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Jim Webb Web "The Peoples' Web".·


Jan. 26, 2007--

Senator Jim Webb releases video "addendum" correcting embarrassing "oversights" in his response to the State of the Union speech by President Bush.·

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Jim Webb Web
"The Peoples' Web"

Re-reading my speech in reply
to "State of the Union" I find
mistakes when I tendered
"Progressive Agenda"
restrictions on C-E-O swine.

And so I've prepared this addendum
about the "Progressive Agenda"
to shrink income-gaps
with taxes to cap
the riches to C-E-O's tendered.

My speech said when I was still young
the ratio measuring sums
for C-E-O pay
to what workers made
was measured at 20-to-1.

But now when I'm old 'stead of young
the evil the Bushies have done
has increased the gap
so now the same gap
has grown to 400-to-one.

For closing this gap I proposed
that tax laws be changed to impose
a top-earner tax
'til companies axe
the gap 'tween the highs and the lows.

However, through oversight made
by me I forgot to explain:
For gap-tax confections
Progressive Exceptions
in fairness must surely be made.

What helped me remember this need
were countless, contributors' deeds
that launched me to tender
Progressive Agendas
to furnish what poor people need.

Progressive Agenda attainment
permits disproportionate payment
of thousands-to-one
on top/bottom rungs
in industries like entertainment.

The Dream that Our Forefathers authored
was good, but Progressivist Authors
have wisely perceived
equality needs
that some be more equal than others.

Jim Webb Farm
"The Peoples' Farm"

            The Jim Webb Web ("The Peoples' Web) releases the following transcript and accompanying video of his corrective addendum to his response to the State of the Union speech by President Bush on January 23, 2007. Here's the transcript:

            Re-reading my speech in reply to "State of the Union" I find mistakes when I tendered "Progressive Agenda" restrictions on C-E-O swine. And so I've prepared this addendum about the "Progressive Agenda" to shrink income-gaps with taxes to cap the riches to C-E-O's tendered. 

            My speech said when I was still young the ratio measuring sums for C-E-O pay to what workers made was measured at 20-to-1. But now when I'm old 'stead of young the evil the Bushies have done has increased the gap so now the same gap has grown to 400-to-one. For closing this gap I proposed that tax laws be changed to impose a top-earner tax 'til companies axe the gap 'tween the highs and the lows. 

            However, through oversight made by me I forgot to explain: For gap-tax confections Progressive Exceptions in fairness must surely be made. What helped me remember this need were countless, contributors' deeds that launched me to tender Progressive Agendas to furnish what poor people need. Progressive Agenda attainment permits disproportionate payment of thousands-to-one on top/bottom rungs in industries like entertainment. 

            The Dream that Our Forefathers authored was good, but Progressivist Authors have wisely perceived equality needs that some be more equal than others. Released from the Jim Webb Farm-- "The Peoples' Farm."

            Perhaps as you're reading these lines, you'll see they're in rhythm and rhyme.  If not, they're repeated (see left) for your reading as verses with rhythm and rhyme:

---Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.

 Note:  The permanent link to this installment is http://PoliSat.Com/JimWebbWeb.htm.  

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