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Virginians Warn Warner and Webb:  A Yes-Vote for Cloture to Ebb Debate on ObamaCare is Yes to ObamaCare by Which Cherished Freedoms Will Ebb.

By Jim Wrenn, 
Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
December 21, 2009--

            Virginians warn Warner and Webb:  Your yes-vote for cloture to ebb debate on ObamaCare was yes to ObamaCare by which cherished freedoms will ebb.  You may still believe you'll be able to "sell" to the voters the fable that subsequent voting of "nay" to oppose it, means "for" it you couldn't be labeled.  

            Although in the past many voters have swallowed such hogwash promoted in later campaigns, the tea-party gains will greatly outnumber such voters.  And thus you no longer can count on "Jay-Walking" voters to mount a margin of vict'ry because your vote-hist'ry the tea-party crowd won't discount.  

                However, you still have a chance to earn your redemption.  The chance?  When cloture is sought to vote on what's wrought in conference, vote "No, not a chance."  If this you would do you would earn respect from the folks who discern the way that ObamaCare our freedoms apart would tear, and thus might secure your next term.  In contrast, if "yes" you would vote the next time on cloture your vote and thus not abort the conference report, unseat you we will with our votes.

            To Webb:  So this message you'll see, Virginians will fax it to thee to give you a chance to think in advance on what your next vote ought to be.   To Eight-Zero-Four after One, then Seven then Seven then One, then Eight and then Three, then One and then Three-- from us many faxes will come.   Spend Christmas digesting this warning, and ready yourself for disarming the next cloture goal and thus replace coal you left in our stockings this morning.   

            Virginians desiring to send this message to Senator "Jim" should print-out this page (go here to print a text-only version) and promptly engage your hardware to fax it to him.  And if, as you're reading these lines, you notice the rhythm and rhyme, and if you prefer the format for verse, scroll-down for the stanzas and lines.

Virginians warn Warner and Webb:  
Your yes-vote for cloture to ebb 
debate on ObamaCare 
was yes to ObamaCare 
by which cherished freedoms will ebb.  

You may still believe you'll be able 
to "sell" to the voters the fable 
that subsequent voting 
of "nay" to oppose it, 
means "for" it you couldn't be labeled.  

Although in the past many voters 
have swallowed such hogwash 
promoted in later campaigns, 
the tea-party gains 
will greatly outnumber such voters.  

·Votes by Warner and Webb that Virginian's will NOT forget or forgive.

And thus you no longer can count 
on "Jay-Walking" voters to mount 
a margin of vict'ry 
because your vote-hist'ry 
the tea-party crowd won't discount.  

However, you still have a chance 
to earn your redemption.  The chance?  
When cloture is sought 
to vote on what's wrought 
in conference, vote "No, not a chance."  

If this you would do you would earn 
respect from the folks who discern 
the way that ObamaCare 
our freedoms apart would tear, 
and thus might secure your next term.  

In contrast, if "yes" you would vote 
the next time on cloture your vote 
and thus not abort 
the conference report, 
unseat you we will with our votes.

To Webb:  So this message you'll see, 
Virginians will fax it to thee 
to give you a chance 
to think in advance 
on what your next vote ought to be.   

To Eight-Zero-Four after One
then Seven then Seven then One
then Eight and then Three
then One and then Three-- 
from us many faxes will come.

Spend Christmas digesting this warning, 
and ready yourself for disarming 
the next cloture goal 
and thus replace coal 
you left in our stockings this morning.

Virginians desiring to send 
this message to Senator "Jim" 
should print-out this page 
and promptly engage 
your hardware to fax it to him.

--Jim Wrenn, Virginia voter with a long memory and countless friends with equally long memories.

şı 804 after 1 -- i.e., 1 then 804 then 771 then 8313.

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A Warning to Warner and Webb:  A Yes-Vote for Cloture to Ebb Debate on ObamaCare is Yes to ObamaCare by Which Cherished Freedoms Will Ebb.

By Jim Wrenn, 
Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
Decdember 20, 2009--

            A warning to Warner and Webb:  A yes-vote for cloture to ebb debate on ObamaCare is yes to ObamaCare by which cherished freedoms will ebb.  You probably think you'll be able to "sell" to the voters the fable that subsequent voting of "nay" to oppose it, means "for" it you couldn't be labeled.  

    'Til now you've been safe in assuming such knowledge would lapse 'stead of looming in memories of those most likely to vote when next your election is looming.  But now it should not be a myst'ry to you if you're learning from hist'ry most recently made:  Tsunami-size waves of voters are tracking your hist'ry.  

     Although you're accustomed to thinking of mem'ries of voters as shrinking, the voters galore who're "silent no more" have mem'ries enduring, not shrinking.  So don't think we won't hold a grudge for voting for cloture to nudge the Senate to voting for statutes eroding our rights on what plans we'll indulge.

     So, therefore, it's best you assume, on cloture a "yes" will entomb the ultimate fate your status awaits when when you're by Virginians removed.  And thus, if you hope to remain as Senator, surely it's plain on cloture your vote must firmly be "no," so passage cannot be attained.

     And likewise, on "Cap and Trade" plans, if cloture becomes a demand, a "yes" will be seen as "yes" to the deed of foisting such laws on our land.  So likewise, it's best you assume on cloture a "yes" would entomb a similar fate you'd surely await when you're by Virginians removed.

     So, now in a Christmas-like spirit, we urge you to vote to prohibit political hacks from votes to enact the "health" plan with freedom constricted.  Insist that the House and the Senate return to square one for beginning a new plan from scratch designed to unlatch our health care from government limits.  

     Perhaps as you're reading these lines you've noticed the rhythm and rhyme, and if you prefer the format of verse, scroll-down for the stanzas and lines.

--Jim Wrenn, Virginia voter with a long memory and countless friends with equally long memories.

 A warning to Warner and Webb:  
A yes-vote for cloture to ebb 
debate on ObamaCare 
is yes to ObamaCare 
by which cherished freedoms will ebb.  

You probably think you'll be able 
to "sell" to the voters the fable 
that subsequent voting 
of "nay" to oppose it, 
means "for" it you couldn't be labeled.  

'Til now you've been safe in assuming 
such knowledge would lapse 'stead of looming 
in memories of those most likely to vote 
when next your election is looming.  

But now it should not be a myst'ry 
to you if you're learning from hist'ry 
most recently made:  
Tsunami-size waves 
of voters are tracking your hist'ry.  

·View wmv version at PoliSat.Com/ObamaCareOBGynVisit-wmvHQL.htm·

Although you're accustomed to thinking 
of mem'ries of voters as shrinking, 
the voters galore 
who're "silent no more" 
have mem'ries enduring, not shrinking.  

So don't think we won't hold a grudge 
for voting for cloture to nudge 
the Senate to voting 
for statutes eroding 
our rights on what plans we'll indulge.

So, therefore, it's best you assume, 
on cloture a "yes" will entomb 
the ultimate fate 
your status awaits 
when when you smart Virginians remove.  

And thus, if you hope to remain 
as Senator, surely it's plain 
on cloture your vote 
must firmly be "no," 
so passage cannot be attained.

And likewise, on "Cap and Trade" plans, 
if cloture becomes a demand, 
a "yes" will be seen 
as "yes" to the deed 
of foisting such laws on our land.  

So likewise, it's best you assume 
on cloture a "yes" would entomb 
a similar fate 
you'd surely await 
when you're by Virginians removed.

So, now in a Christmas-like spirit, 
we urge you to vote to prohibit 
political hacks 
from votes to enact 
the "health" plan with freedom constricted.  

Insist that the House and the Senate 
return to square one for beginning 
a new plan from scratch 
designed to unlatch 
our health care from government limits.  


--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.

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