April 22, 2004: #01
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Earth Day is Dearth Day-- Dearth of Common Sense; Pantheopians Worship Earth, disdain humans; Priests of Greenhouse Beliefs pose as scientists; Political Science (i.e., Politicized Science) Eclipses Real Science; Science Versus Religion-- Evolution, Creavolution, Creationism, Darwinism, Atheism, Agnosticism, Theism, and Deism; Unified Field Theory Versus Unified Feel Theories; What's Needed is a Homo-Sapiens Day.·
Earth Day is the High Holy Day for tree-huggers and other Pantheopians. Paradoxically, among the most ardent Earth Day activists are those professing to be secular in their thinking. Yet their zealotry connotes religious fervor rather than secular logic. What are the differences between dispassionate scientific analysis and ideological and/or theological beliefs?
Theology, Science, Ideology and Secular Fundamentalism.
Theists (Jews, Christians, Muslims and, perhaps, Buddhists and Hindus) assert the ultimate source of the Universe to be a Conscious Entity. Non-theists decline to embrace such conclusion but do not unscientifically contend existence of such Conscious Entity to be impossible. Many, but not all, "atheists" are really "anti-theists" who unscientifically assert that "there is no Deity," but in doing so, they fail to recognize such assertion as an unscientific leap-of-faith of the same type they so smugly condemn as the basis for theists' assertion that a Deity does exist. I call them Secular Fundamentalists, who suffer the delusion that they are scientific, secular thinkers rather than religious zealots.
Many brilliant scientists are profoundly religious but, unlike the Secular Fundamentalists, they recognize their religious beliefs constitute leaps of faith unsupported (but not refuted or refutable) by science. They tend not to be religious (or secular) zealots.
Theists, Religious Fundamentalists, Science, Evolution and Creation.
Many theists (mostly fundamentalist Christians and Muslims) incorrectly (in my opinion) construe the Theory of Evolution as being somehow incompatible with the existence of a Creator. Literalists among them (Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, for examples) reject evolution as the probably-correct explanation of how homo-sapiens "got here" by making their leap-of-faith assertions of the infallibility of ancient texts by ancient humans attempting to explain their existence in a world they believed to be flat and to be the center of the universe between places they called "Heaven" and "Hell." Non-literalist theists correctly (in my opinion) see no incompatibility between belief in a Creator and the Theory of Evolution-- i.e., they recognize that if one hypothesizes a conscious entity that pre-existed and then created the Universe, one could easily recognize that such Creator could have designed the Universe with laws of physics that would inevitably lead to the evolution of consciousness in the form of Homo-Sapiens.
Secular Fundamentalists, Science, Political Science and Politicized Science.
Secular Fundamentalists, deluded by their erroneous perceptions of themselves as scientifically secular thinkers and blinded to their emotional craving for theology, worship Nature and therefore exhibit religious zealotry in disdaining Homo-Sapiens' efforts to control or manipulate Nature to serve their interests and desires. What Secular Fundamentalists fail to understand (or, at least, seem emotionally incapable of accepting) is that the premise upon they claim to predicate their beliefs (i.e., that absent a Creator having designed the Universe for the benefit of mankind, there can be no moral basis for asserting Homo-Sapiens' "right" to dominion over Nature) does not support the opposite conclusion-- i.e., that Nature is somehow entitled to dominion over Homo-Sapiens. Their worship of nature is what I call "Pantheopianism"-- the worship of Nature (pantheism) with the zealotry of utopians.
Secular Fundamentalists and Pantheopians.
This is why Pantheopians fail to understand that the Universe has no value absent a consciousness to appreciate it and that in order for such appreciation to occur (i.e., in order for such "value" to even exist), the consciousness must, for sake of its own self-survival, exercise (or at least attempt to exercise) dominion over the Universe. Such fundamental misunderstanding leads them to believe, for example, that preserving "endangered species" (on a planet in which at least 99.999% of all species that ever evolved are already extinct) has intrinsic value rather than merely the subjective value accorded to it by Homo-Sapiens' desire to preserve species pleasing to, or at least not threatening to, Homo-Sapiens. In other words, if one were to apply genuinely scientific, secular thinking (in contrast to the theology of the Secular Fundamentalist Pantheopians), one would recognize the value preserving "endangered species" is to preserve what what either pleases us or has (or may have) the potential to help us.
Homo-Sapiens' Day.
Therefore, scientifically-oriented theists, as well as scientifically oriented non-theists, should inaugurate a Homo-Sapiens Day. The former group could celebrate their beliefs that a Creator designed us to have dominion over Nature; that latter group could celebrate their beliefs that the evolution of our consciousness created our power (i.e., our self-asserted "right") to exercise dominion over Nature. I'm in the second group, but I respect those in the first group. To do otherwise would be unscientific.
Earth Day -- Dearth Day.
is the day named for Earth
when Pantheopians* assert
their pantheist views
and common-sense views
instead of abundant are dearth.
Priests of the Greenhouse Beliefs
and Theories that Ozone recedes
from actions by Man
contend Nature's Land
by actions of Man is bereaved.
billions we waste on their bet
that we are to Nature a threat,
it's when, stead of whether,
from Natural tethers
extinguished by Comet we'll get.
rather than wasting of billions
to please Pantheopian** minions,
we need technologic
Manhattan-style projects
for ways to prevent such collisions.
more about cosmic collisions
and follies of Pantheopians,
at PoliSat.Com,
whose index is long,
find links about f Pantheopians.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
"panth-ee-oh-pee-uns" to match poetic
rhythm in this line.
**Pronounce "panth-ee-oh-pee-uns"
to match poetic rhythm in this line.
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