Hoaxes Propped Up CBS's Fraudulent Memos (Part II: Coward/Draft-Dodger Hoax) for Dan Rather's CBS's 60 Minutes Hit Piece on President Bush's ANG Record
Rather's CBS' 60 Minutes Hit Piece on President Bush's ANG Record based on Left-Wing Media Hoaxes.
Col. John H. Wambough, Jr. USAF (Ret.)
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Coward/Draft Dodger Hoax
When you hear the terms coward and draft dodger thrown around loosely, play close attention to who is leveling the charge. You may be hearing from a person who actually is a coward and they are ascribing to others what they are themselves. Also, you may be hearing from someone who knows nothing about what they are talking about; someone who has never been in the military and does not comprehend high risk military operations and equipment. The least likely people to use the term “coward” would be fighter pilots (like GWB) who have risked their lives many times while serving their country. The entities most likely to use these terms are the LWM elites, the DNC, Terry McAuliffe, the Kerry Campaign and Left-Wing 527s (the melting pot for anti-war, anti-defense, anti intelligence gathering, anti Patriot Act and the blame American first crowd). Many people (in these groups) know the terms "coward and draft dodger" all to well from personal experience.
"Coward/Draft Dodger Hoax" - The components of this LWM hoax were: (1) that GWB joined the ANG to dodge Vietnam therefore he was a draft dodger; (2) that GWB’s checking a box “do not volunteer for overseas” proved GWB was dodging duty in Vietnam; (3) that GWB was a coward for not going to Vietnam; and (4) that GWB used political influence to leapfrog over hundreds of ANG applicants in an effort to dodge Vietnam; that someone else had to go to Vietnam in GWB's place.
First Myth - GWB joined the ANG to dodge Vietnam therefore he was a draft
dodger. The facts: (1) when GWB applied for a pilot slot in the 147th Tactical Interceptor
Group in May 1968, pilots from this unit were flying F-102 combat missions in
Myth – GWB’s checking the “do not volunteer for overseas” box proved GWB was dodging
duty in Vietnam
Myth – GWB was a coward for dodging
Myth – GWB used political influence to leapfrog over hundreds of ANG applicants to dodge
Vietnam and that someone else had to go to Vietnam in GWB's place. This never
happened, go to: Leapfrogged
Hundreds Hoax and
Influence/Favoritism Hoax
Kerry's strategy (supported by LWM) was to malign President Bush’s military service and undermine the peoples’ trust in GWB as Commander-In-Chief. At the same time, this strategy called for promoting Kerry as a war hero. Kerry's strategy was calculated to offset his anti-war activities and his extreme anti-national security voting record. Kerry had no compunction about maligning reputations of all Guard and Reserve force members in order to nail GWB with the coward and draft dodger label.
While the American people heard the steady drum beat of attacks on GWB's service in the ANG, LWM refused to scrutinize Kerry's service history. There were no LWM lawsuits for the release of Kerry's records as there were for GWB and there was no pressure applied by LWM for Kerry to sign form 180 - which would have released all of Kerry's military records. LWM didn't permit a video critical of Kerry (Stolen Honor) to be seen by the American people Think about it. Kerry makes Vietnam the centerpiece of his campaign for President. The Vietnam Prisoners of War that were most impacted by Kerry's actions would like to heard; LWM won't give them the time of day. To view Stolen Honor, Click Here.
Wambough is a retired Air Force colonel with 28 years of service. During his career in the Air
Force, Colonel Wambough flew F-105 and F-111 tactical fighter aircraft. His combat tour in Southeast
Asia was in the F-105s with the 34th Tactical Fighter Squadron. Also, he served in Current
Operations at 7th Air Force Headquarters, TanSon Nhut Air Base, RVN. He was a Fighter Squadron
Commander (F - 111E aircraft, 55 TFS, Royal Air Force, Upper Heyford, United Kingdom) and later
Group Commander at the same base. He served on the Air Staff and Joint Staff in the Pentagon -- and
attended the National War College. He was head of the Joint Studies Group at Tactical Command
Headquarters, Langley AFB, Virginia and completed his service in the Air Force as Commander of the
4442nd Tactical Control Group and Commandant of the United States Air Force Air Ground Operations
School, Hurlburt Field, Florida. He retired in March 1990 - having served 28 years in the Air Force.
Contact info: j-bwambough@cox.net Visit Site: www.nsar.us
Published by PoliSat.Com by Permission of the Author.
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