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Daily Updates.©2000
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Daily Updates for May, 2000:.
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contains Daily Updates for May, 2000.
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2000-05-31 Daily Update-02
© 2000
Fruit can fall far from the tree (a
We think that how true it must be ...
fruit can't fall far from the tree,
And so it astounds
when fruit can be found
that fell far away from its tree.
Remember ole anti-gun Rowan,
who practiced illegal gun-totin'?
His son saw the light:
gun-owning's a right
for personal defense--
not just sportin' .
A speech by the son caused confusion
and news about Senior's conversion,
but Senior explained
that he hadn't changed--
the words were his son's
© 2000 (Inspiration: Inside
the Beltway column by John McCaslin on 05-31-00.)
2000-05-31 Daily Update-01 © 2000
The Whistle-Blowers' Lament.
(A limerick inspired by a 05-30-00
report by FoxNews that Broadderick is the 4th person to be audited by the
IRS after having said Clinton made sexual advances.)
What Broadderick, Jones, Flow'rs and Gracen
have suffered in common's amazing:
They all said that sex
is what Bill expects,
then all suffered I.R.S.
© 2000
2000-05-30 Daily Update-01 © 2000
(new, improved version over original version earlier today)
Thomas Crapper's invention paves way for new-century,
renewable-energy source.
A limerick inspired by a 05-29-00
BBC report about scientists' discovery of a way to convert human waste into
fossil fuel:
Thank goodness for high-tech improvements
to counter the Mother-Earth Movement
So we can eschew
those S-U-V blues
and end pantheistic denouement.
A quite-recent high-tech advance
will counter the Earth-Day demands ...
That now it's our fate
to cut driving rates
by walking on feet and on hands.
A fuel from human-waste boiling
will supersede gassing and oiling.
A thing that might foil-it
or otherwise spoil-it:
the driver's seat
must be a toilet.
Of course this creates a behoovement
that car-comp'nies strive for improvement,
But there is good news
'cause when this is used,
you get fifty-miles to the
© 2000
Original, unimproved version earlier today:
Thank goodness for high-tech advances
to counter those Mother-Earth wackies
Again science proves
fanatics can't use
the S-U-V drivers as lackeys
A quite recent high-tech advance
will counter the
Earth-Day demands ...
For us not to wait
to cut driving rates
by walking on feet and on hands.
A fuel from human-waste boiling
will supersede gassing and oiling
One thing might foil-it
or otherwise spoil-it:
the car needs a drivers'-seat toilet
© 2000
2000-05-29 Daily Update-01 © 2000
Memorial Day (a limerick)
Today is Memorial Day,
and so we should solemnly pay
Our tribute to those
now buried in rows
for us to have freedom today.
2000-05-28 Daily Update-01 © 2000
The Million Mom "Martyrs" (a
I tire of the Million-Mom wail
that life is a stressful travail.
They seem to not know
their ancestors' woes
like those on the Oregon Trail.
If they had been moms long ago,
when husbands proclaimed,
"Westward Ho,"
They would've said "No !
We ain't gonna go
until we ban arrows and bows."
© 2000
2000-05-27 Daily Update-01 © 2000
Dubya's Nuke-Killer Bazookas. (a limerick)
We like Dubya's verbal bazookas
promoting defense with great hoopla,
But like some on farms
describing "The Bomb,"
he seems to prefer to
say noo-keh-ler.
And 'though Gore has said things much goofier,
I wish Bush would learn to say
But he ain't alone
'cause media drones
can sometimes be heard to say noo-keh-ler.
© 2000
2000-05-26 Daily
© 2000
Rosie O'Donnell shoots from the
(a limerick) (inspiration**)
'Though Rosie O'Donnell
that all private handguns be
banned ...
Despite all her
she want to have hers
nearby in her bodyguard's
© 2000
is a term I coined to describe a currently "hip" form of hypocrisy by
those with influence in the MediOcracy,
which is a term I coined to describe our CelebOcracy,
another term I coined to define a society controlled by the power of celebrity--
i.e., it's the same as a plutocracy, except that the source of power is
celebrity rather than wealth (or accomplishments), and it's similar to EmotOcracy,
another term I coined to define a society governed by emotions rather than sober
reasoning. Jim Wrenn, editor at polisat.com.
2000 **Limerick
inspired by 05-25-00
article in the Stamford Advocate about Rosie's bodyguard's application for a permit to carry a
concealed weapon just a few days after Rosie's speech to the
so-called "Million Mom March" demonizing people who object to
restrictions on their rights to own and bear firearms for self-protection.
2000-05-25 Daily Update-02
© 2000
Rodeo Reform: Asses
for Asses, Bust for Bust (bronco
busting--get it?) (limericks**)
The PeTA crowd says that Wyoming
should promptly embark on atoning
'Cause its license plates
show animal-hate:
A cowboy and bronc rodeo-ing
So Wyoming's Gov'nor should
"I'd bring PeTA folks to our state,
And substitute them
for animal friends,
but they look the same from both
© 2000
by 05-25-00 Washington Times story about PeTA's demand that Wyoming stop using its
license-plate depiction of a cowboy riding a bronco.)
2000-05-25 Daily Update-01
© 2000
Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire
(a limerick)
The charge against Tripp was about ....
revenge by the pro-Clinton crowd.
But judges aspire
to disbelieve liars,
so Monica's words were thrown out.
Lewinsky just can't be
without other proof of her deeds.
The judge was quite wise
in knowing she lies
whenever it suits her own needs.
This ruling provides a good map
when Bill tries to beat the Bar rap.
The things we now know
so clearly do show
he won't tell the truth 'til he's
© 2000
2000-05-24 Daily Update-01 © 2000
Economic Power Shortens
Tyranny's Hour (a limerick)
The folks who opposed trade with China
until it gets gentler and kinder
Do not seem to know
what makes freedom grow
because they see hist'ry with
Forget such political fodder;
then study the ole Magna Carter.
What was the thing
that made England's King
think yielding some power was
It wasn't his longing to nurse
new freedoms for better or worse.
He chose to agree
because he could see
how strong was the pow'r of the purse.
But those against trade still
have fear,
'cause freedom was long getting here.
Of course, we all know,
back then things were slow,
so progress took hundreds of
But now there are phones and computers
to help them resist the storm troopers
In this modern time,
it won't take much time
for tyranny's rule to be neutered
© 2000
2000-05-23 Daily Update-01
© 2000
Disbarment is Par for Lies
at the Bar (a limerick)
For acting in court like a hooligan,
Slick Willie demands just a Mulligan.
Ain't it amazin' that
Bubba's so brazen
when he thinks the polls have him
He claims that disbarment's
too harsh
'cause foes were just too dumb to parse
The words that he used
in his clever ruse
to hide what he did with his parts.
But lawyers in ole Arkansas
say Clinton should now be disbarred.
Of course he will dare
to say "It ain't fair
! ...
A censure for sex-lies is par !"
But he never gave it such
when he signed the sex-offense laws.
He was quite glad
to force other dads
to say what they did with their paws.
But when it was Bill's turn to say ...
the truth about his escapades,
he simply told lies
and furthermore tried
to make others join his charade.
Because he signed laws that
defendants to say what transpired
and then plainly lied
defending his side,
he's not just a face-saving liar.
When his country's votes he was given,
he should have made honor his mission.
So we should expect
that more we should get
from those to whom more has been given.
When those who receive
special trust
just treat it as license for lust
and then try to hide
in curtains of lies,
disbarment is really a must !
At least Nixon, Colson and Dean
had honor enough to come clean.
But Bill Clinton still
denies his own guilt
and thinks polls have wiped his
slate clean.
Because he is still so
and shows no remorse for his lyin'
Justice must say
disbarment's the way
to deal with his false testifyin'.
© 2000
2000-05-22 Daily Update-01
© 2000
Million Mom March:
Militant Passivism*
by the Passivopians**
(a limerick)
A quite contradictory vision
is militants for
They quite loudly say
in their strident way,
"Let's passively trust
gov'ment's wisdom." © 2000
(not to be confused with
pacifism) is a term I coined to define those who militantly advocate passage of
new laws and/or implementation of government programs calculated to require
citizens to passively rely upon government to apply its infinite wisdom to do
what's good for them and everyone else whether they like it or not-- Jim Wrenn,
© 2000
is a term I coined to describe those who militantly advocate that they and
everyone else passively rely upon what is in essence a naive, utopian belief
that good citizens should passively rely upon the wisdom and power of government
to do what it, in its infinite wisdom, deems best for them-- Jim Wrenn,
© 2000
2000-05-21 Daily Update-01
© 2000
Will Majordomos Demonize
Lazio? (a limerick)
Who was it on all Sunday shows?
Of course it was Rick Lazio.
Those in the know
have picked Lazio,
who now needs to raise tons of dough.
The experts say he'll have the dough
so his name by all will be known
And then the nice guy
will be demonized
by Hillary's majordomos.
© 2000
2000-05-20 Daily Update-01
© 2000
Here comes Lazio
(a limerick)
Of Lazio we know quite little
except that he's been second-fiddle
But in the big game,
the starter went lame,
so second-string must show his metal
© 2000
2000-05-19 Daily Update-02
© 2000
Rudy has Class
(a limerick)
In telling us why he must pass,
Giuliani has shown us real class
We wish him well
in fixing his health,
and hope he recovers quite fast
© 2000
2000-05-19 Daily Update-01
© 2000
Announcement/Thank-You from creators of video parody of Elian's seizure:
Looks like we won! The AP officially said they will not come after us if we put the Elian video back up on our site, SO WE DID! We've also got
some other new stuff going on there, so check it out at: http://www.sixsite.com/bonrop. thanks again for the support! --sean & chris
Reprise of our
Daily Update
mocking the AP & supporting the parody:
APocrisy On Parade
(AP Hypocrisy) (a limerick)
The AP is eager to preach
the value of having free speech
Except when a speaker
or parody tweaker
incorporates pics from AP
One need not know science for rockets
to know the AP makes its profits
Selling its pictures
of folks in dire strictures
without paying them any
So why should AP get upset
and recklessly make foolish threats
at Lathrop and Bonner
whose parody genre
used pics of young Elian's
If you want the AP to hear
your views then just simply
click here**.
They need to learn
they're way out of turn
instilling those comics with fear.
And if you're inclined to support
good parody as a safe sport,
tell Lathrop and Bonner,
"Continue your genre"
by mocking those dumb
AP dorks
© 2000 (Inspired by
the Associated Press's ridiculous reaction to Lathrop and Bonner using the AP's
Elian-at-gunpoint picture to make a video parody of the scene.,
which they call "elian, true
... aka stormtroopers, true." For more
information about this controversy and to learn how/where to contact Lathrop and
Bonner and/or the AP regarding this matter, click
here. (**That
link is no longer active)
2000-05-18 Daily Update-01 © 2000
Professorial Pretense
Weakens National Defense (a limerick)
Since making our whole military
a force that is just voluntary,
Those who would never
attempt such endeavor
would use them like miners' canaries
Of course risk is part of the job
with danger to life, limb and bod'
But those who won't serve
still muster the nerve
to use them for social jihads.
As orders get taller and taller,
our forces get smaller and smaller.
It's too sad to laugh,
'cause absent a draft,
our forces quite soon will be
How can we alter this trend
in light of the risks it portends?
Renewing the draft
will soon be the path
to have an effective defense
A draft would impose common-sense
on do-gooders' tough-guy pretense.
That would be good
'cause ev'ry man should
learn how to be part of defense
If ev'ry man had to pay dues
by having to face draftee blues
Many would lose
their do-gooder views
by walking in battlefield shoes
© 2000
2000-05-17 Daily Update-01
© 2000
Health Gestapo Wrong Again
(a limerick)
Most folks don't take time to ponder
in listening health-nut fear-mongers
If things are so bad,
then how come we've had
our lifetimes get longer and
For more than two decades we're told
that Saccharin won't let us get old.
But now they
it hurts not a whit,
so never-mind things we were told.
© 2000 (Inspired by
about saccharin.)
2000-05-16 Daily Update-01
No Update.
Renovation gliches.
2000-05-15 Daily Update-01
© 2000
No update.
Renovation gliches.
2000-05-14 Daily Update-01
© 2000
Moms Against Guns--
Eclipsed by Activism
(a Mother's Day limerick)
The moms-against-guns claim statistics
are proof we need anti-gun fixes
Their glib use of stats
obscures the real facts
about which they're cleverly picky
As part of their mantra they say ...
that "thirteen kids die ev'ry day,
Because there are not
enough trigger-locks ... "
as if that's the
accident rate.
But all but a few of those deaths
are products of criminal quests
And crime-deaths are not
prevented by locks
'cause thugs don't make safety their
The accident rate they don't say--
It's less than one every four days
Of course that is bad,
but what is more sad?
air-bags killed
one-fifty-eight !
And why did those air-bag deaths happen?
The gov'ment required us to have 'em !
And how did we lose
the freedom to choose
our own way to have self-protection?
It started with such good intentions
soon after the seat-belt's invention
Some wouldn't choose
their seat-belts to use,
so then we got air-bag mandation.
Like those who presumed air-bags best,
the anti-gun moms won't confess
That really their goal
is that we be told
just how we should care for ourselves
Those anti-gun moms love statistics ...
except those that show they're complicit:
Few kids do crime
with mothers full-time
unlike those whose moms are
And since very few kids do crimes
when raised by their mothers full-time
More could be saved
if more moms would say
"I'll put my kids first all the
It's clear that such one simple choice
by more moms to heed nature's voice
Would save far more lives
than all the things tried
since day-care became their
first choice.
The much lower rate of youth crime
was when most moms mothered full-time
All children thirst
to have Mama first
instead of just "quality" time
I'm thankful my wife said to me:
"A mother full-time I will be."
And she had no fear
to quit her career
so she could fulfill our kids' needs.
And so to those mothers whose voice
is loudest in favor of choice
I recommend
the place to begin
is listening to nature's own voice.
If follower-moms would just stop
behaving like sheep in a flock
They won't need to guess
to know what is best
to help their kids get to the top.
The number of kids this would save
would vastly exceed their parade
More would receive
the love that they need
and fewer would go to their graves.
Of course moms aren't solely to blame
'cause fathers
deserve lots of blame
Many beget
and then just forget
and leave their poor offspring in shame.
Too many lasses and lads
have fathers but never have dads
They just plant their seed,
then gutlessly leave
their kids to be lonely and sad.
The view we must bring back again
is no-wedlock births are
a shame.
To fight the good fight,
admit Quayle was right,
and never mock daddies again.
© 2000
2000-05-13 Daily Update-01
© 2000
A vast left-wing
conspiracy? (a limerick)
We should not condone infidelity
in fam'lies with children especially
A wife being kooky
can't justify Rudy
engaging in such infidelity
But also one cannot ignore
her kooky behavior galore
Like statements she made
at Cardinal John's wake
right at the cathedral's front
And who's the producer who signed-her
to speak "Monologues" of
It's said by reporters
that Hill'ry's supporters
decided the star should be
And so we can't help but
that Hill'ry, whose home is a wreck,
Used her campaign
to give Donna fame,
then hang her around Rudy's neck.
Is this a conspiracy thing?
Does it have truth in its ring?
It's surely no worse
than Hill'ry's own words:
"Conspiracy by the Right Wing"
© 2000
2000-05-12 Daily Update-01
© 2000
Pantheopians attack
EssYuVeeans (a limerick)
To please all the pantheopians*
the Ford Motor Comp'ny sang paeans
To say it ain't right
that SUV's height
hurts cars that are made for plebians
Of course those who buy SUV's
are looking for safety, you see--
so they won't be crushed
by much bigger trucks
or those with those big 18 wheels.
But if SUV's are made weaker
so risks to their riders are bleaker
Then sales will go up for
for customized trucks
for those who still value their
Then pantheopians will say:
now must find some other way."
So they will opine
it should be a crime
to use trucks in non-business ways.
© 2000 (See 05-12-00 FoxNews story
about Ford's mea culpa)
Term coined by editor to describe the activist philosophy of those exhibiting a
worship of nature (pantheism) with the zealotry of utopians.
2000-05-11 Daily Update-01
© 2000
Elian's Fate:
Tyranny in parental clothing.
Fidel claims to speak with transparence
in saying that Elian's grandparents
are free to come here
to give Elian cheer,
so why hasn't State given clearance?
But part of Fidel's claims
don't click:
he numbers grandparents at six.
Since Elian has four,
who are the two more?
The parents of step-mom make six.
Of course State should let them all in;
however, we should not pretend
That he'll find it easy
to make Miguel queasy
about his wife's siblings, my friend.
It's clear we cannot
conditions to make Miguel free
For him to select
his right to defect
'cause Castro holds aces, you see?
So, what does that leave as our choice?
We're bound by Miguel's timid
If he just won't say
that here he will stay
then we must be bound by his choice
In taking his word in the
we surely should not just pretend
That we gave safe harbor
to rights of a father
instead of the tyrant, my friend.
© 2000
(See Reuters/Yahoo
story on 05-10-00)
2000-05-10 Daily Update-01
© 2000
More Gore Lore
(a limerick)
Yesterday, Gore laid a bomb
with typically reckless aplomb
He tried to imply
Dubya's such a dumb guy
to call Bosniacs
So often Al Gore makes
without having read his own tracts
And he would be sad
to learn that he has
"Bosnians" not "Bosniacs"
© 2000 (Source to be revealed
after affording Gore a chance to deny he said "Bosnians")
2000-05-09 Daily Update-01
© 2000
Clintonian Maps by
Government Saps (a limerick)
For Slick Willie's "School Reform Tour"
portrayed as the good-deed
Their map to explain
the trip put the name
"Kentucky" on-the state of
Al Gore
The White House was surely displeased
at what seemed to be a reprise
When mapping done wrong
had led us to bomb
the embassy of the Chinese
© 2000 --See story on
White House map for Clinton's "School Reform Tour" (Drudge
2000-05-08 Daily Update-01.
© 2000
Mother (in-law) of All
Mothers (in-law) meets Legacy of All Legacies.(a
Clintonian limerick)
As soon as my second term ends,
I'll suffer political bends.
For me, decompression
means practice deception
and learn some new means to my
So where will I go to hit
I'll stay with my dear Mamma Rodham,
and Hill'ry will be
so glad to see me
stuck under
the thumb of that woman.
It's sure to be pleasing to Hillary
to know by her mom I'd be pilloried
If she suspects
I'm out getting sex
instead of just dreaming of Hill'ry
But I needn't worry 'cause
her hearing is not high-fidelity
When she asks about
the times I go out,
I'll say I'm pursuing a leg-I-see.
© 2000 (See 05-08-00 reports
by Fox News
and Reuters
that Clinton says that after leaving office, he'll live with his
mother-in-law in Little Rock while working on his Presidential Library)
2000-05-07 Daily Update-01
© 2000.
Child Care:
Yuppie Version of Pet Care
(a limerick)
(Can you say
"taxpayer funded"? -- Better yet, can you say "Hillary
I'm tired of the whining and frets
by couples who have kids as pets.
The proper child care's
a Mom who is there--
not someone who's paid to hear
Too many women fall
to the outlandlish notion that they
must have a career to satisfy peers
and leave kids with strangers all day.
Why do career gals suppose
that others should pay through the nose
So they can pay less
for care they think best
so they can keep up with the
My boys were quite
lucky guys
as apples of their Mama's eyes.
She had a career
but quit without fear
to be Mom for her special guys.
She could have preferred a career
and sent them to child-care to rear,
but she knew it best
that we all have less
for them to have more of her near.
Should one-income
couples pay more
in taxes for child-care galore ...
So two-income fam'lies
can sample life's candies
and pay less for child-caring
Of course the right answer is "No."
So who does that leave-- Do you
Those two-income fam'lies
and grandads and grannies--
and college-kid's
parents-- but whoa !
All in those groups
will say "No,
we just can't afford to pay mo' ."
Who, then, is left
to be made bereft
for yuppies to keep up their show?
Who should be brought to their knees
to pay for such big-spending sprees?
Don't tax me,
and don't tax thee,
tax that guy behind the tree.
© 2000 (except last 3 lines)
(Reprise from http://polisat.com/dua000229.htm#20000206-03)
(Poetic License since New
Millennium starts 01-01-2001 and did not
start on 01-01-2000)
2000-05-06 Daily Update-01 © 2000
Closing the "Digital Divide"
(a limerick)
Since Clinton and Gore now decry
a digital high-tech divide
Isn't it great
that workers at State
now leave all their doors open wide?
Others in need just can't wait
to get their new
laptops from State.
They''ll get in line
and say "This one's mine"
then "Thanks"
as they run for the gate.
© 2000
2000-05-05 Daily Update-03
© 2000
Judge in Linda Tripp case limits
Monica's testimony
(a limerick re ruling
on 05/05/00)
The judge in the case against Tripp
has almost shut Monica's lips
Judges have skills
much better than Bill's
'cause they don't just shoot from the
© 2000
2000-05-05 Daily Update-02
© 2000
Disbarment-- Colson, Dean and Clinton
(a limerick)
During the Watergate scandals,
disbarments were quite promptly handled
Even by those
who weren't Nixon's foes,
'cause justice should be even-handed
Solely on John Dean's admission
of making
deception his mission
Virginia revoked
his license, which spoke
quite loudly against such commission
When Colson made one guilty plea
for harming a foe with a leak
Virginia's Court said,
"Your license is dead"
within just a very few
So why are they locking their jaws
down there in ole Arkansas?
Surely Bill Clinton''s
belated admissions
are grounds for his being disbarred
But there is a difference, you see,
'cause unlike Chuck Colson and Dean
Clinton's great fame
is having no shame--
he just lacks the guts to come
© 2000
2000-05-05 Daily Update-01
© 2000
Mike, the Confessor
(a limerick)
Yesterday, Fox's O'Reilly
questioned Mike Wallace quite spryly...
seeking to know
why Wallace's show
ignored Hill'ry's myst'ries entirely
At first, Wallace echoed the
choir: .
"Such 'old news' has lost all its fire."
But when he was pressed,
Mike Wallace confessed
that ev'ryone knows she's a liar.
And then Mike confessed it is true,
that Hill'ry should be interviewed
But then in a ruse,
he made the excuse
that she's too estranged from the truth.
But when did Mike Wallace get tired
trying to show who's a liar?
For so many years,
it's been his career--
exposing folks trapped in such mire.
© 2000
2000-05-04 Daily Update-01
© 2000
Don't tax me; Don't tax thee;
Tax those
folks on drinking sprees (a limerick)
(Inspired by CDC
claim that raising beer-tax would
reduce the spread of sexually-transmitted disease)
Since we've destroyed Big Tobacco,
Big Beer is now next to be whackoed
Too many guys
spread too many thighs
when taxes on beer are just so-so.
If guys couldn't get their gals drunk,
their sex-lives would be like a monk's
So what's the "Rx"
for stopping drunk sex?
It's taxes, but who
would have thunk?
Thank goodness for such expertise,
and who is the source? CDC !
Their subjects were bores,
who only could score
with gals who were too drunk to
But will higher taxes reduce
the use of
six-packs to seduce?
Probably not
'cause prices will drop
or guys will find gals who are loose.
© 2000
2000-05-03 Daily Update-01
© 2000
National Anxiety Disorders Screening
Nanny government to the rescue .
(A limerick inspired by a
news story on 05-01-00).
Today we screen border-to-border
for National Anxiety Disorders
We sit on our fannies
while government nannies
suggest that we self-reconnoiter.
Such do-gooders think we are dopes
need help from them just to cope
Too many folks
are wearing such yokes
down victimhood's slippery slope.
To those who think modern life's tough,
I say you just lack the right stuff
Our predecessors
were good self-assessors
who didn't have time for such fluff.
By thinking we're mentally ill,
prophesy will be fulfilled.
We become sheep,
the land of the weak,
who just cannot cope without frills.
© 2000
2000-05-02 Daily Update-01
© 2000.
Clinton's expertise on teens...
(a limerick)
A Teen Conference held at the White House
to tell us what teens are about
Hosted by Hill'ry
presented Slick Willie
to tell us the ins and the outs
© 2000
2000-05-01 Daily Update-01
© 2000
Reflections on the White House
Correspondents' Dinner (04-29-00). (a
At dinner with those correspondents
whose White House connections are prominent
Clinton displayed
the way that he plays
reporters like musical instruments
© 2000
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