Feb. 3, 2004:  PoliSat .Com's Political Satire/ Commentary*   Daily Update # 01·· ™©·2004·(Home
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Janet Jackson's "apology" for baring breast in Super Bowl Half Time Show exposes inconsistencies.·

    According to a February 3, 2004, report by RTE Guide Entertainment, Janet Jackson issued the following statement with the headline "Jackson sorry for Super Bowl stunt":

Singer Janet Jackson has taken responsibility for the breast-baring incident during her performance at the halftime Super Bowl in the US.  Jackson was performing a duet with Justin Timberlake when he tore a piece of her costume, revealing her right breast. In a statement Jackson said: "The decision to have a costume reveal at the end of my halftime show performance was made after final rehearsals."  "MTV was completely unaware of it. It was not my intention that it go as far as it did. I apologise[sic] to anyone offended — including the audience, MTV, CBS and the NFL."

    Sincere apologies merit acceptance, but transparently superficial apologies not only warrant scorn but also magnify the offense.  Her "apolog[y]" demonstrates the vacuous value system by which she defines what she thinks was her transgression.  She "intend[ed] to "have a costume reveal" (her grammar, not mine) at the end of the "performance" but "[i]t was not [her] intention that it go as far as it did."  How shallow and insulting to the "audience" except, perhaps, those who are equally shallow and/or congenitally stupid.  

    If such explanation were to be true, one wonders why she wore a star-shaped pastie with a hole in the middle to display her nipple surrounded by the small, glittering, star-shaped pastie.   Ostensibly, she would have deemed it acceptable if her breast were to have been merely partially exposed by a grand-finale grope by Timberlake as though a sexual grope that only partially exposed her breast would render the act suitable fare for her target audience of youngsters permitted to watch the Super Bowl by parents with such "backward" values as to actually expect the Super Bowl Half Time show to not try to educate their children on the niceties of a man groping a woman's breast.  

Janet Jackson now sings, "I'm Sorry, Soooo Sorry"
-- She right-- She's one of the sorriest seen in recent years.

Says Janet, "I'm sorry my pose
let all of my breast be exposed.
We'd tastefully planned
for Timberlake's hand
to hold it so less of it showed.

If how we'd have ended the show
transpired in the way we had hoped,
by nipple half-seen
the kids would've seen
how breasts by a man should be groped.

You ought to admit, to be fair,
we showed that a girl must take care
when guys are around,
precautions are sound--
so pasties they always should wear.

    Not being a terminally stupid parent, I don't buy her transparently superficial "apology."  It seems beyond reasonable doubt that the finale went exactly according to her plan.  Her, and Timberlake's, behavior as well as her "apology" made it abundantly clear to all but the terminally stupid that she and he were willing to take the heat and issue an "apology" in exchange for what they expect to be astronomical music sales to a target audience including in no small part teens and pre-teens as well as dim-witted adults.  

    Get ready for the left side of the entire entertainment industry to come to her defense by characterizing her critics as unenlightened, intolerant fanatics who just can't wait to burn every book in sight.  The adolescent narcissism of the Entertainment Left is getting harder and harder to take.  Where are the voices of modern-day Jimmy Stewarts?  If you listen carefully you can hear them-- they're called "The Sounds of Silence." 


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