
The Gorbel's Cube is interloper at ThePeoplesCubeProfile/All-Posts  
Some:  1st--EarthHour   GAIA HAT.   Maximum Leader's Birthday 


Some Gorbel's Cube's posts are below.  The rest are at ThePeoplesCube.Com.


For updates, take leisurely scroll down past the inaugural section below (or click update-entries by date immediately below) for updates here:

April 4, 2008 Update; April 5, 2008 Update.



I am Gorbel, inventor of Gorbel's Cube, not to mention the Internet, the GoreMobile, The Green Curtain and more.  I am also the official translator of The Da Gorgle Code and am Midwife MidPerson to Mother Earth, affectionately known as Gaia (Pronounced "Guy-yuh" not "Gay-uh")

Al Gore, now officially known as Gorbel, invents Gorbel's cube to save Mother Earth from harsh rays of capitalism.·

Since this is Gorbel's inaugural appearance in The Gorbel's Cube Within The People's Cube, a brief biographical sketch is in order:

Of course by now everyone knows not only that Al Gore won the Nobel Prize for trying to save Mother Earth from being groped by Capitalist trying to get her "hot."  Indeed, soon after Gore won the Nobel Prize, even the evil, planet-plundering George W. Bush invited him to the White House to prove he was finally prepared to stop Global Warming.

But few people know about what is probably Gore's greatest invention:  The Al Gore Mobile, popularly known as the GoreMobile.  If only the greedy oil companies would recognize how much the country could benefit from everyone converting to the GoreMobile, which runs on a virtually inexhaustible fuel supply that would make oil obsolete ...

Many people think they know Gore's early history, but they don't.  Few know that like Superman, he had a secret identity for most of his life until someone spilled the beans in the box-office-hit movie, "The Da Gorgle Code", a prequel to the Academy-Award winning, Nobel-Prize winning "Inconvenient Truth."

How the Presidency was Stolen from Al Gore:


But the theft of the Presidency was not the beginning of the mistreatment of Gore.  Remember back during Campaign 2000 when Gore's role as an environmentally responsible landlord was maliciously attacked?  Remember those "Fox News" reports in June, 2000, about Gore's tenants complaining about plumbing problems?  So grossly exaggerated!  Here's what Gore wrote at the time to set the record straight:

    Some bad news has come to the fore 
    disputing that I'm a Green Gore
    But clearly it's false 
    to say it's my fault 
    or that I don't care for the poor.

    My tenants have called me slum-Goring 
    and claim I invented slum-lording
    They claim I don't care 
    and don't do repair 
    'cause rent-money I have been hording.

    I swear that I just didn't know 
    that each time my tenants would "go,"
    They suffered in slush 
    'cause after each flush, 
    the toilet would soon overflow.

    And then as though that ain't enough, 
    the cleanup was always so tough,
    'Cause when they got up 
    to clean up the muck, 
    they found that the sink had backed up.

    When E-P-A checked-out the lumps, 
    and OSHA examined their rumps,
    The experts opined 
    that I should be fined 
    for causing such hazardous dumps.  

    The victim is me, Albert Gore--
    Just look what they did to my floor
    when after each dump
    they'd step in a clump
    and leave carbon footprints galore.

Perhaps Gore's greatest frustration as a savior of the people and the planet that his groundbreaking effort to restore civility and rational discourse to our political debate has failed to reach the minds of the Rabid Right Wing.










Al Gore wages war of words for lights out not merely Earth Hour against "flat Earth" skeptics about Global Warming.·

By Jim Wrenn, 
Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
April 5, 2008--

            In the wake of the success of "Lights Out" during "Earth Hour" on March 29, 2008, fierce debate rages within the top echelons of at The Gorbels Cube·ºº over how long the DOOMERS·ºª serving as research specialists in ACME Science·ªª  in academia's high-tech-research subsidiaries of the UN-IPCC as well as PAR Reporters·ªº in the SCMS Media·º¹ can prevent the proletariat from being persuaded by heretics who dare dispute the WHAM-BAM METHANE·º² theory of "Climate Change" revealed to the world by GAIA HOME·º³·  Some within the Progressive Politburo fear growing numbers in the proletariat confronted with even newer manifestations of long-available evidence of factors controlling major, long-term climate change as being forces of nature beyond the control of humans may begin to doubt GAIA HOME's WHAM-BAM METHANE theory.  

            Others Progressive Politburo members remain confident the skills of DOOMERS applying their ACME Science skills to quickly generate "countervailing" arguments with an imprimatur of science to "negate" such evidence as well as the skills of the PAR Reporters in the SCMS Media to promptly "report" the new "findings" by ACME Science will enable the Progressive Movement to keep the proletariat content with "lights out."

            Also, to help discredit scientific skeptics, GAIA HOME has embarked on a campaign to label them as believers that Mother Earth is "flat."   Gorbel's latest internet "ad" to de-bunk the "Mother Earth Is Flat" heresy helps reinforce PAR Reporters' identification of skeptics as Environmental Heretics.  Indeed, there are reports that Gore has, or has control over as much as a $300,000,000 budget to wage a relentless campaign against skeptics and in favor of his WHAM-BAM METHANE theory.  (Regarding the $300,000,000, watch the recent interview of Gore by Leslie Stahl on "60 Minutes, the link for which near the end of the paragraph below near the video of an excerpt from that same interview.)

            Additionally, high-profile PAR Reporters, role-playing as "investigative reporters" on "hard-hitting news programs" such as "60 Minutes" have been quite helpful in conveying GAIA HOME's assertion that the only people who deny that WHAM-BAM METHANE is scientifically conclusive are those who believe Mother Earth is "flat."  

            For example, in a recent, "hard-hitting" interview of Al Gore on "60 Minutes" as the world's leading expert on "Global Warming," when PAR Reporter Leslie Stahl, role-playing as a scientifically literate "investigative" reporter, "set the table" for Gore to caricature those who disbelieve his theory as being like those who still believe Mother Earth is "flat," he only " skeptic" she identified was "Dick Cheney" after feigning an "I'm searching my memory" expression.  (Of course she knew there are numerous, highly reputable scientists who are skeptical, so say the least, but proving her metal as a good PAR Reporter, she discreetly avoided naming or describing any skeptic othe than Dick Cheney.  For this, she deserves the Order of Gorbel Medal.)  (To view other aspects of Stahl's prolonged wet kisses to Al, go here, and here.)     (Note:  Please excuse the unprogressive description of Stahl's kiss to Gore as having been "wet."  Mother Earth would not approve.  On the other hand, Truth is Truth.)


.            After listening to these portions of that interview in which Gore makes an impassioned plea for reason and rational debate in politics, watch the video to the right to view an example of Gore at his reasonable best in one of his most spell-binding pleas for rational discourse in politics.  It's certainly deserving of a Nobel Prize in Political Discourse.  

            Fortunately for the Progressive Movement, those are not the only examples of invaluable assistance from PAR Reporters in the SCMS Media.  For another example, the recent "report" of "findings" (linked above) that a "10% reduction" in Iceland's "icecap" over the last 100 years has taken so much weight off Mother Earth as a result of "Global Warming" that powerful volcanic material beneath Iceland has thereby been able to "push up" the land as a prelude to catastrophic volcanic activity.  Could this be an example of deducing that a patient is sick because he's in bed?  Of course not according to ACME Science, which, to the good fortune of the Progressive Movement, distracts the proletariat from asking:

"Couldn't increased upward pressure and movement of magma below Iceland cause a modest amount of heat to radiate upward (they may remember that "old" science taught them that heat rises) and thereby contribute to 'melting' of the 'icecap' as an effect of what is a prelude to future volcanic activity?"  

            Reports such as the one linked above are invaluable in making any member of the proletariat scientifically literate enough to ask that question feel embarrassed as though he had asked, "Is the patient in bed because he's sick?"  However, a potentially glaring flaw in the Global-Warming-causes-volcanic-activity argument sent the ACME Science researchers into computer-modeling overdrive to counter the flaw before a smart proletarian puts two and two together.  What's the flaw?  It can be told now that ACME Science has a counter-argument to be published by PAR Reporters as new "findings" that "reinforce" GAIA HOME's WHAM-BAM METHANE theory.  First, the flaw, then the counter argument:

Flaw in Theory of Global Warming Causing Volcanic Activity By Melting of Glaciers And Thereby Reducing Downward Pressure on Magma:  

The land at Yellowstone Park has been rising and warming substantially over the last 100 years, but there has not been any glacier on Yellowstone Park for many, many thousands of years.  So, it's impossible to blame the volcanic prelude in Yellowstone on the "melting" of glaciers by "Global Warming."  Instead, it's beyond dispute that steady increases in upward pressure from magma beneath the Park is causing such heating and rising without any "melting of a glacier" to "reduce the weight" and downward gravitational pressure against the rising magma..

Counter-Argument to Flaw in Global-Warming-Causes-Volcanism  theory:

The capitalist history books have falsely taught gullible American students that there has not been a glacier over YellowStone Park for many thousands of years, but we know from the folklore of the descendants of the Post-Pangean/Pre-Columbian Natives of The Land Far North of Aztland (i.e. what the Dead European Plunderers called "Wyoming" as they carried westward their obscene concept of "property") that the Great Spirit had kept a huge glacier right on top of Yellowstone to keep pressure on the magma chamber to prevent an eruption as long as the area were to be inhabited by a culture understanding that "man belongs to the land instead of the other way around," but when the Dead European Plunderers began moving Westward, the steam and carbon exhausts from the Iron Horse that raped the Wilderness also warmed the climate and thereby melted the Great Yellowstone Glacier.  We can count on DOOMERS working as PAR Reporters to repeatedly report this with the standard preface, "Scientists say ...."

            How will the currently raging debate end amongst believers in The Gorbels Cube?  It's too soon to say for certain but the characteristically uncurious nature of the proletariat and the ease with which their attention and loyalty (and votes) can be purchased by promises of "health care," "taxing the rich" and punishing Big Oil gives great encouragement to Progressive Leaders.  One question remains, however.  When, in the quietude of the voting booth, the proletariat think about those "Red Phone Calls at 3:00 a.m." and ask themselves who they want in charge "When the [stuff] hits the fan," for whom will they vote despite what they may have told pollsters and their friends?

--Jim Wrenn, Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com and frequent spy on the Maximum Leader at The Gorbel's Cube.



·ºª· "DOOMERS" is an acronym for the "Divine Order of Mother Earth Righteous Supplicants."


·ªª· "ACME Science" is an acronym/term for "Advanced Computer Modeling Eviscerating Science."


·ªº· "PAR Reporters" is an acronym/term for "Progressive Argument Regurgitation Reporters."


·ºº· If the link directly to The Gorbels Cube were to fail, here's an alternate link:  http://PoliSat.Com/TheGorbelsCube.htm.


·º¹· "SCMS Media" is an acronym for the So-Called "MainStream Media."


·º²· "WHAM-BAM METHANE" is an acronym for "Woman-Hating, Anti-Misanthropic Bullies And Misogynistic Men Are Making Mother Earth Too Hot And Environmentally Naked."


·º³· "GAIA HOME" is an acronym for "Gore As Infinitely Attentive Husband Of Mother Earth."

--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.

Permanent links to this installment: 


or in updates at http://PoliSat.Com/TheGorbelsCube.htm.



Al Gore's problem-solving success with Gorbel's Cube during "Earth Hour Lights Out" inspires plan for "Earth Decade Lights Out."·

By Jim Wrenn, 
Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
April 4, 2008--

            Heartened by the astonishing success of "lights out" for the inaugural "Earth Hour" on March 29, 2008, Al Gore, the attentive Husband of Mother Earth, has invented The Gorbel's Cube under his latest pseudonym, "Gorbel," to inspire inauguration an "Earth Decade Lights Out."  The pseudonym "Gorbel" is but the latest in a long list of Al Gore's pseudonyms that help promote his "Man is Getting Mother Earth Too Hot" theory that condemns what he says virtually all scientists not believing in a "flat earth" recognize as a form of  "anthropomorphic incestuousness" in which the Rabid Right Wing continually "gropes" Mother Earth to get her "hot."  Indeed, it was the blockbuster movie, "The Da Gorgle Code" (a prequel to "Inconvenient Truth") that revealed that just as Superman posed as the mere mortal "Clark Kent" to conceal his secret identity, "Al Gore"  has always been the name used to protect Gore's secret identity as  "Da Gorgle," the First Husband of Mother Earth.

            Gore explained that until even recently, many humans -- especially Right Wing Men-- perceived Mother Earth as "flat," but thanks to Gore's Silicon Science, it's now beyond debate that not only is Mother Earth not flat, she's really quite round.  Indeed, he even distributed some "before" and "after" pictures to prove it.   Nevertheless, many die-hard Right Wingers refuse to believe the roundness of Mother Earth is "real."  But Bill Clinton-- in a rare example of recent agreement with Al Gore-- said his "hands on" experience with Mother Earth made it obvious that her roundness is real.  (However, an Obama Campaign spokesperson, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Clinton was confusing "Mother Earth" with an intern for Mother Earth.)

            Meanwhile, both John McCain and Joe Lieberman denied rumors that they had each just bought The Gorbel's Cube, lock, stock and barrel.  The rumors were fed by speculation that if McCain and Lieberman could gain control of Gore's lucrative Carbon Credits enterprise, then McCain's fundraising problems would be over because he'd be nearly as wealthy as George Soros.

            Finally, a spokesperson for Bill Clinton denied the rampant rumors that he's been trying to all the lurid pictures of Mother Earth that he and Gore used to enjoy in the White House when Hillary and Tipper were away.  That was back in the days when Al and Bill were on good terms.  Now Bill's fear is that if the pictures were to fall into the wrong hands, someone might superimpose Hillary's face on one of the unflattering pictures of Mother Earth.

--Jim Wrenn, Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com. 

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