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Veterans Day-- Nov. 11 (11th Hour of 11th Day of 11th Month). ·


November 11, 2006--

We pause today on Veteran's Day to join in this refrain to those who risked their all for us so freedom we'd retain.·

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"Veterans Day "

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            We pause today on Veteran's Day to join in this refrain to those who risked their all for us so freedom we'd retain; For darkness they confronted in securing freedom's light, we owe them more than we can pay for risking treasured life, but gratitude will e'er endure in hearts and souls and minds of we who drink from freedom's cup the fruits of freedom's vine.

            For in-page viewing of the video "Veterans Day," use the video-box to the right, which is for a medium-size, medium-speed version.  For other versions for other sizes/connection-speeds go to http://PoliSat.Com/VeteransDay.htm.  For stand-alone viewing use the links in the lower portion of the column to the left.

            The video ends with the chorus from a video tribute to our troops, "Thanks in Our Name for Deeds in Our Name."  Here are the lines of the chorus:    

            To you who defend us we proudly proclaim 

            our pride in the deeds you have done in our name.  

            We thank you, we thank you for deeds in our name.  

            We thank you, we thank you for deeds in our name.  


            For the entirety of the tribute (and a video "demo" version of it, go to http://PoliSat.Com/Thanks.htm.

 Note:  The permanent link to this installment is http://PoliSat.Com/VeteransDay.htm.





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