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17, 2005--
and pundits of all stripes extend best wishes for a quick defeat of colon cancer by Tony Snow,
renowned practitioner of civility in political discourse.
topic today that I chose
is one I've selected to show
my wish for complete
and speedy relief
for Tony, whose last name is Snow. Among
those as pundits who serve
political party hors d'oeuvres, he always displays
his menu in ways
so feasts without food-fights occur. Though
Snow's colonoscopy's answer
was "yes" to the question if cancer
had started to grow,
we're happy to know
his "doc" says he'll vanquish the cancer. So,
therefore, this limerick I send
to Snow to revise and extend
my thoughts in support
that quickly he thwarts
the cancer and thoroughly mends. In case you prefer the design of comments that nat'rually rhyme, read-on for this text repeated and set according to rhythm and rhyme.
topic today that I chose
is one I've selected to show
my wish for complete
and speedy relief
for Tony, whose last name is Snow.
those as pundits who serve
political party hors d'oeuvres,
he always displays
his menu in ways
so feasts without food-fights occur.
Snow's colonoscopy's answer
was "yes" to the question if cancer
had started to grow,
we're happy to know
his "doc" says he'll vanquish the cancer.
therefore, this limerick I send
to Snow to revise and extend
my thoughts in support
that quickly he thwarts
the cancer and thoroughly mends.
Politicians, pundits and political junkies of all stripes were at first saddened by Tony Snow's
February 15, 2005, announcement that he has colon cancer and then heartened by his assertion that
his doctors say they found it in time for it to be cured. If more politicians and pundits
could express their differences with others without rancor and in the manner of civility that Tony
Snow always manages to exhibit, there would be fewer people deserving to be targeted by caustic
satire. We all need you to stick around to keep setting a good example, Tony.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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Box for: Feb.
17, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com,
where satire is always
commentary, but commentary
isn't always satire. Title:
Snow's No Flake. Permanent
link to this Daily Update: http://polisat.com/du2005/du0502-01--10.htm#20050217-01. Temporary
30-day news-link: http://polisat.com/DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/du20y05m02d17-01.htm Permanent
link to animation (silent version) for this Daily Update: http://PoliSat.Com/Images/Snow'sNoFlake.gif. For
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