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February 16, 2007--

Barak Obama & Hillary Clinton attack each other in joint appearance dubbed "I Knock You Babe" and rock-star status of Barak Hussein Obama inspires John Kerry to change own middle name.·

            The contest twixt "Hill" and "Barak" produced campaign "singing" that rocks and PoliSat-Com has captured their song composed in the "School of Hard Knocks."  And so, it's for "fans" to be pleased that PoliSat-Com has released their brand-new duet in which they express the things on which both can agree.
            The contest twixt "Hill" and "Barak" reveals rock-star status Barak can wield in campaigns despite that "Hussein's" his middle name after "Barak."
   His video-song, "I Knock You, Babe," made all of the "in" critics rave that rock-star "Hussein" gives Hill'ry such pain and thus inspired Kerry t'ward "change."

            And that's why Obama's new song made Kerry, whose first-name is "John" proclaim:  "Since Hussein's Barak's middle name, my 'F' name I'll change to 'Saddam.'"   But critics of Kerry are deft and said of the name-change he cleft: "When names are discussed, forever, for us,  your middle name starts with an 'F.'"  Perhaps as you're reading these lines, you'll see they're in rhythm and rhyme.  If not, they're repeated below* for your reading as verses with rhythm and rhyme. (*Scroll down for preceding portion set forth in verse form.)

            Regarding this video, PoliSat.Com's Washington Bureau Drawer Chief said, "The real question is whether the extent to which Hillary and Barak 'knocking' each other during their respective campaigns will so damage both of them that the door opens for a 'Gore Draft,' which scientists now identify as a source of 'Global Warming,' a theory  also known as 'Da Gorgle Code' (first reported on June 4, 2006)."  Although Gore has said he "won't run" in 2008, he also said that he invented "running without running."

The contest twixt "Hill" and "Barak"
produced campaign "singing" that rocks
and PoliSat-Com
has captured their song
composed in the "School of Hard Knocks."

And so, it's for "fans" to be pleased
that PoliSat-Com has released
their brand-new duet
in which they express
the things on which both can agree.

The contest twixt "Hill" and "Barak"
reveals rock-star status Barak
can wield in campaigns
despite that "Hussein's"
his middle name after "Barak."

His video-song, "I Knock You, Babe,"
made all of the "in" critics rave
that rock-star "Hussein"
gives Hill'ry such pain
and thus inspired Kerry t'ward "change."

And that's why Obama's new song
made Kerry, whose first-name is "John"
proclaim:  "Since Hussein's
Barak's middle name,
my 'F' name I'll change to 'Saddam.'"

But critics of Kerry are deft
and said of the name-change he cleft:
"When names are discussed,
forever, for us, 
your middle name starts with an 'F.'" 


---Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.

 Note:  The permanent link to this installment is http://PoliSat.Com/IKnockYouBabe.htm.


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Wilson/Plame "Exposed Doubles"  

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Da Gorgle Code MiniVideo 

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(Hillary's) Basic (Political) Instinct 

"play" above.

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of latest PoliSat.Com video.

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