Barack Obama denies bowing to Saudi King; says he was showing how bending at the waist could give the King six-pack abs like Obama has.·

By Jim Wrenn, 
Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
April 8, 2009--

            Obama denies  he was bowing in greeting the king of the Saudis.  He says he displayed how bending the waist could give six-pack "abs" to the Saudis.   Barack said to those who'd decry diplomacy skills thus applied at YouTube perceived that folks should believe his wording instead of their eyes.   This leads to a much larger issue regarding the statements he issues.  So mem'ries are jogged, a rhyme about frogs will aid comprehending such issues:

                    We know boiling frogs we cannot by frogs dropped in water that's hot--  They'll jump from the pan, but boil them we can when water's first cold 'stead of hot.   Succeeding in ways Machiavellian without causing leaps to rebellion requires cool linguistics so languages transfixes perceptions that might cause rebellion.

            A recipe used making mixtures for cooling linguistic elixirs is made most expedient by using ingredients defined as "linguistic transfixers."  Of all the transfixers, the "mother" for quelling rebelliousness druthers asserts that all people created are equal, but some are more "equal" than others. This "mother" of Machiavellian transfixers for quelling rebellion compared to the rest is "best" of the "best" most commonly known as "Orwellian."  The author of new Machiavellian transfixes most clearly Orwellian named "George" he is not, but, rather, Barack, surpassing old George with "Obwellian."  

            Progressive examples today that earn an Obwellian "A"? The laws they'd enact to "limit" and "tax" they've labeled "to cap" and "to trade."  Among the Obwellian best?  Describing the laws to divest the fruits of success from taxpayers' chests as laws not to "tax" but "invest."  A recent transfixer that masters the skills for for linguistical rasters for terms to redact, like "terror attack," replaced with a "man-caused disaster."  To cure these linguistic infections suppressing the civic rebellion that surely would grow if more were exposed, from PoliSat-Com, this suggestion: What's needed for civic rebellion against such linguistic infections?  The red People's Cube, where experts extrude  translations of words in "Obwellian."  

            Because there's a need for a "logo" (an icon displaying a motto)  for civic rebellion against what's Obwellian, there's now an "Obwellian Logo."  And thus, the Obwellian Logo for feats of linguistical pogo o'er words that conflict to meanings transfixed displays the Obwellian Motto:

Of course we're all sisters and brothers
opposing a system that smothers
the notion that people
created are equal,
but some are more equal than others.

            From where what inspired me did come?  For credit to whom it belongs, what needs to be said:  My hat-tip to Ed, the pundit at HotAir.Com.  I finally close with a note in case as you read what I wrote you deemed the word usage and syntax effusive and think that good English I smote.  Perhaps you've detected these lines are written in rhythm and rhyme-- If so, cursor-down, 'cause there will be found these verses in stanzas and lines.


Obama denies  he was bowing 
in greeting the king of the Saudis.  
He says he displayed 
how bending the waist 
could give six-pack "abs" to the Saudis.  

Barack said to those who'd decry 
diplomacy skills thus applied 
at YouTube perceived 
that folks should believe 
his wording instead of their eyes.   

This leads to a much larger issue 
regarding the statements he issues.  
So mem'ries are jogged, 
a rhyme about frogs 
will aid comprehending such issues:

We know boiling frogs we cannot
by frogs dropped in water that's hot--
They'll jump from the pan,
but boil them we can
when water's first cold 'stead of hot.

Succeeding in ways Machiavellian
without causing leaps to rebellion
requires cool linguistics
so languages transfixes
perceptions that might cause rebellion.

A recipe used making mixtures
for cooling linguistic elixirs
is made most expedient
by using ingredients
defined as "linguistic transfixers."

Of all the transfixers, the "mother"
for quelling rebelliousness druthers
asserts that all people
created are equal,
but some are more "equal" than others.


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This "mother" of Machiavellian
transfixers for quelling rebellion
compared to the rest
is "best" of the "best"
most commonly known as "Orwellian."

The author of new Machiavellian
transfixes most clearly Orwellian
named "George" he is not,
but, rather, Barack,
surpassing old George with "Obwellian."

Progressive examples today
that earn an Obwellian "A"?
The laws they'd enact
to "limit" and "tax"
they've labeled "to cap" and "to trade."

Among the Obwellian best?
Describing the laws to divest
the fruits of success
from taxpayers' chests
as laws not to "tax" but "invest."

A recent transfixer that masters
the skills for for linguistical rasters
for terms to redact,
like "terror attack,"
replaced with a "man-caused disaster."

To cure these linguistic infections
suppressing the civic rebellion
that surely would grow
if more were exposed,
from PoliSat-Com, this suggestion: 

What's needed for civic rebellion
against such linguistic infections?
The red People's Cube
where experts extrude
translations of words in "Obwellian."

Because there's a need for a "logo"
(an icon displaying a motto) 
for civic rebellion
against what's Obwellian,
there's now an "Obwellian Logo."

And thus, the Obwellian Logo
for feats of linguistical pogo
o'er words that conflict
to meanings transfixed
displays the Obwellian Motto:

Of course we're all sisters and brothers
opposing a system that smothers
the notion that people
created are equal,
but some are more equal than others.

From where what inspired me did come?  
For credit to whom it belongs, 
what needs to be said: 
My hat-tip to Ed
the pundit at HotAir.Com.  

--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.

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