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Rhymes about...
Elian Gonzales.
To go to main page for Elian Gonzales, click
here. (For Index
to PoliSat Rhymes,
click here.)
Adios to Elian (a set of limericks)
We know there are sad times in life
when something that's legal ain't right.
We owe toleration
but not celebration
when someone surrenders his rights.
'Though we are obliged to respect
Juan's right to refuse
to defect,
We can't rejoice
at his lack of choice
to do what free men would think best.
© 2000
Reno's reprise: My agents said "Please"
when Elian Gonzales they seized
When NBC's Tony Zumbado,
a cameraman full of bravado,
Was doing his best
to cover the quest
to capture Gonzales for Castro,
He entered the house of Gonzales
just seconds before
Hoping to show
the way it would go,
he soon learned such effort was folly.
He witnessed the sights and the sounds
as into the house they did bound.
But just as he tried
to broadcast it live,
they cut-off his power and sound.
And now that he's read their description
of how they
conducted their mission,
He says that they lied
in claiming they tried
to calmly induce his submission.
He says when he tried to stand up,
they knocked him right back on his butt,
Like thugs in Havana,
they trampled his camera
and kept him from getting back
© 2000 ---Inspired by 06-09-00
Sun-Sentinal news report. (du20000610-01)
We seize you! .(a limerick) (du20000605-01)
The agents who seized young Gonzales
have said it was no big tamale
So gentle they were,
you heard the cat purr,
and everyone loved the
© 2000 ---Inspired by: 06-05-00 news reports of INS Agent's versions of events
during seizure of Elian.
A vict'ry for fathers in general ... but not for one
ruled by a general (a limerick) (du20000601-01)
Today's win for Miguel Gonzales
in one
way's a vic'try for fathers.
The ruling on Elian
helps fathers in general
and seems
to help Miguel Gonzales.
But under the laws of Fidel,
such rights are not treated
so well,
And realists know
as soon as Juan goes
to Cuba those rights are Fidel's.
That Juan won't or can't demand rights ...
is not the worst thing from this fight,
'Cause what is most sad
is Elian's dad
wants brainwashing for his young tyke.
With techniques overt and subliminal,
his brainwashing's
much more than minimal.
Surely by now,
he's had to learn how ...
to think his real mom was a criminal.
In olden days we'd not rejoice ...
finding we just had one choice:
To send a young lad
back home with a dad
who'd make him a brown-shirted voice.
© 2000
Announcement/Thank-You from creators of video parody of Elian's seizure::.(du20000519-01)
Looks like we won! The AP officially said they will not come after us if we put the Elian video back up on our site, SO WE DID! We've also got
some other new stuff going on there, so check it out at: http://www.sixsite.com/bonrop. thanks again for the support! --sean & chris"
Reprise of our
Daily Update
mocking the AP & supporting the parody:
APocrisy On Parade
(AP Hypocrisy) (a limerick)
The AP is eager to preach
the value of having free speech
Except when a speaker
or parody tweaker
incorporates pics from AP
One need not know science for rockets
to know the AP makes its profits
Selling its pictures
of folks in dire strictures
without paying them any
So why should AP get upset
and recklessly make foolish threats
at Lathrop and Bonner
whose parody genre
used pics of young Elian's
If you want the AP to hear
your views then just simply
click here**.
They need to learn
they're way out of turn
instilling those comics with fear.
And if you're inclined to support
good parody as a safe sport
Tell Lathrop and Bonner,
"Continue your genre"
by mocking those dumb
AP dorks
© 2000 Inspired by
the Associated Press's ridiculous reaction to Lathrop and Bonner using the AP's
Elian-at-gunpoint picture to make a video parody of the scene.,
which they call "elian, true
... aka stormtroopers, true." For more
information about this controversy and to learn how/where to contact Lathrop and
Bonner and/or the AP regarding this matter, click
here. (**That
link is no longer active)
Knock, knock. Who's
there? Reno! Reno
Renovate your house!.
(limericks) (du20000426-01)
From Thanksgiving Day Ninety-Nine
until the next April was fine
For Castro to say,
"Miguel, stay away"
from going to see Elian
When finally he let Juan come here,
then heard the guy with the beard
Suddenly say
there should be no delay
so Juan could stop shedding his tears
Then twenty days later near dawn,
Ms. Reno conversed on the phone
With friends she had asked
to help in the task
of bridging the gap for Elian
And though Reno heard her friends say
"A deal is just minutes away,"
She made the blooper
of sending storm troopers
to carry the poor kid away
© 2000
What would a loving dad do?
(a limerick)(du20000419-02)
Since the court ruled late today,
we heard Juan Miguel's lawyer say
It's terribly bad
for this loving dad
to wait for his son one more day.
As one who's a dad I must say,
I don't understand the dad's ways
'Cause if I were Juan
I'd have long ago gone
to comfort my son right away
© 2000
What's best for Elian:
Grief-counseling a must?
or "Cuba or
bust"? (a limerick
When kids see a death, you can trust ...
that libs say grief-couns'ling's a must
But for the boy found
who saw his mom drown,
they only say "Cuba or
© 2000
Updated Broadway play soon to become a big hit in Cuba:
My Fair Elian (du20000410-01)
Fidel: The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain
Fidel: I think he's got it! By Che, he's
got it!
Fidel: Your rel-a-tives in Flor-i-da are pi-igs!
Elian: My
rel-a-tives in Flor-i-da are pi-igs
Fidel: I think he's got it! By Che, he's
got it!
Fidel: Your mo-ther was a crim-i-nal to flee-ee!
Elian: My mo-ther
was a crim-i-nal to flee-ee!
Fidel: I think he's got it! By Che, he's
got it!
© 2000
A rhyming wish for Elian
and his dad,
stepmother and half-brother
(a limerick du20000406-02)
The folks who are rooting for Elian
are hoping his Dad seeks asylum
His Daddy is here
but seems full of fear,
which we hope he'll soon overcome
Waiting for Gonzales.
(a limerick) (du20000404-10)
Last year on Thanksgiving Day,
the father of Elian did say
Without any fear
to relatives here,
take care of young Elian, okay?
But then Cuba's tyrant demanded
that back to him Elian be handed.
The relatives here,
who sensed the dad's fear,
rejected what Castro demanded.
So now we are waiting to see
if Elian's dad can be free
To say what is best
without fear of threats
from Castro's self-serving decrees.
© 2000
Prominent law-breaker urges
others --
Obey law re Elian Gonzales. (du20000329-01)
To those helping Elian Gonzales,
Bill Clinton proclaimed, "Don't be
Of course that is right,
but in his own
he knowingly testified falsely
© 2000
Elian's Father Still Hiding Behind Grandmas' Dresses
(du 2000-01-26)
On Elian, O'Reilly is right
to offer his father a flight.
As soon as he could,
a good father would
come here notwithstanding his
© 2000
Granny Behaves Like a Brother (Big Brother) (du
I must say it boggles my mind
that grannies could
spend all their time
Setting conditions
belying their mission
to comfort young Elian's mind
© 2000
What would a good daddy do?
(du 2000-01-21)
A good daddy's love for his son
is stronger than fear of a gun
That's why it's sad
that Elian's dad
won't come here to pick up his son
A good dad would get off his fanny,
but Elian's dad has sent Grannies
And how did they act?
They met bureaucrats
instead of the boy in Miami
© 2000
What would a good dad do?
(du 2000-01-15)
We all want the best for young Elian
whose mother has given him freedom.
But how could his father
reject every offer
for him to come here for his
© 2000