then terrorists too,
but now he is booing Wahhabists.
Arabs would boo the Wahhabists
said critics were mere hyperbolic
predictions Bush spoke
while breathing the smoke
from "pipe-dreams" of "NeoCon sophists."
now that the "man in the street"
in "Neo-Arabian" speaks,
like bricks what he speaks
is re-paving streets
as "Neo-Arabian Streets."
Perhaps this would be a good time for Americans (and especially those of Arab ancestry) to commence
similar protests outside the Saudi-run "high school" in Northern Virginia from which the
American-born Saudi now accused of offering to organize an al Qaeda attempt to assassinate George W.
Bush graduated as a "valedictorian" in Wahhabism. Where is Prince Bandar? When
will he find it in his interests and the interests of the rest of the Saudi Royal family to end
support for the medieval, terroristic philosophy exemplified by Wahhabism?
Who in Saudi Arabia will stand against the fanatics? Probably few other than women courageous
enough to challenge such medieval form of patriarchy. Is there a female
"underground" in Saudi Arabia? Can women who courageously and surreptitiously
organized against the Taliban in Afghanistan become covert operatives in Saudi Arabia? Are
these foolish questions to ask? Was it foolish in 1989 to ask whether the Berlin Wall might
fall? Who would have predicted a year ago that a massive movement "in the streets"
of Lebanon would peacefully coerce the puppet government of Lebanon controlled by Syria into
dissolving? Who would have predicted that rival Lebanese factions would so quickly surrender
their symbols of division in favor of waving the red, white and green flag of Lebanon? Surely
they have in part been inspired by the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine, but recent comments by the
Lebanese leader, Walid Jumblat, a previously virulent opponent of Bush's policy in Iraq, indicated
that the Iraqi election played the vital inspirational role, which Jumblat equated with seeing the
"Berlin Wall coming down."
Who would have predicted the Rose Revolution in Georgia? Who would have predicted the Orange
Revolution in the Ukraine? Who skillfully and deftly supported both those
revolutions in ways reminiscent of the skillful and deft way the Reagan Administration smoothed the
way for transition from dictatorial rule to a fledgling democracy in the Philippines?
Who? Those "NeoCons" in Dubya's administration, that's who.
Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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Box for: Mar.
1, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com,
where satire is always
commentary, but commentary
isn't always satire. Title:
Neo-Arabians Speak in Neo-Arabian Streets.. Permanent
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