doctored photos about Israeli attacks on Hezbollah strongholds in Qana, Lebanon, enable Little Green
Footballs to expose REUTERS' true identity as "al-REUTERS-zeera."·
The video-box at the left plays a medium-size/medium-connection-speed version of a video about LGF's
exposure of the tip of the iceberg of REUTERS' publication of editorially-doctored "news"
photos about the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah as well as between the West and Islamo-Fascism.
(Regarding larger/smaller versions for faster/slower connections, see permanent link identified
This ideological bent is not new with REUTERS. As long ago as shortly after 9-11, REUTERS
refused to describe the perpetrators of those acts as "terrorists."
*Note:The permanent link to this installment is http://PoliSat.Com/REUTERS.htm,
where there also are other versions of the above-left video for
other sizes/connection-speeds.