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OB-Gyn Health Care Visit Under ObamaCare Exposes Government Plan Pre-emption of Private Plans Which Barack Obama attempts to obfuscate..·
By Jim
Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
August 2, 2009--
An expectant mother's OB-Gyn last visit before the expected delivery date exposes provisions under proposals for ObamaCare under which her planned post-delivery resignation from her job (and cancellation of her employer-provided health care for herself and her baby) and her husband's application for inclusion of her and the baby in his excellent medical-care insurance would disqualify the husband's insurance plan and force him to enter a government-run/regulated plan. Learning this almost caused the expectant mother to immediately go into labor. The video accompanying this installment is not about that particular mother. Rather, it serves to illustrate the kind of dilemma likely to be created for working women planning to take a few years off after child-birth and to have their and their newborns' medical insurance added to their husbands' policies.
Despite the efforts of proponents of ObamaCare to rush the proposals through the
legislative process before voters can discover that the entire purpose of the
program is to establish, or create a political momentum of inevitability for, a
universal, government-run, "single-payer" system of health care, there
are numerous reports about such plans that are beginning to gain public
attention and thereby generate public opposition. Just a few examples of
recent reports include: TimesOnLine,
Street Journal, The
Post Chronicle, Washington
Examiner, The
News Tribune, Examiner,
County Register, Columbus
Ledger-Inquirer, Cape
Cod Times, Politicker
(Maryland), Waco
Tribune, American
Thinker, Investors
Business Daily, NRO
OnLine, Weekly
Standard, HotAir,
Foundation, and many, many more media sources other than the
traditionally dominant media. (Note: Among traditional media touting
themselves as guardians against encroachments of governmental power, who's
missing from the list of media organizations exposing aspects of the ObamaCare
proposals about which its proponents don't want the public to know? Can
you say New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, ABC (except for
Stossel and Tapper), CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, Newsweek, Time, etc.
? Coverage by the traditionally dominant media tends to be designed to
reinforce the liberal template of profound, still-lingering depression over the
"Republican" defeat of "Hillary Care" in 1994 mixed with
their "hope" that current Republican opposition to ObamaCare will
prove self-destructive for Republicans.)
·View wmv version at PoliSat.Com/ObamaCareOBGynVisit-wmvHQL.htm· |
Despite Obama's attempts at obfuscation, there are sources for accurate information about the status, intended effects and likely effects of proposals for ObamaCare. Among the more ridiculous aspects of the current debate over "reforming" our "health care system" is the left's mantra that one of the greatest needs is to "eliminate" exclusion of "pre-existing conditions." No one seems to be willing to counter this argument by pointing out that the problem of "pre-existing conditions" was created by the government's enactment of legislation decades ago in the form of social engineering though manipulation of the income-tax laws to discourage individuals from acquiring and maintaining their own medical-care insurance by incentivizing employers to provide health-care coverage to their employees. That's what caused the "pre-existing condition" problem in the first place-- i.e., when an employee changes from one job to another, the new insurer quite naturally doesn't want to insure a "pre-existing condition."
If the government were to have left the free market alone decades ago, competition would have generated availability of affordable medical insurance marketed to individuals as their own policies, under which circumstances an individual's change of employment would have no effect on such individual's medical insurance coverage. Are there current proposals to remedy this problem? Of course there are.
Currently, too little attention is being paid to free-market proposals for transitioning to such a system under which each individual employee would become the "owner" of any insurance coverage currently being provided by an employer with the funds being paid by the employer being deemed funds owned by the employee and with income-tax laws adjustments to exclude such funds from taxable income (but sensibly treating the employer's payment of same as deductible just as any other form of income paid by an employer to an employee is deductible from the employer's gross income).
What should voters do? They should instruct their representatives and senators to "take a deep breath" and defer consideration of proposals for "health care reform" until after the 2010 elections. By then, enough people would have had enough time to read the thousands of pages in the current proposals to understand that they don't want anything remotely like what Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and the rest of the leftists in congress are currently attempting to ram down the country's throat.
This is an issue on which Sarah Palin ought to be campaigning as often as possible between now and the 2010 elections in favor of every candidate (Republican or Democrat) who opposes ObamaCare, Cap and Trade taxation/regulation based on pantheopianism (worship of nature with utopian zealotry), redistribution of wealth, government owning/running industries, Obama's apologistic foreign policy, and the rest of his far-left agenda.
Obama now disingenuously denies his real agenda is a "single-payer" system (i.e., government-run health care), but what has he really said? Watch and listen:
More information at PoliSat.Com/ObamaCare.htm..
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
Permanent links to this installment:
http://PoliSat.Com/ObamaCare-OB-Gyn-Post-PartumCoverage.htm .
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