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March 25, 2007--
Eagles return to nests after Gathering of Eagles swooped-down on MoonBats, NutRoots, Stalinistas, ANSWERists, Code Pink, and Tin-Foil-Brigade in Washington, D.C. on March 17, 2007.·
Despite the virtually eleventh-hour organization of the March 17, 2007 Gathering of Eagles' (GoE)
support-the-troops/mission rally in Washington, D.C., its size quickly and substantially exceeded
that of the long-planned, well-financed out-of-Iraq protest by the MoonBat/NutRoots Brigade marching
across the Code Pink catwalk under ANSWER's paleo-Stalinist banner and the 9-11 "Truthers"
tin-foil umbrellas. It wasn't surprising that the traditionally-dominant media's (TDM)
inability/unwillingness to fit the facts of that event into their template for viewing the issues
led them to ignore, or at least attempt to minimize, its significance. However, it was
shocking that even Fox News failed to take reasonable steps to get the facts and thus was unable to
set the record straight. Not maliciousness, but journalistic malpractice. The MoonBats/NutRoots
would, of course, falsely argue that since "not even Fox News" reported the GoE's
out-sizing of the MoonBats/NutRoots Brigade, it must not have been the case. However, I was
there, so I don't need any report from any media to know the GoE substantially out-sized them and
that any media not committing journalistic malpractice would have taken reasonable steps to
accurately discern, and then accurately report, the relative sizes of the opposing
The newsworthy event was that instead of the pre-March-17 predictions (and news-media "conventional wisdom") that the out-of-Iraq protest would dwarf any pro-troops/mission activity and thereby replicate out-of-Vietnam protests forty years ago, what really happened was that the support-the-troops/mission rally substantially outsized the out-of-Iraq protest. Another nail in the coffin of the TDM, which is en route to becoming the FDM (formerly dominant media.) Will Fox News now join them on that slippery slope or will it try to stay at the top of the hill? I predict the latter rather than the former because I think the actual events on March 17, 2007 caught them flat-footed. They were ill-prepared to gather the full picture because they had unwittingly bought-into the conventional TDM "wisdom" that the GoE would only attract a small number of participants. Thus, the secondarily newsworthy event was that Fox News negligently failed to be "fair and balanced." (In the spirit of humility, my focus on "malpractice" by Fox News obliges me to illustrate my own malpractice on March 17, 2007. Go here.)
By the way, I'm not a "Republican," not a "Democrat," not a "Freeper," not a "Rolling Thunder" member, not a Vietnam veteran (though I did serve on active duty in the Army), not a religious person (but not an anti-theist or Secular Fundamentalist), not an apologist for the obvious moral stains on America's past (which compared to those of other great civilizations in history are relatively insignificant given America's brilliantly designed system, and demonstrated willingness, to rectify such wrongs), and not an "activist" by nature. What am I? I'm simply an American who understands that what's at stake in the ongoing war against Western Civilization by an alliance of convenience ("the enemy of my enemy is my friend") between otherwise ideologically natural enemies (i.e., fanatical devotees of medieval, theocratic totalitarianism and 21st-Century Paleo-Stalinists) is the ultimate survival of the very concepts of enlightenment and human rights gradually inseminated into Western Civilization in the wake of the Renaissance and given birth in the wake of the American Revolution as the child of enlightenment-- i.e., the U.S. Constitution.
Permanent Link: http://PoliSat.Com/GoE.htm#20070325-00.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
PoliSat.Com Images from Gathering of Eagles rally in DeeCee on 20070317.