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June 30, 2006--
Americans' plans include "Fourth of July Thanks to Our Troops" as part of Fourth of July celebrations from July 1st through 4th, 2006.
Americans' plans for this Fourth of July celebrations spanning July 1st through 4th include "Fourth of July Thanks to Our Troops." Expressions of such thanks comprise an integral part of virtually all Fourth of July celebrations. PoliSat.Com's "Fourth of July Thanks" video (below) begins with a reminder of why such thanks are a part of such celebrations:
When Freedom's at Peace on a Fourth of July then
pure Celebration should blanket our skies. and many
so bravely for freedom have died,
little they ask for so much that they give that more than just "thank you" to them we must give. The "more" they would want is not "something" to give: It's what's given best by our lives when we live in ways to be worthy of all they did give.
The "everyman" Private named "Ryan" perceived this insight returning to Normandy's beach by posing a question whose asking does teach the answer to what do we owe the deceased-- Asked Ryan, "Please tell me the life I did weave has honored the gift that from them I received."
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com. |
The above version of "Fourth of July Thanks" (for medium-speed connections) is followed immediately by "Thanks In Our Name For Deeds In Our Name" (shorthand "TION4DION"). Thus, the name of this combined version is "Fourth of July TION4DION" and the permanent link to the page containing multiple versions for a variety of connection speeds is http://PoliSat.Com/Fourth_Of_July.htm. (That page also includes links to a number of eloquent tributes to our troops on other sites.) | (Note: If your browser doesn't display the Windows Media Player video boxes above and below, you probably have your browser set to block "active x" controls. If you want to view the videos, you'll need to set your browser to not block "active x" controls.) |
In addition to viewing the "Fourth of July Thanks" video (above), many will take time to appreciate the lyrics (below) of the song it features "Thanks In Our Name for Deeds In Our Name":
From farms in the country, from cities and towns,
from places quite humble, from places renowned,
from fact'tries, from stores and from offices tall,
from service professions, from shops in our malls,
come citizen soldiers our country to serve
as full-time professionals, guard or reserve.
From mothers and fathers and husbands and wives
from children and lovers and friends in their lives
our citizen soldiers depart despite tears
on missions of danger in spite of their fears
as selflessly, proudly and bravely they serve
that freedom of conscience and Faith be preserved.
In caves and in tunnels where murderers train
unspeakable terror they face in our name.
With principled discipline, training and skill
in taming the instinct to kill or be killed,
our citizen soldiers have honored our name,
so, proudly we thank them for deeds in our name.
They serve in the skies and at sea and on land,
in mountains and jungles and deserts of sand,
on foot and in foxholes, in trenches and tents,
in tanks and on submarine mission descents,
in planes and on ships and on carrier decks,
in Humvees and hangars and convoys on treks.
For risks to themselves they increase as they strive
to minimize dangers to innocent lives,
so we and posterity freedom retain,
unspeakable evil they face our name.
Our citizen solders have honored our name,
so thank them we must for their deeds in our name:
To you who defend us, we proudly proclaim,
our pride in the deeds you have done in our name.
To citizen soldiers our humble refrain:
We thank you, we thank you for deeds in our name.
(Copyright 2005 Lyrics: James R. Wrenn, Jr.) (http://PoliSat.Com/Thanks.htm)
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